Get data at address from Cheat Engine with python - python

I've used Cheat Engine to get an Address and RealAddress for the X coordinate of my player in a game; Sea of Thieves. Unfortunately, the game crashes when I try to find the pointer by methods described online (ie clicking "Find out what access this address"). Since the Address and RealAddress don't seem to change (SoTGame.exe+699FE50 and 7FF6EA32FE50, respectively), is there a way to access the value at this address?
I'd like to use something like ReadWriteMemory (example code from the Git ReadMe w/my adaptations):
from ReadWriteMemory import ReadWriteMemory
rwm = ReadWriteMemory()
process = rwm.get_process_by_name('SoTGame.exe')
#health_pointer= process.get_pointer(0x004e4dbc, offsets=[0xf4])
x_pointer = process.get_pointer(0x699FE50)
#health =
x =
print({'x': x})
Printing currently returns 0 while cheat engine is showing a very different number.

You want to access the address with offset to the module entry.
Calling get_process_by_name will return the pointer to the process base in memory, but here you want to offset this pointer to the module entry of the process.
The 0x699FE50 is your offset from the module entry, 'SoTGame.exe', hence finding and adding your module entry module_base (usually 0x00400000) will result in the correct address in memory.
In your case, get_pointer(module_base + 0x699FE50) should do the trick.


How can I change the value of an memory-address in Python?

My current code that does not show an error message but also doesn't work:
py import time
from ReadWriteMemory import ReadWriteMemory
process = ReadWriteMemory.get_process_by_name("Tutorial-i386.exe")
address = 0x0195A810
health = process.get_pointer(address, offsets=[0])
while True:
value =
You can try to use the ctypes library. Try this,
import ctypes
data = (ctypes.c_char).from_address(0x0195A810)
You can read and assign to the data variable. Make sure you select the correct type. I used char in this instance. Not sure what kind of value is stored there. You can see what types are available in the link below.
You can also get a list/array of memory addresses using this,
dataarr = (ctypes.c_char*offset).from_address(0x0195A810)
You can check out the documentation here,

Setting NSSpeechSynthesizer mode from Python

I am using PyObjC bindings to try to get a spoken sound file from phonemes.
I figured out that I can turn speech into sound as follows:
import AppKit
ss = AppKit.NSSpeechSynthesizer.alloc().init()
ss.startSpeakingString_toURL_("Hello", AppKit.NSURL.fileURLWithPath_("hello.aiff"))
# then wait until ve.isSpeaking() returns False
Next for greater control I'd like to turn the text first into phonemes, and then speak them.
phonemes = ss.phonemesFromText_("Hello")
But now I'm stuck, because I know from the docs that to get startSpeakingString to accept phonemes as input, you first need to set NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode to "phoneme". And I think I'm supposed to use setObject_forProperty_error_ to set that.
There are two things I don't understand:
Where is NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode in PyObjC? I grepped the entire PyObjC directory and SpeechPropertyKey is not mentioned anywhere.
How do I use setObject_forProperty_error_ to set it? I think based on the docs that the first argument is the value to set (although it's called just "an object", so True in this case?), and the second is the key (would be phoneme in this case?), and finally there is an error callback. But I'm not sure how I'd pass those arguments in Python.
Where is NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode in PyObjC?
How do I use setObject_forProperty_error_ to set it?
ss.setObject_forProperty_error_("PHON", "inpt", None)
"PHON" is the same as NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode.phoneme
"inpt" is the same as NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.inputMode
It seems these are not defined anywhere in PyObjC, but I found them by firing up XCode and writing a short Swift snippet:
import Foundation
import AppKit
let synth = NSSpeechSynthesizer()
let x = NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode.phoneme
let y = NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.inputMode
Now looking at x and y in the debugger show that they are the strings mentioned above.
As for how to call setObject_forProperty_error_, I simply tried passing in those strings and None as the error handler, and that worked.

How to create and use objects from the Inventor COM API in python (pywin32)

I'm attempting to use Autodesk Inventor's COM API to create a python script that will generate PDFs of a selection on Inventor Drawings, these PDFs will then be processed in particular ways that aren't important to my question. I'm using pywin32 to access the COM API, but I'm not particularly familiar with how COM APIs are used, and the pywin32 module.
This is the extent of the documentation for Inventor's API that I have been able to find (diagram of API Object Model Reference Document), and I have not been able to find documentation for the individual objects listed. As such, I'm basing my understanding of the use of these objects on what I can find from examples online (all in VB or iLogic - Inventor's own simple built-in language).
A big issue I'm coming up against is in creating the objects I'd like to use. Simplified example below:
from win32com.client import *
# user chooses file paths for open and save here...
drawing_filepath = ""
# Open Inventor application, and set visible (so I can tell it's opened for now)
app = Dispatch('Inventor.Application')
app.Visible = True
# Open the file to be saved as a pdf (returns a Document object)
# Cast the opened Document object to a DrawingDocument object (it is guaranteed to be a drawing)
drawing = CastTo(app.ActiveDocument, "DrawingDocument")
# Create and setup a print manager (so can use "Adobe PDF" printer to convert the drawings to PDF)
print_manager = ??? # How can I create this object
# I've tried:
# print_manager = Dispatch("Inventor.Application.Documents.DrawingDocument.DrawingPrintManager") #"Invalid class string"
# print_manager = drawing.DrawingPrintManager() #"object has no attribute 'DrawingPrintManger'
# print_manager = drawing.DrawingPrintManager # same as above
# print_manager = drawing.PrintManger # worked in the end
print_manager.Printer = "Adobe PDF"
print_manager.NumberOfCopies = 1
print_manager.ScaleMode = print_manager.PrintScaleModeEnum.kPrintFullScale
print_manager.PaperSize = print_manager.PrintSizeEnum.kPaperSizeA3
# Print PDF
So I can't figure out how to create a DrawingPrintManager to use! You can see I've avoided this issue when creating my DrawingDocument object, as I just happened to know that there is an ActiveDocument attribute that I can get from the application itself.
I also:
don't know what the full list of attributes and methods for DrawingPrintManager are, so I don't know how to set a save location
don't know for sure that the two Enums I'm trying to use are actually defined within DrawingPrintManager, but I can figure that out once I actually have a DrawingPrintManager to work with
If anyone with more experience in using COM APIs or pywin32 can help me out, I'd be really appreciative. And the same if anyone can point me towards any actual documentation of Inventor's API Objects, which would make things a lot easier.
Edit: After posting I've almost immediately found that I can get a PrintManager (can't tell if a PrintManager or DrawingPrintManager) by accessing drawing.PrintManager rather than drawing.DrawingPrintManager.
This is a workaround however as it doesn't answer my question of how to create objects within pywin32.
My problem moving forward is finding where I can access the PrintScaleModeEnum and PrintSizeEnum objects, and finding how to set the save location of the printed PDF (which I think will be a a separate question, as it's probably unrelated to the COM API).
I'm not familiar with python and pywin32, but I try to answer your questions.
Documentation of Inventor API is available in local installation "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2020\Local Help" or online
Generaly you are not able to create new instances of Inventor API objects. You must obtain them as a result of appropriate method or property value.
For example:
You CAN'T do this
doc = new Inventor.Document()
You MUST do this
doc = app.Documents.Add(...)
With print manager is this
print_manager = drawing.PrintManger
# this returns object of type Inventor.DrawingPrintManager
# when drawing is of type Inventor.DrawingDocument
See this for more details

Using libsecret I can't get to the label of an unlocked item

I'm working on a little program that uses libsecret. This program should be able to create a Secret.Service...
from gi.repository import Secret
service = Secret.Service.get_sync(Secret.ServiceFlags.LOAD_COLLECTIONS)
... get a specific Collection from that Service...
# 2 is the index of a custom collection I created, not the default one.
collection = service.get_collections()[2]
... and then list all the Items inside that Collection, this by just printing their labels.
# I'm just printing a single label here for testing, I'd need all of course.
An important detail is that the Collecction may initially be locked, and so I need to include code that checks for that possibility, and tries to unlock the Collection.
# The unlock method returns a tuple (number_of_objs_unlocked, [list_of_objs])
collection = service.unlock_sync([collection])[1][0]
This is important because the code I currently have can do all I need when the Collection is initially unlocked. However if the Collection is initially locked, even after I unlock it, I can't get the labels from the Items inside. What I can do is disconnect() the Service, recreate the Service again, get the now unlocked Collection, and this way I am able to read the label on each Item. Another interesting detail is that, after the labels are read once, I no longer required the Service reconnection to access them. This seems quite inelegant, so I started looking for a different solution.
I realized that the Collection inherited from Gio.DBusProxy and this class caches the data from the object it accesses. So I'm assuming that is the problem for me, I'm not updating the cache. This is strange though because the documentation states that Gio.DBusProxy should be able to detect changes on the original object, but that's not happening.
Now I don't know how to update the cache on that class. I've taken a look at some seahorse(another application that uses libsecret) vala code, which I wasn't able to completely decipher, I can't code vala, but that mentioned the Object.emit() method, I'm still not sure how I could use that method to achieve my goal. From the documentation( I found another promising method, Object.notify(), which seems to be able to send notifications of changes that would enable cache updates, but I also haven't been able to properly use it yet.
I also posted on the gnome-keyring mailing list about this...
... with no answer so far, and found a bugzilla report on that mentions this issue...
... with no solution so far(7 months) either.
So if someone could shine some light on this problem that would be great. Otherwise some inelegant code will unfortunately find it's way into my little program.
Here is some code to replicate the issue in Python3.
This snippet creates a collection 'test_col', with one item 'test_item', and locks the collection. Note libsecret will prompt you for the password you want for this new collection:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from gi import require_version
require_version('Secret', '1')
from gi.repository import Secret
# Create schema
args = ['com.idlecore.test.schema']
args += [Secret.SchemaFlags.NONE]
args += [{'service': Secret.SchemaAttributeType.STRING,
'username': Secret.SchemaAttributeType.STRING}]
schema =*args)
# Create 'test_col' collection
flags = Secret.CollectionCreateFlags.COLLECTION_CREATE_NONE
collection = Secret.Collection.create_sync(None, 'test_col', None, flags, None)
# Create item 'test_item' inside collection 'test_col'
attributes = {'service': 'stackoverflow', 'username': 'xor'}
password = 'password123'
value = Secret.Value(password, len(password), 'text/plain')
flags = Secret.ItemCreateFlags.NONE
Secret.Item.create_sync(collection, schema, attributes,
'test_item', value, flags, None)
# Lock collection
service = collection.get_service()
Then we need to restart the gnome-keyring-daemon, you can just logout and back in or use the command line:
gnome-keyrin-daemon --replace
This will setup your keyring so we can try opening a collection that is initially locked. We can do that with this code snippet. Note that you will be prompted once again for the password you set previously:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from gi import require_version
require_version('Secret', '1')
from gi.repository import Secret
# Get the service
service = Secret.Service.get_sync(Secret.ServiceFlags.LOAD_COLLECTIONS)
# Find the correct collection
for c in service.get_collections():
if c.get_label() == 'test_col':
collection = c
# Unlock the collection and show the item label, note that it's empty.
collection = service.unlock_sync([collection])[1][0]
print('Item Label:', collection.get_items()[0].get_label())
# Do the same thing again, and it works.
# It's necessary to disconnect the service to clear the cache,
# Otherwise we keep getting the same empty label.
# Get the service
service = Secret.Service.get_sync(Secret.ServiceFlags.LOAD_COLLECTIONS)
# Find the correct collection
for c in service.get_collections():
if c.get_label() == 'test_col':
collection = c
# No need to unlock again, just show the item label
print('Item Label:', collection.get_items()[0].get_label())
This code attempts to read the item label twice. One the normal way, which fails, you should see an empty string, and then using a workaround, that disconnects the service and reconnects again.
I came across this question while trying to update a script I use to retrieve passwords from my desktop on my laptop, and vice versa.
The clue was in the documentation for Secret.ServiceFlagsā€”there are two:
establish a session for transfer of secrets while initializing the Secret.Service
load collections while initializing the Secret.Service
I think for a Service that both loads collections and allows transfer of secrets (including item labels) from those collections, we need to use both flags.
The following code (similar to your mailing list post, but without a temporary collection set up for debugging) seems to work. It gives me the label of an item:
from gi.repository import Secret
service = Secret.Service.get_sync(Secret.ServiceFlags.OPEN_SESSION |
collections = service.get_collections()
unlocked_collection = service.unlock_sync([collections[0]], None)[1][0]
I have been doing this
if collection.get_locked():
Don't know if it is going to work though because I have never hit a case where I have something that is locked. If you have a piece of sample code where I can create a locked instance of a collection then maybe I can help

Python mmap ctypes - read only

I think I have the opposite problem as described here. I have one process writing data to a log, and I want a second process to read it, but I don't want the 2nd process to be able to modify the contents. This is potentially a large file, and I need random access, so I'm using python's mmap module.
If I create the mmap as read/write (for the 2nd process), I have no problem creating ctypes object as a "view" of the mmap object using from_buffer. From a cursory look at the c-code, it looks like this is a cast, not a copy, which is what I want. However, this breaks if I make the mmap ACCESS_READ, throwing an exception that from_buffer requires write privileges.
I think I want to use ctypes from_address() method instead, which doesn't appear to need write access. I'm probably missing something simple, but I'm not sure how to get the address of the location within an mmap. I know I can use ACCESS_COPY (so write operations show up in memory, but aren't persisted to disk), but I'd rather keep things read only.
Any suggestions?
I ran into a similar issue (unable to setup a readonly mmap) but I was using only the python mmap module. Python mmap 'Permission denied' on Linux
I'm not sure it is of any help to you since you don't want the mmap to be private?
Ok, from looking at the mmap .c code, I don't believe it supports this use case. Also, I found that the performance pretty much sucks - for my use case. I'd be curious what kind performance others see, but I found that it took about 40 sec to walk through a binary file of 500 MB in Python. This is creating a mmap, then turning the location into a ctype object with from_buffer(), and using the ctypes object to decipher the size of the object so I could step to the next object. I tried doing the same thing directly in c++ from msvc. Obviously here I could cast directly into an object of the correct type, and it was fast - less than a second (this is with a core 2 quad and ssd).
I did find that I could get a pointer with the following
firstHeader = CEL_HEADER.from_buffer(map, 0) #CEL_HEADER is a ctypes Structure
pHeader = pointer(firstHeader)
#Now I can use pHeader[ind] to get a CEL_HEADER object
#at an arbitrary point in the file
This doesn't get around the original problem - the mmap isn't read-only, since I still need to use from_buffer for the first call. In this config, it still took around 40 sec to process the whole file, so it looks like the conversion from a pointer into ctypes structs is killing the performance. That's just a guess, but I don't see a lot of value in tracking it down further.
I'm not sure my plan will help anyone else, but I'm going to try to create a c module specific to my needs based on the mmap code. I think I can use the fast c-code handling to index the binary file, then expose only small parts of the file at a time through calls into ctypes/python objects. Wish me luck.
Also, as a side note, Python 2.7.2 was released today (6/12/11), and one of the changes is an update to the mmap code so that you can use a python long to set the file offset. This lets you use mmap for files over 4GB on 32-bit systems. See Issue #4681 here
Ran into this same problem, we needed the from_buffer interface and wanted read only access. From the python docs "Assignment to an ACCESS_COPY memory map affects memory but does not update the underlying file."
If it's acceptable for you to use an anonymous file backing you can use ACCESS_COPY
An example: open two cmd.exe or terminals and in one terminal:
mm_file_write = mmap.mmap(-1, 4096, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE, tagname="shmem")
mm_file_read = mmap.mmap(-1, 4096, access=mmap.ACCESS_COPY, tagname="shmem")
write = ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(mm_file_write)
read = ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(mm_file_read)
while True:
value = int(input('enter an integer using mm_file_write: '))
write.value = value
print('updated value')
value = int(input('enter an integer using mm_file_read: '))
#read.value assignment doesnt update anonymous backed file
read.value = value
print('updated value')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('got exit event')
In the other terminal do:
mm_file = mmap.mmap(-1, 4096, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE, tagname="shmem")
i = None
while True:
new_i = struct.unpack('i', mm_file[:4])
if i != new_i:
print('i: {} => {}'.format(i, new_i))
i = new_i
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Stopped . . .')
And you will see that the second process does not receive updates when the first process writes using ACCESS_COPY
