Trying to obtain full tweets via the following code. I understand you want to set the parameter tweet_mode to value 'extended', but since I'm not the standard query here I don't know where it would fit. For the text field I always get partial text cut off by '...' followed by a URL. With this configuration, how would you go about getting full tweets:
from twython import Twython, TwythonStreamer
import json
import pandas as pd
import csv
def process_tweet(tweet):
d = {}
d['hashtags'] = [hashtag['text'] for hashtag in tweet['entities']['hashtags']]
d['text'] = tweet['text']
d['user'] = tweet['user']['screen_name']
d['user_loc'] = tweet['user']['location']
return d
# Create a class that inherits TwythonStreamer
class MyStreamer(TwythonStreamer):
# Received data
def on_success(self, data):
# Only collect tweets in English
if data['lang'] == 'en':
tweet_data = process_tweet(data)
# Problem with the API
def on_error(self, status_code, data):
print(status_code, data)
# Save each tweet to csv file
def save_to_csv(self, tweet):
with open(r'tweets_about_california.csv', 'a') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Instantiate from our streaming class
stream = MyStreamer(creds['CONSUMER_KEY'], creds['CONSUMER_SECRET'],
creds['ACCESS_TOKEN'], creds['ACCESS_SECRET'])
# Start the stream
stream.statuses.filter(track='california', tweet_mode='extended')
The tweet_mode=extended parameter has no effect on the v1.1 streaming API, as all Tweets are delivered in both extended and default (140) format.
If the Tweet object has the value truncated: true then there will be an additional element in the payload - extended_tweet. This is where the full_text value will be stored.
Note that this answer only applies to the v1.1 Twitter API, in v2 all Tweet text is returned by default in the streaming API (Twython does not currently support v2).
I want to retrieve At least 1000 tweets from a {user} timeline replies included
● At least 100 tweets of the 1000 tweets are related to Covid-19 keyword like ["covid19", "wuhan", "mask", "lockdown", "quarantine", "sars-cov-2"] etc.
I wrote the function to retrieve the tweets:
def get_tweets_by_user(self, screen_name):
Use user_timeline api to fetch POI related tweets, some postprocessing may be required.
:return: List
result = []
tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=screen_name,
# 200 is the maximum allowed count
include_rts = True,
# Necessary to keep full_text
# otherwise only the first 140 words are extracted
tweet_mode = 'extended'
for tw in tweets:
return result
Now how do I retrieve 100 tweets related to covid-19 keywords from user timeline?
Register for Twitter developer API. You'll need a couple consumer keys. Tell them you're a student.
import requests as re
import json
import twitter # install this library to work with twitter dev.
consumer_key = "your key"
consumer_secret = "your key"
access_token = "your key"
access_token_secret = "your key"
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=yourkey,
FILTER = ["covid-19 string here"] # PUT YOUR COVID 19 STRING HERE
LANGUAGES = ['en']
store_file = "outputfileforcovidtweets.txt"
_location = ["put coordinates here"]
def main():
with open(store_file, 'a') as z:
for line in api.GetStreamFilter(track=FILTER, languages=LANGUAGES, locations=_location):
This will collect real-time tweets to your output file. :)
Through the basic Academic Research Developer Account, I'm using the Tweepy API to collect tweets containing specified keywords or hashtags. This enables me to collect 10,000,000 tweets per month. Using the entire archive search, I'm trying to collect tweets from one whole calendar date at a time. I've gotten a rate limit error (despite the wait_on_rate_limit flag being set to true) Now there's an error with the request limit.
here is the code
import pandas as pd
import tweepy
# function to display data of each tweet
def printtweetdata(n, ith_tweet):
print(f"Tweet {n}:")
print(f"Total Tweets:{ith_tweet[5]}")
# function to perform data extraction
def scrape(words, numtweet, since_date, until_date):
# Creating DataFrame using pandas
db = pd.DataFrame(columns=['username', 'tweet_ID', 'userID',
'creation', 'location', 'text','likes','retweets', 'hashtags'])
# We are using .Cursor() to search through twitter for the required tweets.
# The number of tweets can be restricted using .items(number of tweets)
tweets = tweepy.Cursor(api.search_full_archive,'research',query=words,
fromDate=since_date, toDate=until_date).items(numtweet)
# .Cursor() returns an iterable object. Each item in
# the iterator has various attributes that you can access to
# get information about each tweet
list_tweets = [tweet for tweet in tweets]
# Counter to maintain Tweet Count
i = 1
# we will iterate over each tweet in the list for extracting information about each tweet
for tweet in list_tweets:
username = tweet.user.screen_name
tweet_ID =
creation = tweet.created_at
location = tweet.user.location
likes = tweet.favorite_count
retweets = tweet.retweet_count
hashtags = tweet.entities['hashtags']
# Retweets can be distinguished by a retweeted_status attribute,
# in case it is an invalid reference, except block will be executed
text = tweet.retweeted_status.full_text
except AttributeError:
text = tweet.text
hashtext = list()
for j in range(0, len(hashtags)):
# Here we are appending all the extracted information in the DataFrame
ith_tweet = [username, tweet_ID, userID,
creation, location, text, likes,retweets,hashtext]
db.loc[len(db)] = ith_tweet
# Function call to print tweet data on screen
printtweetdata(i, ith_tweet)
i = i+1
filename = 'C:/Users/USER/Desktop/الجامعة الالمانية/output/twitter.csv'
# we will save our database as a CSV file.
if __name__ == '__main__':
consumer_key = "####"
consumer_secret = "###"
access_token = "###"
access_token_secret = "###"
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth,wait_on_rate_limit=True)
since_date = '200701010000'
until_date = '202101012359'
words = "#USA"
# number of tweets you want to extract in one run
numtweet = 1000
scrape(words, numtweet, since_date, until_date)
print('Scraping has completed!')
I got this error:
TooManyRequests: 429 Too Many Requests
Request exceeds account’s current package request limits. Please upgrade your package and retry or contact Twitter about enterprise access.
Unfortunately, I believe this is due to the Sandbox quota. For a premium account it would be more.
Tweepy API Documentation
You may check out this answer here - Limit
I am using code which is working fine. I have added the whole code as taken from geeks for geeks. But I want to modify it to add referenced_tweets.type. I am new to APIs and really want to understand how to fix this.
import pandas as pd
import tweepy
# function to display data of each tweet
def printtweetdata(n, ith_tweet):
print(f"Tweet {n}:")
print(f"Following Count:{ith_tweet[3]}")
print(f"Follower Count:{ith_tweet[4]}")
print(f"Total Tweets:{ith_tweet[5]}")
print(f"Retweet Count:{ith_tweet[6]}")
print(f"Tweet Text:{ith_tweet[7]}")
print(f"Hashtags Used:{ith_tweet[8]}")
# function to perform data extraction
def scrape(words, date_since, numtweet):
# Creating DataFrame using pandas
db = pd.DataFrame(columns=['username', 'likes', 'location', 'following',
'followers', 'totaltweets', 'retweetcount', 'text', 'hashtags'])
# We are using .Cursor() to search through twitter for the required tweets.
# The number of tweets can be restricted using .items(number of tweets)
tweets = tweepy.Cursor(, q=words, lang="en",
since=date_since, tweet_mode='extended').items(numtweet)
# .Cursor() returns an iterable object. Each item in
# the iterator has various attributes that you can access to
# get information about each tweet
list_tweets = [tweet for tweet in tweets]
# Counter to maintain Tweet Count
i = 1
# we will iterate over each tweet in the list for extracting information about each tweet
for tweet in list_tweets:
username = tweet.user.screen_name
likes = tweet.favorite_count
location = tweet.user.location
following = tweet.user.friends_count
followers = tweet.user.followers_count
totaltweets = tweet.user.statuses_count
retweetcount = tweet.retweet_count
hashtags = tweet.entities['hashtags']
# Retweets can be distinguished by a retweeted_status attribute,
# in case it is an invalid reference, except block will be executed
text = tweet.retweeted_status.full_text
except AttributeError:
text = tweet.full_text
hashtext = list()
for j in range(0, len(hashtags)):
# Here we are appending all the extracted information in the DataFrame
ith_tweet = [username, likes, location, following,
followers, totaltweets, retweetcount, text, hashtext]
db.loc[len(db)] = ith_tweet
# Function call to print tweet data on screen
printtweetdata(i, ith_tweet)
i = i+1
filename = 'etihad.csv'
# we will save our database as a CSV file.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Enter your own credentials obtained
# from your developer account
consumer_key =
consumer_secret =
access_key =
access_secret =
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
# Enter Hashtag and initial date
print("Enter Twitter HashTag to search for")
words = input()
print("Enter Date since The Tweets are required in yyyy-mm--dd")
date_since = input()
# number of tweets you want to extract in one run
numtweet = 100
scrape(words, date_since, numtweet)
print('Scraping has completed!')
I now want to add referenced_tweets.type in order to get if the Tweet is a Retweet or not but I'm not sure how to do it. Can someone help? uses the standard search API, part of Twitter API v1.1.
referenced_tweets is a value that can be set for tweet.fields, a Twitter API v2 fields parameter.
Currently, if you want to use Twitter API v2 through Tweepy, you'll have to use the development version of Tweepy on the master branch and its Client class. Otherwise, you'll need to wait until Tweepy v4.0 is released.
Alternatively, if your only goal is to determine whether a Status/Tweet object is a Retweet or not, you can simply check for the retweeted_status attribute.
Hi StackOverflow community, I have a query that I am completely unaware of and it is regarding the API 1.1 of Twitter, Tweepy and Python. It turns out that doing my little analysis on devices used, given a certain HastTag, I see that the part within the related Json (api.source) in certain accounts comes out completely without data, including mine when I send a post from my app. what happened ? Is this option going to disappear? Is anyone informed about it? Thank you !
# define streaming class
class TweetStreamListener(StreamListener):
# on success
def on_data(self, status):
# convert string to JSON
data = json.loads(status)
# extract relevant information
description = data['user']['description']
loc = data['user']['location']
text = data['text']
coords = data['coordinates']
name = data['user']['screen_name']
user_created = data['user']['created_at']
followers = data['user']['followers_count']
id_str = data['id_str']
created = data['created_at']
retweets = data['retweet_count']
bg_color = data['user']['profile_background_color']
idTweet = data['id']
source = data['source']
print('Source: ', source)
return True
# on failure
def on_error(self, status):
Results :
Results 'Source' blank New features API ?
I am working with Twitter's API and tweepy in the hopes of scraping available geolocation coordinates from Tweets. My end goal is to store only the coordinates of each Tweet in a table.
My issue is that when location Tweets, I run into an error where more information than the coordinates is provided:
My code thus far is as follows:
import pandas as pd
import json
import tweepy
import csv
class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
def on_status(self, status):
if status.retweeted:
if True:
coords = status.coordinates
geo = status.geo
if geo is not None:
geo = json.dumps(geo)
if coords is not None:
coords = json.dumps(coords)
print(coords, geo)
with open('coordinates_data.csv', 'a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
def on_error(self, status_code):
if status_code == 420:
#returning False in on_error disconnects the stream
return False
LOCATIONS = [-124.7771694, 24.520833, -66.947028, 49.384472, # Contiguous US
-164.639405, 58.806859, -144.152365, 71.76871, # Alaska
-160.161542, 18.776344, -154.641396, 22.878623] # Hawaii
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('access auths', 'access auths')
api = tweepy.API(auth)
user =
myStreamListener = MyStreamListener()
myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth = api.auth, listener=myStreamListener)
I'm sure this issue relates to my lack of 'json' understanding, or that I need to use a data dictionary.
I would appreciate any help!
Just to clarify, Tweepy is a third-party library that interfaces with Twitter's API.
That's just how Twitter represents coordinates objects. Tweepy parses the coordinates attribute of the Status/Tweet object data as the dictionary that it is. You can simply access the coordinates field as a key for that dictionary to get the list with the longitude and latitude values.
You also have a missing quotation mark, ', where you initialize auth, but I assume that's a typo from when you replaced your credentials for this question.