Problem with For Loop in Python BeautifulSoup web scraping - python

I'm a beginner with Python & trying to learn with a BeautifulSoup webscraping project.
I'm looking to scrape the record item title, URL of item & purchase date from this URL & export to a CSV.
I made great progress with scraping title & URL but just cannot figure out how to properly code the purchase date info correctly in my for loop (purchase_date variable below).
What's currently happening is the data in the csv file for the purchase date (e.g. p_date title) just displays blank cells with no text.. no error message just no data getting put into csv. Any guidance is much appreciated.
Thank you!!
import requests
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
headers = {"Accept-Language": "en-US, en;q=0.5"}
url = ""
results = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(results.text, "html.parser")
title = []
date = []
URL = []
record_div = soup.find_all('div', class_='col-md-7 add-desc-box')
for container in record_div:
description = container.a.text
link = container.find('a')
purchase_date = container.find('span',class_= 'info-row').text
test_data = pd.DataFrame({
'record_description': title,
'link': URL,
'p_date': date
test_data['link'] = test_data['link'].str.replace('../','',1)

I suggest to change parser type:
soup = BeautifulSoup(results.text, "html5")
And fix search expression for purchase date:
purchase_date =' > b')[0].text.strip(' \t\n\r')


Fix BeautifulSoup code to get data from all pages and output into csv

Complete beginner. Please help. I've got this code, which worked when I did not try to output to .csv but instead had a print command there - so I didn't have the last 2 lines or anything related to variable 'data'. By 'worked' I mean it printed data from all 18 pages.
Now it outputs data into .csv but only from the first page (url).
I see that I'm not passing nexturl into the pandas at the end - because I don't know how to. Help greatly appreciated.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
url = ''
def scrape_it(url):
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
nexturl = soup.find_all(class_="standardLinkDkBlue")[-1]['href']
stri = soup.find_all(class_="standardLinkDkBlue")[-1].string
reports = soup.find_all("tr", {"class": ["SearchTableRowAlt", "SearchTableRow"]})
data = []
for report in reports:
'title': report.find('a', class_='linkTitle').text,
'price': report.find('div', class_='resultPrice').text,
'date_author': report.find('div', class_='textGrey').text.replace(' | published by: TechNavio', ''),
'detail_link': report.a['href']
if 'next' not in stri:
print("All pages completed")
return data
myOutput = pd.DataFrame(scrape_it(url))
myOutput.to_csv(f'results-tec6.csv', header=False)
Make data global so you keep appending to it during loop rather than re-creating afresh. Then make your recursive function be called outside the DataFrame() call so you can then pass data to pandas.
Finally, you can pass a cookie to get the max possible results per request to reduce the number of requests.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
url = ''
data = []
def scrape_it(url):
page = requests.get(url, headers = {'Cookie':'ResultsPerPage=100'})
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
nexturl = soup.find_all(class_="standardLinkDkBlue")[-1]['href']
stri = soup.find_all(class_="standardLinkDkBlue")[-1].string
reports = soup.find_all("tr", {"class": ["SearchTableRowAlt", "SearchTableRow"]})
for report in reports:
'title': report.find('a', class_='linkTitle').text,
'price': report.find('div', class_='resultPrice').text,
'date_author': report.find('div', class_='textGrey').text.replace(' | published by: TechNavio', ''),
'detail_link': report.a['href']
if 'next' not in stri:
print("All pages completed")
myOutput = pd.DataFrame(data)
myOutput.to_csv(f'results-tec6.csv', header=False)

Unable to scrape the right wikitable with BeautifulSoup4 (beginner)

A complete beginner here...I am trying to scrape the constituents table from this Wikipedia page, however the table scraped was the annual returns (1st table) instead of the constituents table (2nd table) that I need. Could someone help to see if there is any way that i can target the specific table that i want using BeautifulSoup4?
import bs4 as bs
import pickle
import requests
def save_klci_tickers():
resp = requests.get ('')
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(resp.text)
table = soup.find ('table', {'class': 'wikitable sortable'})
tickers = []
for row in table.findAll ('tr') [1:]:
ticker = row.findAll ('td') [0].text
with open ("klcitickers.pickle", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump (tickers, f)
print (tickers)
return tickers
Try pandas library to get the tabular data from that page in a csv file with the blink of an eye:
import pandas as pd
url = ''
df = pd.read_html(url, attrs={"class": "wikitable"})[1] #change the index to get the table you need from that page
new = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=["Constituent Name", "Stock Code", "Sector"])
new.to_csv("wiki_data.csv", index=False)
If it is still BeautifulSoup you wanna stick with, the following should serve the purpose:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
res = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"lxml")
for items in"table.wikitable")[1].select("tr"):
data = [item.get_text(strip=True) for item in"th,td")]
If you wanna use .find_all() instead of .select(), try the following:
for items in soup.find_all("table",class_="wikitable")[1].find_all("tr"):
data = [item.get_text(strip=True) for item in items.find_all(["th","td"])]

Get a <span> value using python web scrape

I am trying to get a product price using BeautifulSoup in python.
But i keep getting erroes, no matter what I try.
The picture of the site i am trying to web scrape
I want to get the 19,90 value.
I have already done a code to get all the product names, and now need their prices.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
price = soup.find('span', itemprop_='price')
Less ideal is parsing out the JSON containing the prices
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'lxml')
scripts = [script.text for script in'script') if 'var freedom = freedom ||' in script.text]
pricesJson = scripts[0].split('"items":')[1].split(']')[0] + ']'
prices = [item['price'] for item in json.loads(pricesJson)]
names = [name.text for name in'#item-list [itemprop=name]')]
results = list(zip(names,prices))
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
Sample output:
span[itemprop='price'] is generated by javascript. Original value stored in div[data-final-price] with value like 1990 and you can format it to 19,90 with Regex.
import re
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
prices ='div[data-final-price]')
for price in prices:
price = re.sub(r'(\d\d$)', r',\1', price['data-final-price'])

python crawling beautifulsoup how to crawl several pages?

Please Help.
I want to get all the company names of each pages and they have 12 pages.
-- this website only changes the number.
So Here is my code so far.
Can I get just the title (company name) of 12 pages?
Thank you in advance.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
maximum = 0
page = 1
URL = ''
response = requests.get(URL)
source = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'html.parser')
whole_source = ""
for page_number in range(1, maximum+1):
URL = '' + str(page_number)
response = requests.get(URL)
whole_source = whole_source + response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(whole_source, 'html.parser')
find_company ="#content > div.wrap_analysis_data > div.public_con_box.public_list_wrap > ul > li:nth-child(13) > div > strong")
for company in find_company:
---------Output of one page
---------page source :)
So, you want to remove all the headers and get only the string of the company name?
Basically, you can use the soup.findAll to find the list of company in the format like this:
<strong class="company"><span>중소기업진흥공단</span></strong>
Then you use the .find function to extract information from the <span> tag:
After that, you use .contents function to get the string from the <span> tag:
So you write a loop to do the same for each page, and make a list called company_list to store the results from each page and append them together.
Here's the code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
maximum = 12
company_list = [] # List for result storing
for page_number in range(1, maximum+1):
URL = '{}'.format(page_number)
response = requests.get(URL)
whole_source = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(whole_source, 'html.parser')
for entry in soup.findAll('strong', attrs={'class': 'company'}): # Finding all company names in the page
company_list.append(entry.find('span').contents[0]) # Extracting name from the result
The company_list will give you all the company names you want
I figured it out eventually. Thank you for your answer though!
image : code captured in jupyter notebook
Here is my final code.
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
for n in range(12):
url = '{}'.format(n+1)
webpage = urlopen(url)
source = BeautifulSoup(webpage,'html.parser',from_encoding='utf-8')
companys = source.findAll('strong',{'class':'company'})
for company in companys:
file = open('company_name1.txt','w',encoding='utf-8')
for company in company_list:

Python - How to retrieve certain text from a website

I have the following code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import re
market = 'INDU:IND'
quote_page = '' + market
page = urllib.request.urlopen(quote_page)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
name_box = soup.find('h1', attrs={'class': 'name'})
name = name_box.text.strip()
print('Market: ' + name)
This code works and lets me get the market name from the url. I'm trying to do something similar to this website. Here is my code:
market = 'BTC-GBP'
quote_page = '' + market
page = urllib.request.urlopen(quote_page)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
name_box = soup.find('span', attrs={'class': 'Trsdu(0.3s) Fw(b) Fz(36px) Mb(-4px) D(ib)'})
name = name_box.text.strip()
print('Market: ' + name)
I'm not sure what to do. I want to retrieve the current rate, the amount it's increased/decreased by as a number & a percentage. And finally as of when the information was updated. How do I do this, I don't mind if you do a different method to the one I used previously as long as you explain it. If my code is inefficient/unpythonic could you also tell me what to do to fix this. I'm pretty new to web scraping and these new modules. Thanks!
You can use BeautifulSoup and when searching for the desired data, use regex to match the dynamic span classnames generated by the site's backend script:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import requests
import re
data = requests.get('').text
s = soup(data, 'lxml')
d = [i.text for i in s.find_all('span', {'class':re.compile('Trsdu\(0\.\d+s\) Trsdu\(0\.\d+s\) Fw\(\w+\) Fz\(\d+px\) Mb\(-\d+px\) D\(\w+\)|Trsdu\(0\.\d+s\) Fw\(\d+\) Fz\(\d+px\) C\(\$data\w+\)')})]
date_published = re.findall('As of\s+\d+:\d+PM GMT\.|As of\s+\d+:\d+AM GMT\.', data)
final_results = dict(zip(['current', 'change', 'published'], d+date_published))
{'current': u'6,785.02', 'change': u'-202.99 (-2.90%)', 'published': u'As of 3:55PM GMT.'}
Edit: given the new URL, you need to change the span classname:
data = requests.get('').text
final_results = dict(zip(['current', 'change', 'published'], [i.text for i in soup(data, 'lxml').find_all('span', {'class':re.compile('Trsdu\(0\.\d+s\) Trsdu\(0\.\d+s\) Fw\(b\) Fz\(\d+px\) Mb\(-\d+px\) D\(b\)|Trsdu\(0\.\d+s\) Fw\(\d+\) Fz\(\d+px\) C\(\$data\w+\)')})] + re.findall('At close:\s+\d:\d+PM EST', data)))
{'current': u'175.50', 'change': u'+3.00 (+1.74%)', 'published': u'At close: 4:00PM EST'}
You can directly use api provided by yahoo Finance,
For reference check this answer :-
Yahoo finance webservice API
