I'm trying to build a chatbot and need to display a plot for epochs vs accuracy and epoch vs avg loss and epoch vs final loss.
I'm only able to get epoch vs final loss. I'm not that great at code.
Any help is appreciated
epoc = []
los = []
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for (words, labels) in train_loader:
words = words.to(device)
labels = labels.to(dtype=torch.long).to(device)
# Forward pass
outputs = model(words)
# if y would be one-hot, we must apply
# labels = torch.max(labels, 1)[1]
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
# Backward and optimize
if (epoch + 1) % 100 == 0:
print(f'Epoch [{epoch + 1}/{num_epochs}], Loss: {loss.item():.4f}')
print(f'final loss: {loss.item():.4f}')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.plot(epoc, los)
data = {
"model_state": model.state_dict(),
"input_size": input_size,
"hidden_size": hidden_size,
"output_size": output_size,
"all_words": all_words,
"tags": tags
FILE = "data.pth"
torch.save(data, FILE)
print(f'training complete. file saved to {FILE}')
I got the epoch vs final loss graph. Trying to get
Epoch vs accuracy
Epoch vs avg loss
I am working on a very imbalanced data, 15% labeled as 1 and the rest as 0, using BERT.
the code i wrote uses maxing outputs which gives me predictions of 0 for everything.
How do I include thresholds in my code to maximise my predictions of 1.
best_val_acc = 0
for epoch in range(nepoch):
print(f"epoch n°{epoch+1}:")
progress_bar = tqdm(range(nsteps))
for batch in trainloader:
batch = {k:v.cuda() for k,v in batch.items()}
outputs = model(**batch)
loss = criterion(outputs, *batch)
av_epoch_loss += loss
predictions=torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1)
f1.add_batch(predictions=predictions, references=batch["labels"])
acc.add_batch(predictions=predictions, references=batch["labels"])
av_epoch_loss /= nsteps
print(f"Training Loss: {av_epoch_loss: .2f}")
acc_res = acc.compute()["accuracy"]
print(f"Training Accuracy: {acc_res:.2f}")
f_res = f1.compute()["f1"]
print(f"Training F1-score: {f_res:.2f}")
val_acc = validate(model)
if val_acc > best_val_acc:
print("Achieved best validation accuracy so far. Saving model.")
best_val_acc = val_acc
best_model_state = deepcopy(model.state_dict())
I looked in pytorch documentation but i couldn't figure it out.
I am working on a project to recreate the results of a study using Neural Networks on EEG datasets. Throughout my time working on the project, I have been having repeated issues where the model has some accuracy improvements throughout the epochs, but for the evaluation, the accuracy always returns to the initial amount, specifically 1/NUM_CLASSES. Where NUM_CLASSES is the number of classification categories. I am honestly stuck at this point, I believe the model is overfitting and have attempted to adjust my data preprocessing to compensate, but have had little luck.
The code is as follows:
# Filters out warnings
import warnings
# Imports, as of 3/10, all are necessary
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import layers
from keras import backend as K
from keras.models import Model
from keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD
from keras.callbacks import Callback
from keras.layers import Conv3D, Input, Dense, Activation, BatchNormalization, Flatten, Add, Softmax
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from DonghyunMBCNN import MultiBranchCNN
# Global Variables
# The directory of the process data, must have been converted and cropped, reference dataProcessing.py and crop.py
DATA_DIR = "../datasets/BCICIV_2a_cropped/"
# Which trial subject will be trained
# The number of classification categories, for motor imagery, there are 4
# The number of timesteps in each input array
# The X-Dimension of the dataset
XDIM = 7
# The Y-Dimension of the dataset
YDIM = 6
# The delta loss requirement for lower training rate
# Initial learning rate for ADAM optimizer
INIT_LR = 0.01
# Define Which NLL (Negative Log Likelihood) Loss function to use, either "NLL1", "NLL2", or "SCCE"
# Defines which optimizer is in use, either "ADAM" or "SGD"
# Whether training output should be given
# Determines whether K-Fold Cross Validation is used
# Number of ksplit validation, must be atleast 2
# Specifies which model structure will be used, '1' corresponds to the Create_Model function and '2' corresponds to Donghyun's model.
# Number of epochs to train for
# Receptive field sizes
SRF_SIZE = (2, 2, 1)
MRF_SIZE = (2, 2, 3)
LRF_SIZE = (2, 2, 5)
# Strides for each receptive field
SRF_STRIDES = (2, 2, 1)
MRF_STRIDES = (2, 2, 2)
LRF_STRIDES = (2, 2, 4)
# This is meant to handle the reduction of the learning rate, current is not accurate, I have been unable to access the loss information from each Epoch
# The expectation is that if the delta loss is < threshold, learning rate *= 0.1. Threshold has not been set yet.
class LearningRateReducerCb(Callback):
def __init__(self):
self.history = {}
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):
for k, v in logs.items():
self.history.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
fin_index = len(self.history['loss']) - 1
if (fin_index >= 1):
if (self.history['loss'][fin_index-1] - self.history['loss'][fin_index] > LOSS_THRESHOLD):
old_lr = self.model.optimizer.lr.read_value()
new_lr = old_lr*0.1
print("\nEpoch: {}. Reducing Learning Rate from {} to {}".format(epoch, old_lr, new_lr))
# The Negative Log Likelihood function
def Loss_FN1(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
return K.sum(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1) # This is another loss function that I tried, was less effective
# Second NLL function, generally seems to work better
def Loss_FN2(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
n_dims = int(int(y_pred.shape[1])/2)
mu = y_pred[:, 0:n_dims]
logsigma = y_pred[:, n_dims:]
mse = -0.5*K.sum(K.square((y_true-mu)/K.exp(logsigma)), axis=1)
sigma_trace = -K.sum(logsigma, axis=1)
log2pi = -0.5*n_dims*np.log(2*np.pi)
log_likelihood = mse+sigma_trace+log2pi
return K.mean(-log_likelihood)
# Loads given data into two arrays, x and y, while also ensuring that all values are formatted as float32s
def load_data(data_dir, num):
x = np.load(data_dir + "A0" + str(num) + "TD_cropped.npy").astype(np.float32)
y = np.load(data_dir + "A0" + str(num) + "TK_cropped.npy").astype(np.float32)
return x, y
def create_receptive_field(size, strides, model, name):
modelRF = Conv3D(kernel_size = size, strides=strides, filters=32, padding='same', name=name+'1')(model)
modelRF1 = BatchNormalization()(modelRF)
modelRF2 = Activation('elu')(modelRF1)
modelRF3 = Conv3D(kernel_size = size, strides=strides, filters=64, padding='same', name=name+'2')(modelRF2)
modelRF4 = BatchNormalization()(modelRF3)
modelRF5 = Activation('elu')(modelRF4)
modelRF6 = Flatten()(modelRF5)
modelRF7 = Dense(32)(modelRF6)
modelRF8 = BatchNormalization()(modelRF7)
modelRF9 = Activation('relu')(modelRF8)
modelRF10 = Dense(32)(modelRF9)
modelRF11 = BatchNormalization()(modelRF10)
modelRF12 = Activation('relu')(modelRF11)
return Dense(NUM_CLASSES, activation='softmax')(modelRF12)
def Create_Model():
# Model Creation
model1 = Input(shape=(1, XDIM, YDIM, TIMESTEPS))
# 1st Convolution Layer
model1a = Conv3D(kernel_size = (3, 3, 5), strides = (2, 2, 4), filters=16, name="Conv1")(model1)
model1b = BatchNormalization()(model1a)
model1c = Activation('elu')(model1b)
# Small Receptive Field (SRF)
modelSRF = create_receptive_field(SRF_SIZE, SRF_STRIDES, model1c, 'SRF')
# Medium Receptive Field (MRF)
modelMRF = create_receptive_field(MRF_SIZE, MRF_STRIDES, model1c, 'MRF')
# Large Receptive Field (LRF)
modelLRF = create_receptive_field(LRF_SIZE, LRF_STRIDES, model1c, 'LRF')
# Add the layers - This sums each layer
final = Add()([modelSRF, modelMRF, modelLRF])
out = Softmax()(final)
model = Model(inputs=model1, outputs=out)
return model
loss_function = Loss_FN1
elif (LOSS_FUNCTION == 'NLL2'):
loss_function = Loss_FN2
loss_function = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy'
# Optimizer is given as ADAM with an initial learning rate of 0.01
opt = Adam(learning_rate = INIT_LR)
elif (OPTIMIZER == 'SGD'):
opt = SGD(learning_rate = INIT_LR)
X, Y = load_data(DATA_DIR, SUBJECT)
seed = 4
kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=KFOLD_NUM, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)
cvscores = []
for train, test in kfold.split(X, Y):
if (USE_STRUCTURE == '1'):
MRF_model = Create_Model()
elif (USE_STRUCTURE == '2'):
# Compiling the model with the negative log likelihood loss function, ADAM optimizer
MRF_model.compile(loss=loss_function, optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])
# Training for 30 epochs
MRF_model.fit(X[train], Y[train], epochs=30, verbose=VERBOSE)
# Evaluating the effectiveness of the model
scores = MRF_model.evaluate(X[test], Y[test], verbose=VERBOSE)
print("%s: %.2f%%" % (MRF_model.metrics_names[1], scores[1]*100))
print("%.2f%% (+/- %.2f%%)" % (np.mean(cvscores), np.std(cvscores)))
if (USE_STRUCTURE == '1'):
MRF_model = Create_Model()
elif (USE_STRUCTURE == '2'):
MRF_model.compile(loss=loss_function, optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])
MRF_model.fit(X, Y, epochs=EPOCHS, verbose=VERBOSE)
_, acc = MRF_model.evaluate(X, Y, verbose=VERBOSE)
print("Accuracy: %.2f" % (acc*100))
The data is from the BCICIV 2A dataset, which consists of 25 channels. The 3 EOG channels are ignored, leaving 22 channels. These 22 channels are formatted into a 7x6 - 0 padded array to offer a more spatially relevant representation. We are using the sliding window method to compensate for a small dataset and then also are running a channel-wise average on each trial to
further process the data. The training results are as follows.
Epoch 1/10
666/666 [==============================] - 13s 17ms/step - loss: 4.0290 - accuracy: 0.3236
Epoch 2/10
666/666 [==============================] - 12s 18ms/step - loss: 3.9622 - accuracy: 0.3434
Epoch 3/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.9747 - accuracy: 0.3481
Epoch 4/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.9373 - accuracy: 0.3720
Epoch 5/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.9412 - accuracy: 0.3710
Epoch 6/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.9191 - accuracy: 0.3829
Epoch 7/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.9234 - accuracy: 0.3936
Epoch 8/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.8973 - accuracy: 0.3983
Epoch 9/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.8780 - accuracy: 0.4022
Epoch 10/10
666/666 [==============================] - 14s 21ms/step - loss: 3.8647 - accuracy: 0.3900
666/666 [==============================] - 5s 8ms/step - loss: 4.1935 - accuracy: 0.2500
Accuracy: 25.00
Disregarding the poor accuracy, the fact that the accuracy falls to 25.00 after training is concerning. I half feel like I am missing something simple, but have been unable to resolve the issue.
Any advice or questions are welcome, thank you very much!
I can think of two potential reasons for the difference you are observing, but I don't have the time now to test them:
Both optimizers you are using, SGD and Adam, use a subset of the rows for training, not the entire dataset. This leads to the inconsistency you are observing.
BatchNorm works differently during train time and evaluation time.
Both cases point in the same direction: the evaluation of the accuracy and loss during training time is an aggregated estimate of per-batch results and in this scenario are being overly optimistic.
For testing 1, you can try setting a batch_size in the fit to len(X). Note you might run out of memory and it will definitely be slow (it might be prohibitively slow).
For testing 2, you can try removing the BatchNorm steps.
Keep me posted if you work on these lines of thought!
I was trying to create a Neural Network based on the model presented on this paper by Yoon Kim (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.5882.pdf) for sentence classification. I've built it in TensorFlow Keras and was using padded sentences (with words lemmatized) as input and 3 categories ("positive", "neutral" or "negative") as output.
Below is the model I've built:
def create_CNN_model(window_sizes, feature_maps, sent_size, num_categs, embedding_matrix:np.array):
inputs = Input(shape=(sent_size), dtype='float32', name='text_inputs') # dim = (BATCH_SIZE, sent_size, embedding_dim)
# initialize the embeddings with my own embeddings matrix
embed = Embedding(embedding_matrix.shape[0], embedding_matrix.shape[1],
mask_zero=True, input_length=sent_size,
#create array for max pooled vectors of features
ta = []
# as we have multiple window sizes:
for n_window in window_sizes:
con = Conv1D(feature_maps, n_window, padding='causal',
activation="relu", use_bias=True)(embed) # (BATCH_SIZE, sent_size-window_size+1, feature_maps)
# the convoluted tensor contains, for each window a feature map of dimension feature_maps
pooled = GlobalMaxPool1D(data_format='channels_last')(con) # (BATCH_SIZE, sent_size-windows_size+1)
# then, the max pooling operation extracts the maximum of each feature map, reducing the rank of the tensor
# the max pooled tensor contains a feature for each window
concat = concatenate(ta, axis=1)
dropped = Dropout(0.5)(concat)
outputs = Dense(num_categs,activation="softmax",use_bias=True, kernel_regularizer=l2(l=3),
# create the model
model = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputs])
#return the model
return model
I've tried training this model with just 200 sentences just to see if it overfits the data. But instead of overfitting, the loss value just goes up and down between 0 and 1. I've tried changing the learning rate for a value as small as 1e-8, but it did nothing.
Below is the function I've used for training:
def train_model(X_data, y_data, batch_sz, tf_model, max_patience, num_epochs, ln_rate):
# Instantiate an optimizer to train the model.
# optimizer = Adadelta(learning_rate=1e-3)
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=ln_rate)
# Instantiate a loss function.
loss_fn = CategoricalCrossentropy()
# Prepare the metrics
train_acc_metric = CategoricalAccuracy()
val_acc_metric = CategoricalAccuracy()
buffer_sz = len(X_data)
patience = 0
epochs = num_epochs
last_val_acc = 0
# Start random state for better reprodutibility
# Create the checkpoints
ckpt = train.Checkpoint(step=tf.Variable(1), optimizer=optimizer,
manager = train.CheckpointManager(ckpt, './tf_ckpts', max_to_keep=3)
# Create directory to save the trained model
path = "./saved_model"
if not os.path.isdir(path):
except OSError:
print ("\nCreation of the directory %s failed \n" % path)
print ("\nSuccessfully created the directory %s \n" % path)
print("\nDirectory %s already exists" % path)
print("\nStarting run script...\n",
"Model will be saved to ", path,"\n",
"Checkpoints will be restored from and saved to .\tf_ckpts")
# Save model prior to training
# Restart from last checkpoint, if available
if manager.latest_checkpoint:
print("\nRestored from {}".format(manager.latest_checkpoint))
print("\nInitializing from scratch.")
# beggining training loop
for epoch in range(epochs):
print('Start of epoch %d' % (epoch,))
# re-shuffle data before each epoch
# create the training dataset with 10-fold crossvalidation
train_dataset = make_dataset(X_data,y_data,10)
# Iterate over the batches of the dataset.
for x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val in train_dataset:
train_batches = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_train, y_train))
train_batches = train_batches.batch(batch_sz)
for x_batch_train, y_batch_train in train_batches:
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# calculate the forward run
logits = tf_model(x_batch_train)
# assert if output and true label tensor shapes are equal
get_shape = y_batch_train.shape
], data=(y_batch_train, logits),
summarize=3, message="Inconsistent shape (labels,output): ",
# calculate loss function
loss_value = loss_fn(y_batch_train, logits)
# add 1 step to the stpes variable
# Add extra losses created during this forward pass:
loss_value += sum(tf_model.losses)
# calculate gradients
grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, tf_model.trainable_weights)
# backpropagate the gradients
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tf_model.trainable_weights))
# Update training metric.
train_acc_metric(y_batch_train, logits)
# Save & log every 500 batches.
if int(ckpt.step) % 100 == 0:
save_path = manager.save()
print("Saved checkpoint for step {}: {}".format(int(ckpt.step), save_path))
print("loss {:1.2f}".format(loss_value))
print('Seen so far: %s samples' % (int(ckpt.step) * batch_sz))
# Run a cross-validation loop on each 10-fold dataset
val_logits = tf_model(x_val)
# Update val metrics
val_acc_metric(y_val, val_logits)
# Display metrics at the end of each epoch.
train_acc = train_acc_metric.result()
print('Training accuracy: ', float(train_acc))
# Reset training metrics at the end of each epoch
val_acc = val_acc_metric.result()
print('Validation accuracy: ', float(val_acc))
# Early stopping part
if val_acc < last_val_acc:
# If the max_patience is exceeded stop the training
if patience >= max_patience:
print("Early stopping training to prevent over-fitting!")
patience += 1
# update the validation accuracy
last_val_acc = val_acc
# save the trained model
print("\nEnd of Training!\n")
And the result of the training:
Successfully created the directory ./saved_model
Starting run script...
Model will be saved to ./saved_model
Checkpoints will be restored from and saved to . f_ckpts
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./saved_model/tf_model/assets
Initializing from scratch.
Start of epoch 0
Training accuracy: 0.38999998569488525
Validation accuracy: 0.38999998569488525
Start of epoch 1
Saved checkpoint for step 100: ./tf_ckpts/ckpt-1
loss 1.05
Seen so far: 2000 samples
Training accuracy: 0.4050000011920929
Validation accuracy: 0.4050000011920929
Start of epoch 2
Saved checkpoint for step 200: ./tf_ckpts/ckpt-2
loss 1.10
Seen so far: 4000 samples
Training accuracy: 0.36000001430511475
Validation accuracy: 0.36000001430511475
Start of epoch 3
Saved checkpoint for step 300: ./tf_ckpts/ckpt-3
loss 1.15
Seen so far: 6000 samples
Training accuracy: 0.375
Validation accuracy: 0.375
Start of epoch 4
Saved checkpoint for step 400: ./tf_ckpts/ckpt-4
loss 1.17
Seen so far: 8000 samples
Training accuracy: 0.38999998569488525
Validation accuracy: 0.38999998569488525
Start of epoch 5
Saved checkpoint for step 500: ./tf_ckpts/ckpt-5
loss 1.18
Seen so far: 10000 samples
Training accuracy: 0.3799999952316284
Validation accuracy: 0.3799999952316284
Start of epoch 6
Saved checkpoint for step 600: ./tf_ckpts/ckpt-6
loss 1.09
Seen so far: 12000 samples
Training accuracy: 0.35499998927116394
Validation accuracy: 0.35499998927116394
Start of epoch 7
Saved checkpoint for step 700: ./tf_ckpts/ckpt-7
loss 1.12
Seen so far: 14000 samples
Training accuracy: 0.3700000047683716
Validation accuracy: 0.3700000047683716
Any sugestions on how to make it converge?
I am using mxnet to train a VQA model, the input is (6244,) vector and the output is a single label
During my epoch, the loss never change but the accuracy is oscillating in a small range, the first 5 epochs are
Epoch 1. Loss: 2.7262569132562255, Train_acc 0.06867348986554285
Epoch 2. Loss: 2.7262569132562255, Train_acc 0.06955649207304837
Epoch 3. Loss: 2.7262569132562255, Train_acc 0.06853301224162152
Epoch 4. Loss: 2.7262569132562255, Train_acc 0.06799116997792494
Epoch 5. Loss: 2.7262569132562255, Train_acc 0.06887417218543046
This is a multi-class classification problem, with each answer label stands for a class, so I use softmax as final layer and cross-entropy to evaluate the loss, the code of them are as follows
So why the loss never change?... I just directly get if from cross_entropy
trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': 0.01})
loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
epochs = 10
moving_loss = 0.
best_eva = 0
for e in range(epochs):
for i, batch in enumerate(data_train):
data1 = batch.data[0].as_in_context(ctx)
data2 = batch.data[1].as_in_context(ctx)
data = [data1, data2]
label = batch.label[0].as_in_context(ctx)
with autograd.record():
output = net(data)
cross_entropy = loss(output, label)
moving_loss = np.mean(cross_entropy.asnumpy()[0])
train_accuracy = evaluate_accuracy(data_train, net)
print("Epoch %s. Loss: %s, Train_acc %s" % (e, moving_loss, train_accuracy))
The eval function is as follows
def evaluate_accuracy(data_iterator, net, ctx=mx.cpu()):
numerator = 0.
denominator = 0.
metric = mx.metric.Accuracy()
for i, batch in enumerate(data_iterator):
with autograd.record():
data1 = batch.data[0].as_in_context(ctx)
data2 = batch.data[1].as_in_context(ctx)
data = [data1, data2]
label = batch.label[0].as_in_context(ctx)
output = net(data)
metric.update([label], [output])
return metric.get()[1]
Question asked and answered on the mxnet discussion forum here. No need use the autograd.record scope to record computational graph when computing the accuracy. Try instead:
def evaluate_accuracy(data_iterator, net, ctx=mx.cpu()):
metric = mx.metric.Accuracy()
for i, batch in enumerate(data_iterator):
data1 = batch.data[0].as_in_context(ctx)
data2 = batch.data[1].as_in_context(ctx)
data = [data1, data2]
label = batch.label[0].as_in_context(ctx)
output = net(data)
metric.update([label], [output])
return metric.get()[1]