Uploading images get corrupted but not txt files - python

I am trying to upload an image using AWS lambdas but my images get corrupted I tested with a txt file and it works great. The function checkImage is the handler
def parse_into_field_storage(fp, ctype, clength):
fs = FieldStorage(
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST'},
'content-type': ctype,
'content-length': clength
form = {}
files = {}
for f in fs.list:
if f.filename:
files.setdefault(f.name, []).append(f)
form.setdefault(f.name, []).append(f.value)
return form, files
def checkImage(event, context):
body_file = BytesIO(bytes(event["body"], "utf-8"))
form, files = parse_into_field_storage(
fileitem = files['file'][0]
# Test if the file was uploaded
if fileitem.filename:
fn = os.path.basename(fileitem.filename)
open('/tmp/' + fn, 'wb').write(fileitem.file.read())
message = 'The file "' + fn + '" was uploaded successfully'
message = 'No file was uploaded'
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": message
when i print the file from python i get this
I used diff and the binaries are different. I am thinking that the image files get parse double or something like that
I am guessing here I am doing something wrong
body_file = BytesIO(bytes(event["body"], "utf-8"))
I have tried different forms like
fp = io.BytesIO(event['body'].encode('utf-8'))
but it is basically the same.


How to download mail attachment through script?

I am writing a python script to fetch mail attachments through Graph API.
In the Graph Explorer, I can perfectly download file attachments by manually pressing the download button after calling:
However, when trying to make the same request in my Python script, all I get returned is 'Response [200]' (so the request works, but the file is not reachable).
I try to make the request like this:
def get_mails_json():
requestHeaders = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' +result["access_token"],'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
queryResults = msgraph_request(graphURI + "/v1.0/me/messages?$filter=isRead ne true",requestHeaders)
return json.dumps(queryResults)
data = json.loads(mails)
values = data['value']
for i in values:
mail_id = i['id']
mail_subj = i['subject']
if i['hasAttachments'] != False:
attachments = o365.get_attachments(mail_id)
attachments = json.loads(attachments)
attachments = attachments['value']
for i in attachments:
details = o365.get_attachment_details(mail_id,i["id"])
except Exception as e:
def get_attachment_details(mail,attachment):
requestHeaders = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + result["access_token"],'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
queryResults = msgraph_request(graphURI + "/v1.0/me/messages/"+mail+"/attachments/"+attachment+'/$value',requestHeaders)
return json.dumps(queryResults)
Is there a way for me to download the file to AT ALL through my python script ?
I found a simple solution to downloading a file through a python script!
I used chip's answer, found on this thread:
thread containing chip's answer
I make the request for the attachment like so:
def get_attachment_details(mail,attachment):
requestHeaders = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + result["access_token"],'Content-Type': 'application/file'}
resource= graphURI + "/v1.0/me/messages/"+mail+"/attachments/"+attachment+'/$value'
payload = {}
results = requests.request("GET", resource,headers=requestHeaders,data=payload, allow_redirects=False)
return results.content
This gets me the encoded bytes of the file, which I then decode and write to a file like so:
for i in attachments:
details = o365.get_attachment_details(mail_id,i["id"])
toread = io.BytesIO()
with open(i['name'], 'wb') as f:

Sending directory to client from server flask

I am trying to return a directory of images from the server to the client. I'm having a hard time understanding how to format my response so that the client is able to distinguish between the files.
What is the best practice way to accomplish what I am doing? my photos are kept in a tmp folder within the application. Here is my utils.py:
def get_multipart_fields():
final = {}
for file in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/tmp'):
with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/tmp/' + os.path.join(file), "rb") as image_file:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
final[os.path.join(file)] = { 'filename': encoded_string }
except Exception as e:
print e
return final.to_string()
and my views.py:
#app.route('/download-files', methods=['GET'])
def gallery():
client = get_client()
resource = get_resource()
download_dir(client, resource, 'test-bucket')
file_names = get_multipart_fields()
m = MultipartEncoder(
return Response(json.dumps(m), mimetype=m.content_type)
Where am I going wrong with this logic ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Update Text File Using Lambda

I want to be able to update a text file whenever I upload an image to the s3 bucket. This text file will contain on each line the results of Amazon Rekognition. However, the code I've written isn't working properly
bucket_name = "update-my-text-file"
rekognition = boto3.client('rekognition')
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name)
def handle_image(key):
response = rekognition.detect_labels(
'S3Object': {
'Bucket': bucket_name,
'Name': key
return response
def lambda_handler(event, context):
file_name = 'results.txt'
object = s3.Object(bucket_name, 'tmp/results.txt')
cli = boto3.client('s3')
response = cli.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key='tmp/results.txt')
data = response['Body'].read()
print('the data is ' + data)
key = urllib.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'].encode('utf8'))
response = handle_image(key)
print('the response is: ' + response)
object.put(Body=data + '/n' + response)
You might find it easier to download the file like this:
import boto3
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
s3_client.download_file('mybucket', 'hello.txt', '/tmp/hello.txt')
Then you can read/write the local file however you wish. Then, upload again with:
s3_client.upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', 'mybucket', 'hello.txt')

Upload base64 image to couchdb

Im Trying to Upload a base64 image which I got from doing canvas.toDataUrl();
but nothing happens when I try and do a put request to couchdb. Im not sure how to retrieve the response to see if it worked.
Here is my request:
#app.route('/process', methods=['POST'])
def process():
email = request.form['email']
name = request.form['name'],
file = request.form['data'] #'data' is from html and was var srcdata = canvas.toDataURL()
if file:
j = {"_id": "ab","_attachments":{"aboutme.jpg":{"content_type":"image/png","data":file}}}
the string that is in the data value in the jj json works and allows me to upload and attachment to couchdb but when I pass it the file that doesnt work. Im thinking it doesnt because its not a proper base64, I think it could actually be a domString.
#app.route('/process', methods=['POST'])
def process():
email = request.form['email']
name = request.form['name'],
file = request.form['data']
if file:
jj = {
"content_type": "image/png",
requests.post('', data=None, json=jj)
return jsonify({'name': "yes"})

unable to detect request content_type

On a django server, I process uploaded zip files sent from a python script. But I am getting "" (a blank string) for file.content_type. What am I doing wrong?
def Import( request ):
if request.method != 'POST':
return HttpResponseNotAllowed('Only POST here')
if not request.FILES or not request.FILES.get( u'file' ):
return HttpResponse('Must upload a file')
file = request.FILES[u'file']
if file.content_type == 'application/zip':
unzipped_dir = unzip_file( file )
uid = create_project( unzipped_dir )
shutil.rmtree( unzipped_dir )
py_ob = { }
py_ob['success'] = uid is not None
if uid is not None:
py_ob['id'] = uid
json_ob = simplejson.dumps(py_ob)
return HttpResponse( json_ob, mimetype="application/json" )
return HttpResponseNotAllowed( 'Only POST zip files here' )
This is the script which sends the zip file up:
import sys
import os
import requests
if len (sys.argv) < 5:
print "pass in url, username, password, file"
url = sys.argv[1]
username = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
phile = sys.argv[4]
if os.path.exists(phile):
files = {'file': open( phile, 'rb' )}
r = requests.post( url, files=files, auth=( username, password ) )
if r.status_code == 200:
json_response = r.json()
if json_response['success']:
print "id: " + str( json_response['id'] )
print "failure in processing bundle"
print "server problem: " + str(r.status_code)
print r.text
print "cannot find file to upload"
The Content-Type header is completely arbitrary (and optional) and not a good way to detect whether or not you're dealing with a valid ZIP file. Have you made sure your browser is supplying it?
Django's documentation tells us the same:
The content-type header uploaded with the file (e.g. text/plain or application/pdf). Like any data supplied by the user, you shouldn’t
trust that the uploaded file is actually this type. You’ll still need
to validate that the file contains the content that the content-type
header claims – “trust but verify.”
You should be using zipfile.is_zipfile instead.
