Comparing request module vs selenium in Python - python

I made a program that works with selenium, and it automates for posting comment to the some blogs' contents. I'm not familiar with the requests module of python. (working on it for just a week) The thing that I'm wondering is, my program with selenium is a bit slow for page loading, and it loads everything from ads to the images/videos. If I'd made my program with requests module, would it save data and a bit faster according to the selenium module?
I searched this issue at some forum-sites, generally they say request modules a bit faster, but not all. Also I couldn't find any info about saving data by comparing this modules?
Plz don't give me directly the thumbs down. I need this answer with details.

Selenium is used for web automation via clicking in web elements and sending keys to input boxes.
To speed up selenium, use headless mode, so that the visual components like ads are not loaded and the work is fast , go to selenium's documentation to learn more about headless mode.
While requests is used for HTTP methods
Like GET, POST etc. Learn more about requests from here
If the blogging site has a public api, then you can use requests module.
If you are new to API , I recommend watching this YouTube video
For example to create issues on GitHub you can use GitHub API.
But to comment on a blogging site which has no public api, you need to use selenium.
Requests directly send and receive data from the server which hosts a particular service, so it is fast.
But selenium interacts with the web browser.
When you are using requests , you can do an action directly, without having to perform a bunch of clicks or send keys.

Selenium allows you to control a browser and execute actions on a webpage.
requests library is for making HTTP requests.
So, if you know how to write your program for posting comments with just using HTTP API then I’d go with requests, Selenium would be an overhead in this case

If you are proficient with HTTP requests and verb (know how to make a POST request to a server with requests library), then choose requests. If you want to test your script, use selenium or BeautifulSoup.


Selenium Python get data from HTTP request

I am running automation with Selenium and Python on Opera web driver, when I enter the specific page that I need, a request is sent to the server, it is authenticated with anti-content which blocks me from requesting it, then the only solution is to get the returned JSON after sending the request, I had checked selenium-wire, but I think it doesn't fit my needs, I thought if there is another way to do that, any suggestions?
You can try to use Titanium Web Proxy. It is a proxy server and can be installed via Nuget package and used with Selenium.
string body = await e.GetResponseBodyAsString();
Hello there are some pages which is created to be impossible automatize the request.
That rule works in JavaScript and there are companies which makes this detection and close the access for a bot.
So I am sorry to cannot solve your problem, I tried to do the same as You and there are not way.

Simulate active session on a website with python

I'm looking for a way to simulate an active session on a website using Python. What I mean by that, is I want to create a software, which makes the website think that an actual user with an actual browser has the website open. I've found urllib3 and it's request.urlopen methon, but it seems that this only reads the content provided from url and closes the connection. Thanks for any suggestions
You can try simulate browser requests to get necessary cookies for authentication. Google Chrome Dev Tools and requests python lib will do the job.
Some websites have another way to handle sessions, but I believe the majority is using cookies set through post requests.

Some websites block selenium webdriver, how does this work?

So I'm trying to web crawl clothing websites to build a list of great deals/products to look out for, but I notice that some of the websites that I try to load, don't. How are websites able to block selenium webdriver http requests? Do they look at the header or something. Can you give me a step by step of how selenium webdriver sends requests and how the server receives them/ are able to block them?
Selenium uses a real web browser (typically Firefox or Chrome) to make its requests, so the website probably has no idea that you're using Selenium behind the scenes.
If the website is blocking you, it's probably because of your usage patterns (i.e. you're clogging up their web server by making 1000 requests every minute. That's rude. Don't do that!)
One exception would be if you're using Selenium in "headless" mode with the HtmlUnitDriver. The website can detect that.
It's very likely that the website is blocking you due to your AWS IP.
Not only that tells the website that somebody is likely programmatically scraping them, but most websites have a limited number of queries they will accept from any 1 IP address.
You most likely need a proxy service to pipe your requests through.

Retrieve Network Logs using Python

Generally, whenever a page is loaded, it sends several requests, which can be recorded in the Network tab in chrome developer tools.
My prime motive is to log all the network requests whenever page is loaded using python script. A sample screen-shot is attached, to illustrate what all request I am trying to collect.
Image for Network Hit Logs
I am trying to achieve the same using urllib library in python, however, I am not exactly sure of the usage.
Looking forward for your responses. Thanks in advance.
You can't do this with the urllib family of libraries. To capture AJAX Requests you need to use something that has Javascript support... like a browser.
So your best option in this case is to use Selenium to write a script that uses the Selenium Web Driver to drive whatever browser you're using and then capture/log the AJAX requests being pushed out.

How can I create a application to login into another website with no API

I need to create an application, which logs into a website (username/pwd) with my credentials but this website has no API or authentication protocol (its not been updated since 1998, but I need data from it continuously).
Is there anyway to do this? Preferably in python but can use any language or tools.
I have been searching google but most people have APIs to work with.
As stated in the comments, you can use the Python Selenium bindings to get this set up fairly painlessly.
Another option is the Mechanize family of tools (Python's is
If you want a less heavyweight solution (that doesn't require a hefty web browser instance like Selenium or any third-party packages) you can most likely use the curl command-line client to authenticate to the app and send your requests, then put the curl commands into a shell or Python script.
You can get a head start on developing a curl solution using the Chrome dev tools:
With the dev tools open, bring up the Network tab
Select the "Preserve log" checkbox
Manually navigate to your web app in the browser and log in
Perform any other actions you want to automate
You should now have a list of requests in the Network tab
Scan through the requests and determine which are important (e.g., GETs for images can be ignored)
For each request you want to include in your script, right click the item and click ""Copy as cURL" option to get the curl equivalent of the request in your clipboard.
The string Chrome places in your clipboard will be very verbose; you can likely remove several bits and still have a working request, if you want to clean it up.
Parameterize the requests as necessary, and you should have the beginnings of a working shell script for your task.
