How to speed up an N dimensional interval tree in python? - python

Consider the following problem: Given a set of n intervals and a set of m floating-point numbers, determine, for each floating-point number, the subset of intervals that contain the floating-point number.
This problem has been addressed by constructing an interval tree (or called range tree or segment tree). Implementations have been done for the one-dimensional case, e.g. python's intervaltree package. Usually, these implementations consider one or few floating-point numbers, namely a small "m" above.
In my problem setting, both n and m are extremely large numbers (from solving an image processing problem). Further, I need to consider the N-dimensional intervals (called cuboid when N=3, because I was modeling human brains with the Finite Element Method). I have implemented a simple N-dimensional interval tree in python, but it run in a loop and can only take one floating-point number at a time. Can anyone help improve the implementation in terms of efficiency? You can change data structure freely.
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
# find the index of a satisfying x > a in one dimension
def find_index_smaller(a, x):
idx = np.argsort(a)
ss = np.searchsorted(a, x, sorter=idx)
res = idx[0:ss]
return res
# find the index of a satisfying x < a in one dimension
def find_index_larger(a, x):
return find_index_smaller(-a, -x)
# find the index of a satisfing amin < x < amax in one dimension
def find_intv_at(amin, amax, x):
idx = find_index_smaller(amin, x)
idx2 = find_index_larger(amax[idx], x)
res = idx[idx2]
return res
# find the index of a satisfying amin < x < amax in N dimensions
def find_intv_at_nd(amin, amax, x):
dim = amin.shape[0]
res = np.arange(amin.shape[-1])
for i in range(dim):
idx = find_intv_at(amin[i, res], amax[i, res], x[i])
res = res[idx]
return res
I also have two test examples for sanity check and performance testing:
def demo1():
print ("By default, we do a correctness test")
n_intv = 2
n_point = 2
# generate the test data
point = np.random.rand(3, n_point)
intv_min = np.random.rand(3, n_intv)
intv_max = intv_min + np.random.rand(3, n_intv)*8
print ("point ")
print (point)
print ("intv_min")
print (intv_min)
print ("intv_max")
print (intv_max)
print ("===Indexes of intervals that contain the point===")
for i in range(n_point):
print (find_intv_at_nd(intv_min,intv_max, point[:, i]))
def demo2():
print ("Performance:")
n_intv = 1000000
# generate the test data
points = np.random.rand(n_points, 3)*512
intv_min = np.random.rand(3, n_intv)*512
intv_max = intv_min + np.random.rand(3, n_intv)*8
print ("point.shape = "+str(points.shape))
print ("intv_min.shape = "+str(intv_min.shape))
print ("intv_max.shape = "+str(intv_max.shape))
starttime = time.time()
for point in points:
tmp = find_intv_at_nd(intv_min, intv_max, point)
print("it took this long to run {} points, with {} interva: {}".format(n_points, n_intv, time.time()-starttime))
My idea would be:
Remove np.argsort() from the algo, because the interval tree does not change, so sorting could have been done in pre-processing.
Vectorize x. The algo runs a loop for each x. It would be nice if we can get rid of the loop over x.
Any contribution would be appreciated.


Unique ordered ratio of integers

I have two ordered lists of consecutive integers m=0, 1, ... M and n=0, 1, 2, ... N. Each value of m has a probability pm, and each value of n has a probability pn. I am trying to find the ordered list of unique values r=n/m and their probabilities pr. I am aware that r is infinite if n=0 and can even be undefined if m=n=0.
In practice, I would like to run for M and N each be of the order of 2E4, meaning up to 4E8 values of r - which would mean 3 GB of floats (assuming 8 Bytes/float).
For this calculation, I have written the python code below.
The idea is to iterate over m and n, and for each new m/n, insert it in the right place with its probability if it isn't there yet, otherwise add its probability to the existing number. My assumption is that it is easier to sort things on the way instead of waiting until the end.
The cases related to 0 are added at the end of the loop.
I am using the Fraction class since we are dealing with fractions.
The code also tracks the multiplicity of each unique value of m/n.
I have tested up to M=N=100, and things are quite slow. Are there better approaches to the question, or more efficient ways to tackle the code?
M=N=30: 1 s
M=N=50: 6 s
M=N=80: 30 s
M=N=100: 82 s
import numpy as np
from fractions import Fraction
import time # For timiing
start_time = time.time() # Timing
M, N = 6, 4
mList, nList = np.arange(1, M+1), np.arange(1, N+1) # From 1 to M inclusive, deal with 0 later
mProbList, nProbList = [1/(M+1)]*(M), [1/(N+1)]*(N) # Probabilities, here assumed equal (not general case)
# Deal with mn=0 later
pmZero, pnZero = 1/(M+1), 1/(N+1) # P(m=0) and P(n=0)
pNaN = pmZero * pnZero # P(0/0) = P(m=0)P(n=0)
pZero = pmZero * (1 - pnZero) # P(0) = P(m=0)P(n!=0)
pInf = pnZero * (1 - pmZero) # P(inf) = P(m!=0)P(n=0)
# Main list of r=m/n, P(r) and mult(r)
# Start with first line, m=1
rList = [Fraction(mList[0], n) for n in nList[::-1]] # Smallest first
rProbList = [mProbList[0] * nP for nP in nProbList[::-1]] # Start with first line
rMultList = [1] * len(rList) # Multiplicity of each element
# Main loop
for m, mP in zip(mList[1:], mProbList[1:]):
for n, nP in zip(nList[::-1], nProbList[::-1]): # Pick an n value
r, rP, rMult = Fraction(m, n), mP*nP, 1
for i in range(len(rList)-1): # See where it fits in existing list
if r < rList[i]:
rList.insert(i, r)
rProbList.insert(i, rP)
rMultList.insert(i, 1)
elif r == rList[i]:
rProbList[i] += rP
rMultList[i] += 1
elif r < rList[i+1]:
rList.insert(i+1, r)
rProbList.insert(i+1, rP)
rMultList.insert(i+1, 1)
elif r == rList[i+1]:
rProbList[i+1] += rP
rMultList[i+1] += 1
if r > rList[-1]:
# Deal with 0
rList.insert(0, Fraction(0, 1))
rProbList.insert(0, pZero)
rMultList.insert(0, N)
# Deal with infty
# Deal with undefined case
print(".... done in %s seconds." % round(time.time() - start_time, 2))
print("************** Final list\nr", 'Prob', 'Mult')
for r, rP, rM in zip(rList, rProbList, rMultList): print(r, rP, rM)
print("************** Checks")
print("mList", mList, 'nList', nList)
print("Sum of proba = ", np.sum(rProbList))
print("Sum of multi = ", np.sum(rMultList), "\t(M+1)*(N+1) = ", (M+1)*(N+1))
Based on the suggestion of #Prune, and on this thread about merging lists of tuples, I have modified the code as below. It's a lot easier to read, and runs about an order of magnitude faster for N=M=80 (I have omitted dealing with 0 - would be done same way as in original post). I assume there may be ways to tweak the merge and conversion back to lists further yet.
# Do calculations
data = [(Fraction(m, n), mProb(m) * nProb(n)) for n in range(1, N+1) for m in range(1, M+1)]
# Merge duplicates using a dictionary
d = {}
for r, p in data:
if not (r in d): d[r] = [0, 0]
d[r][0] += p
d[r][1] += 1
# Convert back to lists
rList, rProbList, rMultList = [], [], []
for k in d:
I expect that "things are quite slow" because you've chosen a known inefficient sort. A single list insertion is O(K) (later list elements have to be bumped over, and there is added storage allocation on a regular basis). Thus a full-list insertion sort is O(K^2). For your notation, that is O((M*N)^2).
If you want any sort of reasonable performance, research and use the best-know methods. The most straightforward way to do this is to make your non-exception results as a simple list comprehension, and use the built-in sort for your penultimate list. Simply append your n=0 cases, and you're done in O(K log K) time.
I the expression below, I've assumed functions for m and n probabilities.
This is a notational convenience; you know how to directly compute them, and can substitute those expressions if you wish.
data = [ (mProb(m) * nProb(n), Fraction(m, n))
for n in range(1, N+1)
for m in range(0, M+1) ]
data.extend([ # generate your "zero" cases here ])

How to efficiently and incrementally argsort vectors in Python?

Within a loop that collects some samples, I need to obtain some statistics about their sorted indices every now and then, for which argsort returns exactly what I need. However, each iteration adds only a single sample, and it is a huge waste of resources to keep passing the whole samples array to the argsort function, especially since the samples array is very huge. Is not there an incremental efficient technique equivalent to argsort?
I believe an efficient incremental argsort function can be implemented by maintaining an ordered list of samples, which can be searched for the proper insertion indices once a new sample arrives. Such indices can be then utilized to both maintain the order of the samples list as well as to generate the incremental argsort-like desired output.
So far, I have utilized the searchsorted2d function by #Divakar, with slight modifications to obtain the insertion indices, and built some routine that can get the desired output if it is called after each sample insertion (b = 1).
Yet, this is inefficient, and I would like to call the routine after the collection of kth samples (e.g. b = 10). In the case of bulk insertions, searchsorted2d seems to return incorrect indices, and that is were I stopped!
import time
import numpy as np
# By Divakar
# See
def searchsorted2d(a, b):
m, n = a.shape
max_num = np.maximum(a.max() - a.min(), b.max() - b.min()) + 1
r = max_num * np.arange(m)[:,np.newaxis]
p = np.searchsorted((a + r).ravel(), (b + r).ravel()).reshape(b.shape)
return p #- n * (np.arange(m)[:,np.newaxis])
# The following works with batch size b = 1,
# but that is not efficient ...
# Can we make it work for any b > 0 value?
class incremental(object):
def __init__(self, shape):
# Express each row offset
self.ranks_offset = np.tile(np.arange(shape[1]).reshape(1, -1),
(shape[0], 1))
# Storage for sorted samples
self.a_sorted = np.empty((shape[0], 0))
# Storage for sort indices
self.a_ranks = np.empty((shape[0], 0),
def argsort(self, a):
if self.a_sorted.shape[1] == 0: # Use np.argsort for initialization
self.a_ranks = a.argsort(axis=1)
self.a_sorted = np.take_along_axis(a, self.a_ranks, 1)
else: # In later itterations,
# searchsorted the input increment
indices = searchsorted2d(self.a_sorted, a)
# insert the stack pos to track the sorting indices
self.a_ranks = np.insert(self.a_ranks, indices.ravel(),
self.ranks_offset.ravel() +
self.a_ranks.shape[1]).reshape((n, -1))
# insert the increments to maintain a sorted input array
self.a_sorted = np.insert(self.a_sorted, indices.ravel(),
a.ravel()).reshape((n, -1))
return self.a_ranks
M = 1000 # number of iterations
n = 16 # vector size
b = 10 # vectors batch size
# Storage for samples
samples = np.zeros((n, M)) * np.nan
# The proposed approach
inc = incremental((n, b))
c = 0 # iterations counter
tick = time.time()
while c < M:
if c % b == 0: # Perform batch computations
#sample_ranks = samples[:,:c].argsort(axis=1)
sample_ranks = inc.argsort(samples[:,max(0,c-b):c]) # Incremental argsort
# Utilize sample_ranks in some magic statistics here #
samples[:,c] = np.random.rand(n) # collect a sample
c += 1 # increment the counter
tock = time.time()
last = ((c-1) // b) * b
sample_ranks_GT = samples[:,:last].argsort(axis=1) # Ground truth
print('Compatibility: {0:.1f}%'.format(
100 * np.count_nonzero(sample_ranks == sample_ranks_GT) / sample_ranks.size))
print('Elapsed time: {0:.1f}ms'.format(
(tock - tick) * 1000))
I would expect 100% compatibility with the argsort function, yet it need to be more efficient than calling argsort. As for execution time with an incremental approach, it seems that 15ms or so should be more than enough for the given example.
So far, only one condition of these two can be met with any of the explored techniques.
To make a long story short, the shown above algorithm seems to be a variant of an order-statistic tree to estimate the data ranks, but it fails to do so when samples are added in bulk (b > 1). So far, it only works when inserting samples one by one (b = 1). However, the arrays are copied every time insert is called, which causes a huge overhead and forms a bottleneck, therefore samples shall be added in bulks rather than individually.
Can you introduce more efficient incremental argsort algorithm, or at least figure out how to support bulk insertion (b > 1) in the above one?
If you choose to start from where I stopped, then the problem can be reduced to fixing the bug in following snapshot:
import numpy as np
# By Divakar
# See
def searchsorted2d(a, b):
m, n = a.shape
max_num = np.maximum(a.max() - a.min(), b.max() - b.min()) + 1
r = max_num * np.arange(m)[:,np.newaxis]
p = np.searchsorted((a + r).ravel(), (b + r).ravel()).reshape(b.shape)
# It seems the bug is around here...
#return p - b.shape[0] * np.arange(b.shape[1])[np.newaxis]
#return p - b.shape[1] * np.arange(b.shape[0])[:,np.newaxis]
return p
n = 16 # vector size
b = 2 # vectors batch size
a = np.random.rand(n, 1) # Samples array
a_ranks = a.argsort(axis=1) # Initial ranks
a_sorted = np.take_along_axis(a, a_ranks, 1) # Initial sorted array
new_data = np.random.rand(n, b) # New block to append into the samples array
a = np.hstack((a, new_data)) #Append new block
indices = searchsorted2d(a_sorted, new_data) # Compute insertion indices
ranks_offset = np.tile(np.arange(b).reshape(1, -1), (a_ranks.shape[0], 1)) + a_ranks.shape[1] # Ranks to insert
a_ranks = np.insert(a_ranks, indices.ravel(), ranks_offset.ravel()).reshape((n, -1)) # Insert ransk according to their indices
a_ransk_GT = a.argsort(axis=1) # Ranks ground truth
mask = (a_ranks == a_ransk_GT)
print(mask) #Why they are not all True?
assert(np.all(mask)), 'Oops!' #This should not fail, but it does :(
It seems the bulk insertion is more involved that what I initially thought, and that searchsorted2d is not to be blamed. Take the case of a sorted array a = [ 1, 2, 5 ], and two new elements block = [3, 4] to be inserted. If we iterate and insert, then np.searchsorted(a, block[i]) would return [2] and [3], and that is just OK. However, if we call np.searchsorted(a, block) (the desired behavior - equivalent to iteration without insertion), we would get [2, 2]. This is problematic for implementing an incremental argsort, since even np.searchsorted(a, block[::-1]) would result in the same. Any idea?
It turned out that the returned indices by searchsorted are not enough to ensure a sorted array when dealing with batch inputs. If the being inserted block contains two entries that are out of order, yet they will end up being placed adjacently in the target array, then they will receive the exact same insertion index, thus get inserted in their current order, causing the glitch. Accordingly, the input block itself needs to be sorted before insertion. See the last paragraph of the question for a numerical example.
By sorting the input block and adapting the remaining parts, a 100.0% compatible solution with argsort is obtained, and it is very efficient (elapsed time is 15.6ms for inserting 1000 entries in ten by ten blocks b = 10). This can be reproduced by replacing the buggy incremental class found in the question with the following one:
# by Hamdi Sahloul
class incremental(object):
def __init__(self, shape):
# Storage for sorted samples
self.a_sorted = np.empty((shape[0], 0))
# Storage for sort indices
self.a_ranks = np.empty((shape[0], 0),
def argsort(self, block):
# Compute the ranks of the input block
block_ranks = block.argsort(axis=1)
# Sort the block accordingly
block_sorted = np.take_along_axis(block, block_ranks, 1)
if self.a_sorted.shape[1] == 0: # Initalize using the block data
self.a_ranks = block_ranks
self.a_sorted = block_sorted
else: # In later itterations,
# searchsorted the input block
indices = searchsorted2d(self.a_sorted, block_sorted)
# update the global ranks
self.a_ranks = np.insert(self.a_ranks, indices.ravel(),
block_ranks.ravel() +
self.a_ranks.shape[1]).reshape((block.shape[0], -1))
# update the overall sorted array
self.a_sorted = np.insert(self.a_sorted, indices.ravel(),
block_sorted.ravel()).reshape((block.shape[0], -1))
return self.a_ranks

Why is Z3 slow for tiny search space?

I'm trying to make a Z3 program (in Python) that generates boolean circuits that do certain tasks (e.g. adding two n-bit numbers) but the performance is terrible to the point where a brute-force search of the entire solution space would be faster. This is my first time using Z3 so I could be doing something that impacts my performance, but my code seems fine.
The following is copied from my code here:
from z3 import *
BITLEN = 1 # Number of bits in input
STEPS = 1 # How many steps to take (e.g. time)
WIDTH = 2 # How many operations/values can be stored in parallel, has to be at least BITLEN * #inputs
# Input variables
x = BitVec('x', BITLEN)
y = BitVec('y', BITLEN)
# Define operations used
op_list = [BitVecRef.__and__, BitVecRef.__or__, BitVecRef.__xor__, BitVecRef.__xor__]
unary_op_list = [BitVecRef.__invert__]
for uop in unary_op_list:
op_list.append(lambda x, y : uop(x))
# Chooses a function to use by setting all others to 0
def chooseFunc(i, x, y):
res = 0
for ind, op in enumerate(op_list):
res = res + (ind == i) * op(x, y)
return res
s = Solver()
steps = []
# First step is just the bits of the input padded with constants
firststep = Array("firststep", IntSort(), BitVecSort(1))
for i in range(BITLEN):
firststep = Store(firststep, i * 2, Extract(i, i, x))
firststep = Store(firststep, i * 2 + 1, Extract(i, i, y))
for i in range(BITLEN * 2, WIDTH):
firststep = Store(firststep, i, BitVec("const_0_%d" % i, 1))
# Generate remaining steps
for i in range(1, STEPS + 1):
this_step = Array("step_%d" % i, IntSort(), BitVecSort(1))
last_step = steps[-1]
for j in range(WIDTH):
func_ind = Int("func_%d_%d" % (i,j))
s.add(func_ind >= 0, func_ind < len(op_list))
x_ind = Int("x_%d_%d" % (i,j))
s.add(x_ind >= 0, x_ind < WIDTH)
y_ind = Int("y_%d_%d" % (i,j))
s.add(y_ind >= 0, y_ind < WIDTH)
node = chooseFunc(func_ind, Select(last_step, x_ind), Select(last_step, y_ind))
this_step = Store(this_step, j, node)
# Set the result to the first BITLEN bits of the last step
if BITLEN == 1:
result = Select(steps[-1], 0)
result = Concat(*[Select(steps[-1], i) for i in range(BITLEN)])
# Set goal
goal = x | y
s.add(ForAll([x, y], goal == result))
The code basically lays out the inputs as individual bits, then at each "step" one of 5 boolean functions can operate on the values from the previous step, where the final step represents the end result.
In this example, I generate a circuit to calculate the boolean OR of two 1-bit inputs, and an OR function is available in the circuit, so the solution is trivial.
I have a solution space of only 5*5*2*2*2*2=400:
5 Possible functions (two function nodes)
2 Inputs for each function, each of which has two possible values
This code takes a few seconds to run and provides a correct answer, but I feel like it should run instantaneously as there are only 400 possible solutions, of which quite a few are valid. If I increase the inputs to be two bits long, the solution space has a size of (5^4)*(4^8)=40,960,000 and never finishes on my computer, though I feel this should be easily doable with Z3.
I also tried effectively the same code but substituted Arrays/Store/Select for Python lists and "selected" the variables by using the same trick I used in chooseFunc(). The code is here and it runs in around the same time the original code does, so no speedup.
Am I doing something that would drastically slow down the solver? Thanks!
You have a duplicated __xor__ in your op_list; but that's not really the major problem. The slowdown is inevitable as you increase bit-size, but on a first look you can (and should) avoid mixing integer reasoning with booleans here. I'd code your chooseFunc as follows:
def chooseFunc(i, x, y):
res = False;
for ind, op in enumerate(op_list):
res = If(ind == i, op (x, y), res)
return res
See if that improves run-times in any meaningful way. If not, the next thing to do would be to get rid of arrays as much as possible.

compute the infinity norm of the difference between the two solutions

In the following code I have been able to:
Implement Gaussian elimination with no pivoting for a general square linear system.
I have tested it by solving Ax=b, where A is a random 100x100 matrix and b is a random 100x1 vector.
I have compared my solution against the solution obtained using numpy.linalg.solve
However in the final task I need to compute the infinity norm of the difference between the two solutions. I know the infinity norm is the greatest absolute row sum of a matrix. But how can I do this to compute the infinity norm of the difference between the two solutions, my solution and the numpy.linalg.solve. Looking for some help with this!
import numpy as np
def GENP(A, b):
Gaussian elimination with no pivoting.
% input: A is an n x n nonsingular matrix
% b is an n x 1 vector
% output: x is the solution of Ax=b.
% post-condition: A and b have been modified.
n = len(A)
if b.size != n:
raise ValueError("Invalid argument: incompatible sizes between A & b.", b.size, n)
for pivot_row in range(n-1):
for row in range(pivot_row+1, n):
multiplier = A[row][pivot_row]/A[pivot_row][pivot_row]
#the only one in this column since the rest are zero
A[row][pivot_row] = multiplier
for col in range(pivot_row + 1, n):
A[row][col] = A[row][col] - multiplier*A[pivot_row][col]
#Equation solution column
b[row] = b[row] - multiplier*b[pivot_row]
x = np.zeros(n)
k = n-1
x[k] = b[k]/A[k,k]
while k >= 0:
x[k] = (b[k] -[k,k+1:],x[k+1:]))/A[k,k]
k = k-1
return x
if __name__ == "__main__":
A = np.round(np.random.rand(100, 100)*10)
b = np.round(np.random.rand(100)*10)
print (GENP(np.copy(A), np.copy(b)))
for example this code gives the following output for task 1 listed above:
[-6.61537666 0.95704368 1.30101768 -3.69577873 -2.51427519 -4.56927017
-1.61201589 2.88242622 1.67836096 2.18145556 2.60831672 0.08055869
-2.39347903 2.19672137 -0.91609732 -1.17994959 -3.87309152 -2.53330865
5.97476318 3.74687301 5.38585146 -2.71597978 2.0034079 -0.35045844
0.43988439 -2.2623829 -1.82137544 3.20545721 -4.98871738 -6.94378666
-6.5076601 3.28448129 3.42318453 -1.63900434 4.70352047 -4.12289961
-0.79514656 3.09744616 2.96397264 2.60408589 2.38707091 8.72909353
-1.33584905 1.30879264 -0.28008339 0.93560728 -1.40591226 1.31004142
-1.43422946 0.41875924 3.28412668 3.82169545 1.96675247 2.76094378
-0.90069455 1.3641636 -0.60520103 3.4814196 -1.43076816 5.01222382
0.19160657 2.23163261 2.42183726 -0.52941262 -7.35597457 -3.41685057
-0.24359225 -5.33856181 -1.41741354 -0.35654736 -1.71158503 -2.24469314
-3.26453092 1.0932765 1.58333208 0.15567584 0.02793548 1.59561909
0.31732915 -1.00695954 3.41663177 -4.06869021 3.74388762 -0.82868155
1.49789582 -1.63559124 0.2741194 -1.11709237 1.97177449 0.66410154
0.48397714 -1.96241854 0.34975886 1.3317751 2.25763568 -6.80055066
-0.65903682 -1.07105965 -0.40211347 -0.30507635]
then for task two my code gives the following:
my_solution = GENP(np.copy(A), np.copy(b))
numpy_solution = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
resulting in:
[-6.61537666 0.95704368 1.30101768 -3.69577873 -2.51427519 -4.56927017
-1.61201589 2.88242622 1.67836096 2.18145556 2.60831672 0.08055869
-2.39347903 2.19672137 -0.91609732 -1.17994959 -3.87309152 -2.53330865
5.97476318 3.74687301 5.38585146 -2.71597978 2.0034079 -0.35045844
0.43988439 -2.2623829 -1.82137544 3.20545721 -4.98871738 -6.94378666
-6.5076601 3.28448129 3.42318453 -1.63900434 4.70352047 -4.12289961
-0.79514656 3.09744616 2.96397264 2.60408589 2.38707091 8.72909353
-1.33584905 1.30879264 -0.28008339 0.93560728 -1.40591226 1.31004142
-1.43422946 0.41875924 3.28412668 3.82169545 1.96675247 2.76094378
-0.90069455 1.3641636 -0.60520103 3.4814196 -1.43076816 5.01222382
0.19160657 2.23163261 2.42183726 -0.52941262 -7.35597457 -3.41685057
-0.24359225 -5.33856181 -1.41741354 -0.35654736 -1.71158503 -2.24469314
-3.26453092 1.0932765 1.58333208 0.15567584 0.02793548 1.59561909
0.31732915 -1.00695954 3.41663177 -4.06869021 3.74388762 -0.82868155
1.49789582 -1.63559124 0.2741194 -1.11709237 1.97177449 0.66410154
0.48397714 -1.96241854 0.34975886 1.3317751 2.25763568 -6.80055066
-0.65903682 -1.07105965 -0.40211347 -0.30507635]
finally for task 3:
if np.allclose(my_solution, numpy_solution):
print("These solutions agree")
print("These solutions do not agree")
resulting in:
These solutions agree
If what you want is only the infinity norm for matrix,
it generally should look something like this:
def inf_norm(matrix):
return max(abs(row.sum()) for row in matrix)
But since your my_solution and numpy_solution are just 1-D vectors, you
may either to reshape them (I assume 100x1 which is what you have in your
example) for use with above function:
alternative 1:
def inf_norm(matrix):
return max(abs(row.sum()) for row in matrix)
diff = my_solution - numpy_solution
inf_norm_result = inf_norm(diff.reshape((100, 1))
alternative 2:
Or if you know they will always be 1-D vectors, you can omit the sum
(because the rows will all have length 1) and compute it directly:
abs(my_solution - numpy_solution).max()
alternative 3:
or as it is written in numpy.linalg.norm (see below) documentation:
max(sum(abs(my_solution - numpy_solution), axis=1))
alternative 4:
or use the numpy.linalg.norm() (see:
np.linalg.norm(my_solution - numpy_solution, np.inf)

Python speed up large nested array processing

I'm wondering if there is a faster way to do this.
-data[number, number, number, number, number, number, number]
- ... ect X 12000
-data[number, number, number, number, number, number, number]
- ... ect X 12000
-data[number, number, number, number, number, number, number]
- ... ect X 12000
-data[number, number, number, number, number, number, number]
- ... ect X 12000
x and y are the first two numbers in each data array.
I need to scan each item in layers 1,2,3 against each item in the first layer (0) looking to see if they fall within a given search radius. This takes a while.
for i in range (len(data[0])):
x = data[0][i][0]
y = data[0][i][1]
for x in range (len(data[1])):
x1 = data[1][x][0]
y1 = data[1][x][1]
if( math.pow((x1 -x),2) + math.pow((y1 - y),2) < somevalue):
Thanks for any assistance!
First you should write more readable python code:
for x,y in data[0]:
for x1, y1 in data[1]:
if (x1 - x)**2 + (y1 - y)**2 < somevalue:
The you can vectorize the inner loop with numpy:
for x,y in data[0]:
x1, y1 = data[1].T
indices = (x1 - x)**2 + (y1 - y)**2 < somevalue
matches.append(((x,y), data[1][indices]))
For this specific problem scipy.spatial.KDTree or rather its Cython workalike scipy.spatial.cKDTree would appear to be taylor-made:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
# create some random data
data = np.random.random((4, 12000, 7))
# in each record discard all but x and y
data_xy = data[..., :2]
# build trees
trees = [cKDTree(d) for d in data_xy]
somevalue = 0.001
# find all close pairs between reference layer and other layers
pairs = []
for tree in trees[1:]:
pairs.append(trees[0].query_ball_tree(tree, np.sqrt(somevalue)))
This example takes less than a second. Please note that the output format is different to the one your script produces. For each of the three non-reference layers it is a list of lists, where the inner list at index k contains the indices of the points that are close to point k in the reference list.
I would suggest creating a function out of this and using the numba libray with decorator #jit(nopython=True).
also as suggested you should use numpy arrays as numba is focusing on utilizing numpy operations.
from numba import jit
def search(data):
matches1 = []
matches2 = []
for i in range (len(data[0])):
x = data[0][i][0]
y = data[0][i][1]
for x in range (len(data1[1])):
x1 = data[1][x][0]
y1 = data[1][x][1]
if( math.pow((x1 -x),2) + math.pow((y1 - y),2) < somevalue):
return matches1, matches2
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialize
# import your data however.
m1, m2 = search(data)
The key is to make sure to only use the allowed functions supported by numba.
I have seen speed increases from 100x faster to ~300x faster.
This could also be a good place to use GPGPU computation. From python you have pycuda and pyopencl depending on your underlying hardware. Opencl can also use some of the SIMD instructions on the CPU if you don't have a gpu.
If you don't want to go down the GPGPU road then numpy or numba would also be useful as mentioned before.
