Pinch/bulge distortion using Python OpenCV - python

I want to apply a pinch/bulge filter on an image using Python OpenCV. The result should be some kind of this example:
I've read the following stackoverflow post that should be the correct formula for the filter: Formulas for Barrel/Pincushion distortion
But I'm struggling to implement this in Python OpenCV.
I've read about maps to apply filter on an image: Distortion effect using OpenCv-python
As for my understanding, the code could look something like this:
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
f_img = 'example.jpg'
im_cv = cv.imread(f_img)
# grab the dimensions of the image
(h, w, _) = im_cv.shape
# set up the x and y maps as float32
flex_x = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32)
flex_y = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32)
# create map with the barrel pincushion distortion formula
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
flex_x[y, x] = APPLY FORMULA TO X
flex_y[y, x] = APPLY FORMULA TO Y
# do the remap this is where the magic happens
dst = cv.remap(im_cv, flex_x, flex_y, cv.INTER_LINEAR)
cv.imshow('src', im_cv)
cv.imshow('dst', dst)
Is this the correct way to achieve the distortion presented in the example image? Any help regarding useful ressources or preferably examples are much appreciated.

After familiarizing myself with the ImageMagick source code, I've found a way to apply the formula for distortion. With the help of the OpenCV remap function, this is a way to distort an image:
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
f_img = 'example.jpg'
im_cv = cv.imread(f_img)
# grab the dimensions of the image
(h, w, _) = im_cv.shape
# set up the x and y maps as float32
flex_x = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32)
flex_y = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32)
# create map with the barrel pincushion distortion formula
for y in range(h):
delta_y = scale_y * (y - center_y)
for x in range(w):
# determine if pixel is within an ellipse
delta_x = scale_x * (x - center_x)
distance = delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y
if distance >= (radius * radius):
flex_x[y, x] = x
flex_y[y, x] = y
factor = 1.0
if distance > 0.0:
factor = math.pow(math.sin(math.pi * math.sqrt(distance) / radius / 2), -amount)
flex_x[y, x] = factor * delta_x / scale_x + center_x
flex_y[y, x] = factor * delta_y / scale_y + center_y
# do the remap this is where the magic happens
dst = cv.remap(im_cv, flex_x, flex_y, cv.INTER_LINEAR)
cv.imshow('src', im_cv)
cv.imshow('dst', dst)
This has the same effect as using the convert -implode function from ImageMagick.

You can do that using implode and explode options in Python Wand, which uses ImageMagick.
from wand.image import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2
with Image(filename='zelda1.jpg') as img:
img.virtual_pixel = 'black'
# convert to opencv/numpy array format
img_implode_opencv = np.array(img)
img_implode_opencv = cv2.cvtColor(img_implode_opencv, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
with Image(filename='zelda1.jpg') as img:
img.virtual_pixel = 'black'
img.implode(-0.5 )'zelda1_explode.jpg')
# convert to opencv/numpy array format
img_explode_opencv = np.array(img)
img_explode_opencv = cv2.cvtColor(img_explode_opencv, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# display result with opencv
cv2.imshow("IMPLODE", img_implode_opencv)
cv2.imshow("EXPLODE", img_explode_opencv)


How make eye and nose bigger or smaller in opencv and python

I used the following code to select nose in OpenCV and Python i searched a lot of to find a way to change the size of nose and save as a other image but i didn't find anything is there anybody to help me to do this.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import dlib
img = cv2.imread('1.jpg')
img = cv2.resize(img,(0,0),None,0.5,0.5)
imgOriginal = img.copy()
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")
def createBox(img,points,scale=5):
bbox = cv2.boundingRect(points)
x,y,w,h = bbox
imgCrop = img[y:y+h,x:x+w]
imgCrop = cv2.resize(imgCrop,(0,0),None,scale,scale)
return imgCrop
imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
faces = detector(imgGray)
for face in faces:
x1,y1 = face.left(),
x2,y2 = face.right(),face.bottom()
imgOriginal = cv2.rectangle(img,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0,255,0),1)
landmarks = predictor(imgGray,face)
for n in range(68):
x = landmarks.part(n).x
y = landmarks.part(n).y
myPoints = np.array(myPoints)
#nose points to select
#nose_points = myPoints[27:35]
thanks in advance
Here is one way using a spherical (bubble) warp in a local region in Python/OpenCV.
- Define region center and radius and amount of spherical distortion
- Crop the image for that center and radius
- Compute the spherical distortion x and y displacement maps and a binary mask
- Apply the distortion maps using cv2.remap
- Antialias the mask
- Merge the distorted and cropped image using the mask
- Insert that merged image into the original image
- Save the results
import numpy as np
import cv2
import math
import skimage.exposure
img = cv2.imread("portrait_of_mussorgsky2.jpg")
# set location and radius
cx = 130
cy = 109
radius = 30
# set distortion gain
gain = 1.5
# crop image
crop = img[cy-radius:cy+radius, cx-radius:cx+radius]
# get dimensions
ht, wd = crop.shape[:2]
xcent = wd / 2
ycent = ht / 2
rad = min(xcent,ycent)
# set up the x and y maps as float32
map_x = np.zeros((ht, wd), np.float32)
map_y = np.zeros((ht, wd), np.float32)
mask = np.zeros((ht, wd), np.uint8)
# create map with the spherize distortion formula --- arcsin(r)
# xcomp = arcsin(r)*x/r; ycomp = arsin(r)*y/r
for y in range(ht):
Y = (y - ycent)/ycent
for x in range(wd):
X = (x - xcent)/xcent
R = math.hypot(X,Y)
if R == 0:
map_x[y, x] = x
map_y[y, x] = y
mask[y,x] = 255
elif R >= .90: # avoid extreme blurring near R = 1
map_x[y, x] = x
map_y[y, x] = y
mask[y,x] = 0
elif gain >= 0:
map_x[y, x] = xcent*X*math.pow((2/math.pi)*(math.asin(R)/R), gain) + xcent
map_y[y, x] = ycent*Y*math.pow((2/math.pi)*(math.asin(R)/R), gain) + ycent
mask[y,x] = 255
elif gain < 0:
gain2 = -gain
map_x[y, x] = xcent*X*math.pow((math.sin(math.pi*R/2)/R), gain2) + xcent
map_y[y, x] = ycent*Y*math.pow((math.sin(math.pi*R/2)/R), gain2) + ycent
mask[y,x] = 255
# remap using map_x and map_y
bump = cv2.remap(crop, map_x, map_y, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderMode = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=(0,0,0))
# antialias edge of mask
# (pad so blur does not extend to edges of image, then crop later)
blur = 7
mask = cv2.copyMakeBorder(mask, blur,blur,blur,blur, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(0))
mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (0,0), sigmaX=blur, sigmaY=blur, borderType = cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
h, w = mask.shape
mask = mask[blur:h-blur, blur:w-blur]
mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
mask = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(mask, in_range=(127.5,255), out_range=(0,1))
# merge bump with crop using grayscale (not binary) mask
bumped = (bump * mask + crop * (1-mask)).clip(0,255).astype(np.uint8)
# insert bumped image into original
result = img.copy()
result[cy-radius:cy+radius, cx-radius:cx+radius] = bumped
# save results
cv2.imwrite("portrait_of_mussorgsky2_bump.jpg", result)
# display images
cv2.imshow('img', img)
cv2.imshow('crop', crop)
cv2.imshow('bump', bump)
cv2.imshow('mask', mask)
cv2.imshow('bumped', bumped)
cv2.imshow('result', result)
Resulting Image:
I think you need "Bulge" effects such as implode and explode. There are no implementation of these filters in OpenCV but, you can find other tools such as Wand(a python binding for ImageMagick) that have implode/explode.
Example (wand):
from wand.image import Image
with Image(filename="test.jpg") as img:
img.implode(amount = -0.2)"destination.jpg")
# img_array = numpy.asarray(img) --> you can convert wand.image.Image to numpy array for further uses
passing negative values into implode functions is equal to doing explode. So for magnifying effect use negative values.
There is one problem though: img.implode performs on the center of the image, so after you've found the face features(eye, nose, ...) you need to move your picture somehow to make the eye or nose to lie on the center of the image. After that you can simply use implode function.

How to display an image in polar coordinates with Python?

I'm looking for a way to transform an image in polar coordinates using Python. The result I expect is the same as the following image (done in Matlab):
I already tried using cv2.linearPolar but I couldn't achieve this result.
Something like this should work:
import cv2
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
h, w, _ = image.shape
image2 = cv2.linearPolar(image, (w / 2, h / 2), min(w, h) / 2,

Getting a incorrect picture output when running my self-made rotation algorithm

In order to better understand how image manipulation works, I've decided to create my own image rotation algorithm rather than using cv2.rotate() However, I'm encountering a weird picture cropping and pixel misplacement issue.
I think it may have something to do with my padding, but there may be other errors
import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
# Load & Show original image
img = cv2.imread('Lena.png', 0)
cv2.imshow('Original', img)
# Variable declarations
h = img.shape[0] # Also known as rows
w = img.shape[1] # Also known as columns
cX = h / 2 #Image Center X
cY = w / 2 #Image Center Y
theta = math.radians(100) #Change to adjust rotation angle
imgArray = np.array((img))
imgArray = np.pad(imgArray,pad_width=((100,100),(100,100)),mode='constant',constant_values=0)
#Add padding in an attempt to prevent image cropping
# loop pixel by pixel in image
for x in range(h + 1):
for y in range(w + 1):
TX = int((x-cX)*math.cos(theta)+(y-cY)*math.sin(theta)+cX) #Rotation formula
TY = int(-(x-cX)*math.sin(theta)+(y-cY)*math.cos(theta)+cY) #Rotation formula
imgArray[x,y] = img[TX,TY]
except IndexError as error:
cv2.imshow('Rotated', imgArray)
I think the misplaced image position may have something to do with lack of proper origin point, however I cannot seem to find a functioning solution to that problem.
Though I didn't dive in the math part of the domain, but based on the given information I think the matrix rotating formula should work like this:
As I promised I dived a bit into the domain and got to the solution you can see as follows. The main trick that I've swapped the source and destination indices in the looping too, so the rounding doesn't mean any problem ever:
import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
# Load & Show original image
img = cv2.imread('/home/george/Downloads/lena.png', 0)
cv2.imshow('Original', img)
# Variable declarations
h = img.shape[0] # Also known as rows
w = img.shape[1] # Also known as columns
p = 120
h += 2 * p
w += 2 * p
cX = h / 2 #Image Center X
cY = h / 2 #Image Center Y
theta = math.radians(45) #Change to adjust rotation angle
imgArray = np.zeros_like((img))
#Add padding in an attempt to prevent image cropping
imgArray = np.pad(imgArray, pad_width=p, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
img = np.pad(img, pad_width=p, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
# loop pixel by pixel in image
for TX in range(h + 1):
for TY in range(w + 1):
x = int( +(TX - cX) * math.cos(theta) + (TY - cY) * math.sin(theta) + cX) #Rotation formula
y = int( -(TX - cX) * math.sin(theta) + (TY - cY) * math.cos(theta) + cY) #Rotation formula
imgArray[TX, TY] = img[x, y]
except IndexError as error:
# print(error)
cv2.imshow('Rotated', imgArray)
Note: See usr2564301 comment too, if you want to dive deeper in the domain.

Implementing my own algorithm to scale and rotate images in python

I am trying to implement an algorithm in python to scale images by a factor or rotate them by a given angle (or both at the same time). I am using opencv to handle the images and I know opencv has these functions built in, however I want to do this myself to better understand image transformations. I believe I calculate the rotation matrix correctly. However, when I try to implement the affine transformation, it does not come out correctly.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import math as m
import sys
img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])
angle = sys.argv[2]
#get rotation matrix
def getRMat((cx, cy), angle, scale):
a = scale*m.cos(angle*np.pi/180)
b = scale*(m.sin(angle*np.pi/180))
u = (1-a)*cx-b*cy
v = b*cx+(1-a)*cy
return np.array([[a,b,u], [-b,a,v]])
#determine shape of img
h, w = img.shape[:2]
#print h, w
#determine center of image
cx, cy = (w / 2, h / 2)
#calculate rotation matrix
#then grab sine and cosine of the matrix
mat = getRMat((cx,cy), -int(angle), 1)
print mat
cos = np.abs(mat[0,0])
sin = np.abs(mat[0,1])
#calculate new height and width to account for rotation
newWidth = int((h * sin) + (w * cos))
newHeight = int((h * cos) + (w * sin))
#print newWidth, newHeight
mat[0,2] += (newWidth / 2) - cx
mat[1,2] += (newHeight / 2) - cy
#this is how the image SHOULD look
dst = cv2.warpAffine(img, mat, (newWidth, newHeight))
cv2.imshow('dst', dst)
#apply transform
#attempt at my own warp affine function...still buggy tho
def warpAff(image, matrix, (width, height)):
dst = np.zeros((width, height, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
oldh, oldw = image.shape[:2]
#print oldh, oldw
#loop through old img and transform its coords
for x in range(oldh):
for y in range(oldw):
#print y, x
#transform the coordinates
u = int(x*matrix[0,0]+y*matrix[0,1]+matrix[0,2])
v = int(x*matrix[1,0]+y*matrix[1,1]+matrix[1,2])
#print u, v
#v -= width / 1.5
if (u >= 0 and u < height) and (v >= 0 and v < width):
dst[u,v] = image[x,y]
return dst
dst = warpAff(img, mat, (newWidth, newHeight))
cv2.imshow('dst', dst)
Image I am using for testing
You're applying the rotation backward.
This means that for an angle of 20, instead of rotating 20 degrees clockwise, you rotate 20 degrees counterclockwise. That on its own would be easy to fix—just negate the angle.
But it also means that, for each destination pixel, if no source pixel exactly rotates to it, you end up with an all-black pixel. You could solve that by using any interpolation algorithm, but it's making things more complicated.
If we instead just reverse the process, and instead of calculating the destination (u, v) for each (x, y), we calculate the source (x, y) for every destination (u, v), that solves both problems:
def warpAff(image, matrix, width, height):
dst = np.zeros((width, height, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
oldh, oldw = image.shape[:2]
# Loop over the destination, not the source, to ensure that you cover
# every destination pixel exactly 1 time, rather than 0-4 times.
for u in range(width):
for v in range(height):
x = u*matrix[0,0]+v*matrix[0,1]+matrix[0,2]
y = u*matrix[1,0]+v*matrix[1,1]+matrix[1,2]
intx, inty = int(x), int(y)
# We could interpolate here by using something like this linear
# interpolation matrix, but let's keep it simple and not do that.
# fracx, fracy = x%1, y%1
# interp = np.array([[fracx*fracy, (1-fracx)*fracy],
# [fracx*(1-fracy), (1-fracx)*(1-fracy)]])
if 0 < x < oldw and 0 < y < oldh:
dst[u, v] = image[intx, inty]
return dst
Now the only remaining problem is that you didn't apply the shift backward, so we end up shifting the image in the wrong direction when we turn everything else around. That's trivial to fix:
mat[0,2] += cx - (newWidth / 2)
mat[1,2] += cy - (newHeight / 2)
You do have one more problem: your code (and this updated code) only works for square images. You're getting height and width backward multiple times, and they almost all cancel out, but apparently one of them doesn't. In general, you're treating your arrays as (width, height) rather than (height, width), but you end up comparing to (original version) or looping over (new version) (height, width). So, if height and width are different, you end up trying to write past the end of the array.
Trying to find all of these and fix them is probably as much work as just starting over and doing it consistently everywhere from the start:
mat = getRMat(cx, cy, int(angle), 1)
cos = np.abs(mat[0,0])
sin = np.abs(mat[0,1])
newWidth = int((h * sin) + (w * cos))
newHeight = int((h * cos) + (w * sin))
mat[0,2] += cx - (newWidth / 2)
mat[1,2] += cy - (newHeight / 2)
def warpAff2(image, matrix, width, height):
dst = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
oldh, oldw = image.shape[:2]
for u in range(width):
for v in range(height):
x = u*matrix[0,0]+v*matrix[0,1]+matrix[0,2]
y = u*matrix[1,0]+v*matrix[1,1]+matrix[1,2]
intx, inty = int(x), int(y)
if 0 < intx < oldw and 0 < inty < oldh:
pix = image[inty, intx]
dst[v, u] = pix
return dst
dst = warpAff2(img, mat, newWidth, newHeight)
It's worth noting that there are much simpler (and more efficient) ways to implement this. If you build a 3x3 square matrix, you can vectorize the multiplication. Also, you can create the matrix more simply by just multiplying a shift matrix # a rotation matrix # an unshift matrix instead of manually fixing things up after the fact. But hopefully this version, since it's as close as possible to your original, should be easiest to understand.

merge two images with alpha channel

I have two images, one with and other without alpha channel. Thus, image A and B has a shape of (x,y,4) and (x,y,3) respectively.
I want to merge both images in a single tensor using python, where B is the background and A is the upper image. The final image must have a shape of (x, y, 3). I tried if scikit-image or cv2 is capable of doing this, but I couldn't found any solution.
here is alpha blending in python
import numpy as np
import cv2
alpha = 0.4
img1 = cv2.imread('Desert.jpg')
img2 = cv2.imread('Penguins.jpg')
#r,c,z = img1.shape
out_img = np.zeros(img1.shape,dtype=img1.dtype)
out_img[:,:,:] = (alpha * img1[:,:,:]) + ((1-alpha) * img2[:,:,:])
# if want to loop over the whole image
for y in range(r):
for x in range(c):
out_img[y,x,0] = (alpha * img1[y,x,0]) + ((1-alpha) * img2[y,x,0])
out_img[y,x,1] = (alpha * img1[y,x,1]) + ((1-alpha) * img2[y,x,1])
out_img[y,x,2] = (alpha * img1[y,x,2]) + ((1-alpha) * img2[y,x,2])
The above solution works, however I have a more efficient one:
alpha = A[:,:,3]
A1 = A[:,:,:3]
C = np.multiply(A1, alpha.reshape(x,y,1)) + np.multiply(B, 1-alpha.reshape(x,y,1))
