Poor CPU utilization when transforming netcdfs to zarr and rechunking - python

I am transferring and rechunking data from netcdf to zarr. The process is slow and is not using much of the CPUs. I have tried several different configurations, sometimes it seems to do slightly better, but it hasn't worked well. Does anyone have any tips for making this run more efficiently?
The last attempt (and some, perhaps all, of the previous attempts) (with single machine, distributed scheduler and using threads) the logs gave this message:
distributed.core - INFO - Event loop was unresponsive in Worker for 10.05s. This is often caused by long-running GIL-holding functions or moving large chunks of data.
Previously I have had errors with memory getting used up, so I am writing the zarr in pieces, using the "stepwise_to_zarr" function below:
def stepwise_to_zarr(dataset, step_dim, step_size, chunks, out_loc, group):
start = dataset[step_dim].min()
end = dataset[step_dim].max()
iis = np.arange(start, end, step_size)
if end > iis[-1]:
iis = np.append(iis, end)
first = True
failures = []
for i in range(1,len(iis)):
lower, upper = (iis[i-1], iis[i])
if upper >= end:
lon_list= [l for l in lon if lower <= l <= upper]
lon_list= [l for l in lon if lower <= l < upper]
sub = dataset.sel(longitude=lon_list)
rechunked_sub = sub.chunk(chunks)
if first:
rechunked_sub.to_zarr(out_loc, group=group,
consolidated=True, synchronizer=write_sync, mode="w")
first = False
rechunked_sub.to_zarr(out_loc, group=group,
consolidated=True, synchronizer=write_sync, append_dim=step_dim)
chunks = {'time':8760, 'latitude':21, 'longitude':20}
ds = xr.open_mfdataset("path to data", parallel=True, combine="by_coords")
stepwise_to_zarr(ds, step_size=10, step_dim="longitude",
chunks=chunks, out_loc="path to output", group="group name")
In the plot above, the drop from ~6% utilization to ~0.5% utilization seems to coincide with the first "batch" of 10 degreees latitude being finished.
Background info:
I am using a single GCE instance of 32 vCPUs and 256 GB memory.
The data is a about 600 GB and is spread over about 150 netcdf files.
The data is in GCS and I am using Cloud Storage FUSE to read and write data.
I am rechunking the data from chunk sizes: {'time':1, 'latitude':521, 'longitude':1440} to chunksizes:{'time':8760, 'latitude':21, 'longitude':20}
I have tried:
Using the default multiprocessing scheduler
Using distributed scheduler for single machine (https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/setup/single-distributed.html) both with processes=True and processes=False.
Both distributed scheduler and the default multiprocessing sceduler while also setting environment variables to avoid oversubscribing threads, like so:
as described in best practices(https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/array-best-practices.html?highlight=export#avoid-oversubscribing-threads)

I ended up solving my problem by writing to an intermediate Zarr storage with chunks: {'time':8760, 'latitude':260, 'longitude':360}. This went fast, even though cpu the resources were only fully utilized for a relatively small portion of the job. I then read this intermediate zarr and stored in the final chunking, using a modified version of the stepwise process described in the question. This gave acceptable performance, although not ideal.
CPU utilization when writing to intermediate store
CPU utilization when writing from intermediate to final store
Here is the code:
def stepwise_to_zarr(dataset, step_dim, step_size, encoding, out_loc, group, include_end=True):
start = dataset[step_dim].min()
end = dataset[step_dim].max()
iis = np.arange(start, end, step_size)
if end > iis[-1]:
iis = np.append(iis, end)
first = True
failures = []
for i in range(1,len(iis)):
lower, upper = (iis[i-1], iis[i])
if upper >= end and include_end:
lon_list= [l for l in lon if lower <= l <= upper]
lon_list= [l for l in lon if lower <= l < upper]
sub = dataset.sel(longitude=lon_list)
if first:
mode="w", compute=False)
first = False
z = xr.open_zarr(input_loc, group=groupname)
new_chunks = {'time':8760, 'latitude':21, 'longitude':20}
#Workaround to avoid:NotImplementedError: Specified zarr chunks (8760, 260, 360) would #overlap multiple dask chunks
#See https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/2300
encoding = {}
for v in ['var1', 'var2', 'var3']:
encoding[v]["chunks"]=(96408, 21, 20)
stepwise_to_zarr(z_rechunked, "longitude", 60, encoding, output_loc, group=groupname)
Note I had to overwrite the encodings to be able to rechunk the zarrs.
This process worked, but was a bit cumbersome. I only did it this way because I had not heard of rechunker. The next time I am rechunking I will try rechunker to it takes care of the issue.


Modifying a list from multiple Python pools

I have a large data set (~2Gb) to analyse and I'd like to multi process it to reduce the run time of the code. I've imported the dataset into a list which I will then want to run numerous passes over. On each pass I'll set up a pool for each available core and each pool will then only assess a certain block of the data set (note, the pool still needs access to the complete data set).
Each line of the input file takes the format "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h" and all are numbers.
I'm struggling to separate out the get the parameters in the Calc1stPass Pool; I'm getting a tuple index out or range error. Can anyone help me out with this error please?
def Calc1stPass(DataSet,Params):
print("DataSet =", DataSet)
print("Params =", Params)
Pass, (PoolNumber, ArrayCount, CoreCount) = Params
StartRow = int((ArrayCount / CoreCount) * PoolNumber)
EndRow = int(((ArrayCount / CoreCount) * (PoolNumber+1))-1)
for Row in range(StartRow,EndRow):
Rand = randrange(ArrayCount)
Value1 = Decimal(DataSet[Row][0]) + Decimal(DataSet[Row][1])
Value2 = Decimal(DataSet[Rand][0]) + Decimal(DataSet[Rand][1])
Value3 = Value1 - Value2
NewValue = Decimal(DataSet[Row][7]) + Value3
DataSet[Row][7] = str(NewValue)
def main():
#Importing the file
print("Importing File ", FileToImport)
OriginalDataSet = []
f = open(FileToImport)
for line in f:
StrippedLine = line.rstrip()
ArrayCount = len(OriginalDataSet)
#Running passes on dataset
for Pass in range(NumberofPasses):
print("Running Pass : ", Pass + 1, " of ", NumberofPasses)
CoreCount = mp.cpu_count()
for PoolNumber in range(CoreCount):
Params = [Pass,PoolNumber,ArrayCount,CoreCount]
RevisedDataSet = WorkPool.starmap(Calc1stPass, product(OriginalDataSet, zip(range(1),Params)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Okay, here we go with what I came up with after some discussion plus trial and error. I hope I've kept it somewhat comprehensible. However, it seems you are very new to a lot of this, so you probably have a lot of reading to do regarding how certain libraries and data types work.
Analyzing the algorithm
Let's start with taking a closer look at your computation:
for Pass in range(Passes:
for Row in range(StartRow,EndRow):
Rand = randrange(ArrayCount)
Value1 = Decimal(DataSet[Row][0]) + Decimal(DataSet[Row][1])
Value2 = Decimal(DataSet[Rand][0]) + Decimal(DataSet[Rand][1])
Value3 = Value1 - Value2
NewValue = Decimal(DataSet[Row][7]) + Value3
DataSet[Row][7] = str(NewValue)
So basically, we update a single row through a computation involving another random row.
Assumptions that I make:
the real algorithm does a bit more stuff, otherwise it is hard to see what you want to achieve
the access pattern of the real algorithm stays the same
Following our discussion, there are no functional reasons for the following aspects:
Computation in Decimal is unnecessary. float will do just fine
The values don't need to be stored as string. We can use an array of float
At this point it is clear that we can save tremendous amounts of runtime by using a numpy array instead of a list of string.
There is an additional hazard here for parallelization: We use random numbers. When we use multiple processes, the random number generators need to be set up for parallel generation. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Notably, the output column is no input for the next pass. The inputs per pass stay constant.
Input / Output
The input file format seems to be a simple CSV mostly filled with floating point numbers (using only one decimal place) and one column not being a floating point number. The text based format coupled with your information that there are gigabytes of data means that a significant amount of time will be spent just parsing the input file or formatting the output. I'll try to be efficient in both but keep things simple enough that extensions in both are possible.
Optimizing the sequential algorithm
It is always advisable to first optimize the sequential case before parallelizing. So we start here. We begin with parsing the input file into a numpy array.
import numpy as np
def ReadInputs(Filename):
"""Read a CSV file containing 10 columns
The 7th column is skipped because it doesn't contains floating point values
Return value:
2D numpy array of floats
UsedColumns = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)
return np.loadtxt(Filename, delimiter=',', usecols=UsedColumns)
Since we are using numpy, we switch over to its random number generators. This is the setup routine. It allows us to force deterministic values for easier debugging.
def MakeRandomGenerator(Deterministic=False):
"""Initializes the random number generator avoiding birthday paradox
Deterministic -- if True, the same same random numbers are being used
Return value:
numpy random number generator
SeedInt = 0 if Deterministic else None
Seed = np.random.SeedSequence(SeedInt)
return np.random.default_rng(Seed)
And now the main computation. Numpy makes this very straight-forward.
def ComputePass(DataSets, RandomGenerator):
"""The main computation
DataSets -- 2D numpy array. Changed in place
RandomGenerator -- numpy random number generator
Count = len(DataSets)
RandomIndices = RandomGenerator.integers(
low=0, high=Count, size=Count)
RandomRows = DataSets[RandomIndices]
# All rows: first column + second column
Value1 = DataSets[:, 0] + DataSets[:, 1]
Value2 = RandomRows[:, 0] + RandomRows[:, 1]
Value3 = Value1 - Value2
# This change is in-place of the whole DataSets array
DataSets[:, 7] += Value3
I've kept the structure the same. That means there are a few optimizations that we can still do:
We never use most columns. Columns that are unnecessary should be removed from the array (skipped in input parsing) to reduce memory consumption and improve locality of data. If necessary for output, it is better to merge in the output stage, maybe by re-reading the input file to gather the remaining columns
Since Value1 and Value2 never change, we could pre-compute Value3 for all rows and just use that. Again, if we don't need the first two columns in memory, better to remove them
If we transpose the array (or store in Fortran order), we improve vectorization. This will make the use of MPI harder, but not impossible
I've not done any of this because I do not want to stray too far from the original algorithm.
The last step is the output. Here I go with a pure Python route to keep things simple and replicate the input file format:
def WriteOutputs(Filename, DataSets):
LineFormat = "{:.1f}, " * 6 + "+" + ", {:.1f}" * 3 + "\n"
with open(Filename, 'w') as OutFile:
for Row in DataSets:
Now the entire operation is rather simple:
def main():
InFilename = "indata.csv"
OutFilename = "outdata.csv"
Passes = 20
RandomGenerator = MakeRandomGenerator()
DataSets = ReadInputs(InFilename)
for _ in range(Passes):
ComputePass(DataSets, RandomGenerator)
WriteOutputs(OutFilename, DataSets)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Parallelization framework
There are two main concerns for parallelization:
For every row, we need access to the entire input data set to pick a random entry
The amount of calculation per row is very low
So we need to find a way that keeps overhead per row small and shares the input data set efficiently.
The first choice is multiprocessing since, you know, standard library and all that. However, I think that the normal usage patterns have too much overhead. It's certainly possible but I would like to use MPI for this to give us as much performance as possible. Also, your first attempt at parallelization used a pattern that matches MPI's preferred pattern. So it is a good fit.
A word towards the concept of MPI: multiprocessing.Pool works with a main process that distributes work items among a set of worker processes. MPI start N processes that all execute the same code. There is no main process. The only distinguishing feature is the process "rank", which is a number [0, N). If you need a main process, the one with rank 0 is usually chosen. Other than that, the idea is that all processes execute the same code, only picking different indices or offsets based on their rank. If processes need to communicate, there are a couple of "collective" communication patterns such as broadcasting, scattering, and gathering.
Option 1: Pure MPI
Let's rewrite the code. The main idea is this: We distribute rows in the data set among all processes. Then each process calculates all passes for its own set of rows. Input and output take considerable time, so we try to do as much as possible parallelized, too.
We start by defining a helper function that defines how we distribute rows among all processes. This is very similar to what you had in your original version.
from mpi4py import MPI
def MakeDistribution(NumberOfRows):
"""Computes how the data set should be distributed across processes
NumberOfRows -- size of the whole dataset
Return value:
(Offsets, Counts) numpy integer arrays. One entry per process
WorldSize = Comm.Get_size()
SameSize, Tail = divmod(NumberOfRows, WorldSize)
Counts = np.full(WorldSize, SameSize, dtype=int)
Counts[:Tail] += 1
# Start offset per process
Offsets = np.cumsum(Counts) - Counts[0]
return Offsets, Counts
A second helper function is used to distribute the data sets among all processes. MPI's allgather function is used to collect results of a computation among all processes into one array. The normal function gather collects the whole array on one process. Allgather collects it in all processes. Since all processes need access to all data sets for their random access, we use allgather. Allgatherv is a generalized version that allows different number of entries per process. We need this because we cannot guarantee that all processes have the same number of rows in their local data set.
This function uses the "buffer" interface of mpi4py. This is the more efficient version but also very error-prone. If we mess up an index or the size of a data type, we risk data corruption.
def DistributeDataSets(DataSets, Offsets, Counts):
"""Shares the datasets with all other processes
DataSets -- numpy array of floats. Changed in place
Offsets, Counts -- See MakeDistribution
Return value:
DataSets. Most likely a reference to the original.
Might be an updated copy
# Sanitize the input. Better safe than sorry and shouldn't cost anything
DataSets = np.ascontiguousarray(DataSets, dtype='f8')
assert len(DataSets) == np.sum(Counts)
# MPI works best if we pretend to have 1-dimensional data
InnerSize = np.prod(DataSets.shape[1:], dtype=int)
# I really wish mpi4py had a helper for this
BufferDescr = (DataSets,
Counts * InnerSize,
Offsets * InnerSize,
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allgatherv(MPI.IN_PLACE, BufferDescr)
return DataSets
We split reading the input data into two parts. First we read all lines in a single process. This is relatively cheap and we need to know the total number of rows before we can distribute the datasets. Then we scatter the lines among all processes and let each process parse its own set of rows. After that, we use the DistributeDataSets function to let each process know all the results.
Scattering the lines uses mpi4py's pickle interface that can transfer arbitrary objects among processes. It's slower but more convenient. For stuff like lists of strings it's very good.
def ParseLines(TotalLines, Offset, OwnLines):
"""Allocates a data set and parses the own segment of it
TotalLines -- number of rows in the whole data set across all processes
Offset -- starting offset of the set of rows parsed by this process
OwnLines -- list of lines to be parsed by the local process
Return value:
a 2D numpy array. The rows [Offset:Offset+len(OwnLines)] are initialized
with the parsed values
UsedColumns = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)
DataSet = np.empty((TotalLines, len(UsedColumns)), dtype='f8')
OwnEnd = Offset + len(OwnLines)
for Row, Line in zip(DataSet[Offset:OwnEnd], OwnLines):
Columns = Line.split(',')
# overwrite in-place with new values
Row[:] = [float(Columns[Column]) for Column in UsedColumns]
return DataSet
def DistributeInputs(Filename):
"""Read input from the file and distribute it among processes
Filename -- path to the CSV file to parse
Return value:
(DataSets, Offsets, Counts) with
DataSets -- 2D array containing all values in the CSV file
Offsets -- Row indices (one per rank) where each process starts its own
Counts -- number of rows per process
Rank = Comm.Get_rank()
Lines = None
LineCount = None
if not Rank:
# Read the data. We do as little work as possible here so that other
# processes can help with the parsing
with open(Filename) as InFile:
Lines = InFile.readlines()
LineCount = len(Lines)
# broadcast so that all processes know the number of datasets
LineCount = Comm.bcast(LineCount, root=0)
Offsets, Counts = MakeDistribution(LineCount)
# reshape into one list per process
if not Rank:
Lines = [Lines[Offset:Offset+Count]
for Offset, Count
in zip(Offsets, Counts)]
# distribute strings for parsing
Lines = Comm.scatter(Lines, root=0)
# parse into a float array
DataSets = ParseLines(LineCount, Offsets[Rank], Lines)
del Lines # release strings because this is a huge array
# Share the parsed result
DataSets = DistributeDataSets(DataSets, Offsets, Counts)
return DataSets, Offsets, Counts
Now we need to update the way the random number generator is initialized. What we need to prevent is that each process has the same state and generates the same random numbers. Thankfully, numpy gives us a convenient way of doing this.
def MakeRandomGenerator(Deterministic=False):
"""Initializes the random number generator avoiding birthday paradox
Deterministic -- if True, the same number of processes should always result
in the same random numbers being used
Return value:
numpy random number generator
Rank = Comm.Get_rank()
AllSeeds = None
if not Rank:
# the root process (rank=0) generates a seed sequence for everyone else
WorldSize = Comm.Get_size()
SeedInt = 0 if Deterministic else None
OwnSeed = np.random.SeedSequence(SeedInt)
AllSeeds = OwnSeed.spawn(WorldSize)
# mpi4py can scatter Python objects. This is the simplest way
OwnSeed = Comm.scatter(AllSeeds, root=0)
return np.random.default_rng(OwnSeed)
The computation itself is almost unchanged. We just need to limit it to the rows for which the individual process is responsible.
def ComputePass(DataSets, Offset, Count, RandomGenerator):
"""The main computation
DataSets -- 2D numpy array. Changed in place
Offset, Count -- rows that should be updated by this process
RandomGenerator -- numpy random number generator
RandomIndices = RandomGenerator.integers(
low=0, high=len(DataSets), size=Count)
RandomRows = DataSets[RandomIndices]
# Creates a "view" into the whole dataset for the given slice
OwnDataSets = DataSets[Offset:Offset + Count]
# All rows: first column + second column
Value1 = OwnDataSets[:, 0] + OwnDataSets[:, 1]
Value2 = RandomRows[:, 0] + RandomRows[:, 1]
Value3 = Value1 - Value2
# This change is in-place of the whole DataSets array
OwnDataSets[:, 7] += Value3
Now we come to writing the output. The most expensive part is formatting the floating point numbers into strings. So we let each process format its own data. MPI has a file IO interface that allows all processes to write a single file together. Unfortunately, for text files, we need to calculate the offsets before writing the data. So we format all rows into one huge string per process, then write the file.
import io
def WriteOutputs(Filename, DataSets, Offset, Count):
"""Writes all DataSets to a CSV file
We parse all rows to a string (one per process), then write it
collectively using MPI
Filename -- output path
DataSets -- all values among all processes
Offset, Count -- the rows for which the local process is responsible
StringBuf = io.StringIO()
LineFormat = "{:.6f}, " * 6 + "+" + ", {:.6f}" * 3 + "\n"
for Row in DataSets[Offset:Offset+Count]:
StringBuf = StringBuf.getvalue() # to string
StringBuf = StringBuf.encode() # to bytes
BytesPerProcess = Comm.allgather(len(StringBuf))
Rank = Comm.Get_rank()
OwnOffset = sum(BytesPerProcess[:Rank])
FileLength = sum(BytesPerProcess)
OutFile = MPI.File.Open(Comm, Filename, AccessMode)
The main process is almost unchanged.
def main():
InFilename = "indata.csv"
OutFilename = "outdata.csv"
Passes = 20
RandomGenerator = MakeRandomGenerator()
DataSets, Offsets, Counts = DistributeInputs(InFilename)
Rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
Offset = Offsets[Rank]
Count = Counts[Rank]
for _ in range(Passes):
ComputePass(DataSets, Offset, Count, RandomGenerator)
WriteOutputs(OutFilename, DataSets, Offset, Count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
You need to call this script with mpirun or mpiexec. E.g. mpiexec python3 script_name.py
Using shared memory
The MPI pattern has one significant drawback: Each process needs its own copy of the whole data set. Given its size, this is very inconvenient. We might run out of memory before we run out of CPU cores for multithreading. As a different idea, we can use shared memory. Shared memory allows multiple processes to access the same physical memory without any extra cost. This has some drawbacks:
We need a very recent python version. 3.8 IIRC
Python's implementation may behave differently on various operating systems. I could only test it on Linux. There is a chance that it will not work on any different system
IMHO python's implementation is not great. You will notice that the final version will print some warnings which I think are harmless. Maybe I'm using it wrong but I don't see a more correct way of using it
It limits you to a single PC. MPI itself is perfectly capable (and indeed designed to) operate across multiple systems on a network. Shared memory works only locally.
The major benefit is that the memory consumption does not increase with the number of processes.
We start by allocating such a data set.
From here on, we put in "barriers" at various points where processes may have to wait for one another. For example because all processes need to access the same shared memory segment, they all have to open it before we can unlink it.
from multiprocessing import shared_memory
def AllocateSharedDataSets(NumberOfRows, NumberOfCols=9):
"""Creates a numpy array in shared memory
NumberOfRows, NumberOfCols -- basic shape
Return value:
(DataSets, Buf) with
DataSets -- numpy array shaped (NumberOfRows, NumberOfCols).
Datatype float
Buf -- multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory that backs the array.
Close it when no longer needed
length = NumberOfRows * NumberOfCols * np.float64().itemsize
Rank = Comm.Get_rank()
Buf = None
BufName = None
if not Rank:
Buf = shared_memory.SharedMemory(create=True, size=length)
BufName = Buf.name
BufName = Comm.bcast(BufName)
if Rank:
Buf = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=BufName, size=length)
DataSets = np.ndarray((NumberOfRows, NumberOfCols), dtype='f8',
if not Rank:
Buf.unlink() # this may differ among operating systems
return DataSets, Buf
The input parsing also changes a little because have to put the data into the previously allocated array
def ParseLines(DataSets, Offset, OwnLines):
"""Reads lines into a preallocated array
DataSets -- [Rows, Cols] numpy array. Will be changed in-place
Offset -- starting offset of the set of rows parsed by this process
OwnLines -- list of lines to be parsed by the local process
UsedColumns = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)
OwnEnd = Offset + len(OwnLines)
OwnDataSets = DataSets[Offset:OwnEnd]
for Row, Line in zip(OwnDataSets, OwnLines):
Columns = Line.split(',')
Row[:] = [float(Columns[Column]) for Column in UsedColumns]
def DistributeInputs(Filename):
"""Read input from the file and stores it in shared memory
Filename -- path to the CSV file to parse
Return value:
(DataSets, Offsets, Counts, Buf) with
DataSets -- [Rows, 9] array containing two copies of all values in the
CSV file
Offsets -- Row indices (one per rank) where each process starts its own
Counts -- number of rows per process
Buf -- multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory object backing the
DataSets object
Rank = Comm.Get_rank()
Lines = None
LineCount = None
if not Rank:
# Read the data. We do as little work as possible here so that other
# processes can help with the parsing
with open(Filename) as InFile:
Lines = InFile.readlines()
LineCount = len(Lines)
# broadcast so that all processes know the number of datasets
LineCount = Comm.bcast(LineCount, root=0)
Offsets, Counts = MakeDistribution(LineCount)
# reshape into one list per process
if not Rank:
Lines = [Lines[Offset:Offset+Count]
for Offset, Count
in zip(Offsets, Counts)]
# distribute strings for parsing
Lines = Comm.scatter(Lines, root=0)
# parse into a float array
DataSets, Buf = AllocateSharedDataSets(LineCount)
ParseLines(DataSets, Offsets[Rank], Lines)
return DataSets, Offsets, Counts, Buf
Output writing is exactly the same. The main process changes slightly because now we have to manage the life time of the shared memory.
import contextlib
def main():
InFilename = "indata.csv"
OutFilename = "outdata.csv"
Passes = 20
RandomGenerator = MakeRandomGenerator()
Rank = Comm.Get_rank()
DataSets, Offsets, Counts, Buf = DistributeInputs(InFilename)
with contextlib.closing(Buf):
Offset = Offsets[Rank]
Count = Counts[Rank]
for _ in range(Passes):
ComputePass(DataSets, Offset, Count, RandomGenerator)
WriteOutputs(OutFilename, DataSets, Offset, Count)
I've not benchmarked the original version. The sequential version requires 2 GiB memory and 3:20 minutes for 12500000 lines and 20 passes.
The pure MPI version requires 6 GiB and 42 seconds with 6 cores.
The shared memory version requires a bit over 2 GiB of memory and 38 seconds with 6 cores.

Large memory consumption by iPython Parallel module

I am using the ipyparallel module to speed up an all by all list comparison but I am having issues with huge memory consumption.
Here is a simplified version of the script that I am running:
From a SLURM script start the cluster and run the python script
ipcluster start -n 20 --cluster-id="cluster-id-dummy" &
sleep 60
ipython /global/home/users/pierrj/git/python/dummy_ipython_parallel.py
ipcluster stop --cluster-id="cluster-id-dummy"
In python, make two list of lists for the simplified example
import ipyparallel as ipp
from itertools import compress
list1 = [ [i, i, i] for i in range(4000000)]
list2 = [ [i, i, i] for i in range(2000000, 6000000)]
Then define my list comparison function:
def loop(item):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
Then connect to my ipython engines, push list2 to each of them and map my function:
rc = ipp.Client(profile='default', cluster_id = "cluster-id-dummy")
dview = rc[:]
dview.block = True
lview = rc.load_balanced_view()
lview.block = True
mydict = dict(list2 = list2)
trueorfalse = list(lview.map(loop, list1))
As mentioned, I am running this on a cluster using SLURM and getting the memory usage from the sacct command. Here is the memory usage that I am getting for each of the steps:
Just creating the two lists: 1.4 Gb
Creating two lists and pushing them to 20 engines: 22.5 Gb
Everything: 62.5 Gb++ (this is where I get an OUT_OF_MEMORY failure)
From running htop on the node while running the job, it seems that the memory usage is going up slowly over time until it reaches the maximum memory and fails.
I combed through this previous thread and implemented a few of the suggested solutions without success
Memory leak in IPython.parallel module?
I tried clearing the view with each loop:
def loop(item):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
I tried purging the client with each loop:
def loop(item):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
And I tried using the --nodb and --sqlitedb flags with ipcontroller and started my cluster like this:
ipcontroller --profile=pierrj --nodb --cluster-id='cluster-id-dummy' &
sleep 60
for (( i = 0 ; i < 20; i++)); do ipengine --profile=pierrj --cluster-id='cluster-id-dummy' & done
sleep 60
ipython /global/home/users/pierrj/git/python/dummy_ipython_parallel.py
ipcluster stop --cluster-id="cluster-id-dummy" --profile=pierrj
Unfortunately none of this has helped and has resulted in the exact same out of memory error.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Looking around, there seems to be lots of people complaining about LoadBalancedViews being very memory inefficient, and I have not been able to find any useful suggestions on how to fix this, for example.
However, I suspect given your example that's not the place to start. I assume that your example is a reasonable approximation of your code. If your code is doing list comparisons with several million data points, I would advise you to use something like numpy to perform the calculations rather than iterating in python.
If you restructure your algorithm to use numpy vector operations it will be much, much faster than indexing into a list and performing the calculation in python. numpy is a C library and calculation done within the library will benefit from compile time optimisations. Furthermore, performing operations on arrays also benefits from processor predictive caching (your CPU expects you to use adjacent memory looking forward and preloads it; you potentially lose this benefit if you access the data piecemeal).
I have done a very quick hack of your example to demonstrate this. This example compares your loop calculation with a very naïve numpy implementation of the same question. The python loop method is competitive with small numbers of entries, but it quickly heads towards x100 faster with the number of entries you are dealing with. I suspect looking at the way you structure data will outweigh the performance gain you are getting through parallelisation.
Note that I have chosen a matching value in the middle of the distribution; performance differences will obviously depend on the distribution.
import numpy as np
import time
def loop(item, list2):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
def run_comparison(scale):
list2 = [ [i, i, i] for i in range(4 * scale)]
arr2 = np.array([i for i in range(4 * scale)])
test_value = (2 * scale)
np_start = time.perf_counter()
res1 = test_value in arr2
np_end = time.perf_counter()
np_time = np_end - np_start
loop_start = time.perf_counter()
res2 = loop((test_value, 0, 0), list2)
loop_end = time.perf_counter()
loop_time = loop_end - loop_start
assert res1 == res2
return (scale, loop_time / np_time)
print([run_comparison(v) for v in [100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000]])
(100, 1.0315526939407524),
(1000, 19.066806587378263),
(10000, 91.16463510672537),
(100000, 83.63064249916434),
(1000000, 114.37531283123414),
(10000000, 121.09979997458508)
Assuming that a single task on the two lists is being divided up between the worker threads you will want to ensure that the individual workers are using the same copy of the lists. In most cases is looks like ipython parallel will pickle objects sent to workers (relevant doc). If you are able to use one of the types that are not copied (as stated in doc)
buffers/memoryviews, bytes objects, and numpy arrays.
the memory issue might be resolved since a reference is distributed. This answer also assumes that the individual tasks do not need to operate on the lists while working (thread-safe).
TL;DR It looks like moving the objects passed to the parallel workers into a numpy array may resolve the explosion in memory.

Python Record Linkage Multiple Cores

Does anyone have experience using the Record Linkage Toolkit with extremely large datasets? I have a few questions. Utlimately, I need to deploy it to an EC2 instance, but for now, I'm trying to figure out how to take advantage of parallel processing - I'll want to do the same on EC2.
When specifying the number of cores (njobs), the code actually runs significantly SLOWER than if I don't specify multiple cores.
compare_dupes = rl.Compare(n_jobs=12)
Related to this - I am working on a record set with 12 million customer records that need to be deduped. Currently I'm blocking on first name, last name, and zip code.
However, the number of potential record pairs index is still so large that it causes memory failures. I have tried Dask - no luck. I'm not sure what else to try. Anyone have suggestions? My code looks like this:
# this section creates a huge multi-index, which causes memory failures
dupe_indexer = rl.Index()
dupe_candidate_links = dupe_indexer.index(df_c)
# I can put n_jobs=12 (the number of cores) in the Compare function below,
# but for some reason it actually performs worse
compare_dupes = rl.Compare()
compare_dupes.string('first_name_clean','first_name_clean', method='jarowinkler', threshold=0.85, label='first_name_cl')
compare_dupes.string('last_name_clean','last_name_clean', method='jarowinkler', threshold=0.85, label='last_name_cl')
compare_dupes.string('email', 'email', method='jarowinkler', threshold=0.90, label='email_cl')
compare_dupes.string('address_clean','address_clean', method='damerau_levenshtein', threshold=0.6, label='address_cl')
compare_dupes.string('zip_clean','zip_clean', method='jarowinkler',threshold=0.90, label='zip_cl'
dupe_features = compare_dupes.compute(dupe_candidate_links, df_c).reset_index()
I have also tried the "index_split" method:
s = rl.index_split(dupe_candidate_links, 100)
for chunk in s:
which works for reasonably size data sets < 2 million, but when the size of the dataset gets beyond that 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 million - even the index can't fit into memory.
Thanks for any support!
indexer = recordlinkage.Index()
#Create indexing object
indexer = rl.SortedNeighbourhoodIndex(on='X')
# Create pandas MultiIndex containing candidate links
candidate_links = indexer.index(A, B)
comp = recordlinkage.Compare()
comp.string('X', 'X', method='jarowinkler', threshold=0.60)
mymatchestwonew = comp.compute(candidate_links, A, B)

Sharing a large dataframe with multiprocessing.pool

I have a function which I want to compute in parallel using multiprocessing. The function takes an argument, but also loads subsets from two very large dataframe which has already been loaded into memory (one of which is about 1G and the other is just over 6G).
largeDF1 = pd.read_csv(directory + 'name1.csv')
largeDF2 = pd.read_csv(directory + 'name2.csv')
def f(x):
load_content1 = largeDF1.loc[largeDF1['FirstRow'] == x]
load_content2 = largeDF1.loc[largeDF1['FirstRow'] == x]
#some computation happens here
new_data.to_csv(directory + 'output.csv', index = False)
def main():
multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn', force = True)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count())
input = input_data['col']
pool.map_async(f, input)
The problem is that the files are too big and when I run them over multiple cores I get a memory issue. I want to know if there is a way where the loaded files can be shared across all processes.
I have tried manager() but could not get it to work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
If you were running this on a UNIX-like system (which uses the fork startmethod by default) the data would be shared out-of-the-box. Most operating systems use copy-on-write for memory pages. So even if you fork a process several times they would share most of the memory pages that contain the dataframes, al long as you don't modify those dataframes.
But when using the spawn start method, each worker process has to load the dataframe. I'm not sure if the OS is smart enough in that case to share the memory pages. Or indeed that these spawned processes would all have the same memory lay-out.
The only portable solution I can think of would be to leave the data on disk and use mmap in the workers to map it into memory read-only. That way the OS would notice that multiple processes are mapping the same file, and it would only load one copy.
The downside is that the data would be in memory in on-disk csv format, which makes reading data from it (without making a copy!) less convenient. So you might want to prepare the data beforehand into a form that it easier to use. Like e.g. convert the data from 'FirstRow' into a binary file of float or double that you can iterate over with struct.iter_unpack.
The function below (from my statusline script) uses mmap to count the amount of messages in a mailbox file.
def mail(storage, mboxname):
Report unread mail.
storage: a dict with keys (unread, time, size) from the previous call or an empty dict.
This dict will be *modified* by this function.
mboxname (str): name of the mailbox to read.
Returns: A string to display.
stats = os.stat(mboxname)
if stats.st_size == 0:
return 'Mail: 0'
# When mutt modifies the mailbox, it seems to only change the
# ctime, not the mtime! This is probably releated to how mutt saves the
# file. See also stat(2).
newtime = stats.st_ctime
newsize = stats.st_size
if not storage or newtime > storage['time'] or newsize != storage['size']:
with open(mboxname) as mbox:
with mmap.mmap(mbox.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as mm:
start, total = 0, 1 # First mail is not found; it starts on first line...
while True:
rv = mm.find(b'\n\nFrom ', start)
if rv == -1:
total += 1
start = rv + 7
start, read = 0, 0
while True:
rv = mm.find(b'\nStatus: R', start)
if rv == -1:
read += 1
start = rv + 10
unread = total - read
# Save values for the next run.
storage['unread'], storage['time'], storage['size'] = unread, newtime, newsize
unread = storage['unread']
return f'Mail: {unread}'
In this case I used mmap because it was 4x faster than just reading the file. See normal reading versus using mmap.

Massively parallel search operation with Dask, Distributed

I created a demo problem when testing out auto-scalling Dask Distributed implementation on Kubernetes and AWS and I I'm not sure I'm tackling the problem correctly.
My scenario is given a md5 hash of a string (representing a password) find the original string. I hit three main problems.
A) the parameter space is massive and trying to create a dask bag with 2.8211099e+12 members caused memory issues (hence the 'explode' function you'll see in the sample code below).
B) Clean exit on early find. I think using take(1, npartitions=-1) will achieve this but I wasn't sure. Originally I raised an exception raise Exception("%s is your answer' % test_str) which worked but felt "dirty"
C) Given this is long running and sometimes workers or AWS boxes die, how would it be best to store progress?
Example code:
import distributed
import math
import dask.bag as db
import hashlib
import dask
import os
if os.environ.get('SCHED_URL', False):
sched_url = os.environ['SCHED_URL']
client = distributed.Client(sched_url)
versions = client.get_versions(True)
difficulty = 'easy'
settings = {
'hard': (hashlib.md5('welcome1'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890', 8),
'mid-hard': (hashlib.md5('032abgh'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'abcdefghijklmnop1234567890', 7),
'mid': (hashlib.md5('b08acd'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'0123456789abcdef', 6),
'easy': (hashlib.md5('0812'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'0123456789', 4)
hashed_pw, keyspace, max_guess_length = settings[difficulty]
def is_pw(guess):
return hashlib.md5(guess.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() == hashed_pw
def guess(n):
guess = ''
size = len(keyspace)
while n>0 :
n -= 1
guess += keyspace[n % size];
n = math.floor(n / size);
return guess
def make_exploder(num_partitions, max_val):
"""Creates a function that maps a int to a range based on the number maximum value aimed for
and the number of partitions that are expected.
Used in this code used with map and flattent to take a short list
i.e 1->1e6 to a large one 1->1e20 in dask rather than on the host machine."""
steps = math.ceil(max_val / num_partitions)
def explode(partition):
return range(partition * steps, partition * steps + steps)
return explode
max_val = len(keyspace) ** max_guess_length # How many possiable password permutation
partitions = math.floor(max_val / 100)
partitions = partitions if partitions < 100000 else 100000 # split in to a maximum of 10000 partitions. Too many partitions caused issues, memory I think.
exploder = make_exploder(partitions, max_val) # Sort of the opposite of a reduce. make_exploder(10, 100)(3) => [30, 31, ..., 39]. Expands the problem back in to the full problem space.
print("max val: %s, partitions:%s" % (max_val, partitions))
search = db.from_sequence(range(partitions), npartitions=partitions).map(exploder).flatten().filter(lambda i: i <= max_val).map(guess).filter(is_pw)
I find 'easy' works well locally, 'mid-hard' works well on our 6 to 8 * m4.2xlarge AWS cluster. But so far haven't got hard to work.
A) the parameter space is massive and trying to create a dask bag with 2.8211099e+12 members caused memory issues (hence the 'explode' function you'll see in the sample code below).
This depends strongly on how you arrange your elements into a bag. If each element is in its own partition then yes, this will certainly kill everything. 1e12 partitions is very expensive. I recommend keeping the number of partitions in the thousands or tens of thousands.
B) Clean exit on early find. I think using take(1, npartitions=-1) will achieve this but I wasn't sure. Originally I raised an exception raise Exception("%s is your answer' % test_str) which worked but felt "dirty"
If you want this then I recommend not using dask.bag, but instead using the concurrent.futures interface and in particular the as_completed iterator.
C) Given this is long running and sometimes workers or AWS boxes die, how would it be best to store progress?
Dask should be resilient to this as long as you can guarantee that the scheduler survives. If you use the concurrent futures interface rather than dask bag then you can also track intermediate results on the client process.
