I am trying to run the latest version of python. I downloaded the latest version of python off the website. When I run the following line of code I see an Anaconda version:
python --version
Python 3.6.10 :: Anaconda, Inc.
I feel that the problem is that it is using an Anaconda version. How do I navigate out of this to the latest version?
I am using a Mac
I went online and realized I had to deactivate conda with the following line:
conda deactivate
I'm using python 3.9.0 and I want to install Anaconda, but the Anaconda not support python 3.9 yet. Is it okay if I'm still installing Anaconda ?
Anaconda actually comes with its own bundled Python and its package libraries. It is still okay if you already have Python installed on your machine.
If Python 3.9 is not necessary for your application, you can use Anaconda bundled Python version i.e Python 3.8 (latest version as now).
You can run your Python script using Anaconda virtual environment, so you will not mess up with existing Python installation.
This issue in some form has come up before, however I am having a variant of this issue.
I had python 3.8 installed. Tensorflow does not have a version for this python.
I therefore installed python 3.7 and set up a virtual environment using virtualenv.
In visual studio code I even updated the settings json "python.pythonPath": to the correct path for version 3.7 of python.
I install the correct version of tensorflow using the correct link for 3.7 on the site:
'''pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/tensorflow_cpu-2.1.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl'''
But i still get the error
"ERROR: tensorflow_cpu-2.1.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform."
When i type python -V I still get Python 3.8.1, could this mean I am not correctly using the virtual environment?
However I have now set up virtual environment using anaconda which is limited to 3.7 and it still says 3.8 when using "python -V" and i get the same error when trying to install.
You can try to either reinstall anaconda, visual studio, or type in the command "pip install --upgrade tensorflow". This should work without the link.
After creating the virtual environment you need to activate it if you haven't already. Once you do, your command line prompt should indicate that a new version of Python, in your case 3.7 is now running.
I ended up using Anaconda with Python 3.6, it seems tensorflow would not work for 3.7 on windows.
TensorFlow is not working in python 3.7, I wish to install anaconda with python 3.6.9, in the https://repo.continuum.io/archive/ I couldn't find which version, also the https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download-section having only for python 3.7.
How to find Anaconda2-5.3.1-Windows-x86.exe (in the archive) having which version of python. Looking for Windows
I am not looking to create conda env for python 3.6
By default, the detailed version is not supported.
If you want Python in version 3.6.9 (with Anaconda)
I recommend to install version 3.6. (I know you don't want...)
This seems to be a policy implemented by the Anaconda side for version-specific management.
By default Anaconda comes with Python 3.7.3, I installed that. Spyder opens with 3.7, Then in Anaconda Prompt, conda version is 4.7.10, with this Python downgrade it is not supported properly:
conda update conda
gives 4.7.11, then
conda install python=3.6.9
installs Python 3.6.9 smoothly, Spyder opens with 3.6,
Now TensorFlow works like a charm
I'm using Ubuntu 14.0.4. In my system I have installed Anaconda with python 2.7.14. Now I want to upgrade my python version & would like to use Python 3.6.3. So I followed the steps mentioned in below link
Update python on linux 2.7 to 3.5
But after doing this my python --version command is showing python 2.7.14. Can you suggest me how to upgrade?
It's a little bit tricky with Anaconda.
You need to do this within your Anaconda environment:
conda install python=3.6.3
I think that this problem is due to the python version. I used Anaconda with python 3.6 for learning django. Now I've to work on google app engine using python2.7. I uninstalled anaconda. Now when i run "python" I get:
"Python 3.6.1 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, May 11 2017, 13:09:58)".
Is there a way to default back to python2.7?
I'm on ubuntu 16.04
edit: problem is not due to python version
Since you are using Anaconda, you can create a new virtual environment by typing:
conda install -n yourenvname [package]
So with python2.7 installed:
conda create -n python2 python=2.7 anaconda
source activate python2
And if you want to leave the virtual environment:
source deactivate python2
If you want to list all of your virtual environment:
conda env list
This way, it will not interfere with your existing python 3.6.
Be aware of these command are used for conda, another command pip is for another case.
To change to python2.7, you can use the following command in terminal
alias python=python2.7
alias python=/usr/bin/python2.7
For more detail https://askubuntu.com/questions/590027/how-to-set-python-3-as-default-interpreter-in-ubuntu-14-04
For those who are using Windows and still facing the same issue, the easiest way is to remove all the other python versions except version 2.7x.