Appending an integer to dictionary keys, python - python

I have a python dictionary with several keys.
dicOut = dict(list(zip(keys, values)))
for i in keys:
.... x n keys
I wish to assign a number in front.
.... x n keys
How do I make the for loop"
so far:
k = len(keys)
x = range (1,k+1)
for j in x:
for k in keys:
n= j, '-', k
However it print all e.g. 3 keys 3 time. How to stop it at just e.g. e distinct keys.

for key in dict:
print(key, '. ', dict[key])

for i,k in enumerate(dicOut, start=1):


A python program to filter dictionary

Write a python program to filter a dictionary based on values that are the multiples of 6
Take keys as strings and values as integers.
1<=number of key value pairs<=10
Sample test case: keys : a,b,c,d,e,f values:1,2,3,4,5,6 {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':4,'e':5,'f':6} {'f':6}
You can use a dict comprehension.
d = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':4,'e':5,'f':6}
res = {k:v for k,v in d.items() if v % 6 == 0}
old_dict = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':4,'e':5,'f':6}
#or this it will work totally perfect
#old_dict = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':4,'e':5,'f':6,'g':7,'h':8,'i':9,'j':10,'k':11,'l':12,'m':13}
print (f"Original dictionary is : {old_dict}")
new_dict = {key:value for (key, value) in old_dict.items() if value % 6 == 0}
print(f"New dictionary with multiple of 6 is : {new_dict}")

Iterate over dict from value to value

I have a dictionary like this :
data = {1: [u'-', u's'], 2: [u'je', u'co', u'na'], ...}
The KEY is the LENGTH of the words that belong to it. I want to call a function (that will count levenshtein distance) for words that are longer than X and shorter than Y. How would I do it ?
The main problem is getting the dictionary length because len() returns the number of items in the dictionary, not keys.
Now I am doing it like this:
for k in data:
if k >= len(word)-distance and k <= len(word)+distance:
for item in data[k]:
if levenshtein(word, item) == distance:
return words
data.keys() will give you the keys, you can iterate over them.
You can get a list of all words with length between X and Y with
sum((words for key, words in data.items() if X<key<Y), [])

python select the lowest alphanumeric value with a reference from multiple lists

I have multiple lists like this:
#Symbol ID
['CCC','MG_0002'] # and so on...
and I would like to choose the list with a same symbol with the smallest ID.
So, the end result is like this:
#Symbol ID
['CCC','MG_0002'] #...
To do that, I have made them into a list of lists
listoflists =[['AAA','MG_00013'],['AAA','MG_00177'],['AAA','MG_00005'],['BBB','MG_0045'],['BBB','MG_00080'],['CCC','MG_0002']]
I'm lost from here...
for i in listoflists:
if i[0] == i[0]:
for i in test:
which gives a False result.
I think the logic is to make them into a list like the below and compare the alphanumeric ID and select the lowest one.
However, I'm completely lost and frustrating now...
Could you ,please, help me go through this?
Everybody helping me out is so great!
However, the length of ID have to be considered.
For example, everybody gives me BBB wih MG_00080, but it suppose MG_0045 as 45 is less than 80...
I would think something like a dictionary might be better, but this will give your expected output.
import itertools
listoflists =[['AAA','MG_00013'],['AAA','MG_00177'],['AAA','MG_00005'],['BBB','MG_0045'],['BBB','MG_00080'],['CCC','MG_0002']]
minlists = [
min(value, key=lambda lst: lst[1])
for _, value in itertools.groupby(listoflists, lambda lst: lst[0])
print minlists
[['AAA', 'MG_00005'], ['BBB', 'MG_00080'], ['CCC', 'MG_0002']]
EDIT: The comparison of ids was not clear to me, but to compare them psuedo-numerically (not lexiographically), replace key=lambda lst: lst[1] with
key=lambda lst: int(lst[1][3:])
This is a good spot for a defaultdict
from collections import defaultdict
D = defaultdict(list)
for k,v in listoflists:
return [[k, min(D[k])] for k in D]
ll =[['AAA','MG_00013'],
d = {}
for l in ll:
# If key is not the dict, insert the entry into dict
if l[0] not in d:
d[l[0]] = l[1]
# If key is already in the dict, update the entry if value is smaller
elif int(l[1][3:]) < int(d[l[0]][3:]):
d[l[0]] = l[1]
print d
{'AAA': 'MG_00005', 'BBB': 'MG_0045', 'CCC': 'MG_0002'}
You could convert it into the dictionary of lists
d = { k[0] : [] for k in listoflists }
for k in listoflists: d[k[0]].append(k[1])
ans = [ [k,min(d[k])] for k in d ]
print ans
or just
d = { k[0] : [] for k in listoflists }
for k in listoflists: d[k[0]].append(k[1])
for k in d: print k,min(d[k])

Python: While Statement = Statement Print associated Values

In Python I currently have a Dictionary with a composite Key. In this dictionary there are multiple occurences of these keys. (The keys are comma-separated):
(A,B), (A,C), (A,B), (A,D), (C,A), (A,B), (C,A), (C,B), (C,B)
I already have something that totals the unique occurrences and counts the duplicates which gives me a print-out similar to this:
(A,B) with a count of 4, (A,C) with a count of 2, (B,C) with a count of 6, etc.
I would like to know how to code a loop that would give me the following:
Print out the first occurance of the first part of the key and its associtated values and counts.
Name: A:
Type Count
B 4
C 2
Total 6
Name: B:
Type Count
A 3
B 2
C 3
Total 8
I know I need to create a loop where the first statement = the first statement and do the following, but have no real idea how to approach/code this.
Here's a slightly slow algorithm that'll get it done:
def convert(myDict):
keys = myDict.keys()
answer = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for key in keys:
for k in [k for k in keys if k.startswith(key[0])]:
answer[key[0]][k[1]] = myDict[k]
return answer
Ultimately, I think what you're after is a trie
Its a little misleading to say that your dictionary has multiple values for a given key. Python doesn't allow that. Instead, what you have are keys that are tuples. You want to unpack those tuples and rebuild a nested dictionary.
Here's how I'd do it:
import collections
# rebuild data structure
nested = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for k, v in myDict.items():
k1, k2 = k # unpack key tuple
nested[k1][k2] = v
# print out data in the desired format (with totals)
for k1, inner in nested.items():
print("%s\tType\tCount" % k1)
total = 0
for k2, v in innner.items():
print("\t%s\t%d" % (k2, v))
total += v
print("\tTotal\t%d" % total)

Python List Exclusions

I have a dictionary of lists with info such as var1=vara, var1=varb, var2=vara etc. This can have lots of entries, and I print it out ok like this
for y in myDict:
I have another list which has exclusions in like this var2, var3 etc. This may have < 10 entries and I can print that ok like this
for x in myList:
Now I want to remove occurrences of key val pairs in the dictionary where the keys are the list values. I tried this
for x in myList:
for y in myDict:
if x != y: print(y+"\t"+myDict[y])
but on each pass through the list it lets all the others apart from the current `x to the screen
Is there a nice python way to remove the key val pairs from the dictionary if the key exists in the list?
Do you mean
for key in myDict:
if key not in myList:
Or one of many alternatives:
for key in (set(myDict)-set(myList)):
mySet = set(myList)
myNewDict = dict(((k, v) for k, v in myDict if k not in mySet))
Note that using mySet instead of myList isn't a concern unless myList has a large number of entries.
