Using default values to infill dataframe Pandas - python

I have two dataframes with a number of the same column headers in each.
I'm looking to merge both dataframes but only use data from dataframe B if there is no data is dataframe A available, i.e. Dataframe B is default values which should be used if there is no data is dataframe A.
Dataframe A
01/01/2020 78 45 78
02/01/2020 41 36 51
03/01/2020 81 43 51
04/01/2020 84 NaN NaN
05/01/2020 NaN NaN NaN
31/01/2022 NaN NaN NaN
Dataframe B;
01/01/2020 40 30 60
02/01/2020 40 30 60
03/01/2020 40 30 60
04/01/2020 40 30 60
31/01/2025 40 30 60
Example 04/01/2020 would read;
04/01/2020 84 30 60
Any form of join/merge I do seems to overwrite values incorrectly.
Any help much appreciated!

Assume df1
01/01/2020 78.0 45.0 78.0
02/01/2020 41.0 36.0 51.0
03/01/2020 81.0 43.0 51.0
04/01/2020 84.0 NaN NaN
05/01/2020 NaN NaN NaN
and df2
01/01/2020 40 30 60
02/01/2020 40 30 60
03/01/2020 40 30 60
04/01/2020 40 30 60
05/01/2020 40 30 60
Both having date as index
df3 = df1.fillna(df2)
01/01/2020 78.0 45.0 78.0
02/01/2020 41.0 36.0 51.0
03/01/2020 81.0 43.0 51.0
04/01/2020 84.0 30.0 60.0
05/01/2020 40.0 30.0 60.0


How to shift every certain rows in a dataframe?

Could anyone please tell me how to achieve this?
The original dataframe is like:
2021-4-22 1
2021-4-23 22
2021-4-26 31
2021-4-27 42
2021-10-11 12
2021-10-13 15
2021-10-15 54
2021-10-16 65
2022-02-21 27
2022-02-22 23
2022-02-23 78
2022-02-24 56
For example ,I want to shift my data by 1 row with every 4 rows as a group:
2021-4-22 nan
2021-4-23 1
2021-4-26 22
2021-4-27 31
2021-10-11 nan
2021-10-13 12
2021-10-15 15
2021-10-16 54
2022-02-21 nan
2022-02-22 27
2022-02-23 23
2022-02-24 78
It looks like you want to shift per month. Use the index to create a monthly period, then groupby.shift:
group = pd.to_datetime(df.index).to_period('M')
out = df.groupby(group).shift()
If you really want to use a fixed number (N=4):
group = np.arange(len(df))//N
out = df.groupby(group).shift()
2021-4-22 NaN
2021-4-23 1.0
2021-4-26 22.0
2021-4-27 31.0
2021-10-11 NaN
2021-10-13 12.0
2021-10-15 15.0
2021-10-16 54.0
2022-02-21 NaN
2022-02-22 27.0
2022-02-23 23.0
2022-02-24 78.0

How to add all the data of the dataframe by identifying the common column in dataframe?

I've a dataframe DF1:
0 2017 20 21 22.0 23 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28 29.0 30 31
1 2018 30 31 32.0 33 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38 39.0 40 41
2 2019 40 41 42.0 43 NaN 45.0 NaN NaN 48 49.0 50 51
3 2017 50 51 52.0 53 54.0 55.0 56.0 57.0 58 59.0 60 61
4 2017 60 61 62.0 63 64.0 NaN 66.0 NaN 68 NaN 70 71
5 2021 70 71 72.0 73 74.0 75.0 76.0 77.0 78 79.0 80 81
6 2018 80 81 NaN 83 NaN 85.0 NaN 87.0 88 89.0 90 91
group the rows by common row in "YEAR" column and add all the data of that column.
I tried to check with this:
DF2['New'] = DF1.groupby(DF1.groupby('YEAR')).sum()
The Expected Output is like:
0 2017 130 133 ......
1 2018 110 112 ......
2 2019 40 41 ......
3 2021 70 71 ......
Thank You For Your Time :)
You were halfway through there, just rectify some small details as following :
Don't assign a groupby object to a newly defined column, replace your line of 'Df2['New'] = ...' with :
DF2 = DF1.groupby('YEAR' , as_index = False).sum().reset_index(drop = True)
If you wish to see all the columns relative to each year, create a list with the range of years your df has then apply a mask for each element in that list. You will obtain one dataframe per year then concatenate them with axis = 0.
Another way of doing so would be sorting DF1's years by chronological order then slicing. I'm afraid we misunderstood your question, if that's the case please develop more so we can help.

Pandas groupby, resample, calculate pct_change and the store result back into original freq. dataframe

I have a dataframe of daily stock data, which is indexed by a datetimeindex.
There are multiple stock entries, thus there are duplicate datetimeindex values.
I am looking for a way to:
Group the dataframe by the stock symbol
Resample the prices for each symbol group into monthly price frequency data
Perform a pct_change calculation on each symbol group monthly price
Store it as a new column 'monthly_return' in the original dataframe.
I have been able to manage the first three operations. Storing the result in the original dataframe is where I'm having some trouble.
To illustrate this, I created a toy dataset which includes a 'dummy' index (idx) column which I use to assist creation of the desired output later on in the third code block.
import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
datelist = pd.date_range(pd.datetime(2018,1,1), periods=PER).to_pydatetime().tolist() * 2
ids = [random.choice(['A', 'B']) for i in range(len(datelist))]
prices = random.sample(range(200), len(datelist))
idx = range(len(datelist))
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=zip(idx, ids, prices), index=datelist, columns='idx label prices'.split())
idx label prices
2018-01-01 0 B 40
2018-01-02 1 A 190
2018-01-03 2 A 159
2018-01-04 3 A 25
2018-01-05 4 A 89
2018-01-06 5 B 164
2018-01-31 30 A 102
2018-02-01 31 A 117
2018-02-02 32 A 120
2018-02-03 33 B 75
2018-02-04 34 B 170
Desired Output
idx label prices monthly_return
2018-01-01 0 B 40 0.000000
2018-01-02 1 A 190 0.000000
2018-01-03 2 A 159 0.000000
2018-01-04 3 A 25 0.000000
2018-01-05 4 A 89 0.000000
2018-01-06 5 B 164 0.000000
2018-01-31 30 A 102 -0.098039
2018-02-01 31 A 117 0.000000
2018-02-02 32 A 120 0.000000
2018-02-26 56 B 152 0.000000
2018-02-27 57 B 2 0.000000
2018-02-28 58 B 49 -0.040816
2018-03-01 59 B 188 0.000000
2018-01-28 89 A 88 0.000000
2018-01-29 90 A 26 0.000000
2018-01-30 91 B 128 0.000000
2018-01-31 92 A 144 -0.098039
2018-02-26 118 A 92 0.000000
2018-02-27 119 B 111 0.000000
2018-02-28 120 B 34 -0.040816
What I have tried so far is:
dfX = df1.copy(deep=True)
dfX = df1.groupby('label').resample('M')['prices'].last().pct_change(1).shift(-1)
Which outputs:
A 2018-01-31 -0.067961
2018-02-28 -0.364583
2018-03-31 0.081967
B 2018-01-31 1.636364
2018-02-28 -0.557471
2018-03-31 NaN
This is quite close to what I would like to do, however I am only getting pct_change data on end of month dates back which is annoying to store back in the original dataframe (df1) as a new column.
Something like this doesn't work:
dfX = df1.copy(deep=True)
dfX['monthly_return'] = df1.groupby('label').resample('M')['prices'].last().pct_change(1).shift(-1)
As it yields the error:
TypeError: incompatible index of inserted column with frame index
I have considered 'upsampling' the monthly_return data back into a daily series, however this could likely end up causing the same error mentioned above since the original dataset could be missing dates (such as weekends). Additionally, resetting the index to clear this error would still create problems as the grouped dfX does not have the same number of rows/frequency as the original df1 which is of daily frequency.
I have a hunch that this can be done by using multi-indexing and dataframe merging however I am unsure how to go about doing so.
This generates my desired output, but it isn't as clean of a solution as I was hoping for
df1 is generated the same as before (code given in question):
idx label prices
2018-01-01 0 A 145
2018-01-02 1 B 86
2018-01-03 2 B 141
2018-01-25 86 B 12
2018-01-26 87 B 71
2018-01-27 88 B 186
2018-01-28 89 B 151
2018-01-29 90 A 161
2018-01-30 91 B 143
2018-01-31 92 B 88
def fun(x):
dates =
x = x.set_index('date', drop=True)
x['monthly_return'] = x.resample('M').last()['prices'].pct_change(1).shift(-1)
x = x.reindex(dates)
return x
dfX = df1.copy(deep=True)
dfX.columns = 'date idx label prices'.split()
dfX = dfX.groupby('label').apply(fun).droplevel(level='label')
Which outputs the desired result (unsorted):
idx label prices monthly_return
2018-01-01 0 A 145 NaN
2018-01-06 5 A 77 NaN
2018-01-08 7 A 48 NaN
2018-01-09 8 A 31 NaN
2018-01-11 10 A 20 NaN
2018-01-12 11 A 27 NaN
2018-01-14 13 A 109 NaN
2018-01-15 14 A 166 NaN
2018-01-17 16 A 130 NaN
2018-01-18 17 A 139 NaN
2018-01-19 18 A 191 NaN
2018-01-21 20 A 164 NaN
2018-01-22 21 A 112 NaN
2018-01-23 22 A 167 NaN
2018-01-25 24 A 140 NaN
2018-01-26 25 A 42 NaN
2018-01-30 29 A 107 NaN
2018-02-04 34 A 9 NaN
2018-02-07 37 A 84 NaN
2018-02-08 38 A 23 NaN
2018-02-10 40 A 30 NaN
2018-02-12 42 A 89 NaN
2018-02-15 45 A 79 NaN
2018-02-16 46 A 115 NaN
2018-02-19 49 A 197 NaN
2018-02-21 51 A 11 NaN
2018-02-26 56 A 111 NaN
2018-02-27 57 A 126 NaN
2018-03-01 59 A 135 NaN
2018-03-03 61 A 28 NaN
2018-01-01 62 A 120 NaN
2018-01-03 64 A 170 NaN
2018-01-05 66 A 45 NaN
2018-01-07 68 A 173 NaN
2018-01-08 69 A 158 NaN
2018-01-09 70 A 63 NaN
2018-01-11 72 A 62 NaN
2018-01-12 73 A 168 NaN
2018-01-14 75 A 169 NaN
2018-01-15 76 A 142 NaN
2018-01-17 78 A 83 NaN
2018-01-18 79 A 96 NaN
2018-01-21 82 A 25 NaN
2018-01-22 83 A 90 NaN
2018-01-23 84 A 59 NaN
2018-01-29 90 A 161 NaN
2018-02-01 93 A 150 NaN
2018-02-04 96 A 85 NaN
2018-02-06 98 A 124 NaN
2018-02-14 106 A 195 NaN
2018-02-16 108 A 136 NaN
2018-02-17 109 A 134 NaN
2018-02-18 110 A 183 NaN
2018-02-19 111 A 32 NaN
2018-02-24 116 A 102 NaN
2018-02-25 117 A 72 NaN
2018-02-27 119 A 38 NaN
2018-03-02 122 A 137 NaN
2018-03-03 123 A 171 NaN
2018-01-02 1 B 86 NaN
2018-01-03 2 B 141 NaN
2018-01-04 3 B 189 NaN
2018-01-05 4 B 60 NaN
2018-01-07 6 B 1 NaN
2018-01-10 9 B 87 NaN
2018-01-13 12 B 44 NaN
2018-01-16 15 B 147 NaN
2018-01-20 19 B 92 NaN
2018-01-24 23 B 81 NaN
2018-01-27 26 B 190 NaN
2018-01-28 27 B 24 NaN
2018-01-29 28 B 116 NaN
2018-01-31 30 B 98 1.181818
2018-02-01 31 B 121 NaN
2018-02-02 32 B 110 NaN
2018-02-03 33 B 66 NaN
2018-02-05 35 B 4 NaN
2018-02-06 36 B 13 NaN
2018-02-09 39 B 114 NaN
2018-02-11 41 B 16 NaN
2018-02-13 43 B 174 NaN
2018-02-14 44 B 78 NaN
2018-02-17 47 B 144 NaN
2018-02-18 48 B 14 NaN
2018-02-20 50 B 133 NaN
2018-02-22 52 B 156 NaN
2018-02-23 53 B 159 NaN
2018-02-24 54 B 177 NaN
2018-02-25 55 B 43 NaN
2018-02-28 58 B 19 -0.338542
2018-03-02 60 B 127 NaN
2018-01-02 63 B 2 NaN
2018-01-04 65 B 97 NaN
2018-01-06 67 B 8 NaN
2018-01-10 71 B 54 NaN
2018-01-13 74 B 106 NaN
2018-01-16 77 B 74 NaN
2018-01-19 80 B 188 NaN
2018-01-20 81 B 172 NaN
2018-01-24 85 B 51 NaN
2018-01-25 86 B 12 NaN
2018-01-26 87 B 71 NaN
2018-01-27 88 B 186 NaN
2018-01-28 89 B 151 NaN
2018-01-30 91 B 143 NaN
2018-01-31 92 B 88 1.181818
2018-02-02 94 B 75 NaN
2018-02-03 95 B 103 NaN
2018-02-05 97 B 82 NaN
2018-02-07 99 B 128 NaN
2018-02-08 100 B 123 NaN
2018-02-09 101 B 52 NaN
2018-02-10 102 B 18 NaN
2018-02-11 103 B 21 NaN
2018-02-12 104 B 50 NaN
2018-02-13 105 B 64 NaN
2018-02-15 107 B 185 NaN
2018-02-20 112 B 125 NaN
2018-02-21 113 B 108 NaN
2018-02-22 114 B 132 NaN
2018-02-23 115 B 180 NaN
2018-02-26 118 B 67 NaN
2018-02-28 120 B 192 -0.338542
2018-03-01 121 B 58 NaN
Perhaps there is a more concise and pythonic way of doing this.

How to calculate with previous values in a Pandas MultiIndex DataFrame?

I have the following MultiIndex dataframe.
Close ATR
Date Symbol
1990-01-01 A 24 2
1990-01-01 B 72 7
1990-01-01 C 40 3.4
1990-01-02 A 21 1.5
1990-01-02 B 65 6
1990-01-02 C 45 4.2
1990-01-03 A 19 2.5
1990-01-03 B 70 6.3
1990-01-03 C 51 5
I want to calculate three columns:
Shares = previous day's Equity * 0.02 / ATR, rounded down to whole number
Profit = Shares * Close
Equity = previous day's Equity + sum of Profit for each Symbol
Equity has an initial value of 10,000.
The expected output is:
Close ATR Shares Profit Equity
Date Symbol
1990-01-01 A 24 2 0 0 10000
1990-01-01 B 72 7 0 0 10000
1990-01-01 C 40 3.4 0 0 10000
1990-01-02 A 21 1.5 133 2793 17053
1990-01-02 B 65 6 33 2145 17053
1990-01-02 C 45 4.2 47 2115 17053
1990-01-03 A 19 2.5 136 2584 26885
1990-01-03 B 70 6.3 54 3780 26885
1990-01-03 C 51 5 68 3468 26885
I suppose I need a for loop or a function to be applied to each row. With these I have two issues. One is that I'm not sure how I can create a for loop for this logic in case of a MultiIndex dataframe. The second is that my dataframe is pretty large (something like 10 million rows) so I'm not sure if a for loop would be a good idea. But then how can I create these columns?
This solution can surely be cleaned up, but will produce your desired output. I've included your initial conditions in the construction of your sample dataframe:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': ['1990-01-01','1990-01-01','1990-01-01','1990-01-02','1990-01-02','1990-01-02','1990-01-03','1990-01-03','1990-01-03'],
'Symbol': ['A','B','C','A','B','C','A','B','C'],
'Close': [24, 72, 40, 21, 65, 45, 19, 70, 51],
'ATR': [2, 7, 3.4, 1.5, 6, 4.2, 2.5, 6.3, 5],
'Shares': [0, 0, 0, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
'Profit': [0, 0, 0, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]})
Date Symbol Close ATR Shares Profit
0 1990-01-01 A 24 2.0 0.0 0.0
1 1990-01-01 B 72 7.0 0.0 0.0
2 1990-01-01 C 40 3.4 0.0 0.0
3 1990-01-02 A 21 1.5 NaN NaN
4 1990-01-02 B 65 6.0 NaN NaN
5 1990-01-02 C 45 4.2 NaN NaN
6 1990-01-03 A 19 2.5 NaN NaN
7 1990-01-03 B 70 6.3 NaN NaN
8 1990-01-03 C 51 5.0 NaN NaN
Then use groupby() with apply() and track your Equity globally. Took me a second to realize that the nature of this problem requires you to group on two separate columns individually (Symbol and Date):
start = 10000
Equity = 10000
def calcs(x):
global Equity
if x.index[0]==0: return x #Skip first group
x['Shares'] = np.floor(Equity*0.02/x['ATR'])
x['Profit'] = x['Shares']*x['Close']
Equity += x['Profit'].sum()
return x
df = df.groupby('Date').apply(calcs)
df['Equity'] = df.groupby('Date')['Profit'].transform('sum')
df['Equity'] = df.groupby('Symbol')['Equity'].cumsum()+start
This yields:
Date Symbol Close ATR Shares Profit Equity
0 1990-01-01 A 24 2.0 0.0 0.0 10000.0
1 1990-01-01 B 72 7.0 0.0 0.0 10000.0
2 1990-01-01 C 40 3.4 0.0 0.0 10000.0
3 1990-01-02 A 21 1.5 133.0 2793.0 17053.0
4 1990-01-02 B 65 6.0 33.0 2145.0 17053.0
5 1990-01-02 C 45 4.2 47.0 2115.0 17053.0
6 1990-01-03 A 19 2.5 136.0 2584.0 26885.0
7 1990-01-03 B 70 6.3 54.0 3780.0 26885.0
8 1990-01-03 C 51 5.0 68.0 3468.0 26885.0
can you try using shift and groupby? Once you have the value of the previous line, all columns operations are straight forward.
table2['previous'] = table2['close'].groupby('symbol').shift(1)
date symbol close atr previous
1990-01-01 A 24 2 NaN
B 72 7 NaN
C 40 3.4 NaN
1990-01-02 A 21 1.5 24
B 65 6 72
C 45 4.2 40
1990-01-03 A 19 2.5 21
B 70 6.3 65
C 51 5 45

Appending multiple rows in df2 to df1 based on datetime

I have 2 data frames, df1 and df2, both have the same format.
For example, df1 looks like this:
Date A B C D E
2018-03-01 1 40 30 30 70
2018-03-02 3 60 70 50 55
2018-03-03 4 60 70 45 80
2018-03-04 5 80 90 30 47
2018-03-05 3 40 40 37 20
df2 may look like this: The only difference is the start date
Date A B C D E
2018-03-03 4 60 70 45 80
2018-03-04 5 80 90 30 47
2018-03-05 3 40 40 37 20
2018-03-06 7 55 26 46 42
2018-03-07 2 73 46 33 25
I want to append all the rows from df2 to df1, in this case, all the rows from 2018-03-06 so that df1 becomes:
Date A B C D E
2018-03-01 1 40 30 30 70
2018-03-02 3 60 70 50 55
2018-03-03 4 60 70 45 80
2018-03-04 5 80 90 30 47
2018-03-05 3 40 40 37 20
2018-03-06 7 55 26 46 42
2018-03-07 2 73 46 33 25
Note: df2 may skip 2018-03-06, so all rows from 2018-03-07 will be copied and appended if that's the case.
My dtype for df['Date'] is datetime64. I got an error when I tried to index the last_date of df1 to find the next_date to copy from df2.
>>>> last_date = df1['Date'].tail(1)
>>>> next_date = datetime.datetime(last_date) + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'Timestamp'
Alternatively, how would you copy all the rows in df2 (starting from the date after the last date of df1) and append them to df1? Thanks.
Option 1
Use combine_first on the Date column:
i = df1.set_index('Date')
j = df2[].set_index('Date')
Date A B C D E
0 2018-03-01 1.0 40.0 30.0 30.0 70.0
1 2018-03-02 3.0 60.0 70.0 50.0 55.0
2 2018-03-03 4.0 60.0 70.0 45.0 80.0
3 2018-03-04 5.0 80.0 90.0 30.0 47.0
4 2018-03-05 3.0 40.0 40.0 37.0 20.0
5 2018-03-06 7.0 55.0 26.0 46.0 42.0
6 2018-03-07 2.0 73.0 46.0 33.0 25.0
Option 2
concat + groupby
pd.concat([i, j]).groupby('Date').first().reset_index()
Date A B C D E
0 2018-03-01 1 40 30 30 70
1 2018-03-02 3 60 70 50 55
2 2018-03-03 4 60 70 45 80
3 2018-03-04 5 80 90 30 47
4 2018-03-05 3 40 40 37 20
5 2018-03-06 7 55 26 46 42
6 2018-03-07 2 73 46 33 25
