Using a for loop to add a new line to a table: python - python

I am trying to create a .bed file after searching through DNA sequences for two regular expressions. Ideally, I'd like to generate a tab-separated file which contains the sequence description, the start location of the first regex and the end location of the second regex. I know that the regex section works, it's just creating the \t separated file I am struggling with.
I was hoping that I could open/create a file and simply print a new line for each iteration of the for loop that contains this information, like so:
with open("Mimp_hits.bed", "a+") as file_object:
for line in file_object:
But this doesn't seem to work (creates empty file). I have also tried to use file_object.write, but again this creates an empty file too.
This is all of the code I have including searching for the regexes:
import re, sys
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
infile = sys.argv[1]
for sequence in SeqIO.parse(infile, "fasta"):
hit = re.finditer(r"CAGTGGG..GCAA[TA]AA", str(sequence.seq))
mimp_length = 400
for h in hit:
h_start = h.start()
hit_rc = re.finditer(r"TT[TA]TTGC..CCCACTG", str(sequence.seq))
for h_rc in hit_rc:
h_rc_end = h_rc.end()
length = h_rc_end - h_start
if length > 0:
if length < mimp_length:
with open("Mimp_hits.bed", "a+") as file_object:
for line in file_object:
print(sequence.description, h.start(), h_rc.end())
This is the desired output:
Focub_II5_mimp_1__contig_1.16(656599:656809) 2 208
Focub_II5_mimp_2__contig_1.47(41315:41540) 2 223
Focub_II5_mimp_3__contig_1.65(13656:13882) 2 224
Focub_II5_mimp_4__contig_1.70(61591:61809) 2 216
This is example input:
Is anybody able to help?
Thank you :)

to write a line to a file you would do something like this:
with open("file.txt", "a") as f:
print("new line", file=f)
and if you want it tab separated you can also add sep="\t", this is why python 3 made print a function so you can use sep, end, file, and flush keyword arguments. :)
opening a file for appending means the file pointer starts at the end of the file which means that writing to it doesn't override any data (gets appended to the end of the file) and iterating over it (or otherwise reading from it) gives nothing like you already reached the end of the file.
So instead of iterating over the lines of the file you would just write the single line to it:
with open("Mimp_hits.bed", "a") as file_object:
print(sequence.description, h.start(), h_rc.end(), file=file_object)
you can also consider just opening the file near the beginning of the loop since opening it once and writing multiple times is more efficient than opening it multiple times, also the with block automatically closes the file so no need to do that explicitly.

You are trying to open the file in "a+" mode, and loop over lines from it (which will not find anything because the file is positioned at the end when you do that). In any case, if this is an output file only, then you would open it in "a" mode to append to it.
Probably you just want to open the file once for appending, and inside the with statement, do your main loop, using file_object.write(...) when you want to actually append strings to the file. Note that there is no need for file_object.close() when using this with construct.
with open("Mimp_hits.bed", "a") as file_object:
for sequence in SeqIO.parse(infile, "fasta"):
# ... etc per original code ...
if length < mimp_length:
sequence.description, h.start(), h_rc.end()))


python search for string in file return entire line + next line into new text file

I have a very large text file (50,000+ lines) that should always be in the same sequence. In python I want to search the text file for each of the $INGGA lines and join this line with the subsequent $INHDT to create a new text file. I need to do this without reading into memory as this causes it to crash every time. I can find return the $INGGA line but I'm not sure of the best way of then getting the next line and joining into a new string that is memory efficient
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2016.05.06 09:11:34 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= > $PRDID,2.15,-0.10,31.87*6E
$INHDT,31.9,T*1E $INZDA,091124.0055,06,05,2016,,*7F
$INVTG,22.0,T,,M,4.4,N,8.1,K,A*24 $PRDID,2.13,-0.06,34.09*6C
$INHDT,34.1,T*13 $INZDA,091124.2055,06,05,2016,,*7D
$INVTG,24.9,T,,M,4.4,N,8.1,K,A*2B $PRDID,2.16,-0.03,36.24*61
$INHDT,36.3,T*13 $INZDA,091124.4055,06,05,2016,,*7B
$INVTG,27.3,T,,M,4.4,N,8.1,K,A*22 $PRDID,2.11,-0.05,38.33*68
$INHDT,38.4,T*1A $INZDA,091124.6055,06,05,2016,,*79
$INVTG,29.5,T,,M,4.4,N,8.1,K,A*2A $PRDID,2.09,-0.02,40.37*6D
$INHDT,40.4,T*15 $INZDA,091124.8055,06,05,2016,,*77
$INVTG,31.7,T,,M,4.4,N,8.1,K,A*21 $PRDID,2.09,0.02,42.42*40
You can just read a line of file and write to another new file.
Like this:
import re
#open new file with append
nf = open('newfile', 'at')
#open file with read
with open('file', 'rt') as f:
for line in f:
r = re.match(r'\$INGGA', line)
if r is not None:
nf.write("$INHDT,31.9,T*1E" + '\n')
You can use at to append write and wt to read line!
I have 150,000 lines file, It's run well!
I suggest using a simple regex that will parse and capture the parts you care about. Here is an example that will capture the piece you care about:
As in my above link, you'll notice that I used the "global" g setting on the regex, telling it to capture all groups that match. Otherwise, it'll stop after the first match.
I also had trouble determining where the actual line breaks exist in your above example file, so you can tweak the above to match exactly where the breaks occur.
Here is some starter python example code:
import re
test_str = # load your file here
p = re.compile(ur'(\$INGGA.*\n\$INHDT.*\n)')
matches = re.findall(p, test_str)
In the example PuTTY log you give, its all one line separated with space.
So in this case you can use this to replace the space with new line and gets new file -
cat large_file | sed 's/ /\n/g' > new_large_file
To iterate over the file separated with new line, run this -
cat new_large_file | python
Your script get line by line so your computer should not crash. -
import sys
INGGA_line = ""
for line in sys.stdin:
line_striped = line.strip()
if line_striped.startswith("$INGGA"):
INGGA_line = line_striped
elif line_striped.startswith("$INZDA"):
print line_striped, INGGA_line
print line_striped
This answer is aimed at python 3.
According to this other answer (and the docs), you can iterate your file line-by-line memory-efficiently:
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
An example of how you could fulfill your above criteria could be
# Target file write-only, source file read-only
with open(targetfile, 'w') as tf, open(sourcefile, 'r') as sf:
# Flag for whether we are looking for 1st or 2nd part
look_for_ingga = True
for line in sf:
if look_for_ingga:
if line.startswith('$INGGA,'):
look_for_ingga = False
elif line.startswith('$INHDT,'):
look_for_ingga = True
In the case where you have multiple '$INGGA,' prior to the '$INHDT,', this grabs the first one and disregards the rest. In case you want to take only the last '$INGGA,' before the '$INHDT,', store the last '$INGGA,' in a variable instead of writing it to disk. Then, when you find your '$INHDT,', store both.
In case you meant that you want to write to a separate new file for each INGGA-INHDT pair, the target file with-statement should be nested inside for line in sf instead, or the results should be buffered in a list for later storage.
Refer to the docs for introductions to with-statements and file reading/writing.

Python - Function that reads content of a file and creates new file with contents in uppercase

Apologies in advance if this has already been asked, but I have spent hours searching for answers on this. I'm a new student to Python (3.5.1, Windows 10) and my task is to write a function that reads the contents of a Fasta file (whose name is given by the user) and creates a new file (name also given by user, could be .fasta or .txt) with the Fasta sequences in uppercase. A fasta file is formatted so the title of a sequence is preceded by a caret and the subsequent lines are characters (those that I want to uppercase). A fasta file may have multiple >lines incorporated throughout the file, I do not want to uppercase these lines.
import sys
def fasta_upper(fasta_input_file, fasta_output_file):
fasta_input_file = sys.argv
with open('fasta_input_file', 'r') as f:
file_contents =
temp_contents = file_contents[:]
for line in temp_contents:
if line.startswith('>'):
g = line.upper()
open('fasta_output_file', 'w')
For example this Fasta File:
Name of sequence
Would be written like this:
Name of sequence
I'm sure this is just riddled with obvious mistakes, but again I'm am a student trying to learn. Please be gentle! Thank you in advance for any advice or tips you have, I have really enjoyed Python and I'd like to overcome this frustration and become a more affluent programmer :)
A few corrections/improvements:
1) If you are opening the file with a "with" statement, you do not have to explicitly close it. With does this for you.
fasta_input_file.close() is therefore not neeeded.
2) For every line that does not begin with '>', this code is opening the 'fasta_output_file', overwriting the line and then closing it. Instead what you need to do is this.
initialise the variable outfile before the 'with' statement (So that you do not have to open and close inside the loop) outfile = open('fasta_output_file', 'a')
Write to the file in the else statement (outfile.write(g) should be in the else statement).
Close the output file after the 'with' statement exits. outfile.close()
A few more points:
You need to call the write() and close() methods on the file object that is created when you open the file.
Also, you are passing the filenames as the argument to the function and also trying to read from the command line arguments. You need to do only one of the two.
You overwrite the passed fasta_input_file immediately with sys.argv. It's unclear whether the names should come from the caller or from arguments.
sys.argv is the sequence of arguments. You probably want the second one, sys.argv[1].
You are confusing strings with names. 'fasta_input_file' is not the same as fasta_input_file.
When you read a file with read(), it becomes a string. Iterating a string produces single characters rather than entire lines.
Rather than checking a condition and then doing pass if it's met, check for not that condition and then do whatever needs to be done in there.
'fasta_output_file' is, again, not the same as fasta_output_file.
You opened the output file but didn't save a reference (e.g. out = open(...) or create a context manager (e.g. with open(...) as out:).
You are closing the input and output files after a single "line."
Here is a sample of what your code might look like with these errors taken care of:
import sys
def fasta_upper():
fasta_input_file, fasta_output_file = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
with open(fasta_input_file) as f, open(fasta_output_file, 'w') as output:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith('>'):
line = line.upper()
import sys
import re
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print('Usage:\n\t{} <input file> <output file>'.format(sys.argv[0]))
pattern = re.compile(r'\b[acgturykmswbdhvnx\-]+\b', re.M)
def repl(m):
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as in_fh, open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as out_fh:
for line in in_fh:
if line.startswith('>'):
out_fh.write(pattern.sub(repl, line))

Python removing duplicates and saving the result

I am trying to remove duplicates of 3-column tab-delimited txt file, but as long as the first two columns are duplicates, then it should be removed even if the two has different 3rd column.
from operator import itemgetter
import sys
input = sys.argv[1]
output = sys.argv[2]
#Pass any column number you want, note that indexing starts at 0
ig = itemgetter(0,1)
seen = set()
data = []
for line in input.splitlines():
key = ig(line.split())
if key not in seen:
file = open(output, "w")
First, I get error
key = ig(line.split())
IndexError: list index out of range
Also, I can't see how to save the result to output.txt
People say saving to output.txt is a really basic matter. But no tutorial helped.
I tried methods that use codec, those that use with, those that use file.write(data) and all didn't help.
I could learn MatLab quite easily. The online tutorial was fantastic and a series of Googling always helped a lot.
But I can't find a helpful tutorial of Python yet. This is obviously because I am a complete novice. For complete novices like me, what would be the best tutorial with 1) comprehensiveness AND 2) lots of examples 3) line by line explanation that dosen't leave any line without explanation?
And why is the above code causing error and not saving result?
I'm assuming since you assign input to the first command line argument with input = sys.argv[1] and output to the second, you intend those to be your input and output file names. But you're never opening any file for the input data, so you're callling .splitlines() on a file name, not on file contents.
Next, splitlines() is the wrong approach here anyway. To iterate over a file line-by-line, simply use for line in f, where f is an open file. Those lines will include the newline at the end of the line, so it needs to be stripped if it's not supposed to be part of the third columns data.
Then you're opening and closing the file inside your loop, which means you'll try to write the entire contents of data to the file every iteration, effectively overwriting any data written to the file before. Therefore I moved that block out of the loop.
It's good practice to use the with statement for opening files. with open(out_fn, "w") as outfile will open the file named out_fn and assign the open file to outfile, and close it for you as soon as you exit that indented block.
input is a builtin function in Python. I therefore renamed your variables so no builtin names get shadowed.
You're trying to directly write data to the output file. This won't work since data is a list of lines. You need to join those lines first in order to turn them in a single string again before writing it to a file.
So here's your code with all those issues addressed:
from operator import itemgetter
import sys
in_fn = sys.argv[1]
out_fn = sys.argv[2]
getkey = itemgetter(0, 1)
seen = set()
data = []
with open(in_fn, 'r') as infile:
for line in infile:
line = line.strip()
key = getkey(line.split())
if key not in seen:
with open(out_fn, "w") as outfile:
Why is the above code causing error?
Because you haven't opened the file, you are trying to work with the string input.txtrather than with the file. Then when you try to access your item, you get a list index out of range because line.split() returns ['input.txt'].
How to fix that: open the file and then work with it, not with its name.
For example, you can do (I tried to stay as close to your code as possible)
input = sys.argv[1]
infile = open(input, 'r')
lines = infile.readlines()
for line in lines:
Why is this not saving result?
Because you are opening/closing the file inside the loop. What you need to do is write the data once you're out of the loop. Also, you cannot write directly a list to a file. Hence, you need to do something like (outside of your loop):
outfile = open(output, "w")
for item in data:
All together
There are other ways of reading/writing files, and it is pretty well documented on the internet but I tried to stay close to your code so that you would understand better what was wrong with it
from operator import itemgetter
import sys
input = sys.argv[1]
infile = open(input, 'r')
output = sys.argv[2]
#Pass any column number you want, note that indexing starts at 0
ig = itemgetter(0,1)
seen = set()
data = []
lines = infile.readlines()
for line in lines:
print line
key = ig(line.split())
if key not in seen:
print data
outfile = open(output, "w")
for item in data:
PS: it seems to produce the result that you needed there Python to remove duplicates using only some, not all, columns

How to efficiently append a new line to the starting of a large file?

I want to append a new line in the starting of 2GB+ file. I tried following code but code OUT of MEMORY
myfile = open(tableTempFile, "r+") # read everything in the file # rewind
myfile.write("WRITE IN THE FIRST LINE ")
What is the way to write in a file file without getting the entire file in memory?
How to append a new line at starting of the file?
Please note, there's no way to do this with any built-in functions in Python.
You can do this easily in LINUX using tail / cat etc.
For doing it via Python we must use an auxiliary file and for doing this with very large files, I think this method is the possibility:
def add_line_at_start(filename,line_to_be_added):
f = fileinput.input(filename,inplace=1)
for xline in f:
if f.isfirstline():
print line_to_be_added.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n' + xline,
print xline
Never try to use read() / readlines() functions when you are dealing with big files. These methods tried load the complete file into your memory
In your given code, seek function is going to take you the starting point but then everything you write would overwrite the current content
If you can afford having the entire file in memory at once:
first_line_update = "WRITE IN THE FIRST LINE \n"
with open(tableTempFile, 'r+') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines[0] = first_line_update
from shutil import copy
from itertools import islice, chain
# TODO: use a NamedTemporaryFile from the tempfile module
first_line_update = "WRITE IN THE FIRST LINE \n"
with open("inputfile", 'r') as infile, open("tmpfile", 'w+') as outfile:
# replace the first line with the string provided:
(line for line in chain((first_line_update,), islice(infile,1,None)))
# if you don't want to replace the first line but to insert another line before
# this simplifies to:
#outfile.writelines(line for line in chain((first_line_update,), infile))
copy("tmpfile", "infile")
# TODO: remove temporary file
Generally, you can't do that. A file is a sequence of bytes, not a sequence of lines. This data model doesn't allow for insertions in arbitrary points - you can either replace a byte by another or append bytes at the end.
You can either:
Replace the first X bytes in the file. This could work for you if you can make sure that the first line's length will never vary.
Truncate the file, write the first line, then rewrite all the rest after it. If you can't fit all your file into the memory, then:
create a temporary file (the tempfile module will help you)
write your line to it
open your base file in r and copy its contents after the first line to the temporary file, piece-wise
close both files, then replace the input file by the temporary file
(Note that appending to the end of a file is much easier - all you need to do is open the file in the append a mode.)

How do I modify the last line of a file?

The last line of my file is:
How can I modify that line so that it reads:
Note: I don't want to write a new line. I want to take the same line and put new values after 29-Dez,40,
I'm new at python. I'm having a lot of trouble manipulating files and for me every example I look at seems difficult.
Unless the file is huge, you'll probably find it easier to read the entire file into a data structure (which might just be a list of lines), and then modify the data structure in memory, and finally write it back to the file.
On the other hand maybe your file is really huge - multiple GBs at least. In which case: the last line is probably terminated with a new line character, if you seek to that position you can overwrite it with the new text at the end of the last line.
So perhaps:
f = open("foo.file", "wb"), os.SEEK_END)
f.write("new text at end of last line" + os.linesep)
(Modulo line endings on different platforms)
To expand on what Doug said, in order to read the file contents into a data structure you can use the readlines() method of the file object.
The below code sample reads the file into a list of "lines", edits the last line, then writes it back out to the file:
# read the file into a list of lines
lines = open(MYFILE, 'r').readlines()
# now edit the last line of the list of lines
new_last_line = (lines[-1].rstrip() + ",90,100,50")
lines[-1] = new_last_line
# now write the modified list back out to the file
open(MYFILE, 'w').writelines(lines)
If the file is very large then this approach will not work well, because this reads all the file lines into memory each time and writes them back out to the file, which is very inefficient. For a small file however this will work fine.
Don't work with files directly, make a data structure that fits your needs in form of a class and make read from/write to file methods.
I recently wrote a script to do something very similar to this. It would traverse a project, find all module dependencies and add any missing import statements. I won't clutter this post up with the entire script, but I'll show how I went about modifying my files.
import os
from mmap import mmap
def insert_import(filename, text):
if len(text) < 1:
f = open(filename, 'r+')
m = mmap(f.fileno(), os.path.getsize(filename))
origSize = m.size()
m.resize(origSize + len(text))
pos = 0
while True:
l = m.readline()
if l.startswith(('import', 'from')):
pos = m.tell() - len(l)
m[pos+len(text):] = m[pos:origSize]
m[pos:pos+len(text)] = text
Summary: This snippet takes a filename and a blob of text to insert. It finds the last import statement already present, and sticks the text in at that location.
The part I suggest paying most attention to is the use of mmap. It lets you work with files in the same manner you may work with a string. Very handy.
