openpyxl read Table to python - python

I'm trying to read an excel Table object into python and can't find any syntax for doing so.
It would be useful to read a whole table into e.g. a dict of dicts (I'm trying not to pull in pandas as a dependency for this particular project).
I can't find any way of doing this.

Below code will read through the table row by row, Also you can specify the range
import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')
sheet =
for i1,i2 in sheet:
print("{0:8} {1:8}".format(i1.value,i2.value))
Student_name Marks
Tony Stark 47
Loki 59
Oddin 73
Nick Fury 62
Samaul 75
Peter Parkar 80

I got it working as follows:
import openpyxl
def all_tables_data(filename: str) -> dict:
Get values for all tables in a spreadsheet.
Returns a dict of tables, keyed by table name.
Table values are given as lists of lists.
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename)
tables_by_name = {}
table_worksheets = {}
for worksheet in workbook.worksheets:
for table in worksheet._tables:
tables_by_name[] = table
table_worksheets[] = worksheet
def get_vals(table_name: str) -> list:
worksheet = table_worksheets[table_name]
cell_range = worksheet[tables_by_name[table_name].ref]
return [[cell.value for cell in row] for row in cell_range]
return {table_name: get_vals(table_name) for table_name in tables_by_name}
if __name__ == "__main__":
FILENAME = "my_spreadsheet.xlsx"
TABLES = all_tables_data(FILENAME)
I'm interested in converting tables to dicts.
Often the rows/entries in a table may have >1 key.
Assuming the table has a header row, I also cobbled the code below together.
It can be used to convert a table to a dict of rows, with each row being a dict of values, keyed by the column headers.
class WorkbookWithTables:
def __init__(self, workbook):
self.workbook = workbook
self.tables_by_name = {}
self.table_worksheets = {}
for worksheet in self.workbook.worksheets:
for table in worksheet._tables:
self.tables_by_name[] = table
self.table_worksheets[] = worksheet
def from_file(cls, filename):
_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename)
return cls(_workbook)
def table_to_dict(self, table_name, n_keys=1):
worksheet = self.table_worksheets[table_name]
cell_range = worksheet[self.tables_by_name[table_name].ref]
table_dict = {}
value_headers = tuple(cell.value for cell in cell_range[0][n_keys:])
for row in cell_range[1:]:
if n_keys == 1:
key = row[0].value
key = tuple(partial_key.value for partial_key in row[:n_keys])
values = {
value_headers[i]: cell.value
for i, cell in enumerate(row[n_keys:])
table_dict[key] = values
return table_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
FILENAME = "my_spreadsheet.xlsx"
WB = WorkbookWithTables.from_file(FILENAME)
MY_SINGLE_KEYED_TABLE = WB.table_to_dict("my_single_keyed_table")
MY_DOUBLE_KEYED_TABLE = WB.table_to_dict("my_double_keyed_table", 2)


Show excel data in only one Sheet

I'm having some doubts with the following function. I want it to show me the result in a single excel tab but I can't.
def create_df_from_table(c,tab, excelWriter):
list_name = str(c)+"_result_list"
list_name = []
for i,each_row in enumerate(each_tab.rows):
text = (each_cell.text for each_cell in each_row.cells)
if i == -1:
keys = tuple(text)
each_dict_val = tuple(text)
list_name_copy = list_name.copy()
result_df = pd.DataFrame(list_name)
result_df.to_excel(excelWriter, sheet_name=str(c))
return result_df
excelWriter = pd.ExcelWriter('tablasFromDocx1.xlsx')
for c, each_tab in enumerate(file.tables):
globals()[f'result_df_{c}'] = create_df_from_table(c,each_tab, excelWriter)
The code above in line 14 (result_df.to_excel() ) passes the dataframe to excel but in more than one tab and I need only all the data in one

How do I store multiple XLWT worksheets in a single excel file as separate sheets/tabs and preserve the formatting?

def _getOutCell(outSheet, colIndex, rowIndex):
row = outSheet._Worksheet__rows.get(rowIndex)
if not row: return None
cell = row._Row__cells.get(colIndex)
return cell
def setOutCell(outSheet, col, row, value):
""" Change cell value without changing formatting. """
previousCell = _getOutCell(outSheet, col, row)
outSheet.write(row, col, value)
if previousCell:
newCell = _getOutCell(outSheet, col, row)
if newCell:
newCell.xf_idx = previousCell.xf_idx
rs_template_input = xlrd.open_workbook(<path to file>, formatting_info=True)
rs_copy_1 = xlutils.copy.copy(rs_template_input)
rs_copy_2 = xlutils.copy.copy(rs_template_input)
rs_template_sheet_1 = rs_copy_1.get_sheet(0)
rs_template_sheet_2 = rs_copy_2.get_sheet(0)
setOutCell(rs_template_sheet_1, 2, 3, 'project 1')
setOutCell(rs_template_sheet_2, 2, 3, 'project 2')
I want rs_template_sheet_1 and rs_template_sheet_2 to be two sheets/tabs in one excel file and preserve the formatting
PS: The function setOutCell is used to write to a cell in the excel and preserve the formatting

Python dict from excel report

I have an excel file where sheet1 looks like this:
Company names are in bold [APPLE, EPSON, ROLAND]
project names are below the Company names.
here is CSV from the pictured:
Report Date,10/10/18,,,
Page 1 of 1,,,,
Project Name,,Job Number,Start Date,Due Date
ET-2000 printer,,34567,1/3/19,2/4/19
The worksheet is in memory using openpyxl. My desired output is to have a python dictionary with company as the key. Below is what I have tried but the output dict has all projects in each company rather that just the projects for each company.
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from collections import namedtuple
Record = namedtuple('Record', 'project_name job_number start_date due_date ')
from pprint import pprint
wb = load_workbook('SOquestion.xlsx')
ws =
def make_co_list(ws):
co_list = []
for _ in ws.rows:
if _[0].value and _[2].value == None:
co_list.remove('Report Date')
co_list.remove('Page 1 of 1')
return co_list
co_list = make_co_list(ws)
co_dict = {c:[] for c in co_list}
for k,v in co_dict.items():
for row in ws.rows:
if row[0].value == k:
co = k
for row in ws.rows:
if co and row[2].value and row[0].value not in ["Report Date", "Page 1 of 1", "Project Name", co_list] :
record = Record(row[0].value,
print("record", record)
That double loop over ws.rows doesn't look good. I would go with a state-based approach: (I have not tested this, but the principle should work.)
current_company = None
co_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for row in ws.rows:
if row[0].value and row[2].value is None: # new company section
current_company = row[0].value
if current_company is None or row[0].value is None: # empty row
record = Record(row[0].value,
print("record", record)

Excel Python using openpyxl

I extracted informations from ERP database of my company and with these data I have to add them to a sheet already created. But unfortunately my problem is being in how to use these commands.. The openpyxl documentation is not help me :(
This is an example of my sheet.
import sys
import datetime
from openpyxl import load_workbook
data =
wb = load_workbook('/home/multipla/Documentos/test.xlsx')
ws =
for i in ws['B3':'F12']:
for j in i:
print j
Write these cell "Hands On":
ws["B3"].value = '2324'
ws["C3"].value = 'Patty'
ws["D3"].value = ''
ws["E3"].value = "YES"
ws["F3"].value = "Reading"
Tried to automatize that process, by making a For Loop to go through each cell and write them...
If you have a list of dictionaries with your properties, that is:
object_1 = dict()
object_1['ID'] = 1337
object_1['NAME'] = 'Pencil'
object_2 = dict()
object_2['ID'] = 1338
object_2['NAME'] = 'Eraser'
object_list = list()
Then you could do something like this:
def add_object(ob, row):
ws.cell(column=2, row=row).value = ob['ID']
ws.cell(column=3, row=row).value = ob['NAME']
ws.cell(column=4, row=row).value = ob['Y']
ws.cell(column=5, row=row).value = ob['X']
ws.cell(column=6, row=row).value = ob['ISSUE']
def add_object_list(ob_list):
for i, ob in enumerate(ob_list):
add_object(ob, i + 3)

openpyxl read tables from existing data book example?

In the openpyxl documentation there is an example of how to place a table into a workbook but there are no examples of how to find back the tables of a workbook. I have an XLS file that has named tables in it and I want to open the file, find all of the tables and parse them. I cannot find any documentation on how to do this. Can anyone help?
In the meantime I worked it out and wrote the following class to work with openpyxl:
class NamedArray(object):
''' Excel Named range object
Reproduces the named range feature of Microsoft Excel
Assumes a definition in the form <Worksheet PinList!$A$6:$A$52 provided by openpyxl
Written for use with, and initialised by the get_names function
After initialisation named array can be used in the same way as for VBA in excel
Written for openpyxl version 2.4.1, may not work with earlier versions
def __init__(self, wb, named_range_raw):
''' Initialise a NameArray object from the named_range_raw information in the given workbook
self.sheet, cellrange_str = str(named_range_raw).split('!')
self.sheet = self.sheet.replace("'",'') # remove the single quotes if they exist
self.loc = wb[self.sheet]
if ':' in cellrange_str:
self.has_range = True
self.has_value = False
lo, hi = cellrange_str.split(':')
self.ad_lo = lo.replace('$','')
self.ad_hi = hi.replace('$','')
self.has_range = False
self.has_value = True
self.ad_lo = cellrange_str.replace('$','')
self.ad_hi = self.ad_lo
self.row = self.get_row(self.ad_lo)
self.max_row = self.get_row(self.ad_hi)
self.rows = self.max_row - self.row + 1
self.min_col = self.col_to_n(self.ad_lo)
self.max_col = self.col_to_n(self.ad_hi)
self.cols = self.max_col - self.min_col + 1
def size_of(self):
''' Returns two dimensional size of named space
return self.cols, self.rows
def value(self, row=1, col=1):
''' Returns the value at row, col
assert row <= self.rows , 'invalid row number given'
assert col <= self.cols , 'invalid column number given'
return self.loc.cell(self.n_to_col(self.min_col + col-1)+str(self.row + row-1)).value
def __str__(self):
''' printed description of named space
locs = 's ' + self.ad_lo + ':' + self.ad_hi if self.is_range else ' ' + self.ad_lo
return('named range'+ str(self.size_of()) + ' in sheet ' + self.sheet + ' # location' + locs)
def __contains__(self, val):
rval = False
for row in range(1,self.rows+1):
for col in range(1,self.cols+1):
if self.value(row,col) == val:
rval = True
return rval
def vlookup(self, key, col):
''' excel style vlookup function
assert col <= self.cols , 'invalid column number given'
rval = None
for row in range(1,self.rows+1):
if self.value(row,1) == key:
rval = self.value(row, col)
return rval
def hlookup(self, key, row):
''' excel style hlookup function
assert row <= self.rows , 'invalid row number given'
rval = None
for col in range(1,self.cols+1):
if self.value(1,col) == key:
rval = self.value(row, col)
return rval
def get_row(cls, ad):
''' get row number from cell string
Cell string is assumed to be in excel format i.e "ABC123" where row is 123
row = 0
for l in ad:
if l in "1234567890":
row = row*10 + int(l)
return row
def col_to_n(cls, ad):
''' find column number from xl address
Cell string is assumed to be in excel format i.e "ABC123" where column is abc
column number is integer represenation i.e.(A-A)*26*26 + (B-A)*26 + (C-A)
n = 0
for l in ad:
if l in cls.C_CAPS:
n = n*26 + cls.C_CAPS.find(l)+1
return n
def n_to_col(cls, n):
''' make xl column address from column number
ad = ''
while n > 0:
ad = cls.C_CAPS[n%26-1] + ad
n = n // 26
return ad
def get_names(workbook, filt='', debug=False):
''' Create a structure containing all of the names in the given workbook
filt is an optional parameter and used to create a subset of names starting with filt
useful for IO_ring_spreadsheet as all names start with 'n_'
if present, filt characters are stipped off the front of the name
named_ranges = workbook.defined_names.definedName
name_list = {}
for named_range in named_ranges:
name =
if named_range.attr_text.startswith('#REF'):
print('WARNING: named range "', name, '" is undefined')
elif filt == '' or name.startswith(filt):
name_list[name[len(filt):]] = NamedArray(workbook, named_range.attr_text)
if debug:
with open("H:\\names.txt",'w') as log:
for item in name_list:
print (item, '=', name_list[item])
log.write(item.ljust(30) + ' = ' + str(name_list[item])+'\n')
return name_list
I agree that the documentation does not really help, and the public API also seems to have only add_table() method.
But then I found an openpyxl Issue 844 asking for a better interface, and it shows that worksheet has an _tables property.
This is enough to get a list of all tables in a file, together with some basic properties:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook(filename = 'test.xlsx')
for ws in wb.worksheets:
print("Worksheet %s include %d tables:" % (ws.title, len(ws._tables)))
for tbl in ws._tables:
print(" : " + tbl.displayName)
print(" - name = " +
print(" - type = " + (tbl.tableType if isinstance(tbl.tableType, str) else 'n/a')
print(" - range = " + tbl.ref)
print(" - #cols = %d" % len(tbl.tableColumns))
for col in tbl.tableColumns:
print(" : " +
Note that the if/else construct is required for the tableType, since it can return NoneType (for standard tables), which is not convertible to str.
Building on #MichalKaut's answer, I created a simple function that returns a dictionary with all tables in a given workbook. It also puts each table's data into a Pandas DataFrame.
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import pandas as pd
def get_all_tables(filename):
""" Get all tables from a given workbook. Returns a dictionary of tables.
Requires a filename, which includes the file path and filename. """
# Load the workbook, from the filename, setting read_only to False
wb = load_workbook(filename=file, read_only=False, keep_vba=False, data_only=True, keep_links=False)
# Initialize the dictionary of tables
tables_dict = {}
# Go through each worksheet in the workbook
for ws_name in wb.sheetnames:
print(f"worksheet name: {ws_name}")
ws = wb[ws_name]
print(f"tables in worksheet: {len(ws.tables)}")
# Get each table in the worksheet
for tbl in ws.tables.values():
print(f"table name: {}")
# First, add some info about the table to the dictionary
tables_dict[] = {
'worksheet': ws_name,
'num_cols': len(tbl.tableColumns),
'table_range': tbl.ref}
# Grab the 'data' from the table
data = ws[tbl.ref]
# Now convert the table 'data' to a Pandas DataFrame
# First get a list of all rows, including the first header row
rows_list = []
for row in data:
# Get a list of all columns in each row
cols = []
for col in row:
# Create a pandas dataframe from the rows_list.
# The first row is the column names
df = pd.DataFrame(data=rows_list[1:], index=None, columns=rows_list[0])
# Add the dataframe to the dictionary of tables
tables_dict[]['dataframe'] = df
return tables_dict
# File location:
file = r"C:\Users\sean\spreadsheets\full_of_tables.xlsx"
# Run the function to return a dictionary of all tables in the Excel workbook
tables_dict = get_all_tables(filename=file)
The answer to this has changed.
ws objects now contain the tables accessor which acts as a dictionary. Updated answer is:
tmp = [ws.tables for ws in wb.worksheets]
tbls = [{} for t in tmp for v in t.values()]
I'm not sure what you mean by parsing but read-support for worksheet tables has been possible since version 2.4.4. If you have questions about the details then I suggest you ask your question on the openpyxl mailing list as that is a more suitable place for this kind of discussion.
I don't think this is possible. I seems to work similarly to images; if you read and save a file with a table it will get striped.
