How to set a Python Interpreter from inside a existing virtual environment in Visual Studio code - python

I want to open an existing virtual environment in Visual Studio Code. When I try to change the interpreter address inside of the settings.json (as instructed by it doesn't work. With the virtual environment that I have, there is no python.exe file, I believe that is the issue as to why the following settings.json file doesn't work.
"python.pythonPath": "D:\\GitProjects\\OrganizationApp\\venv1\\bin\\python"

First of all Try open the root folder which venv folder resides in with Visual Studio Code.
(If you are on Linux you can just got the directory and open terminal and type code).
You should get a pop up to change the interpreter.
If not then Open your command palette Ctrl + Shift + P
Search for Python interpreter and select the Venv one.

According to your description, you could refer to the following steps to check the creation and use of the virtual environment in VSCode:
Check if python is available.
Enter cmd from the computer, enter the cmd window, enter python, and output the python version number to represent python is available.
If it is not available, please check the python installation package and check the python environment variables.
The python extension was successfully installed in VSCode.
Create and use a virtual environment:
Create a virtual environment in the vscode terminal. python3 -m venv ./venv1 or python -m venv ./venv1 Reference: virtual environments.
Select Yes when the prompt box pops up.
Then the interpreter will automatically be replaced with the created virtual environment.
After restarting VSCode, there is no python interpreter displayed in the lower left corner. We can create or open a python file and it will automatically display the interpreter.
Click on the interpreter to choose other available interpreters.
Use the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+` to open a new terminal and enter the virtual environment.
When I open other projects or don’t open any project in VSCode , the virtual environment created before is not displayed in the python interpreter options. The reason is that the virtual environment we created is based on the current project and it exists in this project. like this:
Although this virtual environment is not displayed in other projects, I can use this virtual environment by selecting the python.exe of the virtual environment ( 'enter interpreter path' '.venv' 'Scripts'). Therefore, if there is no python.exe, it is recommended to create a new virtual environment.


VSCode with pyenv-virtualenv, trigger automatically?

Recently I've been using pyenv-virtualenv for my python projects and with the vscode extension "Python Environment Manager", and I love the combo.
However I currently need to activate the virtualenvs manually through the plugin.
Does anyone know if there's a good way and have tested it to do it automatically?
Can I for for example create some kind of file structure that would allow vscode to automatically select the right pyenv-virtualenv when I open a file in a specific repo/folder?
Open a folder as a workspace
Use the command to create a new virtual environment in the terminal,
The above command will generate a .venv folder in the current workspace, which is a virtual environment named .venv
Select the .venv virtual environment interpreter in the Select Interpreter panel
New terminals will automatically activate the environment
When you open this folder with vscode next time, VScode will select the last interpreter by default. If you have not changed it, then you will select the .venv virtual environment by default when you open this folder in the future.

How to open a virtual environment created with pyenv with VSCode editor?

I am working on a Linux environment and have created my virtual environment using the pyenv tool. I have set the local virtual environment in my working folder the the one I want with pyenv from command line like this for example : pyenv local my_venv_name which in my case my_venv_name=3.9.9
When I opened VSCode in that folder the integrated terminal is indeed opening that virtual environment BUT the code in the VSCode seems to not be able to find some installed dependencies that I can see that I have installed in that particular environment. I can do pip freeze in the terminal and I see the packages but VSCode does not see them.
How can I set the correct virtual environment to the VSCode editor?
Ok so you have to select the correct python interpreter because pyenv could be using multiple python version in different environments. I found two ways to change it:
Open the command palette either from the gear icon bottom left corner or by typing Ctrl + Shift + P. Then type select python interpreter and select the one that corresponds to the virtual environment you want
You can find the same option by simply clicking and selecting the interpreter from the bottom right corner of the VSCode as shown in the image below:

VSCode does not recognize venv

When I create a new project and the virtual environment using the venv python package, VSCode doesn't recognize the new virtual environment. I follow the bellow instruction:
The command that I use in the VSCode integrated terminal is:
python -m venv .venv
The terminal that I use is PowerShell 7, But I tried the CMD terminal too.
After running this command, the .venv folder is created very well on the workspace and I checked its behavior on the terminal.
I tried conda package manager to create a venv and VSCode recognizes it. The problem is only with the venv Python package.
I also tried another Python version to create venv, But the problem still exists.
I read this question:
How can I set up a virtual environment for Python in Visual Studio Code?
I know how to add an environment manually, but I expect VSCode to recognize my environments automatically.
I added these lines to settings.json (Preferences):
"python.venvPath": "~/.venv",
"python.venvFolders": [
I activated the venv manually using VSCode integrated terminal.
The problem still isn't solved.
This is a screenshot of my problem:
I know how to add an environment manually, but I want it to be automatic.
I tried VSCode on another PC, and it worked; It doesn't need anything to do except the presence of venv.
VSCode Version: 1.58.0
Python Extension Version: v2021.6.944021595
The "python.venvPath" should be set to the parent folder of the .venv folder.
Virtual environments located in the folder identified by the
python.venvPath setting (see General settings), which can contain
multiple virtual environments. The extension looks for virtual
environments in the first-level subfolders of venvPath.
But, you need not set that. The Python extension should find the venv environment, as it is just located under your workspace folder.
Virtual environments located directly under the workspace (project)
I tried it locally, it does not work too. It will only show the cached environment path, and the "python.venvPath" does not work either.
And there are some changes of the interpreter storage:
A VSCode internal storage is introduced which will now store the
interpreter settings in the workspace & workspace folder scope.
You can refer to here for more details.
So, it's recommended to select the environment path manually for now.
After writing this command in VS CodeTerminal
python -m venv env
You can simply use
In the same directory path where you have created the virtual enviroment.
For some reason VSCode had uninstalled all my Python extensions including the main Python extension. After reinstalling them it was able to detect my virtualenvs again.
So I was having this same issue and I resolved it by,
1. Open Settings in VSCode.
2. Search for "python.terminal.activateEnvironment"
3. If unchecked/unticked, then check/tick for both "User" and "Workspace".
The problem is not with VSCode but the workspace settings in which I was working on.
Just changed that and Voila works like a charm.

How to autoload venv/bin/activate in vscode on mac

I have django project folder with venv environment.
when opening vscode it has terminal opened in vscode.
Is there a way that I don't have to venv/bin/activate all the time when opening the project folder?
Edit (credit to #XJOJIX) from the comment in this answer. This will active the virtual environment without having to close or open terminals. A Python file still needs to be selected to load the Python extension.
Add this parameter in VS Code to "launch.json" or ".code-workspace"
"settings": {
"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true
Previous Answer:
To have a VS Code terminal automatically activate a virtual environment when first launching VS Code:
Close the terminal before exiting VS Code.
Open VS Code. Ensure a Python file is selected to direct VS Code to load the Python extension.
Wait for the Python extension to finishing loading (very bottom
left of VS Code terminal).
Open a new terminal after Python extension has loaded. The venv will automatically activate.
The trick is to open the terminal only after the Python extension has loaded.
If the directory of the terminal contains a virtual environment, VS Code will also automatically activate a virtual environment if a new terminal is opened. As before, a Python file must be selected and the Python extension must be fully loaded.
If you are on a mac OS, the simplest thing is to make ENV for your python projects.
Follow these simple Command in your Vs Code Terminal and you get your ENV activated :
Python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
(The env in the first line is your env name so you can type any name)
Use the command palette to trigger the "Python: select interpreter" command. It should allow you to pick your virtual environment.
The article Using Python environments in VS Code migth be of interest to you.
If you use window machine, it might locate at
You can run above in your vscode terminal to activate your venv

Activating Anaconda Environment in VsCode

I have Anaconda working on my system and VsCode working, but how do I get VsCode to activate a specific environment when running my python script?
Simply use
shift + cmd + P
Search Select Interpreter
Select it and it will show you the list of your virtual environment created via conda and other python versions
select the environment and you are ready to go.
Quoting the 'Select and activate an environment' docs
Selecting an interpreter from the list adds an entry for python.pythonPath with
the path to the interpreter inside your Workspace Settings.
If Anaconda is your default Python install then it just works if you install the Microsoft Python extension.
The following should work regardless of Python editor or if you need to point to a specific install:
In settings.json edit python.path with something like
"python.pythonPath": "C:\\Anaconda3\\envs\\py34\\python.exe"
Instructions to edit settings.json
Setting python.pythonPath in VSCode's settings.json file doesn't work for me, but another method does. According to the Anaconda documentation at Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code):
When you launch VS Code from Navigator, VS Code is configured to use the Python interpreter in the currently selected environment.
The best option I found is to set the python.venvPath parameter in vscode settings to your anaconda envs folder.
"python.venvPath": "/Users/[...]/Anaconda3/envs"
Then if you bring up the command palette (ctl + shift + P on windows/linux, cmd + shift + P on mac) and type Python: Select Workspace Interpreter all your envs will show up and you can select which env to use.
The python extension will also need to be installed for the Select Workspace Interpreter option.
Note: The Select Workspace Interpreter takes around 10 seconds to come up on my computer using the current version of VSCode.
Although approved answer is correct, I want to show a bit different approach (based on this answer).
Vscode can automatically choose correct anaconda environment if you start vscode from it. Just add to user/workspace settings:
"python.pythonPath": "C:/<proper anaconda path>/Anaconda3/envs/${env:CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}/python"
It works on Windows, macOS and probably Unix. Further read on variable substitution in vscode: here.
Unfortunately, this does not work on macOS. Despite the fact that I have export CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV='$HOME/anaconda3/envs/dev' in my .zshrc and "python.pythonPath": "${env.CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}/bin/python",
in my VSCode prefs, the built-in terminal does not use that environment's Python, even if I have started VSCode from the command line where that variable is set.
Just launch the VS Code from the Anaconda Navigator. It works for me.
Find a note here:
As noted earlier, the Python extension automatically detects existing
conda environments provided that the environment contains a Python
interpreter. For example, the following command creates a conda
environment with the Python 3.4 interpreter and several libraries,
which VS Code then shows in the list of available interpreters:
conda create -n env-01 python=3.4 scipy=0.15.0 astroid babel
In contrast, if you fail to specify an interpreter, as with conda create
--name env-00, the environment won't appear in the list.
If you need an independent environment for your project:
Install your environment to your project folder using the --prefix option:
conda create --prefix C:\your\workspace\root\awesomeEnv\ python=3
In VSCode launch.json configuration set your "pythonPath" to:
Python Path is now deprecated and now you should set Conda Path instead. This way you can pick different environements on the fly.
Click ctrl + , then search for Conda Path and add absolute path to script, e.g.:
Pick specific environment for each project in bottom left corner or through Command Pallete (ctrl + Shift + P -> search Python: Select Interpreter)
The simplest way to do it -
First open up terminal or command line and navigate to the project directory where you created the virtual environment.
Then activate the virtual environment with the command
conda activate venv_name
Once activated, in terminal type -
code .
This will open the vscode with the activated virtual environment. Look at the bottom of the pic. The dot after code . tells terminal to open the current directory in vscode.
I found out that if we do not specify which python version we want the environment which is created is completely empty. Thus, to resolve this issue what I did is that I gave the python version as well. i.e
conda create --name env_name python=3.6
so what it does now is that it installs python 3.6 and now we can select the interpreter. For that follow the below-mentioned steps:
Firstly, open the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P
Secondly, Select Python: select Interpreter
Now, Select Enter interpreter path
We have to add the path where the env is, the default location will be
Finally, you have successfully activated your environment.
It might now be the best way but it worked for me. Let me know if there is any issue.
I found a hacky solution replace your environment variable for the original python file so instead it can just call from the python.exe from your anaconda folder, so when you reference python it will reference anaconda's python.
So your only python path in env var should be like:
"C:\Anaconda3\envs\py34\", or wherever the python executable lives
If you need more details I don't mind explaining. :)
As I was not able to solve my problem by suggested ways, I will share how I fixed it.
First of all, even if I was able to activate an environment, the corresponding environment folder was not present in C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs directory.
So I created a new anaconda environment using Anaconda prompt,
a new folder named same as your given environment name will be created in the envs folder.
Next, I activated that environment in Anaconda prompt.
Installed python with conda install python command.
Then on anaconda navigator, selected the newly created environment in the 'Applications on' menu.
Launched vscode through Anaconda navigator.
Now as suggested by other answers, in vscode, opened command palette with Ctrl + Shift + P keyboard shortcut.
Searched and selected Python: Select Interpreter
If the interpreter with newly created environment isn't listed out there, select Enter Interpreter Path and choose the newly created python.exe which is located similar to C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\<your-new-env>\ .
So the total path will look like C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\<your-nev-env>\python.exe
Next time onwards the interpreter will be automatically listed among other interpreters.
Now you might see your selected conda environment at bottom left side in vscode.
"python.pythonPath" is deprecated, quote from vscode:
The "python.pythonPath" setting in your settings.json is no longer
used by the Python extension. If you want, you can use a new setting
called "python.defaultInterpreterPath" instead. Keep in mind that you
need to change the value of this setting manually as the Python
extension doesn’t modify it when you change interpreters. Learn more.
Thus, IF you want to assign the path manually (not reccommended, as explained above), open the "settings.json" of your workspace or the default one and use
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "C:\\Users\\MYUSER\\anaconda3\\envs\\testenv\\python.exe"
