How to Show Date into words in odoo 12 reports - python

I am using odoo 12 and want to show Date field record from a model into Reports, how can i do this?
Still facing error
time data 'False' does not match format '%d %B, %Y'
here is my code
def _get_student_dob_in_words(self, student_id):
date_of_birth = fields.Date('BirthDate',,
states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
student = self.env['student.student'].search([('id','=',student_id)])
date_of_birth = student.date_of_birth
# date_of_birth =
# %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
strp_date = datetime.strptime(str(date_of_birth),"%d %B, %Y")
# dob_result = datetime.strptime(date_of_birth, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT).date()
# str_dob_result = str(date_of_birth)
strp_dob_result = num2words(strp_date)
strp_dob_result = strp_dob_result.upper()
return [{
'dob_in_words': strp_dob_result}]

You don't need strptime at all, you may use strftime. You still have to test if date is present. And i would make it as computed field as well.
_{name|inherit} = 'student.student'
#date_of_birth = fields.Date(...
date_of_birth_words = fields.Char(compute='_compute_dob_in_words', store=True)
def _compute_dob_in_words(self):
for student in self:
if student.date_of_birth:
date_of_birth = student.date_of_birth
month = date_of_birth.strftime('%B') #date_of_birth.month
day = num2words.num2words(, to='ordinal')
year = num2words.num2words(date_of_birth.year)
student.date_of_birth_words = "{} {} in year {}".format(day, month, year).upper()


How to replace the day in a date with another date?

I'm trying to replace the day in my if statement for my date but I keep getting this output for my year.
05/15/5 besides 05/15/2020 . Code is below:
today_date =
date =
formatted_date =, "%m/%d/%Y")
mmonth = date.month
myear = date.year
mdate =
if mdate < 7:
m0weekend = formatted_date.replace(str(myear),str(mmonth),1)
m0weekend = formatted_date.replace(str(myear),str(mmonth),15)
it's easier to replace the day before converting to a string:
date = date.replace(day=1)
or, in your case:
if mdate < 7:
m0weekend = date.replace(day=1)
m0weekend = date.replace(day=15)
formatted_date is actually a string.
You are using the str.replace() method not the method.
import datetime
today_date =
pre_formatted_date =
mmonth = pre_formatted_date.month
myear = pre_formatted_date.year
mdate =
if mdate < 7:
pre_formatted_date = pre_formatted_date.replace(day=1)
pre_formatted_date = pre_formatted_date.replace(day=15)
formatted_date = pre_formatted_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
Which has the following output:
You might get today directly from datetime rather than creating datetime.datetime and converting to date. After you have today you might create needed and turn it into str, i.e.:
import datetime
today =
date =, today.month, 1 if < 7 else 15)
formatted_date =, "%m/%d/%Y")
print(formatted_date) # 05/15/2020

Create objects based on date and time

I have an Event model, and each event will have different shows.
class Event(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class Show(models.Model):
event = models.ForeignKey(Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
date_time = models.DateTimeField(unique=True)
I have another Ticket model. Each ticket should be unique. Meaning each ticket will be unique and relate to a Show and a Seat.
class Ticket(models.Model):
show = models.ForeignKey(Show)
seat = models.ForeignKey(Seat)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('show', 'seat')
I need to create shows based on the start date and end date provide by the user. Suppose this is a JSON post:
"event_id": 1,
"start_date": "2018-02-16",
"end_date": "2018-02-20",
"time_list": ["11:00 AM", "8:00 PM"]
From the above JSON example, I need to create Show starting like this:
# Start with the start_date as the date, and for each time from the time_list
event = 1,
date_time = datetime.strptime('2018-02-16 11:00 AM', "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p")
event = 1,
date_time = datetime.strptime('2018-02-16 8:00 PM', "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p")
# Next date after the start_date, i.e., 16+1 = 17
event = 1,
date_time = datetime.strptime('2018-02-17 8:00 PM', "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p")
# Create Show objects till the end_date and for each time from the time_list
event = 1,
date_time = datetime.strptime('2018-02-20 8:00 PM', "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p")
Right now this is how I am creating Show objects:
def create_show_by_datetime(self, request):
event_id =['event_id']
event = Event.objects.get(id=event_id)
except Event.DoesNotExist:
return Response(
{'error': 'event with id: %s does not exist.' % event_id},
start_date =['start_date']
end_date =['end_date']
time_list =['time_list']
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
time_format = "%I:%M %p"
datetime.strptime(start_date, date_format)
datetime.strptime(end_date, date_format)
for i in range(len(time_list)):
time = datetime.strptime(time_list[i], time_format)
except ValueError as e:
return Response(
{'error': 'Time was not in a supported format. %s' % e},
delta_days = datetime.strptime(end_date, date_format).date() - datetime.strptime(start_date, date_format).date()
delta_days = delta_days.days + 1
dt = None
with transaction.atomic():
for i in range(delta_days):
day = datetime.strptime(start_date, date_format) + timedelta(days=i)
for i in range(len(time_list)):
hrs = datetime.strptime(time_list[i], time_format).hour
mins = datetime.strptime(time_list[i], time_format).minute
dt = day + timedelta(hours=hrs, minutes=mins)
show = Show.objects.create(
return Response({"data": 'Post succesfull'}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
except IntegrityError as e:
return Response(
'error': "event with date and time already exsits. %s-%s-%s at %s:%s" % (, dt.month, dt.year, dt.hour, dt.minute),
'detail': str(e)
}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
But I am hoping there's much more elegant way than how I am doing. I am using python 3, django 2 and django rest frameowork. How can I create Shows with the event, and date_time based on the event_id, start_date, end_date and the time_list?
My approach is a little bit different. You said in the question tag that you are using django-rest-framework.. So where are the serializers? :)
Lets create two serializers, one for user data validation (Because we don't trust the USER!) and one for multi data insert.
I haven't checked the code! But you can use it was an example...
class ShowEventSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
event_id = serializers.IntegerField()
start_date = serializers.DateField(required=True)
end_date = serializers.DateField(required=True)
time_list = serializers.ListField(
class Meta:
fields = ('event_id', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'time_list')
class ShowSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
date_time = serializers.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
model = Show
fields = ('event', 'date_time')
Now, with the serializers, we are going to validate the user data and then to create a json data object:
def create_show_by_datetime(self, request):
show_event_serializer = ShowEventSerializer(
if not show_event_serializer.is_valid():
return Response({'error': show_event_serializer.errors},status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
event_id =['event_id']
event = Event.objects.get(id=event_id)
except Event.DoesNotExist:
return Response({'error': 'event with id: %s does not exist.' % event_id},status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
start_date =['start_date']
end_date =['end_date']
time_list =['time_list']
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
time_format = "%I:%M %p"
datetime.strptime(start_date, date_format)
datetime.strptime(end_date, date_format)
for i in range(len(time_list)):
time = datetime.strptime(time_list[i], time_format)
except ValueError as e:
return Response(
{'error': 'Time was not in a supported format. %s' % e},
delta_days = datetime.strptime(end_date, date_format).date() - datetime.strptime(start_date, date_format).date()
delta_days = delta_days.days + 1
dt = None
show_data = []
for i in range(delta_days):
day = datetime.strptime(start_date, date_format) + timedelta(days=i)
for i in range(len(time_list)):
hrs = datetime.strptime(time_list[i], time_format).hour
mins = datetime.strptime(time_list[i], time_format).minute
dt = day + timedelta(hours=hrs, minutes=mins)
"event": event,
"date_time": dt
with transaction.atomic():
show_serializer = ShowSerializer(data=show_data, many=True)
if show_serializer.is_valid():
return Response({"data": 'Post succesfull'}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
except IntegrityError as e:
return Response(
'error': "event with date and time already exsits. %s-%s-%s at %s:%s" % (, dt.month, dt.year, dt.hour, dt.minute),
'detail': str(e)
}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
So this code is basically the same as yours, with the difference of the way the objects are saved using the DRF. Look the show_data variable.
This solution is just a different way of looking at the question.
Then your Show model should look like
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
class Show(models.Model):
event = models.ForeignKey(Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
start_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
end_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
board = ArrayField(
models.TimeField(blank=True, null=True),
size=10, # specify max array size
so you'll have model Show with specified DateFields and array of TimeFields.
django docs: Array Field, Time Field, Date Field
There are some tools in the datetime library that can give you a more streamlined approach to generating your times. You can use toordinal to turn a date into an integer and fromordinal to turn an integer back into a date; this makes a nice way to create a range of dates. And you can use combine to merge a date object and a time object into a datetime. I'd create the following function:
from datetime import datetime, date
def get_showtimes(post):
start = datetime.strptime(post['start_date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
end = datetime.strptime(post['end_date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
times = [datetime.strptime(t, '%I:%M %p').time() for t in post['time_list']]
for ordinal in range(start.toordinal(), end.toordinal() + 1):
date = date.fromordinal(date)
for time in times:
yield datetime.combine(date, time)
then, in your code, replace the second try: except: block and what follows it with:
showtimes = list(get_showtimes(post))
except ValueError as e:
return Response(
{'error': 'Time was not in a supported format. %s' % e},
with transaction.atomic():
for showtime in showtimes:
show = Show.objects.create(event=event, date_time=showtime)
except IntegrityError as e:
# etc.
I am leaving the validation part and only focusing on generating Show objects from the given data:
data =
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
time_format = "%I:%M %p"
show_time_format = f"{date_format} {time_format}"
# get the total number of days by parsing start and end dates
start_date = datetime.strptime(data['start_date'], date_format)
end_date = datetime.strptime(data['end_date'], date_format)
total_days = (end_date - start_date).days + 1
# Get the timings for the first day.
# We will use this to generate the timings for the rest of the days.
first_day_timings = [
datetime.strptime(f"{data['start_date']} {show_time}", show_time_format)
for show_time in data['time_list']
# generate all show objects using list comprehension and bulk create later
show_objects = [
Show(event=event, date_time=first_day_timing + timedelta(days=day_cnt))
for day_cnt in range(total_days)
for first_day_timing in first_day_timings
Enhancements made on the existing code:
Reduced the number of instances date/time is getting parsed and hours/minutes are getting computed.
Use list comprehension to generate show objects and bulk create instead of creating one object at a time in a transaction.

Slots Creation based on date and time(float) field

I have two date field.
from_date and
In One2many line item, there is three float fields
from_time ,to_time and interval
Slot have to be created based on the above parameters.
from_date = '2017-07-21'
to_date = '2017-07-21'
the duration is one day.
The One2many line items have the values
from_time = 9.0
to_time = 10.0
interval = 30(in minutes)
The output should generate two slots
1. '2017-07-21 09:00:00' '2017-07-21 09:30:00'
2. '2017-07-21 09:30:00' '2017-07-21 10:00:00'
It should generate two line items.
If the duration is for week.
it should generate 2 * 7 = 14 slots.
I have used the code which generates for one day.
def generate(self):
cr =
uid = self.env.uid
context = self.env.context
event = self.pool.get('calendar.event')
slot = self.pool.get('')
old_data_id =, uid, [('slot_id', '=',], context=context)
slot.unlink(cr, uid ,old_data_id)
for each in self.shift_line:
if each.interval > 60 or each.interval == 0:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Attention!'), _('Please enter interval timings in minutes range like (10-60) '))
interval = each.interval
fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
start_date = datetime.strptime(self.from_date, fmt)
end_date = datetime.strptime(self.to_date, fmt)
days = []
date = start_date
str_start_time = '%s %s' % (self.from_date,'{0:02.0f}:{1:02.0f}'.format(*divmod(each.from_time * 60, 60)))+':00'
str_end_time = '%s %s' % (self.from_date,'{0:02.0f}:{1:02.0f}'.format(*divmod(each.to_time * 60, 60)))+':00'
time = datetime.strptime(str_start_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
end = datetime.strptime(str_end_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
while date <= end_date:
hours = []
while time <= end:
hours.append(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
time += timedelta(minutes=interval)
date += timedelta(days=1)
time += timedelta(days=1)
end += timedelta(days=1)
print "\n\n\n\n\nn\+++++++++++++++++++++days",days
for hours in days[0][:-1]:
val = datetime.strptime(hours, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
val = val + timedelta(minutes=interval)
values = {
'name' : 'Slot for ' +,
'start_datetime' : hours,
'stop_datetime' : str(val),
'slot_id' :,
'shift_lines_id' :,
'duration' : each.interval,
print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++values",values
slot.create(cr, uid, values, context=context)
Any help for multiple days is appreciated.
ist_timedelta = timedelta(seconds=((time in seconds)-10800))
adding this will give the exact answer, here 10800 is because of 3 hours difference of UTC to KSA.

How to get only date from "Date" field in python

def generate_leave(self, cr, uid,ids, fields, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
month_split = self.browse( cr, uid,ids)
print "\n\n\n\n\n\n DATEE",
dt = datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d")
# date= dt.strftime([],'%Y-%m-%d')
# print "\n\n\n\n\n DAT",date
year = dt.year
print "\n\n\n\n YER",year
month = dt.month
print "\n\n\n MNTH",month
currentMonth =
print "\n\n\n\n\n CURR MNTH",currentMonth
date =
print "\n\n\n\n\n\n DATTE",date
date =
print "\n\n\n\n\n\n DATEE",date
This is my code. I am able to get current date separately. But in my scenario user will input a date and I want to take only the "Date" from that input, I don't want month and year.

Finding out if its a leap year and setting accordingly

I have a form that has an initial end_date. I am having a Value error because this year is a leap year and we are currently in February.
My code has a end day of 30 but I am having trouble figuring out how to write the code that will discover if its a leap year and set the initial end_date to the correct last day of february.
Here is my that controls the end_date initial value
class MaturityLetterSetupForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
from datetime import datetime
today =
start_year = today.year
start_month = today.month
start_date = datetime(start_year, start_month, 1)
end_date = datetime(start_year, start_month, 30)
except ValueError:
end_date = datetime(start_year, start_month, ?)
super(MaturityLetterSetupForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['start_date'] = forms.DateField(initial=start_date.strftime("%B %d, %Y"),
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'datepicker', 'value': today }))
self.fields['end_date'] = forms.DateField(initial=end_date.strftime("%B %d, %Y"),
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'datepicker', 'value': today }))
After speaking to #Paul
my init became:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
from datetime import datetime
import calendar
today =
start_year = today.year
start_month = today.month
start_date = datetime(start_year, start_month, 1)
if calendar.isleap(start_year) and today.month == 2:
end_date = datetime(start_year, start_month, calendar.mdays[today.month]+1)
end_date = datetime(start_year, start_month, calendar.mdays[today.month])
super(MaturityLetterSetupForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['start_date'] = forms.DateField(initial=start_date.strftime("%B %d, %Y"),
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'datepicker', 'value': today }))
self.fields['end_date'] = forms.DateField(initial=end_date.strftime("%B %d, %Y"),
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'datepicker', 'value': today }))
Which finds the last day of the current month.
How about calendar.isleap(year) ?
Also, don't use try/except to handle this but an if conditional. Something like:
if calendar.isleap(year):
