I am a self-teaching data science student, currently doing my first big Python portfolio project in several steps, the first of which is using pandas to work with IMDb [Internet Movie Database]'s rather oddly structured .tsv files in an effort to create a fully searchable big data repository of all IMDb data (the officially supported searches and even APIs like OMDB (Open Movie Database) don't allow for the kinds of detailed queries I need to do for the larger project).
The structure of IMDb's public files is that they include all data on movies, TV shows, episodes, actors, directors, crew, the whole business, scattered rather haphazardly across seven massive tsv files. I've confirmed that pandas can, in fact, read in all of this data and that my computer's memory can handle it, but what I want to do is merge the seven tsv files into a single DataFrame object which can then be exported to (preferably) a SQL database or even a huge spreadsheet/another TSV file but larger.
Each thing in the database (movie, actor, individual TV episode) has a tconst row, which, in one file is identified as "titleId", a string. In every other file, this is identified as "tconst", also a string. I'm going to need to change titleId when I read that file into tconst; this is one of several challenges I haven't got to yet.
#set pandas formatting parameters
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 25)
#read in the data tables provided
showbiz_core = pd.read_table("name.basics.tsv",sep='\t')
#temporary hack - print the entire dataframe as test
This works, but I'm not sure exactly how to proceed next. I want to import each of the other tsv files to attempt to locally reconstruct the imdb database. This means that I don't want to have duplicate tconst strings, but rather to end up with new information about a tconst entry (like a film) appended to it as new columns.
Should I be looking to do a "for i in [new file]" type loop somehow? How would you go about this?
The IMdB files are actually highly structured. Looping is always a bad structure for merging data
structure data sourcing - I used wget rather than manually sourcing
the files are large so work with a subset for modelling purpose. I just have used popular movies and actors as driver
the CSV columns in the tsv files are actually sub-tables. Treat them as such. I build a reference entity dmi to do this
there are other associative relationships there as well primaryProfession, genres
finally join (merge) everything together from OMDB and IMdB. Taken first rows where many items associate to a title
I have left data currently as tsv clearly it would be very simple to put into a database using to_sql() method. Main point is sourcing and transformation. aka ETL which has become an unfashionable term. This can be further supplemented with web scraping. I looked at Box Office Mojo however this would require selenium to scrape it as it's dynamic HTML
IMdB sourcing
import requests, json, re, urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import wget,gzip
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
# find what IMdB has to give ...
resp = requests.get("https://datasets.imdbws.com")
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(), "html.parser")
files = {}
for f in soup.find_all("a", href=True):
if f["href"].endswith('gz'):
u = urllib.parse.urlparse(f["href"])
fn = Path().cwd().joinpath(u.path.strip("/"))
files[Path(fn.stem).stem] = fn.name
if not fn.is_file():
IMdB transform
set alldata=True on first run to prep data. Second run false and you have a manageable subset
alldata = False
subsetdata = True
# work with a subset of data to speed up modelling and iterations. Take a few major actors and titles
# as criteria to build a manageable representative set of data
l = ["Tom Hanks","Will Smith","Clint Eastwood","Leonardo DiCaprio","Johnny Depp","Meryl Streep","Bruce Willis"]
tm = {'tconst': ['tt0111161','tt0468569','tt1375666','tt0137523','tt0110912','tt0109830','tt0944947','tt0133093','tt0120737','tt0167260','tt0068646'],
'averageRating': [9.3, 9.0, 8.8, 8.8, 8.9, 8.8, 9.3, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.2],
'numVotes': [2275837,2237966,1997918,1805137,1777920,1752954,1699318,1630083,1618100,1602417,1570167]}
# work with subset for modelling purpose
k = "name.basics"
if alldata:
dfs[k] = pd.read_csv(gzip.open(files[k]), sep="\t").replace({"\\N":np.nan})
if subsetdata:
# manage down size of nmi
dfs[k] = dfs[k].loc[(dfs[k]["primaryName"].isin(l)
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][0])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][1])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][2])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][3])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][4])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][5])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][6])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][7])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][8])
| dfs[k]["knownForTitles"].str.contains(tm["tconst"][9])
dfs[k].to_csv(f"{files[k]}_subset.tsv", sep="\t", index=False)
dfs[k] = pd.read_csv(f"{files[k]}_subset.tsv", sep="\t")
dfs[k] = dfs[k].astype({c:"Int64" for c in dfs[k].columns}, errors="ignore")
# birth year is a lot but getting data issues...
# dfs[k] = dfs[k].dropna(subset=["primaryProfession","birthYear"])
# comma separated - not good for joins and merges. rename for consistency
dfs["nmi"] = (dfs["name.basics"].loc[:,["nconst","knownForTitles"]]
.assign(knownForTitles=lambda x: x["knownForTitles"].str.split(","))
# already extracted known titles so can drop and de-dup - e.g. Tom Hanks
dfs[k] = dfs[k].drop(columns=["knownForTitles"]).drop_duplicates()
for k in [k for k in files.keys() if k not in ["name.basics","omdb.titles"]]:
if alldata:
dfs[k] = pd.read_csv(gzip.open(files[k]), sep="\t").replace({"\\N":np.nan})
if k=="title.akas": dfs[k]=dfs[k].rename(columns={"titleId":"tconst"})
# subset titles to those we have names
if subsetdata:
c = "tconst" if k!= "title.episode" else "parentTconst"
.to_csv(f"{files[k]}_subset.tsv", sep="\t", index=False))
except KeyError as e:
print(k, dfs[k].columns, e)
dfs[k] = pd.read_csv(f"{files[k]}_subset.tsv", sep="\t")
dfs[k] = dfs[k].astype({c:"Int64" for c in dfs[k].columns}, errors="ignore")
dfs["name.and.titles"] = dfs["nmi"].merge(dfs["name.basics"], on="nconst").merge(dfs["title.basics"], on="tconst")
OMDB sourcing
omdbcols = ['Title', 'Year', 'Rated', 'Released', 'Runtime', 'Genre', 'Director', 'Writer', 'Actors', 'Plot', 'Language', 'Country', 'Awards', 'Poster', 'Ratings', 'Metascore', 'imdbRating', 'imdbVotes', 'imdbID', 'Type', 'DVD', 'BoxOffice', 'Production', 'Website', 'Response']
omdbk = "omdb.titles"
files[omdbk] = f"{omdbk}.tsz"
if not Path().cwd().joinpath(files[omdbk]).is_file():
dfs[omdbk] = pd.DataFrame(columns=omdbcols)
dfs[omdbk] = pd.read_csv(files[omdbk], sep="\t", thousands=",")
dfs[omdbk] = dfs[omdbk].astype({c:"Int64" for c in dfs[omdbk].columns}, errors="ignore")
k = "title.basics"
# limited to 1000 API calls a day, so only fetch if have not done already
for tconst in dfs[k].loc[~(dfs[k]["tconst"].isin(dfs[omdbk]["imdbID"]))]["tconst"].values:
# tt0109830 movie Forrest Gump
# http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=tt3896198&apikey=xxx
res = requests.get("http://www.omdbapi.com/", params=params)
if res.status_code!=200:
print("breached API limit")
dfs[omdbk] = pd.concat([dfs[omdbk], pd.json_normalize(res.json())])
dfs[omdbk].to_csv(files[omdbk], index=False, sep="\t")
sample analysis
# The Dark Knight tt0468569
# Game of Throne tt0944947
# for demo purpose - just pick first association when there are many
mask = dfs[omdbk]["imdbID"].isin(["tt0468569","tt0944947"])
demo = (dfs[omdbk].loc[mask]
.rename(columns={c:f"OMDB{c}" for c in dfs[omdbk].columns})
.merge(dfs["title.basics"], on="tconst")
.merge(dfs["title.ratings"], on="tconst")
.merge(dfs["title.akas"].groupby("tconst", as_index=False).first(), on="tconst")
.merge(dfs["title.crew"].groupby("tconst", as_index=False).first(), on="tconst")
.merge(dfs["title.principals"].groupby("tconst", as_index=False).first(), on="tconst")
.merge(dfs["title.episode"].groupby("parentTconst", as_index=False).first(),
left_on="tconst", right_on="parentTconst", how="left", suffixes=("","_ep"))
.merge(dfs["name.basics"], on="nconst")
.groupby(["tconst"], as_index=False).first(), on="tconst", suffixes=("","_name"))
0 1
OMDBTitle The Dark Knight Game of Thrones
OMDBYear 2008 2011–2019
OMDBReleased 18 Jul 2008 17 Apr 2011
OMDBRuntime 152 min 57 min
OMDBGenre Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
OMDBDirector Christopher Nolan NaN
OMDBWriter Jonathan Nolan (screenplay), Christopher Nolan (screenplay), Christopher Nolan (story), David S. Goyer (story), Bob Kane (characters) David Benioff, D.B. Weiss
OMDBActors Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington
OMDBLanguage English, Mandarin English
OMDBAwards Won 2 Oscars. Another 153 wins & 159 nominations. Won 1 Golden Globe. Another 374 wins & 602 nominations.
OMDBPoster https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTMxNTMwODM0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODAyMTk2Mw##._V1_SX300.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYTRiNDQwYzAtMzVlZS00NTI5LWJjYjUtMzkwNTUzMWMxZTllXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDIzMzcwNjc#._V1_SX300.jpg
OMDBRatings [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '9.0/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '94%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '84/100'}] [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '9.3/10'}]
OMDBMetascore 84 <NA>
OMDBimdbRating 9 9.3
OMDBimdbVotes 2234169 1679892
tconst tt0468569 tt0944947
OMDBType movie series
OMDBDVD 09 Dec 2008 NaN
OMDBBoxOffice $533,316,061 NaN
OMDBProduction Warner Bros. Pictures/Legendary NaN
OMDBWebsite <NA> <NA>
OMDBResponse 1 1
OMDBtotalSeasons <NA> 8
titleType movie tvSeries
primaryTitle The Dark Knight Game of Thrones
originalTitle The Dark Knight Game of Thrones
isAdult 0 0
startYear 2008 2011
endYear <NA> 2019
runtimeMinutes 152 57
genres Action,Crime,Drama Action,Adventure,Drama
averageRating 9 9.3
numVotes 2237966 1699318
ordering_x 10 10
title The Dark Knight Taht Oyunları
region GB TR
language en tr
types imdbDisplay imdbDisplay
attributes fake working title literal title
isOriginalTitle 0 0
directors nm0634240 nm0851930,nm0551076,nm0533713,nm0336241,nm1888967,nm1047532,nm0764601,nm0007008,nm0617042,nm0787687,nm0687964,nm0070474,nm1125275,nm0638354,nm0002399,nm0806252,nm0755261,nm0887700,nm0590889
writers nm0634300,nm0634240,nm0333060,nm0004170 nm1125275,nm0552333,nm1888967,nm4984276,nm2643685,nm7260047,nm2977599,nm0961827,nm0260870
ordering_y 10 10
nconst nm0746273 nm0322513
category producer actor
job producer creator
characters ["Bruce Wayne"] ["Jorah Mormont"]
parentTconst NaN tt0944947
tconst_ep NaN tt1480055
seasonNumber <NA> 1
episodeNumber <NA> 1
nconst_name nm0000198 nm0000293
primaryName Gary Oldman Sean Bean
birthYear 1958 1959
deathYear 1998 2020
primaryProfession actor,soundtrack,producer actor,producer,animation_department
link 1
link 2 *I copied table and created csv file
I need to plot total population from file 1 and Adherents total for New Jersey as a line or bar graph to compare.
I've tried append to combine both cvs's but comes out weird
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
clifton_data = pd.read_csv('cliftondata2010census.csv')
religion = pd.read_csv('2010_ Top Five States by Adherence Rate - Sheet1.csv')
all_data = clifton_data.append(religion)
all_data.plot(kind='line',x='1',y='2') # scatter plot
I need to plot total population from file 1 and compare to Adherents total for New Jersey as a line or bar graph.
Here is a quick guide to get you stared. I hope it helps.
From link 2, you see
Massachusetts 641 2,940,199 449.05
Rhode Island 159 466,598 443.30
New Jersey 729 3,235,290 367.99
Connecticut 399 1,252,936 350.56
New York 1,630 6,286,916 324.43
copy the texts above, paste and save the data to congregation.txt.
Link 1 is broken. However, assuming the population data are as follows,
Massachusetts 3,141,270
Rhode Island 530,698
New Jersey 4,335,399
Connecticut 2,134,935
New York 10,366,556
similarly, copy the texts above, paste and save the data to population.txt.
Then, you can run something like this
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
con = pd.read_csv('congregation.txt', sep=r'[ \t]{2,}',header=None, index_col=False,engine='python')
pop = pd.read_csv('population.txt', sep=r'[ \t]{2,}',header=None, index_col=False,engine='python')
#note concat and not append
#con[0] is state, con[2] is congregation, pop[1] is population
#print(con.head()) and print(pop.head()) to visualize if you are still confused
df = pd.concat([con[[0,2]],pop[1]],axis=1)
df.columns = ['State', 'Congregation', 'Population']
#need to do some cleaning here to convert numbers with comma to an integer
df['Congregation'] = df['Congregation'].apply(lambda t: t.replace(',','')).astype(int)
df['Population'] = df['Population'].apply(lambda t: t.replace(',','')).astype(int)
#at this stage your df looks like this
# Congregation Population
#Massachusetts 2940199 3141270
#Rhode Island 466598 530698
#New Jersey 3235290 4335399
#Connecticut 1252936 2134935
#New York 6286916 10366556
Note: I am retaining other states here for the sake of demonstration, otherwise if it is only New Jersey, the bar plot will look empty.
ax = df.plot.bar()
Edit: I meant 'Adherent' not 'Congregation'. I made a mistake there.
I have one .txt file (named test_1.txt) that is formatted as follows:
If you go to one of the links above you'll see the output in XML. With the code written below, I've managed to get it to iterate through to the second directions request (Miami to Mobile) and it prints seemingly random data that isn't what I want. I also am able to get this working, printing exactly the data I need when just going to one URL at a time with the .txt but directly from the code. Is there any reason it is only going to the second URL and printing the wrong info? Python code is below:
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
with open('test_1.txt', 'r') as f:
mapcalc = f.readline()
response = urllib2.urlopen(mapcalc)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
for leg in soup.select('route > leg'):
duration = leg.duration.text.strip()
distance = leg.distance.text.strip()
start = leg.start_address.text.strip()
end = leg.end_address.text.strip()
print duration
print distance
print start
print end
This is the output of the Python Code in the Shell:
1 min
253 ft
Miami, FL, USA
Mobile, AL, USA
Here's a link that could shed more light on the behavior you can get when opening files and reading lines, etc. (related to Lev Levitsky's comment).
One way:
import httplib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
http = httplib2.Http()
with open('test_1.txt', 'r') as f:
for mapcalc in f:
status, response = http.request(mapcalc)
for leg in BeautifulSoup(response):
duration = leg.duration.text.strip()
distance = leg.distance.text.strip()
start = leg.start_address.text.strip()
end = leg.end_address.text.strip()
print duration
print distance
print start
print end
I'm new to this sort of thing but I got the above code to work with the following output:
1 hour 21 mins
4.1 mi
Bethesda, MD, USA
Washington, DC, USA
1 min
253 ft
Miami, FL, USA
Mobile, AL, USA
3 mins
0.2 mi
Chicago, IL, USA
Scranton, PA, USA
1 min
49 ft
Baltimore, MD, USA
Charlotte, NC, USA