I am trying to bulk insert pandas dataframe data into Postgresql. In Pandas dataframe I have 35 columns and in Postgresql table I have 45 columns. I am choosing 12 matching column from pandas dataframe and inserting into postgresql table. For this I am using the following code snippets:
df = pd.read_excel(raw_file_path,sheet_name = 'Sheet1',usecols=col_names) <---col_names = list of desired columns (12 columns)
cols = ','.join(list(df.columns))
tuples = [tuple(x) for x in df.to_numpy()]
query = "INSERT INTO {0}.{1} ({2}) VALUES (%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s);".format(schema_name,table_name,cols)
curr = conn.cursor()
except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
print("Error: %s" % error)
return 1
if conn is not None:
print('Database connection closed.')
When running I am getting this error:
SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "%"
LINE 1: ...it,purchase_group,indenter_name,wbs_code) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%...
Even if I use ? in place of %%s I am still getting this error.
Can anybody throw some light on this?
P.S. I am using Postgresql version 10.
What you're doing now is actually insert a pandas dataframe one row at a time. Even if this worked, it would be an extremely slow operation. At the same time, if the data might contain strings, just placing them into a query string like this leaves you open to SQL injection.
I wouldn't reinvent the wheel. Pandas has a to_sql function that takes a dataframe and converts it into a query for you. You can specify what to do on conflict (when a row already exists).
It works with SQLAlchemy, which has excellent support for PostgreSQL. And even though it might be a new package to explore and install, you're not required to use it anywhere else to make this work.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase')
sheet_name = 'Sheet1',
usecols=col_names # <---col_names = list of desired columns (12 columns)
method='multi' # this makes it do all inserts in one go
I have stored queries (like select * from table) in a Snowflake table and want to execute each query row-by-row and generate a CSV file for each query. Below is the python code where I am able to print the queries but don't know how to execute each query and create a CSV file:
I believe I am close to what I want to achieve. I would really appreciate if someone can help over here.
import pyodbc
import pandas as pd
import snowflake.connector
import os
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
user = 'User',
password = 'Pass',
account = 'Account',
autocommit = True
cursor = conn.cursor()
query=('Select Column from Table;')--This will return two select
output = cursor.execute(query)
for i in cursor:
del cursor
except Exception as e:
You're pretty close. just need to execute the code instead of printing, and put the data into a file.
I haven't used pandas much myself, but this is the code that Snowflake documentation provides for running a query and putting it into a pandas dataframe.
cursor = conn.cursor()
query=('Select Column, row_number() over(order by Column) as Rownum from Table;')
resultset = cursor.fetchall()
for result in resultset:
df = cursor.fetch_pandas_all()
df.to_csv(r'C:\Users\...<your filename here>'+ result[1], index = False)
may take some fiddling, but here's a couple links for references:
Snowflake docs on creating a pandas dataframe
Exporting a pandas dataframe to csv
Update: added an example of a way to create separate files for each record. This just adds a distinct number to each row of your sql output so you can use that number as part of the filename. Ultimately, you need to have some logic in your loop to create a filename, whether that's adding a random number, a timestamp, whatever. That can come from the SQL or from the python, up to you. I'd probably add a filename column to your table, but I don't know if that makes sense for you.
I'm new to Python and Pandas - please be gentle!
I'm using SqlAlchemy with pymssql to execute a SQL query against a SQL Server database and then convert the result set into a dataframe. I'm then attempting to write this dataframe as a Parquet file:
engine = sal.create_engine(connectionString)
conn = engine.connect()
df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn)
The data I'm retrieving in the SQL query includes a uniqueidentifier column (i.e. a UUID) named rowguid. Because of this, I'm getting the following error on the last line above:
pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: ("Could not convert UUID('92c4279f-1207-48a3-8448-4636514eb7e2') with type UUID: did not recognize Python value type when inferring an Arrow data type", 'Conversion failed for column rowguid with type object')
Is there any way I can force all UUIDs to strings at any point in the above chain of events?
A few extra notes:
The goal for this portion of code was to receive the SQL query text as a parameter and act as a generic SQL-to-Parquet function.
I realise I can do something like df['rowguid'] = df['rowguid'].astype(str), but it relies on me knowing which columns have uniqueidentifier types. By the time it's a dataframe, everything is an object and each query will be different.
I also know I can convert it to a char(36) in the SQL query itself, however, I was hoping to do something more "automatic" so the person writing the query doesn't trip over this problem accidentally all the time / doesn't have to remember to always convert the datatype.
Any ideas?
Try DuckDB
engine = sal.create_engine(connectionString)
conn = engine.connect()
df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn)
# Close the database connection
# Create DuckDB connection
duck_conn = duckdb.connect(':memory:')
# Write DataFrame content to a snappy compressed parquet file
COPY (SELECT * FROM df) TO 'df-snappy.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet')
Has anyone experienced this before?
I have a table with "int" and "varchar" columns - a report schedule table.
I am trying to import an excel file with ".xls" extension to this table using a python program. I am using pandas to_sql to read in 1 row of data.
Data imported is 1 row 11 columns.
Import works successfully but after the import I noticed that the datatypes in the original table have now been altered from:
int --> bigint
char(1) --> varchar(max)
varchar(30) --> varchar(max)
Any idea how I can prevent this? The switch in datatypes is causing issues in downstrean routines.
df = pd.read_excel(schedule_file,sheet_name='Schedule')
params = urllib.parse.quote_plus(r'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=<<IP>>;DATABASE=<<DB>>;UID=<<UDI>>;PWD=<<PWD>>')
conn_str = 'mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={}'.format(params)
engine = create_engine(conn_str)
df.to_sql(name=table_name,con=engine, if_exists='replace',index=False)
Consider using the dtype argument of pandas.DataFrame.to_sql where you pass a dictionary of SQLAlchemy types to named columns:
import sqlalchemy
data.to_sql(name=table_name, con=engine, if_exists='replace', index=False,
dtype={'name_of_datefld': sqlalchemy.types.DateTime(),
'name_of_intfld': sqlalchemy.types.INTEGER(),
'name_of_strfld': sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR(length=30),
'name_of_floatfld': sqlalchemy.types.Float(precision=3, asdecimal=True),
'name_of_booleanfld': sqlalchemy.types.Boolean}
I think this has more to do with how pandas handles the table if it exists. The "replace" value to the if_exists argument tells pandas to drop your table and recreate it. But when re-creating your table, it will do it based on its own terms (and the data stored in that particular DataFrame).
While providing column datatypes will work, doing it for every such case might be cumbersome. So I would rather truncate the table in a separate statement and then just append data to it, like so:
Instead of:
df.to_sql(name=table_name, con=engine, if_exists='replace',index=False)
I'd do:
with engine.connect() as con:
con.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE %s" % table_name)
df.to_sql(name=table_name, con=engine, if_exists='append',index=False)
The truncate statement basically drops and recreates your table too, but it's done internally by the database, and the table gets recreated with the same definition.
I've got some weird problem here and stuck. I'm rewriting python script that generates some CSV files, and I need to write the same info on MySQL server.
I've managed to get it working... somehow.
Here is the part that creates CSV:
final_table.get_tunid_town_pivot().to_csv('result_pivot_tunid_town_' + ConsoleLog.get_curr_date_underline() + '.csv', sep=';')
And here is the part that loads data into MySQL table:
conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', port=3306, user='test', passwd='test', db='test')
final_table.get_tunid_town_pivot().to_sql(con=conn, name='TunID', if_exists='replace', flavor='mysql', index=False, chunksize=10000)
The problem is that there are 4 columns in dataframe, but in MySQL i get only one last column. I have no idea why is that happening, and I found zero similar problems. Any help please?
Your DataFrame has (probably due to the pivoting) a MultiIndex of 3 levels and only 1 column. By default, to_sql will also write the index to the SQL table, but you did specify index=False, so only the one column will be written to SQL.
So either do not specify to not include the index (so use index=True), or either reset the index and write the frame then (df.reset_index().to_sql(..., index=False)).
Also note that using a pymysql connection in to_sql is deprecated (it should give you a warning), you have to use it through an SQLAlchemy engine.
I want to "insert ignore" an entire pandas dataframe into mysql. Is there a way to do this without looping over the rows?
In dataframe.to_sql I only see the option if_exists 'append' but will this still continue on duplicate unique keys?
Consider using a temp table (with exact structure of final table) that is always replaced by pandas then run the INSERT IGNORE in a cursor call:
dataframe.to_sql('myTempTable', con, if_exists ='replace')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO myFinalTable SELECT * FROM myTempTable")
There is no way to do this in pandas till the current version of pandas (0.20.3) .
The option if_exists applies only on table ( not on rows ) as stated in the documentation.
if_exists : {‘fail’, ‘replace’, ‘append’}, default ‘fail’
fail: If table exists, do nothing.
replace: If table exists, drop it, recreate it, and insert data.
append: If table exists, insert data. Create if does not exist.
Via Looping
This will slow down the process as you are inserting one row at a time
for x in xrange(data_frame.shape[0]):
data_frame.iloc[x:x+1].to_sql(con=sql_engine, name="table_name", if_exists='append')
except IntegrityError:
# Your code to handle duplicates