Write Python3/Pandas dataframe to JSON with orient=records but without the array when there is only one record - python

I'm writing a very small Pandas dataframe to a JSON file. In fact, the Dataframe has only one row with two columns.
To build the dataframe:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict({'date': '2020-10-05', 'ppm': 411.1}), orient='index').T
date ppm
0 2020-10-05 411.1
The desired json output is as follows:
"date": "2020-10-05",
"ppm": 411.1
but when writing the json with pandas, I can only print it as an array with one element, like so:
I've currently hacked my code to convert the Dataframe to a dict, and then use the json module to write the file.
import json
data = df.to_dict(orient='records')
data = data[0] # keep the only element
with open('data.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(data, fp, indent=2)
Is there a native way with pandas' .to_json() to keep the only dictionary item if there is only one?
I am currently using .to_json() like this, which incorrectly prints the array with one dictionary item.
df.to_json('data.json', orient='index', indent = 2)
Python 3.8.6
Pandas 1.1.3

If you want to export only one row, use iloc:
print (df.iloc[0].to_dict())
#{'date': '2020-10-05', 'ppm': 411.1}


How to read a json data into a dataframe using pandas

I have json data which is in the structure below:
{"Text1": 4, "Text2": 1, "TextN": 123}
I want to read the json file and make a dataframe such as
Each key value pairs will be a row in the dataframe and I need to need headers "Sentence" and "Label". I tried with using lines = True but it returns all the key-value pairs in one row.
data_df = pd.read_json(PATH_TO_DATA, lines = True)
What is the correct way to load such json data?
you can use:
with open('json_example.json') as json_data:
data = json.load(json_data)
Easy way that I remember
import pandas as pd
import json
with open("./data.json", "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
df = pd.DataFrame({"Sentence": data.keys(), "Label": data.values()})
With read_json
To read straight from the file using read_json, you can use something like:
pd.read_json("./data.json", lines=True)\
.rename(columns={"index": "Sentence", 0: "Labels"})
A little dirty but as you probably noticed, lines=True isn't completely sufficient so the above transposes the result so that you have
So then resetting the index moves the index over to be a column named "index" and then renaming the columns.

how to read data (using pandas?) so that it is correctly formatted?

I have a txt file with following format:
{"results":[{"statement_id":0,"series":[{"name":"datalogger","columns":["time","ActivePower0","CosPhi0","CurrentRms0","DcAnalog5","FiringAngle0","IrTemperature0","Lage 1_Angle1","Lage 1_Angle2","PotentioMeter0","Rotation0","SNR","TNR","Temperature0","Temperature3","Temperature_MAX31855_0","Temperature_MAX31855_3","Vibra0_X","Vibra0_Y","Vibra0_Z","VoltageAccu0","VoltageRms0"],"values":[["2017-10-06T08:50:25.347Z",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"41762721","Testcustomer",null,null,null,null,-196,196,-196,null,null],["2017-10-06T08:50:25.348Z",null,null,null,null,null,null,346.2964,76.11179,null,null,"41762721","Testcustomer",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null],["2017-10-06T08:50:25.349Z",null,null,2596,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"41762721","Testkunde",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,80700],["2017-10-06T08:50:25.35Z",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1956,"41762721","Testkunde",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null],["2017-10-06T09:20:05.742Z",null,null,null,null,null,67.98999,null,null,null,null,"41762721","Testkunde",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null]]}]}]}
So in the text file everything is saved in one line. CSV file is not available.
I would like to have it as a data frame in pandas. when I use read.csv:
df = pd.read_csv('time-series-data.txt', sep = ",")
the output of print(df) is someting like [0 rows x 3455.. columns]
So currently everything is read in as one line. However, I would like to have 22 columns (time, activepower0, CosPhi0,..). I ask for tips, thank you very much.
Is a pandas dataframe even suitable for this? the text files are up to 2 GB in size.
Here's an example which can read the file you posted.
Here's the test file, named test.json:
{"results":[{"statement_id":0,"series":[{"name":"datalogger","columns":["time","ActivePower0","CosPhi0","CurrentRms0","DcAnalog5","FiringAngle0","IrTemperature0","Lage 1_Angle1","Lage 1_Angle2","PotentioMeter0","Rotation0","SNR","TNR","Temperature0","Temperature3","Temperature_MAX31855_0","Temperature_MAX31855_3","Vibra0_X","Vibra0_Y","Vibra0_Z","VoltageAccu0","VoltageRms0"],
Here's the python code used to read it in:
import json
import pandas as pd
# Read test file.
# This reads the entire file into memory at once. If this is not
# possible for you, you may want to look into something like ijson:
# https://pypi.org/project/ijson/
with open("test.json", "rb") as f
data = json.load(f)
# Get the first element of results list, and first element of series list
# You may need a loop here, if your real data has more than one of these.
subset = data['results'][0]['series'][0]
values = subset['values']
columns = subset['columns']
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=columns)

Read only specific fields from large JSON and import into a Pandas Dataframe

I have a folder with more or less 10 json files that size between 500 and 1000 Mb.
Each file contains about 1.000.000 of lines like the loffowling:
"dateTime": '2019-01-10 01:01:000.0000'
"cat": 2
"description": 'This description'
"mail": 'mail#mail.com'
"decision":[{"first":"01", "second":"02", "third":"03"},{"first":"04", "second":"05", "third":"06"}]
"Field001": 'data001'
"Field002": 'data002'
"Field003": 'data003'
"Field999": 'data999'
My target is to analyze it with pandas so I would like to save the data coming from all the files into a Dataframe.
If I loop all the files Python crash because I don't have free resources to manage the data.
As for my purpose I only need a Dataframe with two columns cat and dateTime from all the files, which I suppose is lighter that a whole Dataframe with all the columns I have tryed to read only these two columns with the following snippet:
Note: at the moment I am working with only one file, when I get a fast reader code I will loop to all other files (A.json, B.json, ...)
import pandas as pd
import json
import os.path
from glob import glob
cols = ['cat', 'dateTime']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
with open(file_name, encoding='latin-1') as f:
for line in f:
lst_dict=({'cat':data['cat'], 'dateTime':data['dateTime']})
df = df.append(lst_dict, ignore_index=True)
The code works, but it is very very slow so it takes more than one hour for one, file while reading all the file and storing into a Dataframe usually takes me 8-10 minutes.
Is there a way to read only two specific columns and append to a Dataframe in a faster way?
I have tryed to read all the JSON file and store into a Dataframe, then drop all the columns but 'cat' and 'dateTime' but it seems to be too heavy for my MacBook.
I had the same problem. I found out that appending a dict to a DataFrame is very very slow. Extract the values as a list instead. In my case it took 14 s instead of 2 h.
cols = ['cat', 'dateTime']
data = []
file_name = 'this_is_my_path/File_A.json'
with open(file_name, encoding='latin-1') as f:
for line in f:
doc = json.loads(line)
lst = [doc['cat'], doc['dateTime']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=cols)
Will this help?
Step 1.
Read your json file from pandas
"pandas.read_json() "
Step 2.
Then filter out your 2 columns from the dataframe.
Let me know if you still face any issue.

save a list of different Dataframes to json

I have different pandas dataframes, which I put in a list.
I want to save this list in json (or any other format) which can be read by R.
import pandas as pd
def create_df_predictions(extra_periods):
make a empty df for predictions
params: extra_periods = how many prediction in the future the user wants
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'model': ['a'], 'name_id': ['a'] })
for col in range(1, extra_periods+1):
name_col = 'forecast' + str(col)
df[name_col] = 0
return df
df1 = create_df_predictions(9)
df2 = create_df_predictions(12)
list_df = [df1, df2]
The question is how to save list_df in a readable format for R? Note that df1 and df2 are have a different amount of columns!
don't know panda DataFrames in detail, so maybe this won't work. But in case it is kind of a traditional dict, you should be able to use the json module.
df1 = create_df_predictions(9)
df2 = create_df_predictions(12)
list_df = [df1, df2]
You can write it to a file, using json.dumps(list_df), which will convert your list of dicts to a valid json representation.
import json
with open("my_file", 'w') as outfile:
Edit: as commented by DaveR dataframes are't serializiable. You can convert them to a dict and then dump the list to json.
import json
with open("my_file", 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(json.dumps([df.to_dict() for df in list_df]))
Alternatively pd.DataFrame and pd.Series have a to_json() method, maybe have a look at those as well.
To export the list of DataFrames to a single json file, you should convert the list into a DataFrame and then use the to_json() function as shown below:
df_to_export = pd.DataFrame(list_df)
json_output = df_to_export.to_json()
with open("output.txt", 'w') as outfile:
This will export the full dataset to a single json string and export it to a file.

Pandas format csv data based on key

I have a big csv file (1 million+ lines) with data along the lines of
s, p, o
4931958, type, CNV
4931958, sample_id, 683665
4931958, primary_Site, haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
4931958, site_subtype, NS
My end result is to format the data into json along the likes of
"name": 4931958,
"type": "CNV",
"sample_id": "683665",
"site_subtype": "NS"
I did this using regular python loops and it took 4 hours to run. Im looking into python pandas to help with this.
My problem here is that the pandas docs seem to be solely based around maths equations.
Im currently reading in the csv and using groupby to organise my data by s above, but then how do I merge the remaining columns into the format that I wanted.
I originally started out creating a list of dicts
lst = []
for row in df.itertuples():
lst.append({"name": row[1], row[2]: row[3]})
and then creating a new dataframe based on this list but Im running into the same issue of merge the rows of the dataframe.
Try DataFrame.pivot().
Pivot and group on 's' which becomes the new index:
df_pivoted = df.pivot(index='s',columns='p', values='o')
Add the index as a new column:
df_pivoted['name'] = df_pivoted.index
Output as JSON in 'records' format:
JSON file should look like this:
