Python parallel for via asyncio not working - python
I have the following code that iterates over an array of type LIST ['ABC','AAA','BBB'], sending http requests to api, the received data is saved to another array and sent via email and telegram
Now the array is processed sequentially and it is slow.
I am trying to do parallel processing of this data, now I am trying to use asinkio, but I get an array type error on execution - TypeError: 'async for' requires an object with __aiter__ method, got Series
Can you advise how best to solve this problem or how to correctly convert the array type?
Current code:
for value in alldata:
print('Processing', value)
today = str('%d.%m.%Y'))
if debug_mode is True:
start = "18.09.2020"
end = "18.09.2020"
start = today
end = today
periods={'tick': 1, 'min': 2, '5min': 3, '10min': 4, '15min': 5, '30min': 6, 'hour': 7, 'daily': 8, 'week': 9, 'month': 10}
print ("value="+value+"; period="+str(period)+"; start="+start+"; end="+end)
Ids = str((urlopen('').readlines())[0])
Codes = str((urlopen('').readlines())[2])
except Exception:
print('Cannot get Ids & Codes')
index = Codes.index(value)
symbol_code = str(Ids[index])
except Exception:
Ids = str((urlopen('')
Codes = str((urlopen('')
index = Codes.index(value)
symbol_code = str(Ids[index])
except Exception:
print("value not in list" ,value)
region = 0
start_date = datetime.strptime(start, "%d.%m.%Y").date()
start_date_rev=datetime.strptime(start, '%d.%m.%Y').strftime('%Y%m%d')
end_date = datetime.strptime(end, "%d.%m.%Y").date()
end_date_rev=datetime.strptime(end, '%d.%m.%Y').strftime('%Y%m%d')
params = urlencode([
('region', region),
('symbol', symbol_code),
('code', value),
('mf', start_date.month - 1),
('yf', start_date.year),
('from', start_date),
('mt', end_date.month - 1),
('yt', end_date.year),
('to', end_date),
('p', period),
('f', value+"_" + start_date_rev + "_" + end_date_rev)
url = FULL_URL + value+"_" + start_date_rev + "_" + end_date_rev + params
except Exception:
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 10))
except Exception:
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 10))
imported_data = []
for line in txt:
imported_data.append(line.strip().decode( "utf-8" ).replace(',',";"))
except Exception:
print("Cannot get data ")
current_value = (imported_data[1].split(";")[0])
first_price = float(imported_data[1].split(";")[5])
last_price = float(imported_data[-1].split(";")[5])
percent_difference = float( (last_price / first_price) * 100 - 100 )
if percent_difference > percent_trigger :
trigger = True
if ( str(value) + ',' + str(today) ) in already_found:
print( 'Value ' + str(value) + ' already found' )
take_profit = last_price * (1 + 5 / 100)
found_tickers.append(str(current_value + ',' + str(first_price) + ',' + str(last_price) + ',' + str(take_profit)))
already_found.append( str(value) + ',' + str(today) )
if send_immediately == 'yes':
subject = str(value)
mail_content = (str(current_value + ',' + str(first_price) + ',' + str(last_price) + ',' + str(take_profit)) )
#The mail addresses and password
#Setup the MIME
message = MIMEMultipart()
message['From'] = sender_address
message['To'] = receiver_address
message['Subject'] = subject #The subject line
message['X-Priority'] = '1'
#The body and the attachments for the mail
message.attach(MIMEText(mail_content, 'plain'))
#Create SMTP session for sending the mail
session = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port) #use gmail with port
session.starttls() #enable security
session.login(sender_address, sender_pass) #login with mail_id and password
text = message.as_string()
session.sendmail(sender_address, receiver_address, text)
except Exception:
print("Cannot send Email")
# Sent to telegram
telegram_bot_sendtext((str(current_value) + ' ' + str(first_price) + ' ' + str(last_price) + ' ' + str(take_profit) ) )
except Exception:
print("Cannot sent message to Telegram")
trigger = False
except Exception:
print("Processing error for value" ,value)
Parallel code:
async def main(alldata):
for value in alldata:
print('Processing', value)
today = str('%d.%m.%Y'))
if debug_mode is True:
start = "18.09.2020"
end = "18.09.2020"
start = today
end = today
periods={'tick': 1, 'min': 2, '5min': 3, '10min': 4, '15min': 5, '30min': 6, 'hour': 7, 'daily': 8, 'week': 9, 'month': 10}
print ("value="+value+"; period="+str(period)+"; start="+start+"; end="+end)
Ids = str((urlopen('').readlines())[0])
Codes = str((urlopen('').readlines())[2])
except Exception:
print('Cannot get Ids & Codes')
index = Codes.index(value)
symbol_code = str(Ids[index])
except Exception:
Ids = str((urlopen('')
Codes = str((urlopen('')
index = Codes.index(value)
symbol_code = str(Ids[index])
except Exception:
print("value not in list" ,value)
region = 0
start_date = datetime.strptime(start, "%d.%m.%Y").date()
start_date_rev=datetime.strptime(start, '%d.%m.%Y').strftime('%Y%m%d')
end_date = datetime.strptime(end, "%d.%m.%Y").date()
end_date_rev=datetime.strptime(end, '%d.%m.%Y').strftime('%Y%m%d')
params = urlencode([
('region', region),
('symbol', symbol_code),
('code', value),
('mf', start_date.month - 1),
('yf', start_date.year),
('from', start_date),
('mt', end_date.month - 1),
('yt', end_date.year),
('to', end_date),
('p', period),
('f', value+"_" + start_date_rev + "_" + end_date_rev)
url = FULL_URL + value+"_" + start_date_rev + "_" + end_date_rev + params
except Exception:
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 10))
except Exception:
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 10))
imported_data = []
for line in txt:
imported_data.append(line.strip().decode( "utf-8" ).replace(',',";"))
except Exception:
print("Cannot get data ")
current_value = (imported_data[1].split(";")[0])
first_price = float(imported_data[1].split(";")[5])
last_price = float(imported_data[-1].split(";")[5])
percent_difference = float( (last_price / first_price) * 100 - 100 )
if percent_difference > percent_trigger :
trigger = True
if ( str(value) + ',' + str(today) ) in already_found:
print( 'Value ' + str(value) + ' already found' )
take_profit = last_price * (1 + 5 / 100)
found_tickers.append(str(current_value + ',' + str(first_price) + ',' + str(last_price) + ',' + str(take_profit)))
already_found.append( str(value) + ',' + str(today) )
if send_immediately == 'yes':
subject = str(value)
mail_content = (str(current_value + ',' + str(first_price) + ',' + str(last_price) + ',' + str(take_profit)) )
#The mail addresses and password
#Setup the MIME
message = MIMEMultipart()
message['From'] = sender_address
message['To'] = receiver_address
message['Subject'] = subject #The subject line
message['X-Priority'] = '1'
#The body and the attachments for the mail
message.attach(MIMEText(mail_content, 'plain'))
#Create SMTP session for sending the mail
session = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port) #use gmail with port
session.starttls() #enable security
session.login(sender_address, sender_pass) #login with mail_id and password
text = message.as_string()
session.sendmail(sender_address, receiver_address, text)
except Exception:
print("Cannot send Email")
# Sent to telegram
telegram_bot_sendtext((str(current_value) + ' ' + str(first_price) + ' ' + str(last_price) + ' ' + str(take_profit) ) )
except Exception:
print("Cannot sent message to Telegram")
trigger = False
except Exception:
print("Processing error for value" ,value)
Async in Python
Let's begin by clarifying that both asynchronous code and multi processing are two different approaches of concurrency. So an async approach will not bet executed in parallel.
If I'm not mistaken, your function parallel.main, apart from the asnyc def line, does not have any trace of asynchronicity. Async, at least in Python, requires usually some serious restructuring of the code base: every code execution which is to be executed asynchronously (e.g. network requests) has to be refactored and declared as asnyc.
On the other hand, multi processing in Python is much simpler: import multiprocessing, create a pool & apply your function.
Async Example
Since your code is quite extensive and I do not know which steps actually are to be executed asynchronously, here is an example of how asnyc can be used in Python:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from aiohttp.typedefs import URL
from typing import List, NoReturn, Union, Tuple
TIMEOUT: int = 5
def print_job_started(job_name: str) -> NoReturn:
print(job_name, "STARTED")
def print_job_finished(job_name: str) -> NoReturn:
print(job_name, "FINISHED")
async def asnyc_request_content(
session: aiohttp.ClientSession,
method: str,
url: Union[str, URL],
timeout: int = TIMEOUT,
) -> Tuple[str, int]:
Abstract asynchronous request. Returns the text content & status code.
async with session.request(method=method, url=url, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) as response:
return await response.text(), response.status
async def fun(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
response = await asnyc_request_content(session=session, method="get", url=url)
return response
async def _main(url_list: List[str]):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
tasks = []
for url in url_list:
tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(fun(session=session, url=url)))
return await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
def main():
url_list = [
"" for _ in range(10)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(_main(url_list=url_list))
return loop.run_until_complete(future)
if __name__ == '__main__':
res = main()
for r in res:
# 200
# 200
# 200
# 200
# 200
# 200
# 200
# 200
# 200
# 200
The example is fairly elementary but suffices for demonstration purposes. When I deal with async my typical workflow is the as follows:
define the asnyc functions (asnyc_request_content & fun)
create a first async wrapper where the tasks are defined (_main)
finalize with a second sync wrapper where the loop is defined (main)
This is just one way of implementing it - there are many other alternatives. However, regardless of which alternative you choose, step 1. will always need to be done (which is usually the most time consuming one).
Closing Note
For an asnyc approach it seems to me you would still have to deal with step 1. which can be quite tedious: your code involves many network requests. If you want a full-asnyc code, all lines with requests would need to be refactored. If your goal is to have a partially-async approach, then you'd have much less refactoring but all remaining synchronous requests would seriously bottleneck your code (such an approach is usually discouraged).
On the other hand, implementing a multi processing approach would be extremely fast (to develop) as you can reuse your code pretty much as-is.
Finally, asnyc could still make a lot sense (e.g. not enough CPUs/Threads for significant parallel processing as is the case on servers, more efficient/scalable, ...) but it requires definitely more work.
Python-telegram-bot bypass flood and 429 error using Scrapy
I follow the price drops on the target site. If there is a price decrease in accordance with the rules I have set, it is recorded in the notificate table. From there, a telegram notification is sent through the code I created in the file. Sometimes the target site discounts too many products and 200 products can come from the notificate table. I'm stuck with telegram's flood protection while sending these. Things I've tried: 1- Rotating multiple tokens 2- add sleep time However, I cannot say that I was successful. I'm still stuck with the flood barrier. What I want to do here is; No matter how many notifications come from the Notificate table, queue them and send these notifications in a way that does not exceed 20 messages per second. How can I do that. My code: def sendnotifications(self, token): cursor = self.cnx.cursor() req = requests cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM notificate WHERE token= '"+token+"'") notifications = cursor.fetchall() for notification in notifications: print(notification) productid = notification[1] url = notification[3] name = notification[2] old = notification[4] new = notification[5] price_difference = old - new percentage = price_difference / old percentage_str = str("%.2f" % (percentage * 100)) message = "<b>" + name + "</b>" + "\n\n" + \ str(old) + " TL >>>> " + \ str(new) + f" TL - {percentage_str}%" + "\n\n" + \ url + "\n\n" + \ if str(old) == "1.00" or str(old) == "2.00": message = "<b>" + name + "</b>" + "\n\n" + \ "<b>" + str(new) + " TL\n\n" + "</b>" + \ url + "\n\n" + \ token_list = [ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb", "ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc", ] TOKEN = token_list[random.randint(0, len(token_list)-1)] chat_id = "-100xxxxxxxxxxxxx" bot = telegram.Bot(token=TOKEN) # tel_url = bot.sendMessage(chat_id = chat_id, text = message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id = chat_id, text = message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) sleep(0.05) except Exception: return False cursor.close() return True
The obvious way seems to be to chunk the updates into batches of 20 and sleep for more than 1 second between them: # ... notifications = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() for i in range(0, len(notifications), 20): chunk = notifications[i:i+20] for notification in chunk: print(notification) # ... time.sleep(1.5)
Table values not getting inserted into mysql database until cntrl+c is entered to close python file in linux
Edited Q)Can someone help getting the values inserted into mysql database , just confused where place mydb function Reason :Once I manually enter cntrl+c for .py , then only the values are getting inserted into mysql database Used in the .py file here is the complete code , where should i place the mydb function? Table values not getting inserted into mysql database until cntrl+c is entered to close python file in linux import os import re from builtins import len, Exception import slack import logging from subprocess import check_output import datetime import mysql.connector import time import json import requests #user_threads_info = {} #thread_ts = "" #slack.RTMClient.run_on(event='message') def say_hello(**payload): try: ##0 get clients and payload'msg received') data = payload['data'] web_client = payload['web_client'] rtm_client = payload['rtm_client'] ##0 - 1 Check if it is the first msg, not replied msg by me # print(data) if data.get('text') == None:'This msg is my replied msg.') return False ##0-2 Get channel info channel_id = data['channel'] thread_ts = data['ts'] global user user = data['user'] #user_info = get_userinfo(user) #print(user_info) msg = data['text'] ##1 get scenario submsg retVal = analysis_msg(msg) # print(retVal) response = web_client.users_list() assert(response['ok']) user_map = {x['id']: x['name'] for x in response['members']} global user_name user_name = user_map[user] if user in user_map else None print(user_name) if retVal[0] == False: retMsg = retVal[1] + "\nI can create the following orders. \n" \ "a) spu - store pickup \n" \ "b) sth - ship to home \n" \ "c) del - delivery \n" \ "d) digitalAsGuest - Digital item \n" \ " \n" \ "Please provide information as mentioned in below example.\n" \ " \n" \ "Example: spu:3646989:sftqa3:AMEX\n" \ "\n" \ "Sample SKUS:\n" \ "spu - [3646989,8862011]\n" \ "sth - [2592015,6140094]\n" \ "del - [5592005,8862011]\n" \ "digitalAsGuest - [2810037,5057400]" send_msg(web_client, channel_id, thread_ts, user, retMsg) return False ##2 form cmd retVal = form_cmd(retVal[1]) print(retVal) if retVal == False: return False ##3 execute cmd # inform the start of test retMsg = "Creating an order,Please wait for the result." send_msg(web_client, channel_id, thread_ts, user, retMsg) global res try: res1 = os.popen(retVal).read() print("Printing result...") print(res1) print("end of print") res = reg_result_new(res1) if res == False: print("reg_function failure") retMsg = "The test order placement failed." else: retMsg = "Order Id - " + res['id'] + "\nFirst Name - " + res['firstName'] + "\nLast Name - " + res['lastName'] + "\n PhoneNumber - " + res['dayPhoneNumber'] + "\n Email - " + res['email'] + "\n" except Exception as ee: retMsg = "The test scenario has a failure. Please Check the feature file." ## 4 send result to slack # retMsg = "Order Id - " + res['id'] + "\nFirst Name - " + res['firstName'] + "\nLast Name - " + res['lastName'] + "\n PhoneNumber - " + res['day PhoneNumber'] + "\n Email - " + res['email'] + "\n" create_result_file(user, res) send_msg(web_client, channel_id, thread_ts, user, retMsg) print(retVal) except Exception as e: print("error") logging.critical(str(e)) ############################ My handlers ############################## def create_result_file(user, res): try: cur_time = file_name = user + str(cur_time.year) + str(cur_time.month) + str( + str(cur_time.hour) + str( cur_time.minute) + str(cur_time.second) + '.txt' file = open(file_name, 'w') file.write(res) file.close() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) def send_msg(web_client, channel_id, thread_ts,user,mgs): print("thread_ts value is:"+thread_ts) web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel_id, text=f"```Hi <#{user}>! \n " + mgs + "```", thread_ts=thread_ts ) #def get_userinfo(user): # payload = {'token': slack_token, 'user': user} # r = requests.get('', params=payload) # print(r.text) # return json.loads(r.text)["user"] # error code mgmt. def error_code(code): # reserved print(code) return [False, code] # break down msg to the test scenario submsgs def analysis_msg(msg): global submsg submsg = msg.split(":") for value in submsg: print(value) if len(submsg) != 4: logging.warning("This msg not test scenario") return error_code("Please check the format") res = {} res["feature"] = submsg[0] res["sku"] = submsg[1] res["env"] = submsg[2] res["payment"] = submsg[3] ###check if validate_sku(res["sku"]) == False: return error_code("INVALID_SKU \n") if validate_env(res["env"]) == False: return error_code("INVALID_ENV \n") if validate_payment(res["payment"]) == False: return error_code("INVALID_payment \n") if check_specialCharacter(res["feature"]) == False: return error_code("INVALID_PROFILE_WITH_SPECIAL_CHARACTER") return [True, res] # form cmd for test bat files ! reserved def form_cmd(submsg): cmd = 'sh /home/iptbot/iptautobot/ ' + submsg['env'] + ' ' + submsg['feature'] + ' ' + submsg["sku"] + ' ' + submsg["payment"] return cmd #code to print user details #code to print user details def reg_result_new(res): start = 'COP Order Response :' end = 'isGuestMode' start_index = res.find(start) + len(start) res = res[start_index:] end_index = res.find(end) + 22 global data data = res[:end_index] try: print('Data -> ' + str(data)) data = json.loads(data.strip()) new_data = {} new_data['id'] = data['id'] new_data['firstName'] = data['lineItems'][0]['fulfillmentInfo']['storeInfo']['agentInfo']['firstName'] new_data['lastName'] = data['lineItems'][0]['fulfillmentInfo']['storeInfo']['agentInfo']['lastName'] new_data['dayPhoneNumber'] = data['lineItems'][0]['fulfillmentInfo']['storeInfo']['agentInfo']['dayPhoneNumber'] new_data['email'] = data['lineItems'][0]['fulfillmentInfo']['storeInfo']['agentInfo']['email'] #new_data['firstName'] = data['paymentInfo']['billingAddressInfo']['firstName'] return new_data except Exception as e: print('Here error -> '+str(e)) return False #def reg_result(res): # "COP Order Response" # lines = res.split('\n') # for line in lines: # pattern = "COP Order Response*" # prog = re.compile(pattern) # result = # if result == None: # continue # res1 = result.string.split('{') # if len(res1) < 2: # continue # res2 = res1[1].split(',') # if len(res2) < 2: # continue # res3 = res2[0].split(':') # if len(res3) < 2: # continue # return res3[1] # COP Order Response : {"id":"BBY01-200001878853" # return False # return val is Boolean # True/False # Input type: String # for positive integer only # alternative way: Handle exception for int(d) def validate_sku(sku_val): return sku_val.isnumeric() # input val : string # return val: Boolean def validate_env(env_val): env_list = [ "sftqa1" , "sftqa2" , "sftqa3" , "sftqa4" ] if env_val in env_list: return True else: return False def validate_payment(payment_val): env_payment = [ "AMEX","VISA" ] if payment_val in env_payment: return True else: return False # input val : string # return val: Boolean def check_specialCharacter(s): if s == "": return False if s.isspace(): return False return s.isalnum() slack_token = os.environ["SLACK_API_TOKEN"] rtm_client = slack.RTMClient(token=slack_token) rtm_client.start() #database connction mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host="host", user="user", passwd="pass", database="db" ) mycursor = mydb.cursor() for value in submsg: print(value) fulfilment=submsg[0] sku=submsg[1] environment=submsg[2] payment=submsg[3] ts = time.time() date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') orderNumber=data['id'] username=user_name print(fulfilment) print(sku) print(environment) print(payment) print(username) print(orderNumber) sqlformula = "INSERT INTO orderDetails (fulfilment,sku,environment,payment,orderNumber,date,user) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" #order=("sth",3643387,"sftqa2","AMEX") #mycursor.execute(sqlformula,order) mycursor.execute(sqlformula,(fulfilment,sku,environment,payment,orderNumber,date,username)) mydb.commit() mydb.close() Output 1 sh /home/iptbot/iptautobot/ sftqa3 spu 3646989 AMEX 2 error 3 CRITICAL:root:'user' 4 error 5 CRITICAL:root:'user' // clicking Control+C values get inserted 6 ^CWARNING:slack.rtm.client:Websocket was closed. 7 3646989 8 sftqa3 9 AMEX 10 spu 11 3646989 12 sftqa3 13 AMEX 14 a6002043 15 BBY01-200002091354
You are stuck at this point because rtm_client.start() is a synchronous call. If you want it to be asynchronous (non-blocking) then you should run: rtm_client.start(run_async=True) Here it is good walk-through on how to setup async usage of the library. Also have a look at the method signature for RTMClient to get an idea of how it works. Here's a good example detailing a lot of what you would need in your case. Then you will hit your db execution code where you will need to have a while loop to go through the data you want to add to the DB. I would recommend that you use a Queue for this as it is synchronised and will be easier to manage than a global list which is overwritten on every order. Preferably you could use asyncio.Queue with an example of implementation here When an order has passed the validation steps add it to the queue. Here is some pseudo code describing the flow with a basic (not asyncio) Queue: import queue q = queue.Queue() def validate_order(order): valid_order_data = ...... q.put(valid_order_data) while True: valid_order = q.get() # Will wait until there is a value on the queue mycursor.execute(sqlformula, (valid_order))
os not letting me save email attachment using pywin32
import win32com.client import pythoncom import time import os class Handler_Class(object): def OnNewMailEx(self, receivedItemsIDs): # RecrivedItemIDs is a collection of mail IDs separated by a ",". # You know, sometimes more than 1 mail is received at the same moment. for ID in receivedItemsIDs.split(","): print('Running scan...') mail = outlook.Session.GetItemFromID(ID) email_date = mail.SentOn.strftime("%m-%d-%y" + " at " + "%I:%M:%S %p") email_date_stamp = mail.SentOn.strftime('%m-%d-%y_%I:%M:%S-%p') email_message = mail.Body email_subject = mail.Subject email_sender = mail.SenderEmailAddress email_attachments = mail.Attachments try: if check_correct_subject(email_subject) == True: print('From: ' + email_sender) print('Subject: ' + email_subject) print('Date: ' + email_date) if email_attachments.Count > 0: print(str(email_attachments.Count) + ' attachments found.') for i in range(email_attachments.Count): email_attachment = email_attachments.Item(i + 1) report_name = email_date_stamp + '_' + email_attachment.FileName print(report_name) email_attachment.SaveASFile(os.getcwd() + '\\Reports\\Broker_Risk_LDW\\' + report_name) print('Pushing attachment - ' + report_name + ' - to check_correct_email() function.') if check_correct_attachment(email_attachment) == True: save_incoming_report(email_attachment, report_name, get_report_directory(email_subject)) else: print('Not the attachment we are looking for.') # add error logging here break else: # ***********add error logging here************** print('No attachment found.') except: pass I am calling the class like this. if __name__ == '__main__': outlook = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("Outlook.Application", Handler_Class) #and then an infinit loop that waits from events. pythoncom.PumpMessages() The problem here is this line: email_attachment.SaveASFile(os.getcwd() + '\\Reports\\Broker_Risk_LDW\\' + report_name) That folder is already created and it was working before I switched this to a class, in order to work with an Outlook event listener. I am not getting an error message, however the attachment is not saving. Any tips?
Identify sending user, Python IRC
So I made a bot for my own channel, after having fun with it a little bit, I wanted to have some command restricted to some users, and some commands that can say the users name, for example: Username reply example: Person1: !tea PythonBot: Would you like some tea, Person1? Admin restriction example: Person1: !ban Person2 PythonBot: I'm sorry, Person1, This command is restricted to admins only. Ok, So here is the code I'm using (I will be modifying it soon to make it my own) import socket import threading bot_owner = '~Not Today~' nick = '~Not Today~' channel = '~Not Today~' server = '' password = '~Not Today~' queue = 13 irc = socket.socket() irc.connect((server, 6667)) irc.send('PASS ' + password + '\r\n') irc.send('USER ' + nick + ' 0 * :' + bot_owner + '\r\n') irc.send('NICK ' + nick + '\r\n') irc.send('JOIN ' + channel + '\r\n') def message(msg): global queue queue = 5 if queue < 20: irc.send('PRIVMSG' + channel + ' :' + msg + '\r\n') else: print 'Message Deleted' def queuetimer(): global queue queue = 0 threading.Timer(30,queuetimer).start() queuetimer() while True: botdata = irc.recv(1204) botuser = botdata.split(':')[1] botuser = botuser.split('!')[0] print botdata if botdata.find('PING') != -1: irc.send(botdata.replace('PING', 'PONG')) if botdata.find('!res') != -1: irc.send(botdata.replace('!res', '1600x900'))
The twitch IRC raw message is like :jkm! PRIVMSG #trumpsc :needs Kappa for above msg, it actually means userjkm at channel trumpsc saying needs Kappa for your code, the method to get botuser is right, but you don't have the message the user sent, add following code should get the message botmsg = botdata.split(':')[2] so you get the message and username, the next step would be handling them. Here would be some example for your need. For me, I will prepared a adminuserList and commmandList for other command, but I will simplify it here. def commmanHandler(botuser, botmsg): # botmsg = '!ban user1' command = botmsg.split(' ')[0] # command = '!ban' command = command[1:] # command = 'ban' argu = message.split(' ')[1] # argu = 'user1' if command not in commmandList: raise Exception("command not support") if command == 'ban': # ban command, or using switch # check if admin if botuser not in adminList: raise Exception("I'm sorry, " + botuser + ", This command is restricted to admins only.") # admin, able to ban irc.send('PRIVMSG' + channel + ' :' + '.ban ' + argu) then call this function in your while loop to handle all message you get try: commmanHandler(botuser, botmsg) except Exception, e: print e irc.send('PRIVMSG' + channel + ' :' + e) here would be my solution, and also, don't forget to give the bot moderator privilege.
Python smtplib sometimes fails sending
I wrote a simple "POP3S to Secure SMTP over TLS" MRA script in Python (see below). It works fine, but sometimes it returns "Connection unexpectedly closed" while trying to send via SMTP. Running the script again will deliver that message successfully. Please give me some suggestions why it would fail to deliver a message sometimes but at the next run it delivers exactly this message successfully!? #! /usr/bin/env python import poplib import email def forward_pop3_smtp( smtp_credentials, pop3_credentials, forward_address): pop3_server = pop3_credentials[0] pop3_port = pop3_credentials[1] pop3_user = pop3_credentials[2] pop3_password = pop3_credentials[3] message_recipient = forward_address server = poplib.POP3_SSL( pop3_server, pop3_port) server.user( pop3_user) server.pass_( pop3_password) for messages_iterator in range( len( server.list()[1])): message_list = server.retr( messages_iterator + 1)[1] message_string = '' for message_line in message_list: message_string += message_line + '\n' message_message = email.message_from_string( message_string) message_message_as_string = message_message.as_string() message_sender = message_message[ 'From'] print( 'message_sender = ' + message_sender) smtp_return = send_smtp( smtp_credentials, message_sender, message_recipient, message_message_as_string) print( 'smtp_return = ' + str(smtp_return)) if smtp_return == 0: print( 'Deleting message ' + message_message[ 'Subject'] + ':\n') return_delete = server.dele( messages_iterator + 1) print( 'return_delete = \n' + str(return_delete)) print( '\n') server.quit() def send_smtp( smtp_credentials, message_sender, message_recipient, message_message_as_string): smtp_server = smtp_credentials[0] smtp_port = smtp_credentials[1] smtp_user = smtp_credentials[2] smtp_password = smtp_credentials[3] import smtplib exception = 0 try: server = smtplib.SMTP( smtp_server) server.starttls() server.login( smtp_user, smtp_password) smtp_sendmail_return = server.sendmail( message_sender, message_recipient, message_message_as_string) server.quit() except Exception, e: exception = 'SMTP Exception:\n' + str( e) + '\n' + str( smtp_sendmail_return) return exception if __name__ == '__main_': print( 'This module needs to be imported!\n') quit()
Use Port 587 for TLS. I don't see the script use smtp_port Use like, server = smtplib.SMTP( smtp_server, int(smtp_port) For Secure SMTP (SMTP + SSL), use smtplib.SMTP_SSL