Both AssertEqual and AssertNotEqual give failure in my unittest in Python - python
I have this test code on Binary Tree:
def test_deleteMin_root(self):
btree = BinaryTree()
min_value = self.person('AAKVIK', 'ANNE-MARIT', 'RISØYVEGEN 17', '1705', 'SARPSBORG')
node = BinaryTreeNode(min_value)
btree.insert(value = min_value)
btree.insert(value = self.person('Zero', 'Zero', 'Zero street', '1234', 'ZeroCity'))
self.assertEqual(node, btree.findMin())
I get this failure result:
FAIL: test_deleteMin_root (__main__.BinaryTreeTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\abdka\Documents\Programs\Python\PythonExercises\aicourse\", line 47, in test_deleteMin_root
self.assertEqual(node, btree.findMin())
AssertionError: <BinaryTreeNode.BinaryTreeNode object at 0x000001C7E33EFA00> != <BinaryTreeNode.BinaryTreeNode object at 0x000001C7EAB5A6D0>
When I change AssertEqual to AssertNotEqual in the last line of the test code (and that's the only thing I change):
def test_deleteMin_root(self):
btree = BinaryTree()
min_value = self.person('AAKVIK', 'ANNE-MARIT', 'RISØYVEGEN 17', '1705', 'SARPSBORG')
node = BinaryTreeNode(min_value)
btree.insert(value = min_value)
btree.insert(value = self.person('Zero', 'Zero', 'Zero street', '1234', 'ZeroCity'))
self.assertNotEqual(node, btree.findMin())
I get this failure:
FAIL: test_deleteMin_root (__main__.BinaryTreeTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\abdka\Documents\Programs\Python\PythonExercises\aicourse\", line 47, in test_deleteMin_root
self.assertNotEqual(node, btree.findMin())
AssertionError: <BinaryTreeNode.BinaryTreeNode object at 0x000001C7EE3D4F10> == <BinaryTreeNode.BinaryTreeNode object at 0x000001C7E5DCAA00>
When I assert equal, it says they're not equal, and when I assert not equal, it says they're equal. I don't understand; what's the error here? How can I fix it?
Here's the full test code, BinaryTree code and BinaryTreeNode code:
Binary Tree code:
from BinaryTreeNode import BinaryTreeNode
class BinaryTree:
def __init__(self, data = None):
self._root = None
if isinstance(data, BinaryTreeNode):
self._root = data
def findLeftMost(self, treenode):
left = treenode.left
if left == None:
return treenode
return self.findLeftMost(left)
def findMin(self):
return self.findLeftMost(self._root)
def findRightMost(self, treenode):
right = treenode.right
if right == None:
return treenode
return self.findRightMost(right)
def findMax(self):
return self.findRightMost(self._root)
def find(self, key, treenode = None):
if treenode == None:
treenode = self._root
if treenode == None:
return None
elif treenode.value > key:
if treenode.left:
return self.find(key, treenode.left)
elif treenode.value < key:
if treenode.right:
return self.find(key, treenode.right)
elif treenode.value == key:
return treenode
raise KeyError("Key not found")
def _getnodes(self, current = None, treenode = None, value = None):
if current != None and treenode != None:
return current, treenode
if value == None:
if treenode == None:
raise Exception("Attempt to insert an empty space into Binary Tree")
if treenode.value == None:
raise Exception("Attempt to insert an Node into Binary Tree with no key value")
if treenode != None:
if treenode.value != None:
raise Exception("Key inconsistency detected")
treenode = BinaryTreeNode(value)
if current == None:
current = self._root
return current, treenode
def insert(self, current = None, treenode = None, value = None):
if current == None:
current = self._root
# Checking consistency ...
current, treenode = self._getnodes(current, treenode, value)
if current != None:
if treenode.value < current.value:
treenode.level += 1
if current.left is None:
current.left = treenode
self.insert(current.left, treenode)
elif treenode.value > current.value:
treenode.level += 1
if current.right is None:
current.right = treenode
self.insert(current.right, treenode)
if self._root == None:
treenode.level = 0
self._root = treenode
raise Exception("Duplicate key: " + treenode.value)
else: # If empty tree, the first node entered is the root
self._root = treenode
return treenode
def deleteMin(self):
parent = self._root
while True:
# If a left branch exists - find the smallest item
current = parent.left
if current:
if current.left == None:
if current.right != None:
parent.left = current.right
return current
parent.left = None
return current
parent = current
# If no left branch exists, the root item is the smallest in the tree
self._root = parent.right
return self._root
def deleteMax(self):
parent = self._root
while True:
current = parent.right
if current.right == None:
if current.left != None:
parent.right = current.left
return current
parent.right = None
return current
parent = current
def delete(self, key):
node = self.find(key)
delnode = node
if not node.left and not node.right:
node = None
elif node.right:
temptree = BinaryTree(node.right)
mintempnode = temptree.deleteMin()
node.value = mintempnode.value
elif node.left:
node = node.left
return delnode
Binary Tree Node code:
class BinaryTreeNode:
def __init__(self, value,
lefttree = None,
righttree = None):
self.value = value
self.left = lefttree
self.right = righttree
self.level = 0
# Bruker setter/getters
def value(self):
return self.__value
def value(self, value):
self.__value = value
def left(self):
return self.__left
def left(self, lefttree):
self.__left = lefttree
def right(self):
return self.__right
def right(self, righttree):
self.__right = righttree
def level(self):
return self.__level
def level(self, level):
self.__level = level
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def hasRight(self):
if self.right == None:
return False
return True
#return self.right != None
def hasLeft(self):
if self.left == None:
return False
return True
#return self.left != None
def prefixOrder(self):
print(str(self.value), ' ')
if self.hasLeft():
if self.hasRight():
def infixOrder(self):
if self.hasLeft():
print(str(self.value), ' ')
if self.hasRight():
def postfixOrder(self):
if self.hasLeft():
if self.hasRight():
print(str(self.value), ' ')
def levelOrder(self):
from queue import SimpleQueue
FIFOQueue = SimpleQueue()
while not FIFOQueue.empty():
node = FIFOQueue.get()
print(str(node.value), ' ')
def levelOrderEntry(self, queue):
if queue.empty():
node = queue.get()
print(str(node.value), ' ')
if node.hasLeft():
if node.hasRight():
if node.hasLeft() or node.hasRight:
def __eq__(self, other):
if other != None:
return self.value == other.value
elif other == None and self.value == None:
return True
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
if other != None:
if self.value == None:
return False
return not self.value != other.value
return True
def __lt__(self, other):
if other != None:
return self.value < other.value
elif other == None and self.value == None:
return False
return False
def __le__(self, other):
if other != None:
return self.value <= other.value
elif other == None and self.value == None:
return False
return False
def __gt__(self, other):
if other != None:
return self.value > other.value
elif other == None and self.value == None:
return False
return False
def __ge__(self, other):
if other != None:
return self.value >= other.value
elif other == None and self.value == None:
return False
return False
The full test code:
import unittest
from BinaryTree import BinaryTree
from BinaryTreeNode import BinaryTreeNode
from collections import namedtuple
class BinaryTreeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.person = namedtuple('person', ['lastname', 'firstname', 'address',
'postalcode', 'city'])
persons_file = open("Personer-kort.dta", 'r')
content =
content = content.splitlines()
self.binarytree = BinaryTree()
for p in content:
self.binarytree.insert(value = self.person(*p.split(';')))
def test_findMin(self):
min_value = self.person('AAKVIK', 'ANETTE', 'BAKLIEN 11', '1360', 'NESBRU')
node = BinaryTreeNode(min_value)
self.assertEqual(node, self.binarytree.findMin())
def test_findMax(self):
max_value = self.person('ØYFOSS', 'ØISTEIN', 'ORHEIM 76', '0367', 'OSLO')
node = BinaryTreeNode(max_value)
self.assertEqual(node, self.binarytree.findMax())
def test_deleteMin(self):
min_value = self.person('AAKVIK', 'ANNE-MARIT', 'RISØYVEGEN 17', '1705', 'SARPSBORG')
node = BinaryTreeNode(min_value)
self.assertEqual(node, self.binarytree.findMin())
def test_deleteMin_root(self):
btree = BinaryTree()
min_value = self.person('AAKVIK', 'ANNE-MARIT', 'RISØYVEGEN 17', '1705', 'SARPSBORG')
node = BinaryTreeNode(min_value)
btree.insert(value = min_value)
btree.insert(value = self.person('Zero', 'Zero', 'Zero street', '1234', 'ZeroCity'))
self.assertNotEqual(node, btree.findMin())
def test_deleteMax(self):
max_value = self.person('ØYFOSS', 'WERNER STENVOLD', 'KIRKVOLL 28', '5935', 'LAVIK')
node = BinaryTreeNode(max_value)
self.assertEqual(node, self.binarytree.findMax())
def test_find(self):
value = self.person('SKARSHAUG','ASBJØRN HARALD', 'ALAPMO 72', '7290', 'STØREN')
node = BinaryTreeNode(value)
self.assertEqual(node, self.binarytree.find(value))
def test_find_key_not_found(self):
value = self.person('BORIS','JOHNSON', 'SOME STREET 72', '1234', 'LONDON')
self.assertEqual(None, self.binarytree.find(value))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.binarytree.find, value)
def test_delete(self):
value = self.person('SKARSHAUG','ASBJØRN HARALD', 'ALAPMO 72', '7290', 'STØREN')
node = BinaryTreeNode(value)
self.assertEqual(node, self.binarytree.find(value))
self.assertEqual(None, self.binarytree.find(value))
def test_insert_value(self):
value1 = self.person('WIKILUND','JOHAN', 'SVETUN 11', '8510', 'NARVIK')
node1 = BinaryTreeNode(value1)
value2 = self.person('ALFRED', 'POLLEN', 'gate 11', '1234', 'KONGSBERG')
node2 = BinaryTreeNode(value2)
self.assertEqual(node1, self.binarytree.find(value1))
self.assertEqual(node2, self.binarytree.find(value2))
def test_insert_node(self):
value1 = self.person('WIKILUND','JOHAN', 'SVETUN 11', '8510', 'NARVIK')
node1 = BinaryTreeNode(value1)
value2 = self.person('ALFRED', 'POLLEN', 'gate 11', '1234', 'KONGSBERG')
node2 = BinaryTreeNode(value2)
self.assertEqual(node1, self.binarytree.find(value1))
self.assertEqual(node2, self.binarytree.find(value2))
def test_insert_duplicate(self):
value = self.person('SKARSHAUG','ASBJØRN HARALD', 'ALAPMO 72', '7290', 'STØREN')
self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "Duplicate key", self.binarytree.insert, [None, None, value])
def test_insert_empty_space(self):
self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "Attempt to insert an empty space into Binary Tree",
self.binarytree.insert, [None, None, None])
def test_insert_empty_node(self):
node = BinaryTreeNode(None)
self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "Attempt to insert an Node into Binary Tree with no key value",
self.binarytree.insert, [None, node, None])
def test_find_in_empty_tree(self):
tree = BinaryTree()
value = self.person('SKARSHAUG','ASBJØRN HARALD', 'ALAPMO 72', '7290', 'STØREN')
self.assertEqual(None, tree.find(value))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'BinaryTreeTest']
cannot delete root node in a binary search tree
**deleting the root(the first node i enter strong text) node shows the error 'TreeNode' object has no attribute 'findSuccessor' when i try to delete the first node that is inserted it shows an attribute eroor but the nodes that are inserted later get delete can you tell me what is wrong with code ** class TreeNode: def __init__(self,key,val,left=None,right=None,parent=None): self.key = key self.payload = val self.leftChild = left self.rightChild = right self.parent = parent def hasLeftChild(self): return self.leftChild def hasRightChild(self): return self.rightChild def isLeftChild(self): return self.parent and self.parent.leftChild == self def isRightChild(self): return self.parent and self.parent.rightChild == self def isRoot(self): return not self.parent def isLeaf(self): return not (self.rightChild or self.leftChild) def hasAnyChildren(self): return self.rightChild or self.leftChild def hasBothChildren(self): return self.rightChild and self.leftChild def replaceNodeData(self,key,value,lc,rc): self.key = key self.payload = value self.leftChild = lc self.rightChild = rc if self.hasLeftChild(): self.leftChild.parent = self if self.hasRightChild(): self.rightChild.parent = self class BinarySearchTree: def __init__(self): self.root = None self.size = 0 def length(self): return self.size def __len__(self): return self.size def put(self,key,val): if self.root: self._put(key,val,self.root) else: self.root = TreeNode(key,val) self.size = self.size + 1 def _put(self,key,val,currentNode): if key < currentNode.key: if currentNode.hasLeftChild(): self._put(key,val,currentNode.leftChild) else: currentNode.leftChild = TreeNode(key,val,parent=currentNode) else: if currentNode.hasRightChild(): self._put(key,val,currentNode.rightChild) else: currentNode.rightChild = TreeNode(key,val,parent=currentNode) def __setitem__(self,k,v): self.put(k,v) def get(self,key): if self.root: res = self._get(key,self.root) if res: return res.payload else: return None else: return None def _get(self,key,currentNode): if not currentNode: return None elif currentNode.key == key: return currentNode elif key < currentNode.key: return self._get(key,currentNode.leftChild) else: return self._get(key,currentNode.rightChild) def __getitem__(self,key): return self.get(key) def __contains__(self,key): if self._get(key,self.root): return True else: return False def delete(self,key): if self.size > 1: nodeToRemove = self._get(key,self.root) if nodeToRemove: self.remove(nodeToRemove) self.size = self.size-1 else: raise KeyError('Error, key not in tree') elif self.size == 1 and self.root.key == key: self.root = None self.size = self.size - 1 else: raise KeyError('Error, key not in tree') def __delitem__(self,key): self.delete(key) def spliceOut(self): if self.isLeaf(): if self.isLeftChild(): self.parent.leftChild = None else: self.parent.rightChild = None elif self.hasAnyChildren(): if self.hasLeftChild(): if self.isLeftChild(): self.parent.leftChild = self.leftChild else: self.parent.rightChild = self.leftChild self.leftChild.parent = self.parent else: if self.isLeftChild(): self.parent.leftChild = self.rightChild else: self.parent.rightChild = self.rightChild self.rightChild.parent = self.parent def findSuccessor(self): succ = None if self.hasRightChild(): succ = self.rightChild.findMin() else: if self.parent: if self.isLeftChild(): succ = self.parent else: self.parent.rightChild = None succ = self.parent.findSuccessor() self.parent.rightChild = self return succ def findMin(self): current = self while current.hasLeftChild(): current = current.leftChild return current def remove(self,currentNode): if currentNode.isLeaf(): #leaf if currentNode == currentNode.parent.leftChild: currentNode.parent.leftChild = None else: currentNode.parent.rightChild = None elif currentNode.hasBothChildren(): #interior succ = currentNode.findSuccessor() succ.spliceOut() currentNode.key = succ.key currentNode.payload = succ.payload else: # this node has one child if currentNode.hasLeftChild(): if currentNode.isLeftChild(): currentNode.leftChild.parent = currentNode.parent currentNode.parent.leftChild = currentNode.leftChild elif currentNode.isRightChild(): currentNode.leftChild.parent = currentNode.parent currentNode.parent.rightChild = currentNode.leftChild else: currentNode.replaceNodeData(currentNode.leftChild.key, currentNode.leftChild.payload, currentNode.leftChild.leftChild, currentNode.leftChild.rightChild) else: if currentNode.isLeftChild(): currentNode.rightChild.parent = currentNode.parent currentNode.parent.leftChild = currentNode.rightChild elif currentNode.isRightChild(): currentNode.rightChild.parent = currentNode.parent currentNode.parent.rightChild = currentNode.rightChild else: currentNode.replaceNodeData(currentNode.rightChild.key, currentNode.rightChild.payload, currentNode.rightChild.leftChild, currentNode.rightChild.rightChild)
Maximum recursion with large lists
I am making a binary tree with a very large list, almost 10000 objects. The issue is that I get a maximum recursion error due to the huge size. It happens specifically in the binarytree class where TreeNode is being called to create new objects. I am unsure how to implement this without recursion, as it seems to be the easiest way to implement the code. class TreeNode: def __init__(self,key,val,left=None,right=None,parent=None): self.key = key self.payload = val self.leftChild = left self.rightChild = right self.parent = parent def hasLeftChild(self): return self.leftChild def hasRightChild(self): return self.rightChild def isLeftChild(self): return self.parent and self.parent.leftChild == self def isRightChild(self): return self.parent and self.parent.rightChild == self def isRoot(self): return not self.parent def isLeaf(self): return not (self.rightChild or self.leftChild) def hasAnyChildren(self): return self.rightChild or self.leftChild def hasBothChildren(self): return self.rightChild and self.leftChild Binary Tree: class BinarySearchTree: def __init__(self): self.root = None self.size = 0 def length(self): return self.size def __len__(self): return self.size def put(self,key,val): if self.root: self._put(key,val,self.root) else: self.root = TreeNode(key,val) self.size = self.size + 1 def _put(self,key,val,currentNode): if key < currentNode.key: if currentNode.hasLeftChild(): self._put(key,val,currentNode.leftChild) else: currentNode.leftChild = TreeNode(key,val,parent=currentNode) else: if currentNode.hasRightChild(): self._put(key,val,currentNode.rightChild) else: currentNode.rightChild = TreeNode(key,val,parent=currentNode) def __setitem__(self,k,v): self.put(k,v) def get(self,key): if self.root: res = self._get(key,self.root) if res: return res.payload else: return None else: return None def _get(self,key,currentNode): if not currentNode: return None elif currentNode.key == key: return currentNode elif key < currentNode.key: return self._get(key,currentNode.leftChild) else: return self._get(key,currentNode.rightChild) def __getitem__(self,key): return self.get(key) def __contains__(self,key): if self._get(key,self.root): return True else: return False
It is fairly simple to convert your recursive methods to iterative ones, e.g.: def get(self, key): node = self.root while node: if node.key == key: return node.payload elif key < node.key: node = node.leftChild else: node = node.rightChild return None def put(self, key, val): if not self.root: self.root = TreeNode(key, val) else: self._put(key, val, self.root) self.size = self.size + 1 def _put(self, key, val, currentNode): while True: if key < currentNode.key: if currentNode.hasLeftChild(): currentNode = currentNode.leftChild else: currentNode.leftChild = TreeNode(key, val, parent=currentNode) break else: if currentNode.hasRightChild(): currentNode = currentNode.rightChild else: currentNode.rightChild = TreeNode(key, val, parent=currentNode) break This gets rid of any recursion (limits) and is just as readable.
How does a node with return self work?(Python)
So this is the node part of a singly linked list. I am not supposed to change the way it has been coded, but I dont know how this type of structure would work. cannot event be accessed to point towards another part of the list. Does anyone know how to work with such a Node class? class Node: def __init__(self, inval=None): self.val = inval if inval==None: = self print (self) def __str__(self): if self.val == None: return '' else: return str(self.val) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
Here is another implementation of the linked list, which has a slightly different styled node. class LinkedList: lock = 0 if lock == 0: tempdata = None def __init__(self, *args): self.head = Node() # Node at the head of the list self.current = None # Node currently pointed to by the iterator self.count = 0 def insert(self, value): NewNode =Node(value) = self.head self.head = NewNode self.count += 1 def __iter__(self): self.current = self.head return self def __next__(self): self.current = LinkedList.tempdata if LinkedList.lock == 0: self.current = self.head LinkedList.lock += 1 else: pass if self.current.value == None: LinkedList.lock = 0 raise StopIteration previous = self.current self.current = LinkedList.tempdata = self.current return previous def __str__(self): result = '' self.current = self.head while self.current.value is not None: if is None: result += str(self.current.value) else: result += str(self.current.value) + ' -> ' self.current = return result def search(self, value): found = 0 temp = None out= False while found == 0: try: temp = LinkedList.__next__(self) if temp.value == value: found += 1 out = temp except StopIteration: pass return out def delete(self, value): print ("hwta") found = 0 temp = None head = self.head if head.value == value: print ("Head") if != None: self.head = else: self.head = Node() else: while found == 0: try: temp = LinkedList.__next__(self) if == value: if == None: = Node() break else: = print ("tails") break except StopIteration: pass def __repr__(self): return str(self) #a = Node() #print(a) # 3 #b = Node("Hullo") #print(b) # 'Hullo' #lst = LinkedList() #lst.insert(2) #lst.insert(3) #lst.insert(5) #lst.insert(6) #lst.insert(7) #lst.insert(6) #print(lst) # 5 -> 3 -> 2 #c = #print(c) # 3 #print( # 5 #lst.insert(2) #print( # 3 lst.delete(6) print (lst) #print(next(lst)) # should print 5, 3, 2 on separate lines #lst.delete(2) #print(lst) # 5 -> 3 #print(len(lst)) # 2 #for u in lst: # print(u)
Nothing in the Node implementation that would prevent you from using it in a List class. Just pretend that the final three lines of Node.__init__() don't exist. Here is one way to use the professor's Node in your List. class Node: def __init__(self, inval=None): self.val = inval if inval==None: = self print (self) def __str__(self): if self.val == None: return '' else: return str(self.val) def __repr__(self): return str(self) class List: def __init__(self): self.head = None def prepend(self, val): head = Node(val) = self.head self.head = head def append(self, val): if self.head is None: self.prepend(val) else: p = self.head while is not None: p = = Node(val) = None def __str__(self): result = '<' p = self.head while p is not None: result += str(p) + ', ' p = result += '>' return result l = List() l.append(3) l.prepend(2) l.append(4) l.prepend(1) l.append(5) print(str(l)) And here is the result: <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, >
Converting list data to binary tree in python
Here is my code: def load_game(self,universe_list): root = universe_list[0] self.temp_stack = stack.Stack() self.temp_stack.push(root) self.__tree = btree.BTree(root, universe_list[1], None) self.__curr_node = self.__tree #print( for item in universe_list[1:]: if item[-1] == "?": self.temp_stack.push(item) self.__tree = btree.BTree(item, None, None) self.__curr_node = self.__tree else: if self.__curr_node.left is None: self.__curr_node.attachItemLeft(item) elif self.__curr_node.right is None: self.__curr_node.attachItemRight(item) self.temp_stack.pop() else: stackValue = self.temp_stack.pop() itemNode = btree.BTree(stackValue,self.__curr_node, Node(item, None, None)) self.__curr_node = itemNode self.__tree = self.__curr_node def save_game(self): return_list=[] if self.__tree is not None: self.__tree.set_traverse(btree.BTree.PRE) for i in self.__tree: return_list.append(i) else: raise Exception("List is empty.") return class BTree(object): PRE="PRE" POST="POST" IN="IN" def __init__(self,data=None,left=None,right=None): self.left=left self.right=right self.set_traverse(BTree.IN) def set_traverse(self,traversal): if(traversal != BTree.PRE and traversal != BTree.POST and traversal != BTree.IN): raise RuntimeError(str(traversal)+" is not a valid value for an iterator type") self.__traversal=traversal def __iter__(self): if(self.__traversal==BTree.IN): return self.__inorder(self) elif(self.__traversal==BTree.PRE): return self.__preorder(self) elif(self.__traversal==BTree.POST): return self.__postorder(self) else: raise RuntimeError("Somehow we are traversing in no direction") def __inorder(self, node): if node is None: raise StopInteration if node.left is not None: for x in self.__inorder(node.left) : yield x yield if node.right is not None: for x in self.__inorder(node.right) : yield x def __preorder(self, node): if node is None: raise StopInteration yield if node.left is not None: for x in self.__preorder(node.left) : yield x if node.right is not None: for x in self.__preorder(node.right) : yield x def __postorder(self, node): if node is None: raise StopInteration if node.left is not None: for x in self.__postorder(node.left) : yield x if node.right is not None: for x in self.__postorder(node.right) : yield x yield def attachItemLeft(self,data): self.left=BTree(data=data) def attachItemRight(self,data): self.right=BTree(data=data) Input : universe=["legs?","cat","underground?","earthworm","snake","test?","yes","No"] test=Game(universe) test.load_game(universe) test.save_game() Output: ['test?', 'yes', 'No'] Query: My code prints only last tree (root, left,right).I want to print all the nodes of tree
Cofusing about lookup node with binary tree
I build a binary tree with python code, now I could print it in order with testTree.printInorder(testTree.root). I have tried to lookup some node ,and the function findNode doesn't work anymore . print testTree.findNode(testTree.root,20) whatever I put in just return None. class TreeNode: def __init__(self, value): self.left = None; self.right = None; = value; class Tree: def __init__(self): self.root = None def addNode(self,node,value): if node == None: self.root = TreeNode(value) else: if value < if node.left == None: node.left = TreeNode(value) else: self.addNode(node.left,value) else: if node.right == None: node.right = TreeNode(value) else: self.addNode(node.right,value) def printInorder(self,node): if node != None: self.printInorder(node.left) print self.printInorder(node.right) def findNode(self,node,value): if self.root != None: if value == return elif value < and node.left != None: self.findNode(node.left,value) elif value > and node.right != None: self.findNode(node.right,value) else: return None testTree = Tree() testTree.addNode(testTree.root, 200) testTree.addNode(testTree.root, 300) testTree.addNode(testTree.root, 100) testTree.addNode(testTree.root, 30) testTree.addNode(testTree.root, 20) #testTree.printInorder(testTree.root) print testTree.findNode(testTree.root,20)
Any function without an explicit return will return None. You have not returned the recursive calls within findNode. So, here. if value == return elif value < and node.left != None: return self.findNode(node.left,value) elif value > and node.right != None: return self.findNode(node.right,value) Now, I can't help but thinking this is a bit noisy. You'll always start adding from the root, yes? testTree.addNode(testTree.root, 200) You could rather do this testTree.addNode(200) And to do that, you basically implement your methods on the TreeNode class instead. So, for the addNode. You could also "return up" from the recursion, rather than "pass down" the nodes as parameters. class TreeNode: def __init__(self, value): self.left = None self.right = None = value def addNode(self,value): if == None: # Ideally, should never end-up here = value else: if value < if self.left == None: self.left = TreeNode(value) else: self.left = self.left.addNode(value) else: if self.right == None: self.right = TreeNode(value) else: self.right = self.right.addNode(value) return self # Return back up the recursion Then, in the Tree class, just delegate the addNode responsibility to the root class Tree: def __init__(self): self.root = None def addNode(self,value): if self.root == None: self.root = TreeNode(value) else: self.root = self.root.addNode(value)
When you recurse to children in findNode you need to return the result, otherwise the function will implicitly return None: def findNode(self,node,value): if self.root != None: if value == return elif value < and node.left != None: return self.findNode(node.left,value) # Added return elif value > and node.right != None: return self.findNode(node.right,value) # Added return else: return None