I am running a Python Tkinter GUI application for multiple days (ideally it will run continuously without needing to be restarted). After a few days, the program typically crashes with no explanation or error messages. I have used cProfile to profile the animation functionality of our Matplotlib graphs and search for possible slow-down points. The results clearly showed that the only function which increased in execution time over the program run period was this one:
I've looked at the Matplotlib source code (https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/blob/main/lib/matplotlib/transforms.py), but I haven't been able to figure out what this function is doing. What does _invalidate_internal do, and is there anything I can do to prevent it from taking so long to execute?
For more context, our program has several animated matplotlib plots which graph inputs from sensor data over time. We plot the n most recent data points on each frame so that it gives the effect of a scrolling graph. Here is the animation code:
def animate(ii):
while True:
most_recent_time_graphed = param_dict[param_list[0]] #first, pulls up first plot
most_recent = reader.query_by_num(table="SensorData", num=1)
reader.commit() #if identical, do not animate
#then checks that plot's time list
if (len(most_recent) == 0):
#time_reader = datetime.strptime(most_recent[0][0], "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
time_reader = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(most_recent[0][0])
if (len(most_recent_time_graphed.tList) != 0) and (time_reader == most_recent_time_graphed.tList[0]):
for i, param in enumerate(param_list, 1):
current_text = live_dict[param]
current_text.label.config(text=most_recent[0][i], fg="black", bg="white")
break #checks if the timestamp is exactly the same as prior, i.e. no new data points have been logged in this frame
#do I have to add an else?
config_settings = csv_read()
c0, c1, c2 = config_dict['enable_text'], config_dict['num_config'], config_dict['provider_config']
c3, c4, c5 = config_dict['email_config'], config_dict['upper_config'], config_dict['lower_config']
for i, key in enumerate(param_dict, 1):
current_plot = param_dict[key]
current_param_val = float(most_recent[0][i])
current_text = live_dict[key] #update to live text data summary
if current_param_val > float(config_settings[c4][i-1]) or current_param_val < float(config_settings[c5][i-1]):
#only send text if enable_text is True
if config_settings[c0] == [str(True)]:
###sends text if new problem arises or every 5 minutes
if allIsGood[key] and Minute[key] == None:
print('new problem')
Minute[key] = datetime.now().minute
minuta[key] = Minute[key]
pCheck(float(config_settings[c4][i-1]),float(config_settings[c5][i-1]),key,current_param_val,config_settings[c1],config_settings[c2]) #uncomment to test emergency texts
elif allIsGood[key] == False and abs(Minute[key] - datetime.now().minute) % 5 == 0 and not (minuta[key] == datetime.now().minute):
print('same problem')
minuta[key] = datetime.now().minute
pCheck(float(config_settings[c4][i-1]),float(config_settings[c5][i-1]),key,current_param_val,config_settings[c1],config_settings[c2]) #uncomment to test emergency texts
#setting the parameter to not ok
allIsGood[key] = False
current_text.label.config(text=most_recent[0][i], fg="red", bg="white")
current_plot.plot_color = 'r'
current_text.label.config(text=most_recent[0][i], fg="black", bg="white")
current_plot.plot_color = 'g'
###setting the parameter back to true and sending "ok" text
if allIsGood[key] == False:
Minute[key] = None
allIsGood[key] = True
data_stream = current_plot.incoming_data
time_stream = current_plot.tList
data_stream.insert(0, most_recent[0][i])
#time_f = datetime.strptime(most_recent[0][0], "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
time_f = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(most_recent[0][0])
time_stream.insert(0, time_f)
if len(data_stream) < 20: #graph updates, growing to show 20 points
else: #there are 20 points and more available, so animation occurs
I have written this code and for some reason it refuses to return any sort of value or input for slef.REV when used in the function post(self) however it will return a value when I try and return a value in the getlen() function which is used to reurn the number of characters in the review.I dont have this problem for any other variables that I retrieve data from within this class. Below is the relevant code, any help would be appreciated. the lines where this problem occures is the first functio calld post(lines 1-5) and 4 lines up from the bottom
def post(self):
MovieID = self.MovID
REV = self.REV
def shrek_film(self):
self.title = "Shrek"
self.MovID = 1
self.root4 = tk.Toplevel()
self.root4.title("Watch Shreck")
frame_4 = tk.Frame(self.root4, bg = "black")
frame_4.pack(fill = tk.BOTH, expand = True, padx=0 , pady=0)
self.Create_canvas = tk.Canvas(frame_4, width=2000, height=1080)
self.Create_canvas.place(x=-50, y=-50)
self.Create_img = PhotoImage(file="shrek-landscape.gif")
self.Create_canvas.create_image(20, 20, anchor = NW, image=self.Create_img)
play_button= tk.Button(frame_4,bg="orange",text="play", command = self.addHistory)
def gtelen():
Review = reviewbox.get('1.0',END)
REVLEN = len(Review)
REVLENLEFT = (231-len(Review))
if REVLEN >=230:
lenbox = tk.Label(frame_4 ,text="No words left",bg="orange")
lenbox = tk.Label(frame_4 ,text=REVLENLEFT,bg="orange")
Words_button = tk.Button(frame_4, bg="orange",text="check number of words remaining", command=gtelen)
reviewlable=tk.Label(frame_4,text="Write a review",bg="orange")
Review_button= tk.Button(frame_4,bg="orange",text="See Reviews")#, command = self.ViewReviews)
reviewbox= Text(frame_4,width=100,height=12)
self.REV = reviewbox.get('1.0',END)
post_button = tk.Button(frame_4,bg="orange",text="Post Review", command = self.post)
You can use Entry instead and use a StringVar
v = StringVar() # Create StringVar
reviewbox = Entry(frame_4, width = 100, height = 12, textvariable = v) # Create Entry widget
reviewbox.place(x = 10, y = 500) # Place Entry widget
self.REV = v.get() # Get contents of StringVar
The line self.REV = reviewbox.get('1.0',END) is being called about a millisecond after creating the text widget. The user will not even have seen the widget yet, much less have had time to type in it.
You can't call the get() method until after the user has had a chance to enter data, such as inside the post method.
def post(self):
MovieID = self.MovID
REV = reviewbox.get("1.0", "end")
I want to validate two tkinter entries. One called minimum and the other called maximum. Of course, I want to make sure that minimum does not exceed maximum. And there is a third entry called increment which has to be lesser than maximum. There are a set of 15 such entries which I am trying to validate.
I have tried using for loop and tracing the textvariable of each entry. But inside the for loop, I am able to validate only a single entry box. Also, when I skip the validation for that specific one entry called the txtCab, it throws the following exception: If I do it for all the widgets, it does work, but fails some times.
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\beejb\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1705, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "C:\PROSAIL_5B_Fortran\PROSAIL_5B_FORTRAN\PROSAIL.py", line 191, in min_max
minVar = eval("self.txtVar_"+ str(wid)+ "_min.get()")
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'self' is not defined
The validation function I have used is:
def min_max(*args):
alltextFields = ["N","Cab","Car","Cw","Cm","Cbrown", "rsoil0","LIDFa","LIDFb","TypeLIDF","LAI","hspot","tts","tto","psi" ]
for wid in alltextFields:
if eval("self." + wid + "_variable.get()"):
minVar = eval("self.txtVar_"+ str(wid)+ "_min.get()")
maxVar = eval("self.txtVar_"+ str(wid) + "_max.get()")
rangeVar = eval("self.txtVar_"+ str(wid) + "_range.get()")
## print((minVar))
## print((maxVar))
## print((rangeVar))
if len(minVar) > 0 and len(maxVar):
if (minVar) > (maxVar):
messagebox.showinfo("Input Error", "Minimum should not be greater than maximum")
if len(rangeVar) > 0 and len(maxVar) > 0:
if (rangeVar) > (maxVar) :
messagebox.showinfo("Input Error", "Increment cannot exceed maximum limit")
## print(self.txtVar_Cab_min.get()); print(self.txtVar_Cab_max.get());
## print(self.txtVar_N_min.get()); print(self.txtVar_N_max.get());
if len(self.txtVar_Cab_min.get()) > 0 and len(self.txtVar_Cab_max.get()) > 0 and len(self.txtVar_Cab_range.get()) > 0:
if (self.txtVar_Cab_min.get()) > (self.txtVar_Cab_max.get()):
messagebox.showinfo("Input Data Error", "Minimum should not be greater than maximum!!")
if (self.txtVar_Cab_range.get()) > (self.txtVar_Cab_max.get()):
messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Increment cannot exceed maximum!!")
Another validation function I have tried is:
def validateMRM(self,value, text,W):
entry = self.controller.nametowidget(W)
if entry == self.txt_N_min:
alltextFields = ["txt_N","txt_Cab","txt_Car","txt_Cab","txt_Cw","txt_Cw","txt_Cm","txt_Cbrown","txt_Cm", "txt_rsoil0",
for wid in alltextFields:
typeOfVar = wid.split("_")
if entry == eval("self.txt_" + str(typeOfVar[1])+ "_min"):
vMin = eval("self.txtVar_" + str(typeOfVar[1])+ "_min.get()")
print(eval("self.txtVar_" + str(typeOfVar[1])+ "_min.get()"))
vMax = eval("self.txtVar_" + str(typeOfVar[1])+ "_max.get()")
print(eval("self.txtVar_" + str(typeOfVar[1])+ "_max.get()"))
vRange = eval("self.txtVar_" + str(typeOfVar[1])+ "_range.get()")
print(eval("self.txtVar_" + str(typeOfVar[1])+ "_range.get()"))
print(vMin); print(vMax); print(vRange)
if len(vMin) > 0 and len(vMax) > 0 and len(vRange) > 0:
if (vMin) > (vMax):
messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Minimum cannot be greater than maximum")
if (vRange) > (vMax) :
messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Increment cannot exceed the maximum limit")
if len(entry.get())>2:
And here is how all the entries are created:
self.lbl_N = tk.Label(self,text="Structure Coefficient(N)",anchor="w",width=40,bg='white'); self.lbl_N.grid(row=3,column=4,padx=4,pady=4);
self.N_variable = tk.BooleanVar()
self.chk_N = tk.Checkbutton(self,variable=self.N_variable, command=lambda:self.show_hide()); self.chk_N.grid(row=3,column=6,padx=4,pady=4);
self.txt_N = tk.Entry(self,width=10,validate = 'key', validatecommand = vcmd); self.txt_N.grid(row=3,column=7,padx=4,pady=4);
self.txtVar_N_min = tk.StringVar(); self.txtVar_N_max = tk.StringVar(); self.txtVar_N_range = tk.StringVar();
self.txtVar_N_min.trace("w", min_max); self.txtVar_N_max.trace("w", min_max); self.txtVar_N_range.trace("w", min_max);
self.txt_N_min = tk.Entry(self,width=5,validate = 'key',textvariable=self.txtVar_N_min, validatecommand = vcmd_min_max);
self.txt_N_max = tk.Entry(self,width=5,validate = 'key', textvariable=self.txtVar_N_max,validatecommand = vcmd_min_max);
self.txt_N_range = tk.Entry(self,width=5,validate = 'key', textvariable=self.txtVar_N_range,validatecommand = vcmd_min_max);
There are a set of fourteen such entries and I need to validate each of them.
But none of this gives the actual output I want. It works some time and fails some other times.
I am not sure why is that happening and I have spent a hell of time with this validation.
I'm not sure whether this answers your question but it should point you in the right direction.
I couldn't make much sense of your code. I've produced a 15 row x 4 column grid.
The 4th column is a message that the 3 fields next to it are 'OK' or if not indicate the problem. The validation is run on the whole grid for each keypress. If this is too slow a validate button could launch the validation instead.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
def rec(): return {'lo': 0, 'hi': 0, 'step': 0, 'ok': '' }
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('SO Question')
def entry(id, ent_dict, var_dict, v=0):
""" Add an Entry Widget to the root, with associated StringVar."""
var_dict[id] = tk.StringVar()
ent_dict[id] = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable= var_dict[id], width = 10 )
return ent_dict[id]
def do_validate(lo, hi, step):
""" Return OK if lo, hi and step are consistent else an error string. """
if lo < hi and step < hi: return 'OK'
txt = ''
if lo >= hi:
txt = 'lo >= hi. '
if step >= hi:
txt += 'step >= hi.'
return txt
def conv(txt):
""" Convert text to float. Return 0.0 if not valid float e.g "" or 'a' """
return float(txt)
except ValueError:
return 0.0
def oklabel(ent_dict, var_dict):
""" Add an OK Label to a row. """
lo = conv(var_dict['lo'].get())
hi = conv(var_dict['hi'].get())
step = conv(var_dict['step'].get())
var_dict['ok'] = tk.StringVar()
var_dict['ok'].set(do_validate(lo, hi, step))
ent_dict['ok'] = ttk.Label(root, textvariable = var_dict['ok'], width = -17)
return ent_dict['ok'] # Return the Label object for gridding.
def do_check(*args):
""" Loop through the rows setting the validation string in each one. """
for var_dict in stringvars:
lo = conv(var_dict['lo'].get())
hi = conv(var_dict['hi'].get())
step = conv(var_dict['step'].get())
var_dict['ok'].set(do_validate(lo, hi, step))
# Add column labels
ttk.Label(root, text='Minimums').grid(row=0, column=0)
ttk.Label(root, text =' Maximums').grid(row=0, column=1)
ttk.Label(root, text='Increment').grid(row=0, column=2)
ttk.Label(root, text='Valid').grid(row=0, column=3)
# Create containers for he Entries and Stringvars
entries =[]
stringvars = []
# Add 15 rows of Entries / Validation Labels to the UI.
for row in range(1, 16):
entry('lo', tempe, tempv, 0).grid(row = row, column=0)
entry('hi', tempe, tempv, 0).grid(row = row, column=1)
entry('step', tempe, tempv, 0).grid(row = row, column=2)
oklabel(tempe, tempv).grid(row = row, column = 3)
# Bind do_check to all Entry widgets.
root.bind_class('TEntry', '<KeyPress>', do_check, add='+')
root.bind_class('TEntry', '<BackSpace>', do_check, add='+')
root.bind_class('TEntry', '<Delete>', do_check, add='+')
In the past I've got stuck trying to validate multiple fields by not allowing inconsistent entries. It is difficult for users to follow what is required to correct fields. They have to work in the correct order. e.g. lo = 100, hi = 9, and step = 1. Should the UI allow the last zero in 100 to be deleted, leaving 10 which is gt 9?
This could be extended to activate a 'Next' button only if all rows are OK.
Edit 1 - Response to Comment
This has a function to create and activate each row of the display. Each row has it's own variables and checking function. They are triggered by the trace on the three Entry StringVars, there's no need to use validate.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
def to_float(txt):
""" Safely convert any string to a float. Invalid strings return 0.0 """
return float(txt)
except ValueError:
return 0.0
def row_n( parent, n, init_show = 0 ):
""" Create one row of the display. """
# tk.Variables
v_show = tk.IntVar()
v_min = tk.StringVar()
v_max = tk.StringVar()
v_incr = tk.StringVar()
v_message = tk.StringVar()
# Initialise variables
v_incr.set('1') # Can the increment be zero?
def do_trace(*args):
""" Runs every time any of the three Entries change value.
Sets the message to the appropriate text.
lo = to_float(v_min.get())
hi = to_float(v_max.get())
inc = to_float(v_incr.get())
if lo < hi and inc <=hi:
txt = ''
if lo >= hi:
txt += 'Min >= Max'
if inc > hi:
if len(txt): txt += ' & '
txt += 'Incr > Max'
# Set trace callback for changes to the three StringVars
v_min.trace('w', do_trace)
v_max.trace('w', do_trace)
v_incr.trace('w', do_trace)
def activation(*args):
""" Runs when the tickbox changes state """
if v_show.get():
e_min.grid(row = n, column = 1)
e_max.grid(row = n, column = 2)
e_inc.grid(row = n, column = 3)
message.grid(row = n, column = 4)
text = 'Structure Coefficient {} :'.format(n),
variable = v_show, command = activation ).grid(row = n, column = 0)
e_min = tk.Entry(parent, width=5, textvariable = v_min)
e_max =tk.Entry(parent, width=5, textvariable = v_max)
e_inc = tk.Entry(parent, width=5, textvariable = v_incr)
message = tk.Label(parent, width=-15, textvariable = v_message)
return { 'Min': v_min, 'Max': v_max, 'Inc': v_incr }
def show_results():
print('Min Max Inc')
for row in rows:
res = '{} {} {}'.format(row['Min'].get(), row['Max'].get(), row['Inc'].get())
print( res )
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('SO Question')
ttk.Label(root, text='Minimums').grid(row=0, column=1)
ttk.Label(root, text =' Maximums').grid(row=0, column=2)
ttk.Label(root, text='Step', width = 5 ).grid(row=0, column=3)
ttk.Label(root, text='Valid', width = 15 ).grid(row=0, column=4)
rows = []
for r in range(1,16):
rows.append(row_n(root, r, init_show=r%3 == 0 ))
tk.Button(root, command=show_results, text = ' Show Results ').grid(column=1, pady = 5)
This is another approach. Does this help.
Here's another suggestion. Incorporate the Label and Entry in the row-n function. Include activating / disabling the Entry in the activate function. The row_n function is executed in a loop through a list of the descriptions you want.
import tkinter as tk
row_names = [ "Structure Coefficient(N)", "Chlorophyll Content(Cab) (µg.cm-2)",
"Carotenoid content(Car) (µg.cm-2)", "Brown pigment content(Cbrown)(arbitrary units)"]
def row_n(parent, desc, n, init_show = 0 ):
""" Create one row of the display. """
# tk.Variables
v_show = tk.IntVar()
v_min = tk.StringVar()
v_max = tk.StringVar()
v_incr = tk.StringVar()
v_fixed = tk.StringVar() # New StringVar
v_message = tk.StringVar()
def do_trace(*args):
""" Runs every time any of the three Entries change value.
Sets the message to the appropriate text.
lo = to_float(v_min.get())
hi = to_float(v_max.get())
inc = to_float(v_incr.get())
if lo < hi and inc <=hi:
txt = ''
if lo >= hi:
txt += 'Min >= Max'
if inc > hi:
if len(txt): txt += ' & '
txt += 'Incr > Max'
# Set trace callback for changes to the three StringVars
v_min.trace('w', do_trace)
v_max.trace('w', do_trace)
v_incr.trace('w', do_trace)
def activation(*args):
""" Runs when the tickbox changes state """
if v_show.get():
e_min.grid(row = n, column = 8)
e_max.grid(row = n, column = 9)
e_inc.grid(row = n, column = 10)
message.grid(row = n, column = 11)
e_fixed.config(state = 'disabled') # Disable the base Entry
e_fixed.config(state = 'normal') # Enable the base Entry Widget
tk.Label(parent, text = desc ).grid(row = r+1, column = 4 ) # Add the desc. Label
e_fixed = tk.Entry(parent, textvariable = v_fixed) # Add the new Entry widget
e_fixed.grid(row = r+1, column = 5)
text = ' '.format(n),
variable = v_show, command = activation ).grid(row = n, column = 6)
e_min = tk.Entry(parent, width=5, textvariable = v_min)
e_min.config(font=('Candara', 15))
e_max =tk.Entry(parent, width=5, textvariable = v_max)
e_max.config(font=('Candara', 15))
e_inc = tk.Entry(parent, width=5, textvariable = v_incr)
e_inc.config(font=('Candara', 15))
message = tk.Label(parent, width=-15, textvariable = v_message)
message.config(font=('Candara', 15))
return { 'Min': v_min, 'Max': v_max, 'Inc': v_incr, 'Fixed': v_fixed }
# The 'Fixed' field added to the dictionary to return
def print_row(row):
fmt = 'Min: {}, Max: {}, Inc: {}, Fixed: {}'
row['Min'].get(), row['Max'].get(), row['Inc'].get(), row['Fixed'].get()
def to_float(txt):
""" Safely convert any string to a float. Invalid strings return 0.0 """
return float(txt)
except ValueError:
return 0.0
# GUI Start
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('Validation wth Trace')
# Header Labels
# Body of rows
rows = []
for r, r_text in enumerate(row_names):
rows.append(row_n( root, r_text, r+1))
print("Strings in the Entry fields")
for r, row in enumerate(rows):
print('Row: ', r, 'Data:', end=' ')
HTH. Seeing your code in the inked question you may prefer to make row_n a class.
I am workin with Python 2.7. This is the initial part of a longer programme. What I want to do is to add a new username, together with is height and weight. I use a .txt file to store user data,
example userlist3.txt:
add_new_user 1 1
unknown_user 170 70
monthy 185 83
[empty line]
This is the code:
from Tkinter import *
user_list = Tk()
def add_new_user():
global select
global height
global weight
select = name.get()
height = h.get()
weight = w.get()
f = ' '
print name, height, weight
us.write(select + f + str(height) + f + str(weight) + "\n")
# add_user.destroy() # it doesn't work
def onSelect(ev): # (10)
global select
select=listb.get(listb.curselection()) # (12)
lab.configure(text=select) # (14)
global name
global h
global w
if select == 'add_new_user':
add_user = Tk()
add_user.title('New user')
a=Label(add_user,text="Your username").pack()
name = StringVar()
NAME = Entry(add_user,textvariable = name).pack()
b=Label(add_user,text="Your height (in cm)").pack()
h = IntVar()
H = Entry(add_user,textvariable = h).pack()
c=Label(add_user,text="Your weight (in kg)").pack()
w = IntVar()
W = Entry(add_user,textvariable = w).pack()
Add_New_User=Button(add_user,text="Add new user data",command=add_new_user).pack()
b =[]
for linea in a:
e = []
for i in range(len(b)):
userlist = []
heightlist = []
weightlist = []
for i in range(len(e)):
sbar = Scrollbar(user_list, orient=VERTICAL) # (20)
listb = Listbox(user_list, width=30, height=4) # (22)
sbar.config(command=listb.yview) # (30)
listb.config(yscrollcommand=sbar.set) # (32)
sbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # (40)
listb.pack() # (42)
lab=Label(user_list,text="Double Click on User") # (50)
for c in userlist: listb.insert(END,c)
listb.bind('<Double-1>',onSelect) # (70)
for d in range(1,len(userlist)):
if userlist[d] == select:
height = int(heightlist[d])
weight = int(weightlist[d])
print "Selected user is: ",select
print height
print weight
It works with user already present in the txt file, but not if I want to add a new one. When I try, I got 'PY_VAR0 0 0' printed on the shell and '' 0 0 added in a new line in the txt file. Obviously these data are of no use in the following steps of my software.I'm probably missing a .get() somewhere.
When you see something like PY_VAR0, that means you are printing out the instance of a StringVar (or IntVar or whatever), rather than printing out the value of the variable. If you are using one of the special vars, you must call the get() method to get the value.
In your specific case, change this:
print name, width, height
To this:
print name.get(), width, height
Thanks Fiver for your advice!
metaphy's solution works, I solved the problem modifying line 28 in
add_user = Toplevel(user_list)