How to run ansible from a python script - python

I am trying to run ansible playbooks within a python script used as a part of a flask server.
However, when trying to construct the playbook with python, it doesn't really work out the way its intended.
The original playbook should be:
- hosts: dc
gather_facts: no
- name: create user omtest
name: omtest
firstname: om
surname: test
password: sjsd
state: present
telephoneNumber: 123456
path: ou=Hilv,ou="Users",dc=ic,dc=com
password_expired: yes
- "_AV_NL"
and the python code for it:
play_ovirt = dict(
dict(action=dict(module='win_domain_user', args='dict(name='omtest', firstname='om', 'surname='test', password="sjsd', state='present', attributes='dict(telephoneNumber='123456')', path='ou=Hilv,ou="Users",dc=ic,dc=com', groups='['_AV_NL']', password_expired="yes"), register='shell_out')
I know there is something wrong with the python code but can't identify what is it.
Also this is my first time using ansible as part of a python code.


Trying to get a ansible tower job to run on survey-variable based inventories?

I am using ansible tower and aiming to do something like this. Lets say I have these inventories defined in ansible tower
kanto-pkmn unova-pkmn johto-pkmn
a e c
b f d
Now I want the user to input variables (say he enters kanto and unova) then the script is only supposed to run on those hosts. However the catch is the hosts are supposed to mantain some form of variable that connects them to their respective inventory.
(ex. some sort of mapping should be there between a and kanto)
Ideas I have explored:
Multiple inventories seems like the best way but ansible tower only allows one inventory to be set during a job
Smart inventory is another option but it seems that it removes all the groups of the previous inventory so all I seem to obtain is
Is there any way I can get something like smart inventory with the groups intact or basically get something like
[kanto-pkmn] (or anything that can be mapped to the file)
Ansible Inventory
Run aginst ansible inventory
ansible all -m setup **--> will run on all (builtin feature)**
ansible unova-pkmn -m setup **--> will run on c and d**
ansible kantounova -m setup **--> will run on a,b,e, and f**
Ansible Playbook
In your playbook or role you want to run you can add survey questions
- name: Install Lab Environment
become: true
hosts: johto-pkmn
- name: rhn_username *-->this is your variable name**
prompt: Enter Red Hat CDN username
private: no
- name: rhn_password
prompt: Enter Red Hat user CDN password
private: yes
- name: ORG
prompt: What is the name of your organization?
private: no
- name: LOC
prompt: Please enter the location of your env
private: no
- name: Register with red hat cdn and attach rhel subscription
username: "{{ rhn_username }}"
password: "{{ rhn_password }}"
state: present
pool: '^Red Hat Ansible Automation'
- rhn_username != ""
- unova in group_names **<-- this would run on abc and d if they have a rhn_username**

How to import an external library into an Ansible module?

I would like to add Ansible module locally. The module should use external Python library. I have added just the following line:
from import Bar
to the Ansible new module template making it look like below:
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Terry Jones <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'community'
module: my_test
short_description: This is my test module
version_added: "2.4"
- "This is my longer description explaining my test module"
- This is the message to send to the test module
required: true
- Control to demo if the result of this module is changed or not
required: false
- azure
- Your Name (#yourhandle)
# Pass in a message
- name: Test with a message
name: hello world
# pass in a message and have changed true
- name: Test with a message and changed output
name: hello world
new: true
# fail the module
- name: Test failure of the module
name: fail me
RETURN = '''
description: The original name param that was passed in
type: str
returned: always
description: The output message that the test module generates
type: str
returned: always
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from import Bar
def run_module():
# define available arguments/parameters a user can pass to the module
module_args = dict(
name=dict(type='str', required=True),
new=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False)
# seed the result dict in the object
# we primarily care about changed and state
# change is if this module effectively modified the target
# state will include any data that you want your module to pass back
# for consumption, for example, in a subsequent task
result = dict(
# the AnsibleModule object will be our abstraction working with Ansible
# this includes instantiation, a couple of common attr would be the
# args/params passed to the execution, as well as if the module
# supports check mode
module = AnsibleModule(
# if the user is working with this module in only check mode we do not
# want to make any changes to the environment, just return the current
# state with no modifications
if module.check_mode:
# manipulate or modify the state as needed (this is going to be the
# part where your module will do what it needs to do)
result['original_message'] = module.params['name']
result['message'] = 'goodbye'
# use whatever logic you need to determine whether or not this module
# made any modifications to your target
if module.params['new']:
result['changed'] = True
# during the execution of the module, if there is an exception or a
# conditional state that effectively causes a failure, run
# AnsibleModule.fail_json() to pass in the message and the result
if module.params['name'] == 'fail me':
module.fail_json(msg='You requested this to fail', **result)
# in the event of a successful module execution, you will want to
# simple AnsibleModule.exit_json(), passing the key/value results
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
I haven't introduced any changes in Ansible playbook template. I paste playbook here for neatness:
- name: test my new module
hosts: localhost
- name: run the new module
name: 'hello'
new: true
register: testout
- name: dump test output
msg: '{{ testout }}'
I have put module in the following localization:
I have extended ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTILS environment variable making foo library visible. Generally, leaving aside Ansible, parts of foo library may be imported to the Python script in the following way:
from foo import Bar
I have tested, that when e.g. foo is a Python script and Bar is a class inside that script, the testmod.yml playbook may be run correctly. The problem is that foo is a directory, there is not file, nor In my case, when I run testmod.yml, I receive traceback:
ImportError: No module named foo.config
Could you tell me what should I do to be able to use foo external library in my local Ansible module?

Ansible error of var type when passing to my custom module

I'm looking to make an ansible role and module abled to list all packages on a Linux System actually installed and register them to a var.
Then upgrade all of them and put the second list in an other var.
My module is here to make a diff of the two dictionaries (yum_packages1 and yum_packages2) and return it at the end of my role
When i'm trying to pass thoses two dictonaries into my modules and start my treatment i have a very strange error.
fatal: [centos7_]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "argument yum_packages2 is of type and we were unable to convert to dict: cannot be converted to a dict"}
Ansible role task
# tasks file for ansible_yum_update_linux
- name: Listing Linux packages already installed
list: installed
register: yum_packages1
- name: Upgrade paquets Linux
name: '*'
state: latest
exclude: "{{ packages_exclude }}"
- name: Listing Linux packages installed and updated
list: installed
register: yum_packages2
- debug:
var: yum_packages1
- debug:
var: yum_packages2
- name: file compare
yum_packages1: "{{ yum_packages1.results }}"
yum_packages2: "{{ yum_packages2.results }}"
register: result
- debug:
var: result
Custome ansible module
import json
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
def diff_update(f1,f2):
#f3 = set(f1.keys()) == set(f2.keys())
upd1 = set(f1.values())
upd2 = set(f2.values())
f3 = (upd1.difference(upd2))
return f3
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
yum_packages1 = dict(required=True, type='dict'),
yum_packages2 = dict(required=True, type='dict')
f3 = diff_update(module.params['yum_packages1'],module.params['yum_packages2'])
module.exit_json(changed=False, diff=f3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Do you have any idea why i get this error ?
Do you have any idea why i get this error ?
Because set is not json serializable:
import json
print(json.dumps(set("hello", "kaboom")))
cheerfully produces:
TypeError: set(['kaboom', 'hello']) is not JSON serializable
That's actually bitten me a couple of times in actual ansible modules, which is why I knew it was a thing; if you insist on using your custom module, you'll want to convert the set back to a list before returning it:
module.exit_json(changed=False, diff=list(f3))

How do i register the python variables in a Ansible task

i'm trying to extract variables from a python script response, basically i have a task that executes a python script and i need to get the variables of that response, this python script parse a json and put the response in diferent variables
((python script)
import json
with open('dd.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
for item in data['service-nat-pool-information'][0]['sfw-per-service-set-nat-pool']:
ifname = [b['data'] for b in item['interface-name']]
for q in item['service-nat-pool']:
name = [a['data'] for a in q['pool-name']]
rang = [n['data'] for n in q['pool-address-range-list'][0]['pool-address-range']] #linea agregada de stack
# ports = item['pool-port-range'][0]['data']
# use= item['pool-ports-in-use'][0]['data']
block= [j['data'] for j in q['effective-port-blocks']]
mblock= [m['data'] for m in q['effective-ports']]
maxp =[d['data'] for d in q['port-block-efficiency']]
ansible playbook
- name: Parse
hosts: localhost
connection: local
pool: "{{ lookup('file','/etc/ansible/playbook/dd.json') | from_json }}"
- name: Execute Script
command: python3.7
i expected a task in ansible that gets the variables in the python script and store them in ansible variables
You have to use register. If you modify your script to output json that might ease your work a little bit.
- name: Execute Script
command: python3.7
register: script_run
- name: Degug output
msg: "{{ script_run.stdout | from_json }}"
If you want to keep full python power under your fingers, you might as well consider turning your script in a custom module or a custom filter if it ever makes sense.

ansible lineinfile option throwing error

I have a file and in that file I want to add the pattern:
dogstreams: /root/ddmonitor/pattern.txt:/opt/datadog-agent/agent/checks/libs/
to the end of the file.
I've tried the following so far:
- name: Creates directory
file: path=/root/ddmonitor state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0775
- name: copy the pattern_search.txt file which has patterns to be grepped
copy: src=pattern_search.txt dest=/root/ddmonitor/pattern_search.txt owner=root group=root mode=755
- name: copy the script which greps patterns and prints pattern.txt file
copy: dest=/root/ddmonitor/ owner=root group=root mode=755
- name: schedule cron to run every 5 minutes
cron: name="logsearch script for grepping pega alert logs" minute="*/5" job="/root/ddmonitor/ > /dev/null"
- name: copy fucntion to datadog lib path
copy: dest=/opt/datadog-agent/agent/checks/libs/ owner=root group=root mode=755
- name: copy datadog agent configuration file
lineinfile: dest=/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf regexp="^dogstreams: " line="dogstreams: /root/ddmonitor/pattern.txt:/opt/datadog-agent/agent/checks/libs/"
- name: wait a bit
service: name=datadog-agent state=restarted
when: not datadog_api_key == 'NONE'
but when I run my main playbook it shows the following error:
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
The error appears to have been in '/etc/ansible/roles/datadog-pegalogs-apptier/tasks/main.yml': line 19, column 65, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: copy datadog agent configuration file
lineinfile: dest=/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf regexp="dogstreams: " line="dogstreams: /root/ddmonitor/pattern.txt:/opt/datadog-agent/agent/checks/libs/"
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
unbalanced quotes. If starting a value with a quote, make sure the
line ends with the same set of quotes. For instance this arbitrary
foo: "bad" "wolf"
Could be written as:
foo: '"bad" "wolf"'
Check out the Ansible Docs
I believe that you will need to do something similar to this:
Fully quoted because of the ': ' on the line. See the Gotchas in the YAML docs.
- lineinfile: "dest=/etc/sudoers state=present regexp='^%wheel' line='%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'"
There is a YAML limitation to the ":" which is listed here
You will want to quote any hash values using colons, like so:
foo: "somebody said I should put a colon here: so I did"
So your line should look like:
- name: copy datadog agent configuration file
lineinfile: "dest=/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf regexp='^dogstreams: ' line='dogstreams: /root/ddmonitor/pattern.txt:/opt/datadog-agent/agent/checks/libs/'"
I guess you could escape the colon as {{ ":" }} like so:
lineinfile: dest=/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf regexp="^dogstreams{{ ":" }} " line="dogstreams: /root/ddmonitor/pattern.txt{{ ":" }}/opt/datadog-agent/agent/checks/libs/"
