I have a dataset
data2 = dict(type = 'choropleth',
locations = df3['Code'],
z = df3['Power Consumption KWH'])
layout2 = dict(title = '2014 Global Power Consumption',
geo = dict(showframe = False, projection = {'type': 'natural earth'}))
choromap2 = go.Figure(data = [data2], layout=layout2)
After that, I created a choropleth, but my problem is the map didn't show any color, it only showed the earth form.
Thanks in advance!
I tried to replicate your data and found you are missing one important parameter i.e locationmode = "country names". Adding this should work
data2 = dict(type = 'choropleth',
locations = df['Code'],
locationmode = "country names", # add this
z = df['Power Consumption KWH'])
layout2 = dict(title = '2014 Global Power Consumption',
geo = dict(showframe = False, projection = {'type': 'natural earth'}))
choromap2 = go.Figure(data = [data2], layout=layout2)
I am revisiting an old Plotly-Dash app and a bubble chart is not properly ordering the axis'. I tried 'categoryorder':'total ascending' under go.Layout but this didn't help.
The application uses an old version of Dash and Plotly. Using the most recent version breaks the app so I'd like to make it work with the below versions:
def initial_bubble_chart(data):
bubble_tickers, energy_value_change, energy_pct_change, industry, market_cap = [], [], [], [], []
for t, _ in data.items():
if bool(data[t][resource_consumption_q][energy_consumption_bucket_q][energy_consumption_q][value_change_q]) == True:
x = list(zip(bubble_tickers, energy_value_change, energy_pct_change, market_cap, industry))
y_test = pd.DataFrame(x)
y_test.columns = ['Tickers', 'Energy Value Change', 'Energy percent change', 'market cap', 'industry']
traces = []
for industry_name in y_test['industry'].unique():
df_by_industry = y_test[y_test['industry']==industry_name].sort_values(by=['Energy Value Change'])
x = df_by_industry['Energy Value Change'].apply(pd.to_numeric),
y = df_by_industry['Energy percent change'].apply(pd.to_numeric),
#makes this a scatter plot
mode ='markers',
opacity = 0.7,
marker = dict(size = y_test['market cap'].astype(str).astype(float)/1000000000),
#doesn't show proper ticker
name = industry_name,
#template= {'template':'seaborn'}
return {'data':traces,
#remember that the graph dictionary takes two parameters:
#1: 'data': traces
#2: 'layout':go.Layout(), where the xaxis takes a dict
title='Energy Consumption (MwH) 2012-2017 vs. 2017 Market Cap',
xaxis={'title':'Energy Consumption Value Change', 'categoryorder':'total ascending'},
yaxis={'title': 'Energy Consumption Percent Change', 'categoryorder':'total ascending'},
hovermode = 'closest',
template = 'plotly_white',
Calling the function:
figure = go.Figure(initial_bubble_chart(data)))
'border':{'width':'2px', 'color':'black'},
className = 'six columns'
I would like to have the x and y axis' ordered and reformat the axis'. Graph:
Bubble Chart
I am new to Python and have limited coding experience, so any input and advice is deeply appreciated.
I have created a dynamic choropleth map which includes a scatter_geo plot that overlays the relevant areas.
I am trying create a hover callback so that when I hover over one of these points, a dataframe appears that is indexed according to the point id (the first column in the defined dataframe). Essentially, it is a choropleth map equivalent of this example: https://plotly.com/python/v3/cars-exploration/ but without using FigureWidget.
I keep getting stuck on the hover callback function; no dataframe displays when I hover. Below is the code I have so far.
license_df1 = pd.read_excel(lic, "Primary Holdings by License", dtype = "str").fillna('')
license_df2 = pd.read_excel(lic, "Secondary Holdings by License", dtype = "str").fillna('')
app = dash.Dash(__name__, suppress_callback_exceptions = True)
app.css.config.serve_locally = True
app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True
app.layout = html.Div([
html.P("Spectrum Band:"), # Create Toggle Items between spectrum bands
dcc.RadioItems(id = "Band", options=[{'value': x, 'label':x} for x in df1_band], value = df1_band[0]),
dcc.Graph(id = "choropleth"),
dash_table.DataTable(id = "table")])
Output("choropleth", "figure"),
[Input("Band", "value")])
def build_graph(value):
if value == '600 MHz':
df1_600 = df1[(df1["Band"] == "600 MHz")]
fig1 = px.choropleth(df1_600, geojson = PEAs, featureidkey = "properties.PEA_Num",
locations = 'PEA # ', hover_data = {'PEA # ': False}, scope = "usa")
# Overlay Geographic Scatter Plot for interactive functionality
fig1b = px.scatter_geo(df1_600, geojson = PEAs, featureidkey = "properties.PEA_Num",
locations = 'PEA # ', hover_name = 'Market', scope = "usa")
fig1.update_traces(showlegend = False)
return fig1
elif value == '3.7 GHz':
df1_3700 = df1[(df1["Band"] == "3.7 GHz")]
fig2 = px.choropleth(df1_3700, geojson = PEAs, featureidkey = "properties.PEA_Num",
locations = 'PEA # ', hover_data = {'PEA # ': False}, scope = "usa")
# Overlay Geographic Scatter Plot for interactive functionality
fig2b = px.scatter_geo(df1_3700, geojson = PEAs, featureidkey = "properties.PEA_Num",
locations = 'PEA # ', hover_name = 'Market', scope = "usa")
fig2.update_traces(showlegend = False)
return fig2
Output("table", "data"),
[Input("fig1", "hover_data")]) # WHERE I AM HAVING TROUBLE
def disp_license1(hover_data):
table_vals = license_df1.iloc[points.point_inds[0]].to_frame().to_html()
return table_vals
app.run_server(debug = True)
It seems that the example code on the plotly website for choropleth maps is out of date and no longer works.
The error I'm getting is:
PlotlyError: Invalid 'figure_or_data' argument. Plotly will not be able to properly parse the resulting JSON. If you want to send this 'figure_or_data' to Plotly anyway (not recommended), you can set 'validate=False' as a plot option.
Here's why you're seeing this error:
The entry at index, '0', is invalid because it does not contain a valid 'type' key-value. This is required for valid 'Data' lists.
Path To Error:
The code that I'm trying to run is shown below. It is copied as-is from the plotly website. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix it?
import plotly.plotly as py
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/2011_us_ag_exports.csv')
for col in df.columns:
df[col] = df[col].astype(str)
scl = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'],[0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'],[0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'],\
[0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'],[0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'],[1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']]
df['text'] = df['state'] + '<br>' +\
'Beef '+df['beef']+' Dairy '+df['dairy']+'<br>'+\
'Fruits '+df['total fruits']+' Veggies ' + df['total veggies']+'<br>'+\
'Wheat '+df['wheat']+' Corn '+df['corn']
data = [ dict(
colorscale = scl,
autocolorscale = False,
locations = df['code'],
z = df['total exports'].astype(float),
locationmode = 'USA-states',
text = df['text'],
marker = dict(
line = dict (
color = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
width = 2
colorbar = dict(
title = "Millions USD"
) ]
layout = dict(
title = '2011 US Agriculture Exports by State<br>(Hover for breakdown)',
geo = dict(
projection=dict( type='albers usa' ),
showlakes = True,
lakecolor = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
url = py.plot(fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map')
fig should be of the Figure type. Use the Choropleth graph object:
import plotly.graph_objs as go
data = [go.Choropleth(
colorscale = scl,
autocolorscale = False,
locations = df['code'],
z = df['total exports'].astype(float),
locationmode = 'USA-states',
text = df['text'],
marker = dict(
line = dict(
color = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
width = 2)),
colorbar = dict(
title = "Millions USD")
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
I wanted to make a choropleth world map, which shows the hits(number of searches) of a word, on a World map.
Following is the code:
import plotly
import plotly.offline
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('F:\\Intern\\csir\\1yr\\news\\region_2016_2017.xlsx')
df = df.query('keyword==["addiction"]')
scl = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'],[0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'],[0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'],\
[0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'],[0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'],[1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']]
data = [dict(
locations = df['location'],
z = df['hits'].astype(int),
locationmode = "country names",
autocolorscale = False,
reversescale = False,
marker = dict(
line = dict (
color = 'rgb(180,180,180)',
width = 0.5)),
colorbar = dict(
autotick = False,
title = 'Hits'),)]
layout = dict(
title = 'Addiction keyword 1yr analysis',
geo = dict(
showframe = False,
showcoastlines = False,
projection = dict(
type = 'Mercator'
fig = dict(data = data,layout = layout)
plotly.offline.plot(fig,validate=False,filename = 'd3-world-map.html')
And the plotted map is:
As one can see clearly, many countries are missing. This may be due to the fact that many countries didn't have entries which explicitly stated that they have zero hits.
I don't want to explicitly do that with my data. Is there any other way out of this? So that we can see all of the countries.
Data set can be found here.
Note that the dataset that I've linked is an .csv file whereas the file used in the program is an .xlsx version of the file.
You need to turn on country outlines under layout...
"countriescolor": "#444444",
"showcountries": true
I'm trying to create a plotly graph with a Scatter and Graph elements. It all goes nicely, but one issue - the two Y axis don't align around 0.
I have tried playing with different attributes, such as 'mirror' and tick0, I also tried following the examples on plotly's site, but it's mostly multiple y-axis with the same graph type.
What can I do to fix this?
import utils
import pandas as pd
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly
pd_data ['dt'] = ... dates
pd_data['price'] = ... prices
pd_data['car'] = ... cars
price = go.Scatter(
x = pd_data['dt'],
y = pd_data['price'],
mode = 'lines',
name = 'Price',
xaxis = 'x',
marker = dict(
color = utils.prep_color_string('orange'),
line = dict(
width = utils.line_width,
car = go.Bar(
x = pd_data['dt'],
y = pd_data['car'],
#mode = 'lines',
name = 'Cars',
xaxis = 'x',
marker = dict(
color = utils.prep_color_string('light_green'),
#line = dict(
# width = utils.line_width,
data = [price, car]
layout = dict(
title = 'Price/Car',
geo = dict(
showframe = True,
showcoastlines = True,
projection = dict(
type = 'Mercator'
title = 'Price',
tickprefix = "$",
anchor = 'x'
title = 'Car',
dtick = 1,
#tickprefix = "",
side = 'right',
anchor = 'x',
fig = dict( data=data, layout=layout)
div = plotly.offline.plot( fig, validate=False, output_type = 'file',filename='graph.html' ,auto_open = False)
I have been struggling with this as well. Exact same problem, but I am using R. The way I figured around it was to use the rangemode="tozero" for both the yaxis and yaxis2 layouts.
I think in your case, it would look like this:
layout = dict(
title = 'Price/Car',
geo = dict(
showframe = True,
showcoastlines = True,
projection = dict(
type = 'Mercator'
title = 'Price',
tickprefix = "$",
anchor = 'x',
title = 'Car',
dtick = 1,
#tickprefix = "",
side = 'right',
anchor = 'x',
rangemode = 'tozero'
Let me know if that works for you.