I have created a bot (using python-telegram-bot) that upon choosing a type of query, the bot should randomly choose one of the available strings as the reply.
My function to create replies is as follows:
def generate_reply():
replies = """
Your welcome!
See you around!""".splitlines()
r = random.choice(replies).strip()
return r
And the functions to reply to the users are as follows:
#Inline Reply
def inlinequery(update, context):
query = update.inline_query.query
results = [InlineQueryResultArticle(id=uuid4(), title="Interact",
#Normal reply
def reply(update, context):
And after creating the bot I add it to the bot using:
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("reply", reply))
when I use /reply in chat it works as intended, but wherever I use an inline command in a chat with another user or a group, the random choice apparently stops working.How can I get around this problem?
I found out the answer to my question. Apparently Telegram caches the answers to similar inline queries for some time. For this to work correctly you should set cache_time to something you'd like, in my case 0.
#Inline Reply
def inlinequery(update, context):
query = update.inline_query.query
results = [InlineQueryResultArticle(id=uuid4(), title="Interact",
update.inline_query.answer(results, cache_time=0)
I'm currently working on a bot that, messages Users in a given json-file in certain time intervals. I tried this code but it doesn't do what it's supposed to nor does it give me an error I could work with.
async def dm_loop():
with open("users.json" "r") as file:
users = json.load(file)
for stgru in users:
for i in users[stgru]:
user = await client.fetch_user(i)
await user.send("hello")
And just in case you're wondering: the short time Intervals and the unnecessary message: "hello", ist just for testing purposes. The "users.json"-file, mentioned in the code, has a format like this:
"724": ["name1#2819", "name2#2781", "name3#2891"],
"727": [],
"986": ["name4#0192"],
"840": ["name5#1221", "name6#6652"],
"798": ["name7#3312", "name8#8242", "name9#1153", "name10#3318"]
I already added the "dm_loop.start()"-method to my "on_ready()" but it's not working at all.
I'd be so glad if anyone could help me out here. Thanks
According to the docs, fetch_user looks up users by their ID, so you need to store the user ID instead of the user name.
Otherwise you can create your own UserConverter. Here's an example on how you would do that.
from discord.ext import commands
user_name = "some_tag#1234"
user = await commands.converter.UserConverter().convert(ctx, argument=user_name)
await user.send("Hello")
I do really recommend the first option though, it is a lot simpler. Since you would have to create a custom context if you are not using this in a command i believe.
I am currently using python-telegram-bot library to make a telegram bot. My problem is I am trying to have my bot respond back when using the inline command. So when a user sends the bot #botname 'text', I want the to store the 'text' as a string and then have my bot send something back with that variable.
For some reason I can not get this to work. I tried the code below, but it doesn't work...I also posted the example from the github that works but not in the way i want.
My code
def inlinequery(update, context):
"""Handle the inline query."""
query = update.inline_query.query
text = query.message_text
Example Code
#Sends message when #botname is used
def inlinequery(update, context):
"""Handle the inline query."""
query = update.inline_query.query
results = [
def main():
# Get the dispatcher to register handlers
dp = updater.dispatcher
# Start the Bot
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can use the User object of the inline query to send them a message. Keep in mind that the user has to have started a private chat with the bot before the bot can send them messages.
I modified your attempt. It should work, but i have not tested it:
def inlinequery(update, context):
"""Handle the inline query."""
query = update.inline_query
text = query.query
Related docs:
I'm using telebot (https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI) to create a bot to send photos to its users. The point is I didn't see a way to restrict the access to this bot as I intend to share private images through this bot.
I read in this forum that through python-telegram-bot there is a way to limit the access from the sender's message (How To Limit Access To A Telegram Bot), but I didn't know if via pyTelegramBotAPI it is possible.
Do you know how can I solve it?
A bit late tot the party - perhaps for future post readers. You can wrap the function to disallow access.
An example below:
from functools import wraps
def is_known_username(username):
Returns a boolean if the username is known in the user-list.
known_usernames = ['username1', 'username2']
return username in known_usernames
def private_access():
Restrict access to the command to users allowed by the is_known_username function.
def deco_restrict(f):
def f_restrict(message, *args, **kwargs):
username = message.from_user.username
if is_known_username(username):
return f(message, *args, **kwargs)
bot.reply_to(message, text='Who are you? Keep on walking...')
return f_restrict # true decorator
return deco_restrict
Then where you are handling commands you can restrict access to the command like this:
def send_welcome(message):
bot.reply_to(message, "Hi and welcome")
Keep in mind, order matters. First the message-handler and then your custom decorator - or it will not work.
The easiest way is probably a hard coded check on the user id.
# The allowed user id
my_user_id = '12345678'
# Handle command
def send_picture(message):
# Get user id from message
to_check_id = message.message_id
if my_user_id = to_check_id:
response_message = 'Pretty picture'
response_message = 'Sorry, this is a private bot!'
# Send response message
bot.reply_to(message, response_message)
I would like to forward every updates from channels to my bot.
Is it Possible with ForwardMessagesRequest ?
I tried to use this Telethon example to build my personal code:
But i wasn't able to do it. And i don't know if it's possible to use that part of code inside a callback function. Someone can help me? Thank you
Ok, i'm really confused so let's go back.
In this code I just try to retrieve last messages from an user chat and forward them to my bot:
def callback(update):
source_chat_id = "here i put the user id"
source_hash = "here i put his access_hash"
source_chat = InputPeerUser(source_chat_id, source_hash)
total_count, messages, senders = client.get_message_history(
source_chat, limit=10)
for msg in reversed(messages):
print ("msg:", msg.id, msg)
msg = messages[0]
print ("msg id:", msg.id)
dest_chat = "here i tried to put the number of my bot ID"
result = client.invoke(ForwardMessagesRequest(from_peer=source_chat, id=[msg.id], random_id=[generate_random_long()], to_peer=dest_chat))
The print was correct but i didn't receive anything to my bot chat.
I know that there will be a lot of errors so please be patient and sorry.
I try use python-telegram-bot
I do not understand how to handle InlineKeyboardButton correctly.
def start(bot, update):
currencies = [currency for currency in API().get_currencies()]
keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("{}".format(c), callback_data='{}'.format(c))] for c in currencies]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
update.message.reply_text('Select the currency you want to exchange:', reply_markup=reply_markup)
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))
Now, I need to process the selection by passing it to another function with the help of ChosenInlineResultHandler, but I do not understand how to do this.
You are using Inline Buttons and the query coming back is simply CallbackQuery but not InlineQuery, yes the names are a bit confusing by the Telegram Bot API.
You can use telegram.ext.CallbackQueryHandler to catch the queries upon buttons pressed.
def button_callback(bot, update):
# data is the callback_data where you declared in the buttons
query = update.callback_query.data
if query == "something":
# do something here
This is a minimal example of how to catch the buttons' data. You can check here for a complete example.