I'm working on an agent based simulation. I want each agent to choose which other agent to focus on. There are a lot of different inputs, but here I'm asking about the vision one. So the agent has to see which other agent is closest also considering size. They should care about bigger things more than smaller things, a tiny agent very close is not as big of an issue as a huge agent a tiny bit away. It seems fine so far except that considering who is closest and big also considers others that are out of the visual range.
I have this so far:
# both seen and viewer are two different groups
def sight(seen, viewer)
for entity in viewer:
# This is needed later to decide which way to go, not used here
currentDir = entity.Direction
# Figure out where the viewer is
pos = pygame.math.Vector2(entity.rect.centerx, entity.rect.centery)
# Find out who is closest.
# Uses viewer location and location of each agent in the other group to see who is closest.
# At the end, divided by size*size of the agent in the other group (for height / width).
# Otherwise they'd pay attention to a tiny agent that's close by
# instead of a huge agent that's just a bit further away.
closeby = min([e for e in seen.sprites()], key=lambda e: (pos.distance_to(pygame.math.Vector2(e.rect.centerx, e.rect.centery)) / (e.size * e.size)))
vector = pygame.math.Vector2((entity.rect.centerx - closeby.rect.centerx), (entity.rect.centery - closeby.rect.centery))
# Get the distance to that other agent
distance = math.hypot(entity.rect.centerx - closeby.rect.centerx, entity.rect.centery - closeby.rect.centery)
# They can't see forever, so they have a sight limit
if distance < entity.sight:
Blah blah, rest of the code here
Here's the problem: The "if distance < entity.sight" coming AFTER they choose "closeby" means that they might "choose" a big agent as the closeby who is then eliminated because they're too far away.
Imagine this: I'm agent X. There's someone small I should worry about (agent Y) who is within my visual range. However, there's someone (agent Z) who is really big that is outside of my visual range. Agent Z is so big I choose him as the "closeby". Then he's outside of the visual range so no one gets selected by the "if distance < entity.sight". Now no one is selected even though agent Y is close enough he should have been selected.
I feel like either the search
closeby = min([e for e in etc etc etc
should be limited to who is within the visual range (but I don't know how to do that), or that if the agent chosen as "closeby" is outside of the visual range, the SECOND closest should be chosen. If they're again out of the visual range, the THIRD closest should be chosen, etc, until it gets someone in the visual range. But I'm not sure how to do that either.
Any help anyone can offer in restricting "min([e for e in blah blah" or for choosing the next min in that group if the first doesn't mean "entity.sight" criteria would be extremely appreciated. I feel like the second option (iterating through the group) is more likely to be possible, but I'm pretty new to python so I don't know.
Thank you all so much!
Either use the loop to find the closest and also visible element:
import math
def sight(seen, viewer)
for entity in viewer:
currentDir = entity.Direction
entityPos = pygame.math.Vector2(entity.rect.center)
minE = None
minCloseByDist = math.inf
for e for e in seen.sprites():
ePos = pygame.math.Vector2(e.rect.center)
distance = entityPos.distance_to(ePos)
if distance < entity.sight:
closeByDist = distance / (e.size * e.size)
if minE == None or closeByDist < minCloseByDist:
minE = e
minCloseByDist = minE
if minE != None:
# [...]
Or you can find all elements in view first and then the closest element:
def sight(seen, viewer)
for entity in viewer:
currentDir = entity.Direction
entityPos = pygame.math.Vector2(entity.rect.center)
inSight = [e for e in seen.sprites() if entityPos.distance_to(pygame.math.Vector2(e.rect.center)) < entity.sight]
if inSight:
closeby = min([e for e in inSight], key=lambda e: (pos.distance_to(pygame.math.Vector2(e.rect.center)) / (e.size * e.size)))
# [...]
I am trying to solve 8 puzzle problem in python given here in this assignment -https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall12/cos226/assignments/8puzzle.html
My goal state is a little different from what is mentioned in the assignment -
goal_state = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]]
The buggy part, it seems, is the isSolvable function. It is implemented correctly but while testing the board, it considers the goal state to be the one in which relative order is maintained and blank can be anywhere. So it might be the case that a board is solvable but it might not lead to the current defined goal state. So I am unable to think of a method in which I can test for all the possible goal states while running the solver function *
Also, my solver function was wrongly implemented. I was only considering the neighbor which had the minimum manhattan value and when I was hitting a dead end, I was not considering other states. This can be done by using a priority queue. I am not exactly sure as to how to proceed to implement it. I have written a part of it(see below) which is also kind of wrong as I not pushing the parent into the heap. Kindly provide me guidance for that.
Here is my complete code -
Updated code with incomplete solver function -
I have used manhattan values to calculate heuristic values and hamming value to break the tie.
my isSolvable function, manhattan function and solver function:
isSolvable function -
#Conditions for unsolvability -->
def isSolvable(self):
self.one_d_array = []
for i in range(0,len(self.board)):
for j in range(0,len(self.board)):
inv_count = 0
for i in range(0,len(self.one_d_array)-1):
for j in range(i+1, len(self.one_d_array)):
if (self.one_d_array[i] != 0 and self.one_d_array[j] != 0 and self.one_d_array[i] > self.one_d_array[j]):
inv_count = inv_count + 1
if(inv_count % 2 == 0):
print("board is solvable")
return True
print("board is not solvable")
return False
Manhattan function
def manhattan_value(self,data=None):
manhattan_distance = 0
for i in range(0,len(data)):
for j in range(0,len(data)):
if(data[i][j] != self.goal_state[i][j] and data[i][j] != 0):
#correct position of the element
x_goal , y_goal = divmod(data[i][j],3)
manhattan_distance = manhattan_distance + abs(i-x_goal) + abs(j-y_goal)
return manhattan_distance
Updated Solver function
#implement A* algorithm
def solver(self):
moves = 0
heuristic_value = []
prev_state = []
curr_state = self.board
output = []
heap_array = []
store_manhattan_values = []
if(curr_state == self.goal_state):
print("goal state reached!")
print("number of moves required to reach goal state --> {}".format(moves))
min_heuristic_value = 99999999999
min_pos = None
moves = moves + 1
output = self.get_neighbours(curr_state)
for i in range(len(output)):
for i in range(len(store_manhattan_values)):
#if(moves > 1):
# return
Please refer to the PASTEBIN link for complete code and all the references (https://pastebin.com/r7TngdFc).
Updated code with incomplete solver function -
In the given link for my code (based on my tests and debugging so far) -
These functions are working correctly - manhatten_value, hamming_value, append_in_list, get_neighbours
What does these functions do -
isSolvable - tells if the board can be solved or not
manhattan_value - calculates the manhattan value of the board passed to it.
hamming_value - calculates the hamming value of the board passed to it.
append_in_list - helper function for getting neighbours. It swaps values then save the resultant state in an array and then reswaps them to return to original position for further swapping and getting other possible states.
get_neighbours - gets all the possible neighbors which can be formed by swapping places with blank element(0 element).
solver - implements the A* algorithm
I am unable to find my mistake. Kindly guide me in this problem. Thank you in advance for your help!
I am apologizing in advance as I am unable to produce a minimal version of my code for this problem. I can not think of any way to use all the functions and produce a minimal version of the code.
(Note, this answer is different than the earlier revision about which many of the comments below were relating to.)
I don't see how the current code implements a queue. It seems like the while loop in the solver picks one new board state each time from a list of possible moves, then considers the next list generated by this new board state.
On the other hand, a priority queue, from what I understand, would have all the (valid) neighbours from the current board state inserted into it and prioritised such that the next chosen board state to be removed from the queue and examined will be the one with highest priority.
(To be completely sure in debugging, I might add a memoisation to detect if the code ends up also revisiting board states -- ah, on second thought, I believe the stipulation in the assignment description that the number of current moves be added to the priority assignment would rule out the same board state being revisited if the priority queue is correctly observed, so memoisation may not be needed.)
I want to solve the mime challenge in coding games.com. My code can pass all the test but not the optimisation test.
I tried to remove all useless functions like parsing to string but the problem is on the way I think about it.
import sys
import math
# Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
# the standard input according to the problem statement.
n = int(input()) # Number of elements which make up the association table.
q = int(input())
# Number Q of file names to be analyzed.
dico = {}
# My function
def check(word):
for item in dico:
if(word[-len(item)-1:].upper() == "."+item.upper()):
for i in range(n):
# ext: file extension
# mt: MIME type.
ext, mt = input().split()
dico[ext] = mt
for i in range(q):
fname = input()
fname = fname
# Write an action using print
# To debug: print("Debug messages...", file=sys.stderr)
#print("Debug message...", file=sys.stderr)
Process has timed out. This may mean that your solution is not optimized enough to handle some cases.
This is the right idea, but one detail appears to be destroying the performance. The problem is the line for item in dico:, which unnecessarily loops over every entry in the dictionary. This is a linear search O(n), checking for the target item-by-item. But this pretty much defeats the purpose of the dictionary data structure, which is to offer constant-time O(1) lookups. "Constant time" means that no matter how big the dictionary gets, the time it takes to find an item is always the same (thanks to hashing).
To draw a metaphor, imagine you're looking for a spoon in your kitchen. If you know where all the utensils, appliances and cookware are are ahead of time, you don't need to look in every drawer to find the utensils. Instead, you just go straight to the utensils drawer containing the spoon you want, and it's one-shot!
On the other hand, if you're in someone else's kitchen, it can be difficult to find a spoon. You have to start at one end of the cupboard and check every drawer until you find the utensils. In the worst-case, you might get unlucky and have to check every drawer before you find the utensil drawer.
Back to the code, the above snippet is using the latter approach, but we're dealing with trying to find something in 10k unfamiliar kitchens each with 10k drawers. Pretty slow, right?
If you can adjust the solution to check the dictionary in constant time, without a loop, then you can handle n = 10000 and q = 10000 without having to make q * n iterations (you can do it in q iterations instead--so much faster!).
Thank you for your help,
I figured out the solution.
n = int(input()) # Number of elements which make up the association table.
q = int(input()) # Number Q of file names to be analyzed.
dico = {}
# My function
def check(word):
if("." in word):
n = len(word)-(word.rfind(".")+1)
extension = word[-n:].lower()
if(extension in dico):
for i in range(n):
# ext: file extension
# mt: MIME type.
ext, mt = input().split()
dico[ext.lower()] = mt
for i in range(q):
fname = input()
Your explanation was clear :D
Thank you
So, what I am trying to do in detail:
I have a device that acts as a display, although is technically not one (that's not really important, it can be handled like a normal display) and I want to display a series of images on it. When each image is displayed i call a function that takes readings from another device. So far I have used pyglet for that and I can get it to display the images in the correct order and where I want them, but the readings taken seem not to correspond to the right image.
The simplest way to explain what I want to do is:
for a in range(10):
values(a) = measure()
Imagine values being initiated in the correct form.
What I tried so far was:
import pyglet
import numpy as np
size = 64
no = 512/size
a,b,c = (0,0,0)
values = np.zeros((no,no,3))
display = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display()
screens = []
for screen in display.get_screens():
window = pyglet.window.Window(screen = screens[1], fullscreen=1)
#here i choose the mentioned device, since it is connected to my computer via display port
def update(dt):
global a,b,c
if a == no/2. and b == no/2.:
values[a,b,c] = 0
image = pyglet.image.load('folder_%d/grating_%d_%d_%d.bmp' % (size,a,b,c))
print (a,b,c)
values[a,b,c] = measure()
if c == 3:
b += 1
c = 0
if b == no:
a += 1
b = 0
if a == no:
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, .2)
where measure() is my own function. "no" is an index for my images, they range from (0,0,0),(0,0,1),(0,0,2),(0,1,0)... to (no,no,2) and are called to be called one by one. Also the case of a = b = no/2 is a special case that is of no special importance to my problem, I think.
first of all: I am pretty sure this is neither elegant nor efficient but I am not creating software that anyone else is ever likely to use. I am also aware that using global variables is bad practice but their use is due to me not knowing how to use eventloops correctly.
I am not happy with this solution, because the readings i take always seem to correspond to the previous image.
I guess I misuse the eventloop badly, but the pyglet documentation does not really help me here.
Also I feel like I am building a whole truck just to carry a bag across the street...
I have already looked into pyplot as an alternative, since the imshow() function works in the way I want, but the plotting libraries seem to display images in random sizes, which I cannot figure out how to control properly.
I appreciate any help on using pyglet correctly as well as alternative libraries that can help.
Thank you already,
An extra-long comment, that requires formatted code
From your example, you don't need a,b,c outside of the update function and all the global stuff is about having values that stay alive across invocations. If I'm correct this is better suited by a closure, like
def make_update(no, window):
from itertools import product
abcs = product(range(no),range(no),range(3))
def _update(...):
a, b, c = next(abcs)
except StopIteration:
... wind up ...
return _update
update = make_update(no, window)
Alright, I did not actually solve the problem but found a workaround:
I just flatten my image nomenclature, e.g
0_0_0 -> 000
0_0_1 -> 001
0_0_2 -> 002
0_1_0 -> 003
With values now being an array with dimensions [no*no*3,1]
And since for the n-th iteration and therefore n-th measurement I see the (n-1)th image, I simply add a dummy image and assign the n-th measured value to values[n-1].
The first measurement being useless is no problem here, since values[-1] is the last element, which gets overwritten with a meaningful measurement in the end.
Since the number of images is known and predetermined I can reshape my array of values afterwards.
If anyone cares to explain why no the displayed image is shifted by one iteration (with no image at all being displayed at the first iteration) please go ahead.
For a go-NoGo Task I want to organize pictures with the data.TrialHandler class from psychopy:
trials = data.TrialHandler(ImageList, nReps=1, method='random')
Now I want to code a loop in which psychopy is going into the dictionary, is presenting the first set of pictures (e.g. A_n) and afterwards is going to the second set until the sixth set. I tried the following:
import glob, os, random, sys, time
import numpy.random as rnd
from psychopy import visual, core, event, monitors, gui, logging, data
im_a = glob.glob('./a*') # upload pictures of the a-type, gives out a List of .jpg-files
im_n = glob.glob('./n*') # n-type
im_e = glob.glob('./e*') # e-type
# combining Lists of Pictures
A_n = im_a + im_n
N_a = im_n + im_a
A_e = im_a + im_e
E_a = im_e + im_a
E_n = im_e + im_n
N_e = im_n + im_e
# making a Dictionary of Pictures and Conditions
PicList = [A_n, N_a, A_e, E_a, E_n, N_e] # just the six Combinations
CondList = [im_a,im_n,im_a,im_e,im_e,im_n] # images that are in the GO-Condition
ImageList = []
for imagelist, condition in zip(PicList, CondList):
ImageList.append({'imagelist':imagelist,'condition':condition}) # to associate the picturelist with the GO Conditionlist
for the header I ask an extra question: Combining and associating multiple dictionaries
# Set Experiment
win = visual.Window(color='white',units='pix', fullscr=False)
fixCross=visual.TextStim(win,text='+',color='black',pos=(0.0,0.0), height=40)
corrFb = visual.TextStim(win,text='O',height=40,color='green',pos=[0,0])
incorrFb = visual.TextStim(win,text='X',height=40, color='red',pos=[0,0])
# Start Experiement
trials = data.TrialHandler(ImageList, nReps=1, method='random')
rt_clock = core.Clock()
bitmap = visual.ImageStim(win)
for liste in ImageList[0:5]: # to loop through all 6 conditions
keys = []
for i,Pictures in enumerate(liste): # to loop through all pictures in each condition
bitmap.setImage(Pictures) # attribute error occurs, not if I use Pictures[0][0], even though in this case every pictures is the same
resp = False
while rt_clock.getTime() < 2.0: # timelimit is defined 2 s
if not resp:
resp = event.getKeys(keyList=['space'])
rt = rt_clock.getTime()
if bool(resp) is (Pictures in CondList): # at this point python should have access to the Dictionary in which the associated GO Pictures are saved
accu=1 # doesn't work yet
trials.addData('rt_'+str(i), rt) # is working well when loop: if trial in trials: ...; in this case trialHAndler is not used, therefor trials.addData is not working
trials.addData('accu_'+str(i), accu)
There are a few problems in this code: first it only presents one pictuere for six times, but not six different pictures [1]
and secondly a totally different problem [2] ist the time measuring and the saving of the accuracy which the trialhandler is doing, but for each trial. So it adds up all the RT's for each trial. I want to get the RT's for each image. I tried a few things like an extra stimulus.trialhandler for the stimuli and an extraloop in the end which gives me the last RT but not each. --> is answered below!!!
for stimuli in stimulus: stimulus.addData('rt', rt)
I know these four questions are a lot for one question, but maybe somebody can give me some good ideas of how I can solve these... Thanks everybody!
The reason for your problem labelled [1] is that you set the image to PicList[0][0] which never changes. As Mike is suggesting above you need::
for i,thisPic in enumerate(PicList):
bitmap.setImage(thisPic) #not PicList[0][0]
But maybe you need to go back to basics so that you actually use the trial handler to handle your trials ;-)
Create a single list of dictionaries where one dictionary represents one trial, and then run through those in order (tell the TrialHandler to use the list 'sequential' rather than 'random'). So the loops that you're currently using should just be to create your list of condition dicts, not to run the trials. Then pass that one list to the trial handler::
trials = TrialHandler(trialTypes = myCondsListInOrder, nReps=1, method='sequential')
for thisTrial in trials:
pic = thisTrial['pic']
trials.addData('rt', rt)
Also, I would output your data not using the excel format, but the 'long wide' format::
best wishes,
(A) This isn't relevant to your question but will improve performance.
The line:
bitmap = visual.ImageStim(win)
Shouldn't occur within the loop. i.e. you should initialise each stimulus only once, then within a loop you just update that the properties of that stimulus, e.g. with bitmap.setImage(…). So shift this initialisation line to the top, where you create the TextStims.
(B) [deleted: I hadn't paid attention to the first code block.]
This line doesn't take any arguments. It should just be bitmap.draw(). And anyway, it isn't clear what 'pictures' refers to. Remember that Python is case sensitive. This isn't the same thing as 'Pictures' defined in the loop above. I'm guessing that you want to update what picture is being shown? In that case, then you need to be doing the bitmap.setImage(…) line within this loop, not above, where you will always be drawing a fixed picture as that is the only one that gets set on each trial.
(D) Re the RTs, you are saving this only once per trial (check the indentation). If you want to save one per image, you need to indent these lines again. Also, you only get one line per trial in the data output. If you want to record multiple RTs per trial, you will need to give them unique names, e.g. rt_1, rt_2, …, rt_6 so they each appear in a separate column. e.g. you could use an enumerator for this loop:
for i, picture in enumerate(Piclist)
# lots of code
# then save data:
trials.addData('rt_'+str(i), rt)
I am building a dynamic map of earthquakes, using the vtk library.
I've already made a static one, (see here: https://github.com/yacobuk/QuakeCloud and here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HVdTcI_ozI) so I know the basic idea works, but now I want to try and show the quakes over time.
I have some code examples that show me how to update the frame, and how to add / remove objects, but I'm stuck on figuring out how to spin up an instance, track it for a few periods, then remove it.
The basic add/ remove code looks like this:
for point_and_mag in pm.points_mag:
mag = point_and_mag[1]
point = point_and_mag[0]
if mag > 2:
pointCloud = VtkPointCloud(pm)
pointCloud.addPoint(point, math.log(mag)*10)
But of course, this only allows one object at a time (an instance of pointCloud.vtkActor via renderer.AddActor(pointCloud.vtkActor) waits a while, then removes it with renderer.RemoveActor(pointCloud.vtkActor)
How can I add a number of actors (I'm going to use 10 min interval, and there was as many as 5 quakes in that time), tag it with a counter, increment the counter at every loop iteration, and when it reaches 5 iterations, remove the actor?
There is some more context to this question here: Python/vtk - set each point size individually in a vtkPolyData object?
A possible(untested) solution might be:
from collections import deque
# The number 5 indicates for how many iterations the actors should be rendered.
rendered_actors = deque([None] * 5, maxlen=5)
for point_and_mag in pm.points_mag:
if rendered_actors[-1] is not None:
mag = point_and_mag[1]
point = point_and_mag[0]
if mag > 2:
pointCloud = VtkPointCloud(pm)
pointCloud.addPoint(point, math.log(mag)*10)
This code creates a deque(which is a double-linked list) of length 5. The actors are inserted at the left of this deque and at each iteration the rightmost value, if it is an "actor", it is removed from the scene and the scene is re-rendered.
Note that I don't have vtk so I cannot test this code.
A small style note: this is really unpythonic code-style:
for point_and_mag in pm.points_mag:
mag = point_and_mag[1]
point = point_and_mag[0]
Use tuple-unpacking:
for point, mag in pm.points_mag:
# ...
if mag > 2:
# ...