pygame fullscreen on second monitor [duplicate] - python

I am using pygame to program a simple behavioral test. I'm running it on my macbook pro and have almost all the functionality working. However, during testing I'll have a second, external monitor that the subject sees and the laptop monitor. I'd like to have the game so up fullscreen on the external monitor and not on the laptop's monitor so that I can monitor performance. Currently, the start of the file looks something like:
#! /usr/bin/env python2.6
import pygame
import sys
stdscr = curses.initscr()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1900, 1100), pygame.RESIZABLE)
I was thinking of starting the game in a resizable screen, but that OS X has problems resizing the window.

Pygame doesn't support two displays in a single pygame process(yet). See the question here and developer answer immediately after, where he says
Once SDL 1.3 is finished then pygame will get support for using multiple windows in the same process.
So, your options are:
Use multiple processes. Two pygame instances, each maximized on its own screen, communicating back and forth (you could use any of: the very cool python multiprocessing module, local TCP, pipes, writing/reading files, etc)
Set the same resolution on both of your displays, and create a large (wide) window that spans them with your information on one half and the user display on the other. Then manually place the window so that the user side is on their screen and yours is on the laptop screen. It's hacky, but might a better use of your time than engineering a better solution ("If it's studpid and it works, it ain't stupid" ;).
Use pyglet, which is similar to pygame and supports full screen windows: pyglet.window.Window(fullscreen=True, screens[1])
Good luck.

I do not know if you can do this in OS X, but this is worth mentioning for the Windows users out there, if you just want to have your program to run full screen on the second screen and you are on windows, just set the other screen as the main one.
The setting can be found under Rearrange Your Displays in settings.
So far for me anything that I can run on my main display can run this way, no need to change your code.

I did something silly but it works.
i get the number of monitors with get_monitors()
than i use SDL to change the pygame window's display position by adding to it the width of the smallest screen, to be sure that the window will be positionned in the second monitor.
from screeninfo import get_monitors
numberOfmonitors = 0
smallScreenWidth = 9999
for monitor in get_monitors():
#getting the smallest screen width
smallScreenWidth = min(smallScreenWidth, monitor.width)
numberOfmonitors += 1
if numberOfmonitors > 1:
x = smallScreenWidth
y = 0
#this will position the pygame window in the second monitor
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (x,y)
#you can check with a small window
#screen = pygame.display.set_mode((100,100))
#or go full screen in second monitor
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
#if you want to do other tasks on the laptop (first monitor) while the pygame window is being displayed on the second monitor, you shoudn't use fullscreen but instead get the second monitor's width and heigh using monitor.width and monitor.height, and set the display mode like
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))

display = pyglet.canvas.get_display()
display = display.get_screens()
win = pyglet.window.Window(screen=display[1])
screen=display[Номер монитора]
display = pyglet.canvas.get_display()
display = display.get_screens()
print(display) # Все мониторы которые есть


Python/Linux - Check if some other app is fullscreen

I have developed a controller for RGB LEDs on the back of my monitor, and I would like to control them so that they match the average color on the screen when I have a full screen app running, such as a movie.
I already have the whole controller up and running in the background, but I got stuck trying to figure out how to determine if there is some app running full-screen or not. How could i do it? I am using python3 on Debian testing.
Thanks a lot for any help!
I found an answer here and modified it a bit to make it more usable. Here is my code that works on gnome. You might have to adjust the escaped windows names for other gdms.
import Xlib.display
#Find out if fullscreen app is running
screen = Xlib.display.Display().screen()
root_win = screen.root
def is_fullscreen():
#cycle through all windows
for window in root_win.query_tree()._data['children']:
width = window.get_geometry()._data["width"]
height = window.get_geometry()._data["height"]
#if window is full screen, check it the window name
if width == screen.width_in_pixels and height == screen.height_in_pixels:
if window.get_wm_name() in ['Media viewer', 'mutter guard window']:
#return true if window name is not one of the gnome windows
return True
#if we reach this, no fs window is open
return False

Python pygame fails to output to /dev/fb1 on a Raspberry Pi + TFT screen

I am fiddling with a Raspberry Pi 2 and a 2.8" TFT touch screen attached to the Pi's GPIO. The Pi is also connected to a HDMI monitor.
My issue is that my Python3 pygame script is not able to use the TFT screen, but always displays on my HDMI screen instead.
Some background
I've installed the latest vanilla Raspbian ready-to-use distro and followed the TFT screen installation steps, everything works well: the TFT can display the console and X without issue. The touchscreen is calibrated and moves the cursor correctly. I can also see a new framebuffer device as /dev/fb1.
I've tried the following to test this new device:
sudo fbi -T 2 -d /dev/fb1 -noverbose -a my_picture.jpg
=> This successfully displays the pic on the TFT screen
while true; do sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb1; sleep .01; done
=> This successfully displays statics on the TFT screen
However, when I run this Python3/pygame script, the result appears in the HDMI screen consistently and not on the TFT screen:
import os, pygame, time
def setSDLVariables():
print("Setting SDL variables...")
os.environ["SDL_FBDEV"] = "/dev/fb1"
os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = driver
def printSDLVariables():
print("Checking current env variables...")
print("SDL_VIDEODRIVER = {0}".format(os.getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER")))
print("SDL_FBDEV = {0}".format(os.getenv("SDL_FBDEV")))
def runHW5():
print("Running HW5...")
except pygame.error:
print("Driver '{0}' failed!".format(driver))
size = (pygame.display.Info().current_w, pygame.display.Info().current_h)
print("Detected screen size: {0}".format(size))
lcd = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
driver = 'fbcon'
sleepTime= 0.1
The script above runs as follow:
pi#raspberrypi:~/Documents/Python_HW_GUI $ ./
Checking current env variables...
Setting SDL variables...
Checking current env variables...
SDL_FBDEV = /dev/fb1
Running HW5...
Detected screen size: (1920, 1080)
I have tried different drivers (fbcon, directfb, svgalib...) without success.
Any help or idea would be greatly appreciated, I've been through a lot of doc, manuals and samples and just ran out of leads :/ Furthermore, it appears that a lot of people have succeeded in getting Python3/pygame to output to their TFT screen via /dev/fb1.
I have been fiddling around that for far too many hours now, but at least I have found what I'd call a decent workaround, if not a solution.
I've kept using pygame for building my graphics/GUI, and switched to evdev for handling the TFT touch events. The reason for using evdev rather than pygame's built-in input management (or pymouse, or any other high level stuff) is explained in the next section.
In a nutshell, this program builds some graphics in memory (RAM, not graphic) using pygame, and pushes the built graphics as bytes into the TFT screen framebuffer directly. This bypasses any driver so it is virtually compatible with any screen accessible through a framebuffer, however it also bypasses any potential optimizations coming along what would be a good driver.
Here is a code sample that makes the magic happen:
# Prerequisites:
# A Touchscreen properly installed on your system:
# - a device to output to it, e.g. /dev/fb1
# - a device to get input from it, e.g. /dev/input/touchscreen
import pygame, time, evdev, select, math
# Very important: the exact pixel size of the TFT screen must be known so we can build graphics at this exact format
surfaceSize = (320, 240)
# Note that we don't instantiate any display!
# The pygame surface we are going to draw onto.
# /!\ It must be the exact same size of the target display /!\
lcd = pygame.Surface(surfaceSize)
# This is the important bit
def refresh():
# We open the TFT screen's framebuffer as a binary file. Note that we will write bytes into it, hence the "wb" operator
f = open("/dev/fb1","wb")
# According to the TFT screen specs, it supports only 16bits pixels depth
# Pygame surfaces use 24bits pixels depth by default, but the surface itself provides a very handy method to convert it.
# once converted, we write the full byte buffer of the pygame surface into the TFT screen framebuffer like we would in a plain file:
# We can then close our access to the framebuffer
# Now we've got a function that can get the bytes from a pygame surface to the TFT framebuffer,
# we can use the usual pygame primitives to draw on our surface before calling the refresh function.
# Here we just blink the screen background in a few colors with the "Hello World!" text
defaultFont = pygame.font.SysFont(None,30)
lcd.blit(defaultFont.render("Hello World!", False, (0, 0, 0)),(0, 0))
lcd.fill((0, 255, 0))
lcd.blit(defaultFont.render("Hello World!", False, (0, 0, 0)),(0, 0))
lcd.blit(defaultFont.render("Hello World!", False, (0, 0, 0)),(0, 0))
lcd.fill((128, 128, 128))
lcd.blit(defaultFont.render("Hello World!", False, (0, 0, 0)),(0, 0))
# Everything that follows is for handling the touchscreen touch events via evdev
# Used to map touch event from the screen hardware to the pygame surface pixels.
# (Those values have been found empirically, but I'm working on a simple interactive calibration tool
tftOrig = (3750, 180)
tftEnd = (150, 3750)
tftDelta = (tftEnd [0] - tftOrig [0], tftEnd [1] - tftOrig [1])
tftAbsDelta = (abs(tftEnd [0] - tftOrig [0]), abs(tftEnd [1] - tftOrig [1]))
# We use evdev to read events from our touchscreen
# (The device must exist and be properly installed for this to work)
touch = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/touchscreen')
# We make sure the events from the touchscreen will be handled only by this program
# (so the mouse pointer won't move on X when we touch the TFT screen)
# Prints some info on how evdev sees our input device
# Even more info for curious people
# Here we convert the evdev "hardware" touch coordinates into pygame surface pixel coordinates
def getPixelsFromCoordinates(coords):
# TODO check divide by 0!
if tftDelta [0] < 0:
x = float(tftAbsDelta [0] - coords [0] + tftEnd [0]) / float(tftAbsDelta [0]) * float(surfaceSize [0])
x = float(coords [0] - tftOrig [0]) / float(tftAbsDelta [0]) * float(surfaceSize [0])
if tftDelta [1] < 0:
y = float(tftAbsDelta [1] - coords [1] + tftEnd [1]) / float(tftAbsDelta [1]) * float(surfaceSize [1])
y = float(coords [1] - tftOrig [1]) / float(tftAbsDelta [1]) * float(surfaceSize [1])
return (int(x), int(y))
# Was useful to see what pieces I would need from the evdev events
def printEvent(event):
print("Value: {0}".format(event.value))
print("Type: {0}".format(event.type))
print("Code: {0}".format(event.code))
# This loop allows us to write red dots on the screen where we touch it
while True:
# TODO get the right ecodes instead of int
r,w,x =[touch], [], [])
for event in
if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_ABS:
if event.code == 1:
X = event.value
elif event.code == 0:
Y = event.value
elif event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY:
if event.code == 330 and event.value == 1:
p = getPixelsFromCoordinates((X, Y))
print("TFT: {0}:{1} | Pixels: {2}:{3}".format(X, Y, p [0], p [1])), (255, 0, 0), p , 2, 2)
More details
A quick recap on what I wanted to achieve: my goal is to display content onto a TFT display with the following constraints:
Be able to display another content on the HDMI display without interference (e.g. X on HDMI, the output of a graphical app on the TFT);
be able to use the touch capability of the TFT display for the benefit of the graphical app;
make sure the point above would not interfere with the mouse pointer on the HDMI display;
leverage Python and Pygame to keep it very easy to build whatever graphics/GUI I'd fancy;
keep a less-than-decent-but-sufficient-for-me framerate, e.g. 10 FPS.
Why not using pygame/SDL1.2.x as instructed in many forums and the adafruit TFT manual?
First, it doesn't work, at all. I have tried a gazillion versions of libsdl and its dependencies and they all failed consistently. I've tried forcing some libsdl versions downgrades, same with pygame version, just to try to get back to what the software was when my TFT screen was released (~2014). Then I aslo tried switching to C and handle SDL2 primitives directly.
Furthermore, SDL1.2 is getting old and I believe it is bad practice to build new code on top of old one. That said, I am still using pygame-1.9.4...
So why not SDL2? Well, they have stopped (or are about to stop) supporting framebuffers. I have not tried their alternative to framebuffers, EGL, as it got more complex the further I digged and it did not look too engaging (so old it felt like necro-browsing). Any fresh help or advice on that would be greatly appreciated BTW.
What about the touchscreen inputs?
All the high level solutions that work in a conventional context are embedding a display. I've tried pygame events, pymouse and a couple others that would not work in my case as I got rid of the notion of display on purpose. That's why I had to go back to a generic and low level solution, and the internet introduced my to evdev, see the commented code above for more details.
Any comment on the above would be greatly appreciated, these are my first step with Raspbian, Python and TFT screens, I reckon I most probably have missed some pretty obvious stuff along the way.

Pygame borderless opening with some offset

When i try to open a borderless mode window it does start in the top right corner of the screen. It looks like this: The code looks like this
if __name__ == "__main__":
import source.Game, pygame
pygame.mixer.pre_init(22050, 16, 2, 256)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1920, 1080), pygame.NOFRAME)
It might be worth noting that I'm running two monitors, but I've tried only running one and the problem still happens, and if I take the resolution down below native it still won't start in the top right of my screen.
Is there any way to fix such a problem?
I went this from the answers for anyone looking on this in the future.
import os
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0,0"
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1920, 1080), pygame.NOFRAME)
along with all the other .init() statements and whatnot.
Looks like you want fullscreen:
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1920, 1080), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
You might also want to turn on hardware acceleration adn double buffering using pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF if you are running fullscreen.
display.set_mode docs:
If you actually want to keep the OS's bar on screen, then instead of going fullscreen, then ideally you would just maximize the window after creating it. However, the version of the SDL lib that Pygame is built on does not support a maximize operation (SDL 2 does). Apparently, you can control the position of the window by setting an environment variable before initializing the window (yuck), but you would still need to figure out the usable area of the desktop. Example:
import os
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0,0"
import pygame
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((100,100))

Pygame giving wrong resolution size

I'm building a small game with pygame. I want the window of the game to be size of the monitors resolution. My computers screen's resolution is 1920x1080 and says the window size is also 1920x1080 but when I run it, it creates a window roughly one and half times the size of my screen.
import pygame, sys
def main():
#set up pygame, main clock
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
#creates an object with the computers display information
#current_h, current_w gives the monitors height and width
displayInfo = pygame.display.Info()
#set up the window
windowWidth = displayInfo.current_w
windowHeight = displayInfo.current_h
window = pygame.display.set_mode ((windowWidth, windowHeight), 0, 32)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#draw the window onto the screen
I've been having the same problem, and I managed to find the answer and posted it here. The answer I found is as follows:
I managed to find a commit on the Pygame BitBucket page here that explains the issue and gives an example on how to fix it.
What is happening is that some display environments can be configured to stretch windows so they don't look small on high PPI (Pixels Per Inch) displays. This stretching is what causes displays on larger resolutions to display larger than they actually are.
They provide an example code on the page I linked to showing how to fix this issue.
They fix the issue by importing ctypes and calling this:
They also express that this is a Windows only solution and is available within base Python since Python 2.4. Before that it will need to be installed.
With that said, to make this work, put this bit of code anywhere before pygame.display.set_mode()
import ctypes
# # # Anywhere Before
I hope this helps you and anyone else who finds they have this same issue.

How To Make Mini Example For DrawingArea Display Something

I've written a mini example for DrawingArea which, when started, displays nothing. If I insert a raw_input() just for waiting for a keyboard press at a specific place, it functions, so this is a workaround. Here's the code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygtk
import gtk
R = 300
window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
window.set_default_size(R, R)
drawing_area = gtk.DrawingArea()
gc = drawing_area.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
if 0:
drawing_area.window.draw_line(gc, R/10, R/10, R*9/10, R*9/10)
This version doesn't display the drawn line in the opening window; upon pressing enter in the shell, it will just terminate (and remove the window). But if I enable the raw_input() at the if 0: block, it waits twice for an enter in the shell and between the two enters it will display the drawn line (so in general the code works, it seems to be just a weird refresh problem).
I also tried to flush the event queue of GTK using this snippet:
while gtk.events_pending(): # drain the event pipe
I inserted it at various places, always to no avail.
I also tried the usual gtk.main() as the last command in the script (of course). But it also didn't help.
How do I do this correctly and why is that raw_input() having that strange side-effect?
You should connect to your drawing area's expose-event signal. That is the only place that you should try to draw on the drawing area; the reason for this is that anything you draw is erased again when the window is minimized or another window moves over it. However, the expose event always happens at the right time so you can keep the drawing up-to-date whenever it is needed.
Like this:
def on_drawing_area_expose(drawing_area, event, data=None):
# ... do your drawing here ...
drawing_area.connect('expose-event', on_drawing_area_expose)
Also check out drawing with Cairo, which is the preferred and more flexible way. Here is a tutorial.
