Calculate some averages in .txt python - python

I have a .txt-file called ecc.txt. It contains more than 8000 lines of numbers. I want to count the average of every 360 lines in that file.
Here is the code:
import math
f = open(r'ecc.txt').read()
data = []
for line in data:
sum = 0
for i in range (len(data)):
if i % 360 != 0:
sum = sum + ecc[i]
average = sum / 360
sum = 0
When I am running it, nothing happens. I didn't get any results. The code just running and end without any result.
Is there something wrong with this code?
Thank you.

avg_dict = {}
with open('ecc.txt') as f:
data =' ')
sum = 0
i = 0
for str_number in data:
sum += int(str_number)
i += 1
if i % 360 == 0:
avg_dict[i] = sum/360
sum = 0
I've assumed that your file text has an empty space as separator. Otherwise, you can change the sep value in the split method. If there is not separator change data as:
data = list(

You code would work with some changes:
import math
with open(r'ecc.txt') as f:
for i in f:
for line in data:
sum = 0
for i in range (len(data)):
if i%360 !=0:
sum = sum + ecc[i]
average = sum/360
Be aware though, that this code doesn't include values for each 360th element (i guess it's not a problem for an average) and also you don't have average for last elements


How to add or subtract 1 to a sum based on a certain value in a text?

After reading a text, I need to add 1 to a sum if I find a ( character, and subtract 1 if I find a ) character in the text. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
This is what I tried at first:
file = open("day12015.txt")
sum = 0
up = "("
for item in file:
if item is up:
sum += 1
sum -= 1
I have this long text like the following example (((())))((((( .... If I find a ), I need to subtract 1, if I find a (, I need to add 1. How can I solve it? I'm always getting 0 as output even if I change my file manually.
your for loop only gets all the string in the file so you have to loop through the string to get your desired output.
Example .txt
Full Code
file = open("Data.txt")
sum = 0
up = "("
for string in file:
for item in string:
if item is up:
sum += 1
sum -= 1
Hope this helps.Happy Coding :)
So you need to sum +1 for "(" character and -1 for ")".
Do it directly specifying what to occur when you encounter this character. Also you need to read the lines from a file as you're opening it. In your code, you are substracting one for every case that is not "(".
file = open("day12015.txt")
total = 0
for line in file:
for character in line:
if character == "(":
total += 1
elif character == ")":
total -= 1
That's simply a matter of counting each character in the text. The sum is the difference between those counts. Look:
from pathlib import Path
file = Path('day12015.txt')
text = file.read_text()
total = text.count('(') - text.count(')')
For the string you posted, for example, we have this:
>>> p = '(((())))((((('
>>> p.count('(') - p.count(')')
Just for comparison and out of curiosity, I timed the str.count() and a loop approach, 1,000 times, using a string composed of 1,000,000 randoms ( and ). Here is what I found:
import random
from timeit import timeit
p = ''.join(random.choice('()') for _ in range(1_000_000))
def f():
return p.count('(') - p.count(')')
def g():
a, b = 0, 0
for c in p:
if c == '(':
a = a + 1
b = b + 1
return a - b
print('f: %5.2f s' % timeit(f, number=1_000))
print('g: %5.2f s' % timeit(g, number=1_000))
f: 8.19 s
g: 49.34 s
It means the loop approach is 6 times slower, even though the str.count() one is iterating over p two times to compute the result.

How to convert '2.6840000e+01' type like datas to float in Python?

I got a "input.txt" file that contains lines like:
1 66.3548 1011100110110010 25
Then i apply some functions column by column:
column stays the same,
column is rounding in a spesific way,
column is converted from binary to decimal,
column is converted from hexadecimal to binary.
And finaly i get this:
[1.0000000e+00 6.6340000e+01 4.7538000e+04 1.0010100e+05]
Then i write this to "fall.txt".
All the operations is working correctly. But i want to see the numbers like:
1 66.34 47538 100101
I placed the columns of the relevant rows in list_for_1. Then i applied the functions to indexes and put them to another list list_for_11. Finally i put all the answers in a matrix. I wrote the matrix to the "fall.txt".
Here's what i did:
with open("input.txt", "r") as file:
list_for_1 = list()
list_for_11 = list()
#list_final_1 = list()
for line in file:
if line.startswith("1"):
line = line[:-1]
list_for_1 = line.split(" ") #tüm elemanları 1 listede toplama
#1. tip satır için elemanlara gerekli işlemlerin yapılması
list_for_11.append(list_for_1[0]) #ilk satır 1 kalacak
list_for_11.append(float_yuvarla(float(list_for_1[1]))) #float yuvarlama
list_for_11.append(binary_decimal(list_for_1[2])) #binary'den decimal'e
list_for_11.append(hexa_binary(list_for_1[3])) #hexa'dan binary'e
m = 0
n = 0
array1 = np.zeros((6,4))
for i in list_for_11: #listedeki elemanları matrise yerleştirme
if(m > 5):
if(isinstance(i, str)):
x = int(i, 2)
array1[m][n] = float(i)
n += 1
if(n == 4):
n = 0
m += 1
with open("fall.txt","w") as ff:
Over here i actually send float type to matrix but it's not working:
if(isinstance(i, str)):
x = int(i, 2)
array1[m][n] = float(i)
I'm sort of a new python user, so i might write unnecessarily long and complex codes. If there's any shorter way to do what i did, i would like to get opinions for that as well.
Here's a function to format your numbers the way you want them:
def formatNumber(num):
if num % 1 == 0:
return int(num)
return num
Your list of numbers:
l = [1.0000000e+00, 6.6340000e+01, 4.7538000e+04, 1.0010100e+05]
Reformatting your list of numbers:
for x in l:

I'm getting index out of list Error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Does "IndexError: list index out of range" when trying to access the N'th item mean that my list has less than N items?
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
def calcDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
distance = sqrt((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)
return distance
def make_dict():
return defaultdict(make_dict)
# Capture 1 input from the command line.
# NOTE: sys.argv[0] is the name of the python file
# Try "print sys.argv" (without the quotes) to see the sys.argv list
# 1 input --> the sys.argv list should have 2 elements.
if (len(sys.argv) == 2):
print "\tOK. 1 command line argument was passed."
# Now, we'll store the command line inputs to variables
myFile = str(sys.argv[1])
print 'ERROR: You passed', len(sys.argv)-1, 'input parameters.'
# Create an empty list:
cities = []
# Create an empty dictionary to hold our (x,y) coordinate info:
myCoordinates = {}
# Open our file:
myFile = '%s.csv' % (myFile)
with open(myFile, 'rb') as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
for row in spamreader:
# Only read rows that do NOT start with the "%" character.
if (row[0][0] != '%'):
# print row
id = int(row[0])
isHome = int(row[1])
x = float(row[2])
y = float(row[3])
myCoordinates[id] = {'x': x, 'y': y}
# print myCoordinates[id]['x']
# print myCoordinates[id]['y']
if (isHome == 1):
# Store this id as the home city
homeCity = id
print homeCity
print cities
# Create a TSP tour.
# VERSION 1 -- Using range() and for() loops:
myTour = []
for i in range(homeCity, len(cities)+1):
for i in range(1, homeCity+1):
print myTour
# VERSION 2 -- Using only range()
firstPart = range(homeCity, len(cities)+1)
secondPart = range(1, homeCity+1)
myTour = firstPart + secondPart
print myTour
tau = defaultdict(make_dict)
for i in cities:
# print "distance[%d][%d] = 0" % (i, i)
tau[i][i] = 0
for j in range(i+1, len(cities)+1):
# print "distance[%d][%d] > 0" % (i, j)
tau[i][j] = calcDistance(myCoordinates[i]['x'], myCoordinates[i]['y'], myCoordinates[j]['x'], myCoordinates[j]['y'])
# print "distance[%d][%d] = distance[%d][%d]" % (j, i, i, j)
tau[j][i] = tau[i][j]
# FIXME -- Edit the code below...
# Calculate the total distance of our TSP solution:
i = myTour[i]
for myIndex in range(1, len(myTour)+1):
j = myTour[myIndex]
print j
Function to calculate cost based on distance. Need to be modified.
def cost(rate,j):
cost = rate * j
cost = cost(1000,j)
print cost
Also I need to calculate cost based on distance traveled. with myIndex i am getting an error of list index out of range. I am not knowing what exactly is going there. The j is like total distance calculated.
List in python have 0 based index. If you add n elements to a list the indexes are from 0 to n-1. But you are running the loop from 1 to n. So, it getting list index out of range error.
You should do this-
for myIndex in range(0, len(myTour)):
j = myTour[myIndex]
If you are getting list index out of range error then change the loop where you are getting the error and accessing a list using 1-based indexing, from range(1,len(some_list)+1) to range(0,len(some_list)). Or you can simply write range(len(some_list)). When there is no start value passed in the range function it starts from 0 by default.
To calculate cost try this -
for myIndex in range(0, len(myTour)):
j = myTour[myIndex]
cost = rate * j
Set the value of rate before starting the loop.

I want to extract data from a txt file with python

I want to extract the initial residual values from the file attached:
But the initial residual must be referred to the "DICPCG" line and not to others (like "smoothsolver"). Then I want to store those values into a matrix that contains the values of inital residual at the same time step (on the same row) for every time-step.
Really thanks in advance
Please try this code:
import re
import sys
file = open("fixVel.txt")
textfile = file.readlines()
count = -1
matrix = []
for row in textfile:
if row.find("Time") == 0:
count = count + 1
if row.find("DICPCG") == 0:
index = row.find("Initial residual")
index1 = row[index:].find(",")
#print matrix
for i in matrix:
for j in i:
sys.stdout.write(j + " ")

Finding Maximum Value in CSV File

Have an assignment of finding average and maximum rainfall in file "BoulderWeatherData.csv". Have found the average using this code:
rain = open("BoulderWeatherData.csv", "r")
data = rain.readline()
data = rain.readlines()
total = 0
linecounter = 0
for rain in data:
linecounter = linecounter + 1
print("The number of lines is", linecounter)
for line in data:
r = line.split(",")
total = total + float(r[4])
average = float(total / linecounter)
print("The average rainfall is ", "%.2f" % average)
However, can't seem to find maximum using this same process. Attempted using max, function but the answer that must be obtained is float number, which can not be iterated through max.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is my prefered way of handling this.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
rain = open("BoulderWeatherData.csv","r")
average = 0.0
total = 0
maxt = 0.0
for line in rain:
p = float(line.split(",")[4])
average += p
total += 1
maxt = max(maxt,p)
average = average / float(total)
This will output:
Average: 0.05465272591486193
Maximum: 1.98
import csv
INPUT = "BoulderWeatherData.csv"
PRECIP = 4 # 5th column
with open(INPUT, "rU") as inf:
incsv = csv.reader(inf)
header = next(incsv, None) # skip header row
precip = [float(row[PRECIP]) for row in incsv]
avg_precip = sum(precip, 0.) / (1 and len(precip)) # prevent div-by-0
max_precip = max(precip)
"Avg precip: {:0.3f} in/day, max precip: {:0.3f} in/day"
.format(avg_precip, max_precip)
Avg precip: 0.055 in/day, max precip: 1.980 in/day
for line in data:
r = line.split(",")
if float(r[4]) > max:
something like that
You're already accumulating total across loop iterations.
To keep track of a maxvalue, it's basically the same thing, except instead of adding you're maxing:
total = 0
maxvalue = 0
for line in data:
r = line.split(",")
value = float(r[4])
total = total + value
maxvalue = max(maxvalue, value)
Or, if you don't want to use the max function:
for line in data:
r = line.split(",")
value = float(r[4])
total = total + value
if value > maxvalue:
maxvalue = value
This code will attempt to find the maximum value, and the average value, of floats stored in the 5th position in a .csv.
rainval = []
Initializes the empty array where we will store values.
with open ("BoulderWeatherData.csv", "r") as rain:
Opens the .csv file and names it "rain".
for lines in rain:
This reads every line in rain until the end of the file.
rainval += [float(lines.strip().split(",")[4])]
We append the float value found in the fifth position (fourth index) of the line.
We repeat the above for every line located in the .csv file.
print (sorted(rainval)[len(rainval)])
This sorts the values in the rainval array and then takes the last (greatest) value, and prints it. This is the maximum value and is better than max because it can handle floats and not just ints.
print (sum(rainval)/len(rainval))
This prints the average rainfall.
Alternatively, if we don't want to use arrays:
maxrain = -float("inf")
total, count = 0, 0
with open ("test.txt", "r") as rain:
for lines in rain:
temp = float(lines.strip().split(",")[4])
if maxrain < temp:
maxrain = temp
total += temp
count += 1
print (maxrain)
print (total/count)
