I want to extract the LED screen from the image above. Some approaches that I have tried include:
I first converted the image to HSV and made a trackbar GUI through which I noted at what value of HSV our mask filters out our ROI.
using canny edge detection, contours extraction, and selecting the contour with 4 vertices and area greater than 100
Both of the solutions do work.
The problem with the first approach is that it only works on a pinkish screen. While the second approach is more generic, but both approaches need a lot of fine-tuning to get the required result.
My question is that if there's any other more generalised approach that I can try.
My project is REM sleep detector, and the provided pictures show the contour of my eyelid. As my eye looks in directions, this contour moves in a distinct way. For lack of a better solution, my first attempt is to draw a grid of rois on my video stream, with that in place I want to use the countnonzero function or use blob detection on the rois. Depending on which rois in the grid change values, movement and direction is detected. (I am sure there is better way)
Problem: I can not specify one or several rois of my choice, the function always work only on the entire image. How do I retrieve values from each roi specifically? Rois are set up by means of multiple rectangle functions. Code is in python. Any help greatly appreciated.
Contour of eyelid:
i am quite new to Python and i try to write some code for image analysing.
Here is my initial image:
Initial image
After splitting the image in to the rgb channels, converting in to gradient, using a threshold and merging them back together i get the following image:
Now i have to draw contours around the black areas and get the size of the surrounded areas. I just dont know how to do it, since my trials with find/draw.contours in opencv are not succesfull at all.
Maybe someone also knows an easier way to get that from the initial image.
Hope someone can help me here!
I am coding in Python 3.
Try adaptive thresholding on the grayscale image of the input image.
Also play with the last two parameters of the adaptive thresholding. You will find good results as I have shown in the image. (Tip: Create trackbar and play with value, this will be quick and easy method to get best values of these params.)
I'm trying to extract some contents from a cropped image. I tried pytesseract and opencv template matching but the results are very poor. OpenCV template matching sometimes fails due to poor quality of the icons and tesseract gives me a line of text with false characters.
I'm trying to grab the values like this:
0:26 83 1 1
Any thoughts or techniques?
A technique you could use would be to blur your image. From what it looks like, the image is kind of low res and blurry already, so you wouldn't need to blur the image super hard. Whenever I need to use a blur function in Opencv, I normally choose the gaussian blur, as its technique of blurring each pixel as well as each surrounding pixel is great. Once the image is blurred, I would threshold, or adaptive threshold the image. Once you have gotten this far, the image that should be shown should be mostly hard lines with little bits of short lines mixed between. Afterwards, dilate the threshold image just enough to have the bits where there are a lot of hard edges connect. Once a dilate has been performed, find the contours of that image, and sort based on their height with the image. Since I assume the position of those numbers wont change, you will only have to sort your contours based on the height of the image. Afterwards, once you have sorted your contours, just create bounding boxes over them, and read the text from there.
However, if you want to do this the quick and dirty way, you can always just manually create your own ROI's around each area you want to read and do it that way.
First Method
Gaussian blur the image
Threshold the image
Dilate the image
Find Contours
Sort Contours based on height
Create bounding boxes around relevent contours
Second Method
Manually create ROI's around the area you want to read text from
Hellow everyone,
I am trying very hard to extract edges from a specific image. I have tried many many ways, including;
grayscale, blurring (laplacian,gaussian, averaging etc), gradient (sobel, prewitt, canny)
With morfological transformations
Even thresholding with different combinations
Even HSV convert and masking and then thresholding
Using Contour Methods with area thresholding
Except all of this, I have tried different combinations with all the above. BUT neither of the above, had an excellent result. Main problem is still too many edges/lines. The image is an orthomosaic 2D photo of a marble wall. I will upload the image. Anyone have any ideas?
P.S The final result should be an image that has only the "skeleton' or/ shape of the marbles.
I am working with frames from a video. The video is overlaid with several semi-transparent boxes and my goal is to find the coordinates of these boxes. These boxes are the only fixed points in the video - the camera is moving, color intensity changes, there is no fixed reference. The problem is that the boxes are semi-transparent, so they also change with the video, albeit not as much. It seems that neither background substraction nor tracking have the right tools for this problem.
Nevertheless, I've tried the background substractors that come with cv2 as well as some homebrewn methods using differences between frames and thresholding. Unfortunately, these don't work due to the box transparency.
For reference, here is what the mean difference between the first 50 frames looks like:
And here is what cv2 background subtractor KNN returns:
I've experimented with thresholds, number of frames taken into account, various contouring algorithms, blurring/sharpening/etc. I've also tried techniques from document layout analysis.
I wonder if maybe there is something I'm missing due to not knowing the right keyword. I don't expect anyone here to give me the perfect solution, but any pointers as to where to look/what approach to try, are appreciated. I'm not bound to cv2 either, anything that works in python will do.
If you take a sample of random frames as elements of an array, and calculate the FFT, all the semi-transparent boxes will have a very high signal, and the rest of the pixels would behave as noise, so noise remotion will filter away the semi-transparent boxes. You can add the result of your other methods as additional frames for the fft
You are trying to find something that does not changes on the entire video, so do not use consecutive frames, or if you are forced to use consecutive frames, shuffle them randomly.
To gain speed, you may only take only one color channel from each frame, and pick the color channel randomly. That way the colors becomes noise, and cancel each other.
If the FFT is too expensive, just averaging random frames should filter the noise.
Ok here is first step, you can make Canny from that image, from canny you can make countours:
import cv2
import random as rng
image = cv2.imread("c:\stackoverflow\interface.png")
edges = cv2.Canny(image, 100, 240)
contoursext, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(
#cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL would work better if the image would not be framed.
for i in range(len(contoursext)):
color = (rng.randint(0,256), rng.randint(0,256), rng.randint(0,256))
cv2.drawContours(image, contoursext, i, color, 1, cv2.LINE_8, hierarchy, 0)
# Show in a window
cv2.imshow("Canny", edges)
cv2.imshow("Contour", image)
Then you can test if the contour or combination of 2 contours is rectangles for example...wich would probably detect most of the rectangle overlays...
Or Also you can try to detect canny lines if they are similar to rectangles.