I am working on a project to scrape data. I have a for loop that runs through 50 urls (all of which are the same page with just different information) and then I extract different things to add to a csv. The problem I am having is that when I try to extract 'job_title' in my code, many of the entries come up as 'None', though the entry is actually existent. The HTML seems to be same in each URL, but 10/50 urls are yielding 'NONE' to the following lines of code. I need the code to set job_title = 'Founder'
This is the code I am currently using:
sel = Selector(text=driver.page_source)
job_title = sel.xpath('//*[starts-with(#class, "t-16 t-black t-bold")]/text()').extract_first()
Here is the HTML from one of the urls that I was unable to extract job_title--Which is 'Founder' in this case. It is the second line of the script.
<div class="pv-entity__summary-info pv-entity__summary-info--background-section mb2">
<h3 class="t-16 t-black t-bold">Founder</h3>
<p class="visually-hidden">Company Name</p>
<p class="pv-entity__secondary-title t-14 t-black t-normal">
<span class="pv-entity__secondary-title separator">Full-time</span>
<div class="display-flex">
<h4 class="pv-entity__date-range t-14 t-black--light t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Dates Employed</span>
<span>Mar 2020 – Present</span>
<h4 class="t-14 t-black--light t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Employment Duration</span>
<span class="pv-entity__bullet-item-v2">5 mos</span>
<h4 class="pv-entity__location t-14 t-black--light t-normal block">
<span class="visually-hidden">Location</span>
<span>New York, United States</span>
Any help would be appreciated.
Both those lines grab this HTML. <h3 class="nav-settings__member-name t-16 t-black t-bold> Ethan Roberti </h3>
There's no nav-settings__member-name in your sample data. Since you're using extract_first(), you get the first appearing result. One way to fix it would be :
Output : Founder
Assuming you're trying to scrape LinkedIn, to get the current or last job of a person, use the following XPath :
(//section[#class="experience pp-section" or #id="experience-section"]//h3)[1]/text()
For example, for https://www.linkedin.com/in/ethan-roberti-322694174, you'll get :
Output : Summer Analyst
I am trying to use find_all to get a rather simple list of elements. No matter which parser I use it always gets a limited of elements containing anything useful and at some point all the next elements do not have any content although they clearly should. I have seen multiple posts where people had issues with it but it was always an empty list. I thought maybe it's because another part of the html is generated while scrolling down but it's not the case.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = 'https://www.pracuj.pl/praca/analityk%20danych;kw/warszawa;wp?rd=0'
page = requests.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
results = soup.find(id='results')
job_elems = results.find_all('li', class_='results__list-container-item')
for job_elem in job_elems:
#title_elem = job_elem.find('a', class_='offer-details__title-link')
#company_elem = job_elem.find('a', class_='offer-company__name')
#location_elem = job_elem.find('li' ,class_='offer-labels__item offer-labels__item--location')
#if title_elem is None:
# continue
EDIT: Sorry for being unclear guys. As #TanmayaMeher suggests I did not paste any html as the link was available in the code and I guess it is easier to inspect.
The picture I provided was supposed to show the part of the output where the problem starts. Please see below a part of the output as a text. First paragraph is the last element that is parsed as I expect it and another lines are elements ('li' tag) that do not contain anything while I expect them to look like the correct one.
<li class="results__list-container-item">
<div class="offer offer--border offer--remoterecruitment">
<div class="offer__click">
<a class="offer__click-area" href="https://www.pracuj.pl/praca/chapter-lead-data-standardization-risk-area-warszawa,oferta,1000235456"></a>
<div class="offer__info">
<div class="offer-details">
<div class="offer-logo">
<img alt="logo" class="offer-logo__image" src="https://i.gpcdn.pl/oferty-loga-firm/wyniki-wyszukiwania/44864.png"/>
<div class="offer-details__text">
<h3 class="offer-details__title">
<a class="offer-details__title-link" href="https://www.pracuj.pl/praca/chapter-lead-data-standardization-risk-area-warszawa,oferta,1000235456">Chapter lead – Data Standardization (Risk Area)</a>
<p class="offer-company">
<span class="offer-company__link-wrapper"></span>
<span class="offer-company__wrapper">
<a class="offer-company__name" href="https://pracodawcy.pracuj.pl/company/20058995/profile">ING Tech Poland</a>
<div class="offer-details__badge-wrap offer-details__badge-wrap--remoterecruitment">
<i class="mdi mdi-cellphone-message offer-details__badge-icon"></i>
<span class="offer-details__badge-name offer-details__badge-name--remoterecruitment">Rekrutacja zdalna</span>
<div class="offer-labels__wrapper">
<ul class="offer-labels">
<li class="offer-labels__item offer-labels__item--location">
<i class="mdi mdi-map-marker offer-labels__item-icon"></i>Warszawa </li>
<ul class="offer-labels">
<li class="offer-labels__item">
<div class="offer-description">
<input class="offer-description__toggler" id="offer-description---cid-23435479" type="checkbox"/>
<label class="offer-description__toggler-label" for="offer-description---cid-23435479">
<i class="mdi mdi-chevron-down offer-description__toggler-icon"></i>
<div class="offer-description__content-wrap">
<span class="offer-description__content">
Must have You are open for other people and eager to take on new challenges, You are passionate about working with people and developing talents of others make you fulfilled, You prefer to concentrate on quality, innovation of created products...
<div class="offer-regions__port"></div>
<div class="offer-actions">
<span class="offer-actions__date">
<span class="offer-actions__date-long">opublikowana: </span>13 cze<span class="offer-actions__date-long">rwca</span> 2020
<div class="offer-actions__favs"></div>
<li class="results__list-container-item"></li>
<li class="results__list-container-item"></li>
<li class="results__list-container-item"></li>
<li class="results__list-container-item"></li>
<li class="results__list-container-item"></li>
<li class="results__list-container-item"></li>
<li class="results__list-container-item"></li>
The data is embedded in the page in the form of JavaScript window.__INITIAL_STATE__ variable. You can parse it with re/json module.
For example:
import re
import json
import requests
url = 'https://www.pracuj.pl/praca/analityk%20danych;kw/warszawa;wp?rd=0'
html_text = requests.get(url).text
data = json.loads( re.search(r'window\.__INITIAL_STATE__ = (.*?\});', html_text).group(1) )
# uncomment this to print all data:
# print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
# print some data to screen:
for offer in data['offers']:
print('{:<10}{:<80}{}'.format(offer['commonOfferId'], offer['jobTitle'], offer['employer']))
23433957 Senior Business Intelligence Analyst w Zespole Data Intelligence Solutions KPMG
23436174 Quantitative Associate (Model Validation) ING Tech Poland
23436175 Data Analyst (Risk Modelling) (Risk Hub) ING Tech Poland
23436664 Reports Developer (VBA) Randstad Polska Sp. z o.o.
23440135 Firmwide Data Management - Data Integration - Change Project Lead – Associate J.P. Morgan Poland Services sp. z o.o.
23440182 Treasury – Product Control (P&L and Risk) Analyst J.P. Morgan Poland Services sp. z o.o.
23441295 Brand Reporting Manager JTI Polska sp. z o.o.
... and so on.
I am new to web development and scraping in general and I am trying to challenge myself by scrape websites like LinkedIn.
Since they have embers and dynamically changing ids it is a bit more struggle to scrape properly.
I am trying to scrape the "experience section" of a LinkedIn profile by looking using the following code:
experience = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//section[#id = "experience-section"]/ul/li[#class="position"]')
the driver got the entire Linkedin profile webpage. I would like to have all the position under the "experience-section". The error message is:
Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//section[#id = "experience-section"]/ul/li/div[#class="position"]"}
I am able to scrape other stuff on Linkedin, but the experience section is a big struggle for me. Is the xpath wrong? if yes, what could I change?
Thank you
<section id="experience-section" class="pv-profile-section experience-section ember-view"><header class="pv-profile-section__card-header">
<h2 class="pv-profile-section__card-heading t-20 t-black t-normal">
<ul id="ember1620" class="pv-profile-section__section-info section-info pv-profile-section__section-info--has-no-more ember-view"><li id="ember1622" class="pv-profile-section__sortable-item pv-profile-section__section-info-item relative pv-profile-section__list-item sortable-item ember-view"><div id="ember1623" class="pv-entity__position-group-pager ember-view"> <li id="392598211" class="pv-profile-section__sortable-card-item pv-profile-section pv-position-entity ember-view"><!----><a data-control-name="background_details_company" href="/company/8736/" id="ember1626" class="ember-view"> <div class="pv-entity__logo company-logo">
<img class="lazy-image pv-entity__logo-img pv-entity__logo-img EntityPhoto-square-5 loaded" alt="Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" src="https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQHvFIyUvuKtQA/company-logo_400_400/0?e=1556755200&v=beta&t=Qhh8_KnrE-OiuXAutFyeI69tgUF3c1ptC9N12siDO4o">
<div class="pv-entity__summary-info pv-entity__summary-info--background-section ">
<h3 class="t-16 t-black t-bold">Co-chair</h3>
<h4 class="t-16 t-black t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Company Name</span>
<span class="pv-entity__secondary-title">Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation</span>
<div class="display-flex">
<h4 class="pv-entity__date-range t-14 t-black--light t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Dates Employed</span>
<span>2000 – Present</span>
<h4 class="t-14 t-black--light t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Employment Duration</span>
<span class="pv-entity__bullet-item-v2">19 yrs</span>
</li><li id="ember1630" class="pv-profile-section__sortable-item pv-profile-section__section-info-item relative pv-profile-section__list-item sortable-item ember-view"><div id="ember1631" class="pv-entity__position-group-pager ember-view"> <li id="392599749" class="pv-profile-section__sortable-card-item pv-profile-section pv-position-entity ember-view"><!----><a data-control-name="background_details_company" href="/company/1035/" id="ember1634" class="ember-view"> <div class="pv-entity__logo company-logo">
<img class="lazy-image pv-entity__logo-img pv-entity__logo-img EntityPhoto-square-5 loaded" alt="Microsoft" src="https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D0BAQEko6uLz7XylA/company-logo_400_400/0?e=1556755200&v=beta&t=XQhwV5ruWfGBfjgQylV9gkeXD8VnQRBHGd1bOfTs2tw">
<div class="pv-entity__summary-info pv-entity__summary-info--background-section ">
<h3 class="t-16 t-black t-bold">Co-founder</h3>
<h4 class="t-16 t-black t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Company Name</span>
<span class="pv-entity__secondary-title">Microsoft</span>
<div class="display-flex">
<h4 class="pv-entity__date-range t-14 t-black--light t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Dates Employed</span>
<span>1975 – Present</span>
<h4 class="t-14 t-black--light t-normal">
<span class="visually-hidden">Employment Duration</span>
<span class="pv-entity__bullet-item-v2">44 yrs</span>
---- Update:
I used the solution provided by Sers
experience = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//section[#id = "experience-section"]/ul//li')
for item in experience:
and I somehow get the results twice:
Company Name
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Dates Employed
2000 – Present
Employment Duration
19 yrs
Company Name
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Dates Employed
2000 – Present
Employment Duration
19 yrs
Company Name
Dates Employed
1975 – Present
Employment Duration
44 yrs
Company Name
Dates Employed
1975 – Present
Employment Duration
44 yrs
The problem in you xpath is li not directly under ul, try xpath below:
//section[#id = "experience-section"]/ul//li
experience = driver.find_elements_css_selector('#experience-section .pv-profile-section')
for item in experience:
I've been building a web scraper in BS4 and have gotten stuck. I am using Trip Advisor as a test for other data I will be going after, but am not able to isolate the tag of the 'entire' reviews. Here is an example:
Notice in the first review, there is an icon below "the wine list is...". I am able to easily isolate the partial reviews, but have not been able to figure out a way to get BS4 to pull the reviews after a simulated 'More' click. I'm trying to figure out what tool(s) are needed for this? Do I need to use selenium instead?
The original element looks like this:
<span class="partnerRvw">
<span class="taLnk hvrIE6 tr475091998 moreLink ulBlueLinks" onclick=" ta.util.cookie.setPIDCookie(4444); ta.call('ta.servlet.Reviews.expandReviews', {type: 'dummy'}, ta.id('review_475091998'), 'review_475091998', '1', 4444);
More </span>
<span class="ui_icon caret-down"></span>
Looking at the HTML after you click on the More link you would find a new dynamically added class that has a with the information I need (see below):
<div class="review dyn_full_review inlineReviewUpdate provider0 first newFlag" style="display: block;">
<a name="UR475091998" class=""></a>
<div id="UR475091998" class="extended provider0 first newFlag">
<div class="col1of2">
<div class="member_info">
<div id="UID_6875524F623CC948F4F9CA95BB4A9567-SRC_475091998" class="memberOverlayLink" onmouseover="requireCallIfReady('members/memberOverlay', 'initMemberOverlay', event, this, this.id, 'Reviews', 'user_name_photo');" data-anchorwidth="90">
<div class="avatar profile_6875524F623CC948F4F9CA95BB4A9567 ">
<a onclick="">
<img src="https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-l/0d/97/43/bf/joannecarpenter.jpg" class="avatar potentialFacebookAvatar avatarGUID:6875524F623CC948F4F9CA95BB4A9567" width="74" height="74">
<div class="username mo">
<span class="expand_inline scrname mbrName_6875524F623CC948F4F9CA95BB4A9567" onclick="ta.trackEventOnPage('Reviews', 'show_reviewer_info_window', 'user_name_name_click')">joannecarpenter</span>
<div class="location">
Humble, Texas
<div class="memberBadging g10n">
<div id="UID_6875524F623CC948F4F9CA95BB4A9567-CONT" class="no_cpu" onclick="ta.util.cookie.setPIDCookie('15984'); requireCallIfReady('members/memberOverlay', 'initMemberOverlay', event, this, this.id, 'Reviews', 'review_count');" data-anchorwidth="90">
<div class="levelBadge badge lvl_02">
Level <span><img src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/badges/20px/lvl_02.png" alt="" class="icon" width="20" height="20/"></span> Contributor </div>
<div class="reviewerBadge badge">
<img src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/badges/20px/rev_03.png" alt="" class="icon" width="20" height="20">
<span class="badgeText">6 reviews</span> </div>
<div class="contributionReviewBadge badge">
<img src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/badges/20px/Foodie.png" alt="" class="icon" width="20" height="20">
<span class="badgeText">6 restaurant reviews</span>
<div class="col2of2">
<div class="innerBubble">
<div class="quote">“<span class="noQuotes">Dinner</span>”</div>
<div class="rating reviewItemInline">
<span class="rate sprite-rating_s rating_s"> <img class="sprite-rating_s_fill rating_s_fill s50" width="70" src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/x.gif" alt="5 of 5 bubbles">
<span class="ratingDate relativeDate" title="April 12, 2017">Reviewed 3 days ago
<span class="new redesigned">NEW</span> </span>
<a class="viaMobile" href="/apps" target="_blank" onclick="ta.util.cookie.setPIDCookie(24687)">
<span class="ui_icon mobile-phone"></span>
via mobile
<div class="entry">
Our favorite restaurant in Houston. Definitely the best and friendliest service! The food is not only served with a flair, it is absolutely delicious. My favorite is the Lamb. It is the best! Also the duck moose, fois gras, the crispy salad and the French onion soup are all spectacular! This is a must try restaurant! The wine list is fantastic. Just ask Daniel for suggestions. He not only knows his wines; he loves what he does! We Love this place!
<div class="rating-list">
<div class="recommend">
<span class="recommend-titleInline noRatings">Visited April 2017</span>
<div class="expanded lessLink">
<span class="taLnk collapse ulBlueLinks no_cpu ">
<span class="textArrow_more ui_icon caret-up"></span>
<div id="helpfulq475091998_expanded" class="helpful redesigned white_btn_container ">
<span class="isHelpful">Helpful?</span> <div class="tgt_helpfulq475091998 rnd_white_thank_btn" onclick="ta.call('ta.servlet.Reviews.helpfulVoteHandlerOb', event, this, 'LeJIVqd4EVIpECri1GII2t6mbqgqguuuxizSxiniaqgeVtIJpEJCIQQoqnQQeVsSVuqHyo3KUKqHMdkKUdvqHxfqHfGVzCQQoqnQQZiptqH5paHcVQQoqnQQrVxEJtxiGIac6XoXmqoTpcdkoKAUAAv0tEn1dkoKAUAAv0zH1o3KUK0pSM13vkooXdqn3XmffAdvqndqnAfbAo77dbAo3k0npEEeJIV1K0EJIVqiJcpV1U0Ii9VC1rZlU3XozxbZZxE2crHN2TDUJiqnkiuzsVEOxdkXqi7TxXpUgyR2xXvOfROwaqILkrzz9MvzCxMva7xEkq8xXNq8ymxbAq8AzzrhhzCxbx2vdNvEn2fnwEfq8alzCeqi53ZrgnMrHhshTtowGpNSmq89IwiVb7crUJxdevaCnJEqI33qiE5JGErJExXKx5ooItGCy5wnCTx2VA7RvxEsO3'); ta.trackEventOnPage('HELPFUL_VOTE_TEST', 'helpfulvotegiven_v2');">
<img src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/icons/icon_thumb_white.png" class="helpful_thumbs_up white">
<img src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/icons/icon_thumb_green.png" class="helpful_thumbs_up green">
<span class="helpful_text">Thank joannecarpenter</span> </div>
<div class="tooltips vertically_centered">
<div class="reportProblem">
<span id="ReportIAP_475091998" class="problem collapsed taLnk" onclick="ta.trackEventOnPage('Report_IAP', 'Report_Button_Clicked', 'member'); ta.call('ta.servlet.Reviews.iapFlyout', event, this, '475091998')" onmouseover="if (!this.getAttribute('data-first')) {ta.trackEventOnPage('Reviews', 'report_problem', 'hover_over_flag'); this.setAttribute('data-first', 1)} uiOverlay(event, this)" data-tooltip="" data-position="above" data-content="Problem with this review?">
<img src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/icons/gray_flag.png" width="13" height="14" alt="">
<span class="reportTxt">Report</span> </span>
<div class="userLinks">
<div class="sameGeoActivity">
<a href="/members-citypage/joannecarpenter/g56010" target="_blank" onclick="ta.setEvtCookie('Reviews','more_reviews_by_user','',0,this.href); ta.util.cookie.setPIDCookie(19160)">
See all 5 reviews by joannecarpenter for Humble </a>
<div class="askQuestion">
<span class="taLnk ulBlueLinks" onclick="ta.trackEventOnPage('answers_review','ask_user_intercept_click' ); ta.load('ta-answers', (function() {require('answers/misc').askReviewerIntercept(this, '470148', 'joannecarpenter', '6875524F623CC948F4F9CA95BB4A9567', 'en', '475091998','Chez Nous', 39151)}).bind(this), true);">Ask joannecarpenter about Chez Nous</span>
<div class="note">
This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. </div>
<div class="duplicateReviewsInline">
<div class="previous">joannecarpenter has 1 more review of Chez Nous</div> <ul class="dupReviews">
<li class="dupReviewItem">
<div class="reviewTitle">
“Joanne Carpenter”
<div class="rating">
<span class="rate sprite-rating_ss rating_ss"> <img class="sprite-rating_ss_fill rating_ss_fill ss50" width="50" src="https://static.tacdn.com/img2/x.gif" alt="5 of 5 bubbles">
<span class="date">Reviewed January 18, 2017</span>
<div class="large">
<div class="ad iab_inlineBanner">
<div id="gpt-ad-468x60" class="adInner gptAd"></div>
Is there a way for BS4 to handle this for me?
Here's a simple example to get you started:
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
url = "https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g56010-d470148-Reviews-Chez_Nous-Humble_Texas.html"
elem = driver.get_element_by_class_name("taLnk")
You could find more info about the methods here:
In all likelihood you will need to examine a few more of these pages, to identify variations in the HTML code. For the sample you have offered, and given that you are able to obtain it by simulating a press, the following code works to select the paragraph that you seem to want.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
HTML = open('temp.htm').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML, 'lxml')
para = soup.select('.entry > p')
print (para[0].text)
Our favorite restaurant in Houston. Definitely the best and friendliest service! The food is not only served with a flair, it is absolutely delicious. My favorite is the Lamb. It is the best! Also the duck moose, fois gras, the crispy salad and the French onion soup are all spectacular! This is a must try restaurant! The wine list is fantastic. Just ask Daniel for suggestions. He not only knows his wines; he loves what he does! We Love this place!
Note that there are newlines before and after the paragraph.
I'm trying to collect the text using Bs4, selenium and Python I want to get the text "Lisa Staprans" using:
name = str(profilePageSource.find(class_="hzi-font hzi-Man-Outline").div.get_text().encode("utf-8"))[2:-1]
Here is the code:
<div class="profile-about-right">
<div class="text-bold">
SF Peninsula Interior Design Firm
Best of Houzz 2015
<div class="page-tags" style="display:none">
page_type: pro_plus_profile
<div class="pro-info-horizontal-list text-m text-dt-s">
<div class="info-list-label">
<i class="hzi-font hzi-Ruler">
<div class="info-list-text">
<span class="hide" itemscope="" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcr
<a href="http://www.houzz.com/professionals/c/Menlo-Park--CA" itemprop="url
<span itemprop="title">
<span itemprop="child" itemscope="" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Bre
<a href="http://www.houzz.com/professionals/interior-designer/c/Menlo-Park-
-CA" itemprop="url">
<span itemprop="title">
Interior Designers & Decorators
<div class="info-list-label">
<i class="hzi-font hzi-Man-Outline">
<div class="info-list-text">
: Lisa Staprans
Please let me know how it would be.
I assumed you are using Beautifulsoup since you are using class_ attribute dictionary-
If there is one div with class name hzi-font hzi-Man-Outline then try-
str(profilePageSource.find(class_="hzi-font hzi-Man-Outline").findNext('div').get_text().split(":")[-1]).strip()
Extracts 'Lisa Staprans'
Here findNext navigates to next div and extracts text.
I can't test it right now but I would do :
Then you will have to split the result considering the : (if it's always the case).
For more informations : https://selenium-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/navigating.html
Maybe something is wrong with this part:
find(class_="hzi-font hzi-Man-Outline")
An easy way to get the right information can be: right click on the element you need in the page source by inspecting it with Google Chrome, copy the xpath of the element, and then use:
profilePageSource.find_element_by_xpath(<xpath copied from Chorme>).text
Hope it helps.
This question already has answers here:
retrieve links from web page using python and BeautifulSoup [closed]
(16 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am new to beautiful soup and am trying to figure out how to pull a website from a nested array. The website can be found twice under the "track-visit-website" class.
This is NOT a duplicate of the question asking about how to pull hrefs. I've done that successfully on this page. I am trying to isolate the actual company website.
I've tried several codes, but can't get it to work. Here is an example:
print(item.contents[2].find_all("a", {"class": "track-visit-website"})[0].a)
The site is YP.com Septic Search
Here's the code from the one of the items on the site:
<div class="info">
<h3 class="n">
<div class="info-section info-primary">
<p class="adr" itemprop="address" itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress" itemscope="">
<span class="street-address" itemprop="streetAddress">2806 Farview Dr</span>
<span class="locality" itemprop="addressLocality">Fort Collins, </span>
<span itemprop="addressRegion">CO</span>
<span itemprop="postalCode">80524</span>
<div class="phones phone primary" itemprop="telephone">(970) 829-0852</div>
<div class="info-section info-secondary">
<div class="categories">
<div class="links">
<a class="track-visit-website" data-analytics="{"click_id":6,"act":2,"dku":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com","FL":"url","TL":"off","target":"website","LOC":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com"}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com" data-impressed="1">Website</a>
<a class="track-map-it directions" data-analytics="{"click_id":13,"target":"website","act":4}" href="/listings/1000775636908/directions" data-impressed="1">Directions</a>
<a class="track-more-info" data-analytics="{"click_id":7,"target":"moreInfo","act":1,"FL":"list"}" href="/fort-collins-co/mip/affordable-septic-drain-cleaning-llc-505109997?lid=1000775636908" data-impressed="1">More Info</a>
Copy this code snippet to a python file and run it
import re
content = """
<div class="info">
<h3 class="n">
<div class="info-section info-primary">
<p class="adr" itemprop="address" itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress" itemscope="">
<span class="street-address" itemprop="streetAddress">2806 Farview Dr</span>
<span class="locality" itemprop="addressLocality">Fort Collins, </span>
<span itemprop="addressRegion">CO</span>
<span itemprop="postalCode">80524</span>
<div class="phones phone primary" itemprop="telephone">(970) 829-0852</div>
<div class="info-section info-secondary">
<div class="categories">
<div class="links">
<a class="track-visit-website" data-analytics="{"click_id":6,"act":2,"dku":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com","FL":"url","TL":"off","target":"website","LOC":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com"}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com" data-impressed="1">Website</a>
<a class="track-map-it directions" data-analytics="{"click_id":13,"target":"website","act":4}" href="/listings/1000775636908/directions" data-impressed="1">Directions</a>
<a class="track-more-info" data-analytics="{"click_id":7,"target":"moreInfo","act":1,"FL":"list"}" href="/fort-collins-co/mip/affordable-septic-drain-cleaning-llc-505109997?lid=1000775636908" data-impressed="1">More Info</a>
websites = set(re.findall(r'http://[a-zA-Z0-9\.]*\.[a-z]{2,}',content)) # find all urls in the content
websites = list(websites)
print(websites) # or in python2 => print websites
Now find a way to incorporate that into your code, get the html, save it as content, regex it and save to file
Web scraping you have to know regex
read up on regex, a good tutorial is here regex tutorial