Optimization of code written using python and BAPI - python

I have a python code here which goes into SAP using BAPI RFC_READ_TABLE, queries USR02 table and bring back the results. The input is taken from an excel sheet A column and the output is pasted in B column
The code is running all fine. However, for 1000 records, it is taking 8 minutes approximately to run.
Can you please help in optimizing the code? I am really new at python, managed to write this heavy code but now stuck at the optimization part.
It would be really great if this can run in 1-2 minutes max.
from pyrfc import Connection, ABAPApplicationError, ABAPRuntimeError, LogonError, CommunicationError
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
import openpyxl
conn = Connection(ashost=ASHOST, sysnr=SYSNR, client=CLIENT, user=USER, passwd=PASSWD)
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('new2.xlsx')
ws = wb['Sheet1']
for i in range(1,len(ws['A'])+1):
x = ws['A'+ str(i)].value
options = [{ 'TEXT': "BNAME = '" +x+"'"}]
pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
rowskips = 0
while True:
result = conn.call('RFC_READ_TABLE', \
OPTIONS = options, \
FIELDS = fields, \
rowskips += ROWS_AT_A_TIME
if len(result['DATA']) < ROWS_AT_A_TIME:
data_result = result['DATA']
length_result = len(data_result)
for line in range(0,length_result):
a= data_result[line]["WA"].strip()
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('new2.xlsx')
ws = wb['Sheet1']
ws['B'+str(i)].value = a
except CommunicationError:
print("Could not connect to server.")
except LogonError:
print("Could not log in. Wrong credentials?")
except (ABAPApplicationError, ABAPRuntimeError):
print("An error occurred.")
So here is my updated code. For now, I have decided to output the data on command line only. Output shows where is the time taken.
output_list = []
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('new3.xlsx')
ws = wb['Sheet1']
col = ws['A']
col_lis = [col[x].value for x in range(len(col))]
length = len(col_lis)
for i in range(length):
print("--- %s seconds Start of the loop ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
x = col_lis[i]
options = [{ 'TEXT': "BNAME = '" + x +"'"}]
rowskips = 0
while True:
result = conn.call('RFC_READ_TABLE', QUERY_TABLE = 'USR02', OPTIONS = options, FIELDS = fields, ROWSKIPS = rowskips, ROWCOUNT = ROWS_AT_A_TIME)
rowskips += ROWS_AT_A_TIME
if len(result['DATA']) < ROWS_AT_A_TIME:
print("--- %s seconds in SAP ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
data_result = result['DATA']
length_result = len(data_result)
for line in range(0,length_result):
a= data_result[line]["WA"]

Firstly I put timing mark at different places of code having divided it into functional sections (SAP processing, Excel processing).
Upon analyzing the timings I found that the most runtime is consumed by Excel writing code,
consider the intervals:
16:52:37.405006 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:37.552611 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:37.634395 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:37.796002 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:37.883724 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:38.060254 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:38.148098 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:38.293669 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:38.374453 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:38.535054 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:38.618800 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:38.782363 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:38.873119 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:39.034687 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:39.114517 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:39.264716 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:39.346005 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:39.523721 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:39.610487 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:39.760086 moment it was pushed to Excel
16:52:39.839873 moment it was fetched from SAP
16:52:40.024574 moment it was pushed to Excel
as you can see the Excel writing part is much as twice as SAP querying part.
What is wrong in your code is that you open/initizalizing the workbook and sheet in each loop iteration, this slows execution a lot and is redundant as you can reuse the wrokbook variables from the top.
Another redundant thing is stripping leading and trailing zeroes, it is quite of redundant as Excel do this automatically for string data.
This variant of code
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('new2.xlsx')
ws = wb['Sheet1']
for i in range(1,len(ws['A'])+1):
x = ws['A'+ str(i)].value
options = [{ 'TEXT': "BNAME = '" + x +"'"}]
rowskips = 0
while True:
result = conn.call('RFC_READ_TABLE', QUERY_TABLE = 'USR02', OPTIONS = options, FIELDS = fields, ROWSKIPS = rowskips, ROWCOUNT = ROWS_AT_A_TIME)
rowskips += ROWS_AT_A_TIME
if len(result['DATA']) < ROWS_AT_A_TIME:
data_result = result['DATA']
length_result = len(data_result)
for line in range(0,length_result):
ws['B'+str(i)].value = data_result[line]["WA"]
except ...
gives me following timestamps of program run:
>>> exec(open('RFC_READ_TABLE.py').read())
2.5 minutes for 1000 user records, which looks a fair price for this kind of processing.

In my opinion, the problem is in the while True loop. I think you need to optimize your query logic (or change it). It is hard without knowing what you are interested in the DB, The other things looking easy and fast.
Something that could help is to try to not open and close the file continuously: try to compute your "B" column and then open and paste all at once in the xlsx file. It could help (but i'm pretty sure that is the query the problem)
P.S. Maybe you can use some timing library (like here) to compute WHERE you spend most of the time.


Can't make apache beam write outputs to bigquery when using DataflowRunner

I'm trying to understand why this pipeline writes no output to BigQuery.
What I'm trying to achieve is to calculate the USD index for the last 10 years, starting from different currency pairs observations.
All the data is in BigQuery and I need to organize it and sort it in a chronollogical way (if there is a better way to achieve this, I'm glad to read it because I think this might not be the optimal way to do this).
The idea behing the class Currencies() is to start grouping (and keep) the last observation of a currency pair (eg: EURUSD), update all currency pair values as they "arrive", sort them chronologically and finally get the open, high, low and close value of the USD index for that day.
This code works in my jupyter notebook and in cloud shell using DirectRunner, but when I use DataflowRunner it does not write any output. In order to see if I could figure it out, I tried to just create the data using beam.Create() and then write it to BigQuery (which it worked) and also just read something from BQ and write it on other table (also worked), so my best guess is that the problem is in the beam.CombineGlobally part, but I don't know what it is.
The code is as follows:
import logging
import collections
import apache_beam as beam
from datetime import datetime
SYMBOLS = ['usdjpy', 'usdcad', 'usdchf', 'eurusd', 'audusd', 'nzdusd', 'gbpusd']
class Currencies(beam.CombineFn):
def create_accumulator(self):
return {}
def add_input(self,accumulator,inputs):
date,currency,bid = inputs.values()
if '.' not in date:
date = date+'.0'
date = datetime.strptime(date,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
data = currency+':'+str(bid)
accumulator[date] = [data]
return accumulator
def merge_accumulators(self,accumulators):
merged = {}
for accum in accumulators:
ordered_data = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(accum.items()))
prev_date = None
for date,date_data in ordered_data.items():
if date not in merged:
merged[date] = {}
if prev_date is None:
prev_date = date
prev_data = merged[prev_date]
prev_date = date
for data in date_data:
currency,bid = data.split(':')
bid = float(bid)
currency = currency.lower()
return merged
def calculate_index_value(self,data):
return data['usdjpy']*data['usdcad']*data['usdchf']/(data['eurusd']*data['audusd']*data['nzdusd']*data['gbpusd'])
def extract_output(self,accumulator):
ordered = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(accumulator.items()))
index = {}
for dt,currencies in ordered.items():
if not all([symbol in currencies.keys() for symbol in SYMBOLS]):
date = str(dt.date())
index_value = self.calculate_index_value(currencies)
if date not in index:
index[date] = {
max_value = max(index_value,index[date]['high'])
min_value = min(index_value,index[date]['low'])
close_value = index_value
return index
def main():
query = """
select date,currency,bid from data_table
where date(date) between '2022-01-13' and '2022-01-16'
and currency like ('%USD%')
options = beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions(
temp_location = 'gs://PROJECT/temp',
project = 'PROJECT',
runner = 'DataflowRunner',
region = 'REGION',
num_workers = 1,
max_num_workers = 1,
machine_type = 'n1-standard-1',
save_main_session = True,
staging_location = 'gs://PROJECT/stag'
with beam.Pipeline(options = options) as pipeline:
inputs = (pipeline
| 'Read From BQ' >> beam.io.ReadFromBigQuery(query=query,use_standard_sql=True)
| 'Accumulate' >> beam.CombineGlobally(Currencies())
| 'Flat' >> beam.ParDo(lambda x: x.values())
| beam.io.Write(beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
table = 'TABLE',
dataset = 'DATASET',
project = 'PROJECT',
schema = TABLE_SCHEMA))
if __name__ == '__main__':
They way I execute this is from shell, using python3 -m first_script (is this the way I should run this batch jobs?).
What I'm missing or doing wrong? This is my first attemp to use Dataflow, so i'm probably making several mistakes in the book.
For whom it may help: I faced a similar problem but I already used the same code for a different flow that had a pubsub as input where it worked flawless instead a file based input where it simply did not. After a lot of experimenting I found that in the options I changed the flag
options = PipelineOptions(streaming=True, ..
options = PipelineOptions(streaming=False,
as of course it is not a streaming source, it's a bounded source, a batch. After I set this flag to true I found my rows in the BigQuery table. After it had finished it even stopped the pipeline as it where a batch operation. Hope this helps

Failed to read data from Bigtable using Google's canonical example

I'm following Google's advice for writing a single row of data to Bigtable and then reading it back again.
Hence my code looks like this:
import datetime
from google.cloud import bigtable
def write_simple(project_id, instance_id, table_id):
client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(instance_id)
table = instance.table(table_id)
timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
column_family_id = "stats_summary"
row_key = "phone#4c410523#20190501"
row = table.direct_row(row_key)
print('Successfully wrote row {}.'.format(row_key))
def read_row(project_id, instance_id, table_id):
client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(instance_id)
table = instance.table(table_id)
row_key = "phone#4c410523#20190501"
row = table.read_row(row_key)
def print_row(row):
print("Reading data for {}:".format(row.row_key.decode('utf-8')))
for cf, cols in sorted(row.cells.items()):
print("Column Family {}".format(cf))
for col, cells in sorted(cols.items()):
for cell in cells:
labels = " [{}]".format(",".join(cell.labels)) \
if len(cell.labels) else ""
"\t{}: {} #{}{}".format(col.decode('utf-8'),
cell.timestamp, labels))
When I run it, this is the output I get:
Successfully wrote row phone#4c410523#20190501.
Its the None that is bothering me. Given I am reading/writing the same row_key I would expect to get a row back, but it seems I am not and I don't know why. Can anyone advise?
Looking at your code I think that the issue of why when you read the response is None is because you are not actually writing in your table.
You need to check what is your column_family_id so you can write the information in the table that you created, for example I made a table for testing and my column_family_id was nf1 and not stats_summary.
Best regards.

Change google sheets API call to batch

Working with google(and all) api calls for the first time, I'm continually hitting a rate limit threshold despite having limited my rate. How would I go about changing the following code to a batch format to avoid this?
#API Call Function
from ratelimit import limits, sleep_and_retry
import requests
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
#limits(calls=1, period=4.5)
creds = gsheet_api_check(SCOPE)
service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds)
sheet = service.spreadsheets()
result = sheet.values().get(
values = result.get('values', [])
if not values:
print('No data found.')
rows = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId=SPREADSHEET_ID,
data = rows.get('values')
print("COMPLETE: Data copied")
return data
#list files in the active brews folder
activebrews = drive.ListFile({'q':"'0BxU70FB_wb-Da0x5amtYbUkybXc' in parents"}).GetList()
tabs = ['Brew Log','Fermentation Log','Centrifuge Log']
brewsheetdict ={}
#Pulls data from the entire spreadsheet tab.
for i in activebrews:
for j in tabs:
#set spreadsheet parameters
SCOPE = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly']
data = pull_sheet_data(SCOPE,SPREADSHEET_ID,j)
dftitle = str(i['title'])
dftab = str(j)
dfname = dftitle+'_'+dftab
brewsheetdict[dfname] = pd.DataFrame(data)
Thanks to Tanaike's suggestion, I settled on the following solution. There's still remaining issues that I haven't resolved. Namely, the resultant API calls occured at a rate of .5/second, well below the published limit, but any faster would still result in rate limiting issues. Additionally, the code completed after executing the for loops on half of the list every time, requiring repeated executions. To work around the second problem, I included the indicated line to remove list items after they were iterated over, so re running the code began with the last incomplete record each time.
import time
SCOPE = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly']
#if (current - start)/(recordcount) >= 1:
for i in activebrews:
for j in tabs:
data = pull_sheet_data(SCOPE,SPREADSHEET_ID,j)
dftitle = str(i['title'])
dftab = str(j)
dfname = dftitle+'_'+dftab
brewsheetdict[dfname] = pd.DataFrame(data)
print(recordcount,dfname, (end-start)/recordcount)
activebrews.remove(i)#remove list item after iterated over
brewsheetdata = open("brewsheetdata.pkl","wb")

Reverse-Geo Coding Fails when run in Loop

I am trying to do reverse geocoding and extract pincodes for lot-long. The .csv file has around 1 million records..
Below is my problem
1. Google API failing to give address for large records, and taking huge amount of time. I will later move it to Batch-Process though.
2. I tried to split the file into chunks and ran few files manually one by one (1000 records in each file after splitting), then i surprisingly get 100% result.
3. Later, I ran in loop one by one, again, Google API fails to give the result
Note: Right now we are looking for free API's only
**Below is my code**
def reverse_geocode(latlng):
result = {}
url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng={}'
request = url.format(latlng)
key= '&key=' + api_key
request = request + key
data = requests.get(request).json()
if len(data['results']) > 0:
result = data['results'][0]
return result
def parse_postal_code(geocode_data):
if (not geocode_data is None) and ('formatted_address' in geocode_data):
for component in geocode_data['address_components']:
if 'postal_code' in component['types']:
return component['short_name']
return None
dfinal = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames)
dmiss = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames)
for fl in files:
df = pd.read_csv(fl)
print ('Processing file : ' + fl[36:])
df['geocode_data'] = ''
df['Pincode'] = ''
df['Pincode'] = df['geocode_data'].map(parse_postal_code)
if (len(df[df['Pincode'].isnull()]) > 0):
print("Missing Picodes : " + str(len(df[df['Pincode'].isnull()])) + " / " + str(len(df)))
Can anybody help me out, what is the problem in my code? or if any additional info required please let me know....
You've run into Google API usage limits.

BigQuery async query job - the fetch_results() method returns wrong number of values

I am writing Python code with the BigQuery Client API, and attempting to use the async query code (written everywhere as a code sample), and it is failing at the fetch_data() method call. Python errors out with the error:
ValueError: too many values to unpack
So, the 3 return values (rows, total_count, page_token) seem to be the incorrect number of return values. But, I cannot find any documentation about what this method is supposed to return -- besides the numerous code examples that only show these 3 return results.
Here is a snippet of code that shows what I'm doing (not including the initialization of the 'client' variable or the imported libraries, which happen earlier in my code).
#---> Set up and start the async query job
job_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
job = client.run_async_query(job_id, query)
job.destination = temp_tbl
job.write_disposition = 'WRITE_TRUNCATE'
print 'job started...'
#---> Monitor the job for completion
retry_count = 360
while retry_count > 0 and job.state != 'DONE':
print 'waiting for job to complete...'
retry_count -= 1
if job.state == 'DONE':
print 'job DONE.'
page_token = None
total_count = None
rownum = 0
job_results = job.results()
while True:
# ---- Next line of code errors out...
rows, total_count, page_token = job_results.fetch_data( max_results=10, page_token=page_token )
for row in rows:
rownum += 1
print "Row number %d" % rownum
if page_token is None:
print 'end of batch.'
What are the specific return results I should expect from the job_results.fetch_data(...) method call on an async query job?
Looks like you are right! The code no longer return these 3 parameters.
As you can see in this commit from the public repository, fetch_data now returns an instance of the HTTPIterator class (guess I didn't realize this before as I have a docker image with an older version of the bigquery client installed where it does return the 3 values).
The only way that I found to return the results was doing something like this:
iterator = job_results.fetch_data()
data = []
for page in iterator._page_iter(False):
data.extend([page.next() for i in range(page.num_items)])
Notice that now we don't have to manage pageTokens anymore, it's been automated for the most part.
I just realized you can get results by doing:
results = list(job_results.fetch_data())
Got to admit it's way easier now then it was before!
