Python: get last command line in linux terminal - python

I would like to write a python script which access the last command executed in terminal, i.e the command that launched the program.
For example, I want the terminal to output 'python' if i typed python
First I tried:
import os
os.system("touch command.txt")
os.system("history > command.txt")
with open("command.txt", "r") as f:
command =[-1]
but this is not working since history is a bash built-in function.
Then I tried :
import os, subprocess
command = subprocess.check_output(["tail","-n","1",os.path.expanduser("~/.bash_history")]).decode("utf-8").rstrip()
but this does not meet my expectations, because bash history is only updated when the terminal is closed.
To improve this behavior I tried os.putenv("PROMPT_COMMAND", "history-a"), but it didn't help neither, because bash history update is still one step behind, as my variable command would now contain the command line just before python
Now I'm stuck and I need your help pls

You can't get the original shell command line in a reliable way without participation of the shell itself, but you can generate an equivalent command line using sys.argv. (It won't include things like redirections, but if you're just re-executing from inside the existing copy of the program, all those executions will have been already performed before you're started anyhow, so when you re-exec yourself the new copy will inherit their effect).
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path, sys
from shlex import quote # Python 3
except ImportError:
from pipes import quote # Python 2
sys_argv_str = ' '.join(quote(x) for x in sys.argv)
print("We can be restarted by calling the argv: %r" % (sys.argv,))
print("As a shell-syntax string, that would be: %s" % (sys_argv_str,))
print("...or, if your shell is bash, you can specify the interpreter directly:")
print(' ' + ' '.join(quote(x) for x in (['exec', '-a', sys.argv[0], os.path.abspath(sys.executable), os.path.abspath(__file__)] + sys.argv[1:])))
If someone calls ./yourprogram "first argument" "second argument", that output might look like:
We can be restarted by calling the argv: ['./yourprogram', 'first argument', 'second argument']
As a shell-syntax string, that would be: ./yourprogram 'first argument' 'second argument'
...or, if your shell is bash, you can specify the interpreter directly:
exec -a ./yourprogram /usr/bin/python /home/charles/tmp/yourprogram 'first argument' 'second argument'
Note that argv[0] is not guaranteed to be identical to __file__! When a program is starting another program it can pass any string it likes in the argv[0] slot; it's merely convention, not a firm guarantee, that that will contain the name that was used to start the software at hand.


How can execute a shell script from spotlight on macOS passing a first command line argument?

I have written a python program that needs a first command line argument to run from the Terminal. The program can be used to copy a text to the clipboard when it is run with a certain keyword.
~ python3 'agree'
This use case is just an exercise to understand, how I can run a batch file on macOS (or shell script in macOS terminology).
I have created the following shell script and saved it as mclip.command:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python3 /Users/Andrea_5K/
My idea is to execute my shell script from the spotlight input window, passing the argument 'agree'. How can I do that?
On windows the batch file would look like that (mclip.bat):
#py.exe C:\path_to_my_file\ %*
I can press WIN-R and type mclip *argument* to run the program. But how can I do the same on a Mac? I cannot type mclip agree in spotlight, that doesn't work like in WIN-R.
#! python3
# - A multi-clipboard program.
TEXT = {
'agree': """Yes, I agree. That sounds fine to me.""",
'busy': """Sorry, can we do this later this week or next week?""",
'upsell': """Would you consider making this a monthly donation?""",
import sys, pyperclip
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: python [keyphrase] - copy phrase text')
keyphrase = sys.argv[1] # first command line arg is the keyphrase
if keyphrase in TEXT:
print('Text for ' + keyphrase + ' copied to clipboard.')
print('There is no text for ' + keyphrase)
I can get Spotlight to run a script which:
offers you a dialog box with your three options and
then runs your Python script passing the selected option
But I cannot get Spotlight to pass an option to a Python script directly. If that helps, here's how to do it.
Start Script Editor and enter the following code, save it as an app called mclip:
set theArg to choose from list {"Agree", "Busy", "Upsell"} with title "Chooser Dialog" with prompt "Choose option"
tell application "Terminal"
do shell script "/Users/YOURNAME/ " & theArg
end tell
Note that adding on run argv at the top still doesn't get you any arguments you add within Spotlight - it just plain doesn't seem to want to pass on any arguments you type in the Spotlight dialog.
Now write a Python script called $HOME/
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
# Just write the received parameter into a text file on the Desktop to show how it works
file = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/result.txt")
with open(file, 'w') as f:
And make it executable (just necessary one time) with:
chmod +x $HOME/
If you now use Spotlight to run mclip, it will pop up a dialog like this:
You may have to answer security questions the first time you run it - depending on your macOS version.
Note that if all your Python script does is copy some text onto the clipboard, you can do that without Python within the Applescript above using:
set the clipboard to "Some funky text"
Just a detail: python is case sensitive. So, if the keys of the dictionary are lower case, the list values in the apple script ought to be lower case to `:D
Assume the shell script (mapIt.command) is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python3 /path/to/my/ $#
The $# is interpreted as a list of command line arguments.
I can run the shell script in the MacOS Terminal like that:
sh mapIt.command Streetname Number City
The command line arguments Streetname Number City are forwarded to the python script.

Python sys.argv - Get the full command line [with pipe or semicolon]

rI would like to know if it is possible to capture an entered full command line with pipe or semicolon as below:
$> python arg arg | arg arg
$> python arg arg ; arg arg
Today in my attempts, sys.argv is returning only what is typed in the left side of the pipe/semicolon and the second part runs as an independent command (what is understandable, but not desired :) ).
I tried the code:
if not '\'' in sys.argv or not '"' in sys.argv:
print 'foo failed'
to force the commands be quoted (and maybe to force the system to see everything as a single command line), but did not work and the second part keeps being executed after the break.
Python is not given access to those parts. Those are not part of the command arguments for Python, those are input for the shell. Pipes, quoting and semicolons are part of the shell syntax, not a command line for subprocesses that the shell starts.
The shell splits out syntax you give it, then calls Python with just the arguments addressed to the python binary. You can't retrieve the whole shell commands from subprocesses, that'd be a potential security issue.
If you want to pass on information to the Python script, you must do so in the command arguments. That means that if you must include quotes in your arguments, you must first escape them at the shell level, so they are not interpreted as shell syntax, e.g.
python arg1 '|' arg2
is then available in sys.argv as
['', 'arg1', '|', 'arg2']
where the single quotes around the | tell the shell to treat that character as argument text.
You need to consult the documentation for your specific shell environment for the details on how quoting works. For example, if you use bash, read the Bash manual section on quoting.

Failed to run shell commands with subprocess [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why subprocess.Popen doesn't work when args is sequence?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
In my terminal if I run: echo $(pwd), I got /home/abr/workspace, but when I tried to run this script in python like this:
>>> import subprocess
>>> cmd = ['echo', '$(pwd)']
>>> subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
I get '\n'. How to fix this?
Use os package:
import os
print os.environ.get('PWD', '')
From the documentation on the subprocess module:
If args is a sequence, the first item specifies the command string,
and any additional items will be treated as additional arguments to
the shell itself.
You want:
subprocess.check_output("echo $(pwd)", shell=True)
Try this:
cmd = 'echo $(pwd)'
subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
In subprocess doc it specified that cmd should be a string when shell=True.
From the documentation:
The shell argument (which defaults to False) specifies whether to use
the shell as the program to execute. If shell is True, it is
recommended to pass args as a string rather than as a sequence.
A better way to achieve this is probably to use the os module from the python standard library, like this:
import os
print os.getcwd()
>> "/home/abr/workspace"
The getcwd() function returns a string representing the current working directory.
The command subpreocess.check_output will return the output of the command you are calling:
#echo 2
from python
>>>subprocess.check_output(['echo', '2'], shell=True)
the '\n' is included because that is what the command does it prints the output sting and then puts the current on a new line.
now back to your problem; assuming you want the output of 'PWD', first of all you have to get rid of the shell. If you provide the shell argument, the command will be run in a shell environment and you won't see the returned string.
Will return the current directory + '\n'
On a personal note, I have a hard time understanding what you are trying to do, but I hope this helps solve it.

How to pass the Python variable to c shell script

I am using Centos 7.0 and PyDEv in Eclipse. I am trying to pass the variable in Python into c shell script. But I am getting error:
This is my Python script named
num = 10
import subprocess["csh", "./test1.csh"])
Output/Error when I run the Python script:
num: Undefined variable.
The file test1.csh contains:
set nvar=`/home/nishant/workspace/codec_implement/src/NTTool/ $num`
echo $nvar
Okey, so apparently it's not so easy to find a nice and clear duplicate. This is how it's usually done. You either pass the value as an argument to the script, or via an environmental variable.
The following example shows both ways in action. Of course you can drop whatever you don't like.
import subprocess
import shlex
var = "test"
env_var = "test2"
script = "./"
#prepare a command (append variable to the scriptname)
command = "{} {}".format(script, var)
#prepare environment variables
environment = {"test_var" : env_var}
#Note: shlex.split splits a textual command into a list suited for shlex.split(command), env = environment )
This is corresponding bash script, but from what I've read addressing command line variables is the same, so it should work for both bash and csh set as default shells.
echo "I was called with a command line argument '$1'"
echo "Value of enviormental variable test_var is '$test_var'"
luk32$ python3
I was called with a command line argument 'test'
Value of enviormental variable test_var is 'test2'
Please note that the python interpreter needs to have appropriate access to the called script. In this case needs to be executable for the user luk32. Otherwise, you will get Permission denied error.
I also urge to read docs on subprocess. Many other materials use shell=True, I won't discuss it, but I dislike and discourage it. The presented examples should work and be safe., env=os.environ + {'num': num})
The only way to do what you want here is to export/pass the variable value through the shell environment. Which requires using the env={} dictionary argument.
But it is more likely that what you should do is pass arguments to your script instead of assuming pre-existing variables. Then you would stick num in the array argument to (probably better to use check_call unless you know the script is supposed to fail) and then use $1/etc. as normal.

How does argparse (and the deprecated optparse) respond to 'tab' keypress after python program name, in bash?

I have tested optcomplete working with the optparse module. Its example is a simple file so I could get that working. I also tested it using the argparse module as the prior one is deprecated. But I really do not understand how and by whom the python program gets called on tab presses. I suspect bash together with the shebang line and the argparse (or optparse) module are involved in some way. I have been trying to figure this out (now gonna read the source code).
I have a little more complex program structure, which includes a wrapper around the piece of code which handles the arguments. Its argparse.ArgumentParser() instantiation and calls to add_argument() - which are superclassed into another intermediate module to avoid duplicating code, and wrapper around that is being called - are inside a function.
I want to understand the way this tab completion works between bash and python (or for that matter any other interpretor like perl).
NOTE: I have a fair understanding of bash completion (which I learned just now), and I think I understand the bash(only) custom completion.
NOTE: I have read other similar SO questions, and none really answer this Q.
Edit: Here is the bash function.
I already understood how the python module gets to know about words typed in the command line, by reading os.environ values of variables
These variables have values only on tab press.
My question is how does the python module gets triggered?
To understand what's happening here, let's check what that bash function actually does:
See the $1 at the end? That means that it actually calls the Python file we want to execute with special environment variables set! To trace what's happening, let's prepare a little script to intercept what optcomplete.autocomplete does:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import os, sys
import optparse, optcomplete
from cStringIO import StringIO
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--simple', action='store_true',
help="Simple really simple option without argument.")
parser.add_option('-o', '--output', action='store',
help="Option that requires an argument.")
opt = parser.add_option('-p', '--script', action='store',
help="Option that takes python scripts args only.")
opt.completer = optcomplete.RegexCompleter('.*\.py')
# debug env variables
sys.stderr.write("\ncalled with args: %s\n" % repr(sys.argv))
for k, v in sorted(os.environ.iteritems()):
sys.stderr.write(" %s: %s\n" % (k, v))
# setup capturing the actions of `optcomplete.autocomplete`
def fake_exit(i):
sys.stderr.write("autocomplete tried to exit with status %d\n" % i)
sys.stdout = StringIO()
sys.exit = fake_exit
# Support completion for the command-line of this script.
optcomplete.autocomplete(parser, ['.*\.tar.*'])
sys.stderr.write("autocomplete tried to write to STDOUT:\n")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
This gives us the following when we try to autocomplete it:
$ ./ [tab]
called with args: ['./']
autocomplete tried to exit with status 1
autocomplete tried to write to STDOUT:
-o -h -s -p --script --simple --help --output
So optcomplete.autocomplete just reads the environment, prepares the matches, writes them to STDOUT and exits. The result -o -h -s -p --script --simple --help --output is then put into a bash array (COMPREPLY=( ... )) and returned to bash to present the choices to the user. No magic involved :)
