I would like to receive text selected by the user when the user presses a button.
The background is:
I’d like to create an app to label text sequences (for an NLP application). The user would:
Look at the presented text
Select a piece of text
Press a button to confirm selection
So, once the user presses a button, I would like to receive the currently selected text as input.
Is that possible with Dash? In Dash, you can attach callbacks to component properties. So, I was looking for a property that captures the text selection. Unfortunately, html.Div, html.P, or html.Span don't have it. dcc.Input has it but it is only limited to one line and I need to show a multi-line text. And dcc.Textarea while not being limited to one line, again, doesn't have such a property.
I found a workaround solution you can start from. Let's start with the code and an explanation will follow.
This is the python code:
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
box_style = dict(border='1px solid', margin='15px', padding='10px')
app.layout = html.Div(id='wrapper', children=[
html.P(id='selection-container', children='This text is selectable. Select here.', style=box_style),
html.P(id='other-container', children='Selecting this text will not work.', style=box_style),
dcc.Input(id='selection-target', value='', style=dict(display='none')),
html.Button(id='submit', children='Submit selection'),
html.P(id='callback-result', children=''),
dash.dependencies.Output('callback-result', 'children'),
[dash.dependencies.Input('submit', 'n_clicks')],
[dash.dependencies.State('selection-target', 'value')],)
def update_output(n_clicks, value):
if value:
return html.Span(f'Selected string: "{value}"', style=dict(color='green'))
return html.Span('Nothing selected', style=dict(color='red'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now some JavaScript. You need to put this in a JS file under a directory called "assets" (e.g. assets/custom.js; explained here):
document.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
var sel = window.getSelection();
var sel_str = sel.toString();
var target_value = '';
if (sel_str.length > 0) {
var pid = sel.focusNode.parentNode.id;
if (pid == 'selection-container') {
target_value = sel_str;
// Way to set value of React input
var input = document.getElementById('selection-target');
var nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value").set;
nativeInputValueSetter.call(input, target_value);
var ev2 = new Event('input', {bubbles: true});
Now the explanation: the code creates two HTML P elements, one is selectable and the other is not. When selecting text in the selectable box and clicking the button, the selected text is shown in a third output P, via callback. This is achieved by updating the value of a hidden text input with the selected text (using a method compatible with the React framework). Clicking the button triggers a callback, which receives this value as a state. The hidden input can be changed to any other type of input, and I suppose a text area will work as well but I haven't tested it.
A couple of things to note: the JS event capturing is a bit quirky and far from complete. Capturing the document's "mouse up" event isn't ideal, and you should be able to think of a better way. Also, if you start your selection from the unselectable P and select backwards into the selectable P, the event will get triggered, so you need to take care of that as well.
Hope this helps. Please update us with the solution you chose eventually.
I was able to solve the problem using Dash-React integration, following this and this guidelines, and using the following JavaScript code:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
let timeout;
return function () {
const context = this, args = arguments;
const later = () => {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
const callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
export default class Highlightable extends Component {
mouseEvent() {
let text = '';
if (window.getSelection) {
text = window.getSelection().toString();
if(!text || !text.length) {
return false;
selected_text: text,
selection_start: window.getSelection().anchorOffset,
onMouseUp(event) {
debounce(() => {
if (this.doucleckicked) {
this.doucleckicked = false;
} else if(this.dismissMouseUp > 0) {
} else {
}, 200).bind(this)();
onDoubleClick(event) {
this.doucleckicked = true;
render() {
return (
<div id={this.props.id}
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
display: 'inline-block',
verticalAlign: 'text-top',
margin: '10px',
width: this.props.width}}
Highlightable.defaultProps = {};
Highlightable.propTypes = {
id: PropTypes.string,
width: PropTypes.string,
text: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
selected_text: PropTypes.string,
selection_start: PropTypes.number,
selection_end: PropTypes.number,
* Dash-assigned callback that should be called to report property changes
* to Dash, to make them available for callbacks.
setProps: PropTypes.func
I am building an Android app that will allow the user to get a picture either by taking it in real time or uploading it from their saved images. Then, it will go through a machine learning script in python to determine their location. Before I completely connect to the algorithm, I am trying a test program that just returns a double.
from os.path import dirname, join
import csv
import random
filename = join(dirname(__file__), "new.csv")
def testlat():
return 30.0
def testlong():
return 30.0
These returned values are used in a Kotlin file that will then send those values to the Google Maps activity on the app for the location to be plotted.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
var lat = 0.0
var long = 0.0
var dynamic = false
private val cameraRequest = 1888
lateinit var imageView: ImageView
lateinit var button: Button
private val pickImage = 100
private var imageUri: Uri? = null
var active = false
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Accesses the info image button
val clickMe = findViewById<ImageButton>(R.id.imageButton)
// Runs this function when the info icon is pressed by the user
// It will display the text in the variable infoText
clickMe.setOnClickListener {
Toast.makeText(this, infoText, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(applicationContext, Manifest.permission.CAMERA)
== PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
imageView = findViewById(R.id.imageView)
val photoButton: Button = findViewById(R.id.button2)
photoButton.setOnClickListener {
val cameraIntent = Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE)
startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, cameraRequest)
dynamic = true
The below will move to external photo storage once button2 is clicked
button = findViewById(R.id.button)
button.setOnClickListener {
val gallery = Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI)
startActivityForResult(gallery, pickImage)
if (! Python.isStarted()) {
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == pickImage) {
imageUri = data?.data
val py = Python.getInstance()
val pyobj = py.getModule("main")
this.lat = pyobj.callAttr("testlat").toDouble()
this.long = pyobj.callAttr("testlong").toDouble()
/* Open the map after image has been received from user
This will be changed later to instead call the external object recognition/pathfinding
scripts and then pull up the map after those finish running
val mapsIntent = Intent(this, MapsActivity::class.java)
I set up chaquopy and the gradle is building successfully, but everytime I get to the python part of emulating the app, it crashes. I'm not quite sure why that is; I thought maybe the program was too much for the phone to handle but it is a very basic python script so I doubt that's the issue.
If your app crashes, you can find the stack trace in the Logcat.
In this case, it's probably caused by the line return = 30.0. The correct syntax is return 30.0.
Thanks to this great answer I was able to figure out how to run a preflight check for my documents using Python and the InDesign script API. Now I wanted to work on automatically adjusting the text size of the overflowing text boxes, but was unable to figure out how to retrieve a TextBox object from the Preflight object.
I referred to the API specification, but all the properties only seem to yield strings which do not uniquely define the TextBoxes, like in this example:
Errors Found (1):
Text Frame (R=2)
Is there any way to retrieve the violating objects from the Preflight, in order to operate on them later on? I'd be very thankful for additional input on this matter, as I am stuck!
If all you need is to find and to fix the overset errors I'd propose this solution:
Here is the simple Extendscript to fix the text overset error. It decreases the font size in the all overflowed text frames in active document:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var frames = doc.textFrames.everyItem().getElements();
var f = frames.length
while(f--) {
var frame = frames[f];
if (frame.overflows) resize_font(frame)
function resize_font(frame) {
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = false;
while (frame.overflows) {
var texts = frame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().getElements();
var t = texts.length;
while(t--) {
var characters = texts[t].characters.everyItem().getElements();
var c = characters.length;
while (c--) characters[c].pointSize = characters[c].pointSize * .99;
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = true;
You can save it in any folder and run it by the Python script:
import win32com.client
app = win32com.client.Dispatch('InDesign.Application.CS6')
doc = app.Open(r'd:\temp\test.indd')
profile = app.PreflightProfiles.Item('Stackoverflow Profile')
print('Profile name:', profile.name)
process = app.PreflightProcesses.Add(doc, profile)
errors = process.processResults
print('Errors:', errors)
if errors[:4] != 'None':
script = r'd:\temp\fix_overset.jsx' # <-- here is the script to fix overset
print('Run script', script)
app.DoScript(script, 1246973031) # run the jsx script
# 1246973031 --> ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT
# https://www.indesignjs.de/extendscriptAPI/indesign-latest/#ScriptLanguage.html
process = app.PreflightProcesses.Add(doc, profile)
errors = process.processResults
print('Errors:', errors) # it should print 'None'
if errors[:4] == 'None':
input('\nDone... Press <ENTER> to close the window')
Thanks to the exellent answer of Yuri I was able solve my problem, although there are still some shortcomings.
In Python, I load my documents and check if there are any problems detected during the preflight. If so, I move on to adjusting the text frames.
myDoc = app.Open(input_file_path)
profile = app.PreflightProfiles.Item(1)
process = app.PreflightProcesses.Add(myDoc, profile)
results = process.processResults
if "None" not in results:
# Fix errors
script = open("data/script.jsx")
app.DoScript(script.read(), 1246973031, variables.resize_array)
results = process.processResults
# Check if problems were resolved
if "None" not in results:
info_fail(card.name, "Error while running preflight")
I load the JavaScript file stored in script.jsx, that consists of several components. I start by extracting the arguments and loading all the pages, since I want to handle them individually. I then collect all text frames on the page in an array.
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var pages = doc.pages;
var resizeGroup = arguments[0];
var condenseGroup = arguments[1];
// Loop over all available pages separately
for (var pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pages.length; pageIndex++) {
var page = pages[pageIndex];
var pageItems = page.allPageItems;
var textFrames = [];
// Collect all TextFrames in an array
for (var pageItemIndex = 0; pageItemIndex < pageItems.length; pageItemIndex++) {
var candidate = pageItems[pageItemIndex];
if (candidate instanceof TextFrame) {
What I wanted to achieve was a setting where if one of a group of text frames was overflowing, the text size of all the text frames in this group are adjusted as well. E.g. text frame 1 overflows when set to size 8, no longer when set to size 6. Since text frame 1 is in the same group as text frame 2, both of them will be adjusted to size 6 (assuming the second frame does not overflow at this size).
In order to handle this, I pass an array containing the groups. I now check if the text frame is contained in one of these groups (which is rather tedious, I had to write my own methods since InDesign does not support modern functions like filter() as far as I am concerned...).
// Check if TextFrame overflows, if so add all TextFrames that should be the same size
for (var textFrameIndex = 0; textFrameIndex < textFrames.length; textFrameIndex++) {
var textFrame = textFrames[textFrameIndex];
// If text frame overflows, adjust it and all the frames that are supposed to be of the same size
if (textFrame.overflows) {
var foundResizeGroup = filterArrayWithString(resizeGroup, textFrame.name);
var foundCondenseGroup = filterArrayWithString(condenseGroup, textFrame.name);
var process = false;
var chosenGroup, type;
if (foundResizeGroup.length > 0) {
chosenGroup = foundResizeGroup;
type = "resize";
process = true;
} else if (foundCondenseGroup.length > 0) {
chosenGroup = foundCondenseGroup;
type = "condense";
process = true;
if (process) {
var foundFrames = findTextFramesFromNames(textFrames, chosenGroup);
adjustTextFrameGroup(foundFrames, type);
If this is the case, I adjust either the text size or the second axis of the text (which condenses the text for my variable font). This is done using the following functions:
function adjustTextFrameGroup(resizeGroup, type) {
// Check if some overflowing textboxes
if (!someOverflowing(resizeGroup)) {
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = false;
while (someOverflowing(resizeGroup)) {
for (var textFrameIndex = 0; textFrameIndex < resizeGroup.length; textFrameIndex++) {
var textFrame = resizeGroup[textFrameIndex];
if (type === "resize") decreaseFontSize(textFrame);
else if (type === "condense") condenseFont(textFrame);
else alert("Unknown operation");
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = true;
function someOverflowing(textFrames) {
for (var textFrameIndex = 0; textFrameIndex < textFrames.length; textFrameIndex++) {
var textFrame = textFrames[textFrameIndex];
if (textFrame.overflows) {
return true;
return false;
function decreaseFontSize(frame) {
var texts = frame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().getElements();
for (var textIndex = 0; textIndex < texts.length; textIndex++) {
var characters = texts[textIndex].characters.everyItem().getElements();
for (var characterIndex = 0; characterIndex < characters.length; characterIndex++) {
characters[characterIndex].pointSize = characters[characterIndex].pointSize - 0.25;
function condenseFont(frame) {
var texts = frame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().getElements();
for (var textIndex = 0; textIndex < texts.length; textIndex++) {
var characters = texts[textIndex].characters.everyItem().getElements();
for (var characterIndex = 0; characterIndex < characters.length; characterIndex++) {
characters[characterIndex].setNthDesignAxis(1, characters[characterIndex].designAxes[1] - 5)
I know that this code can be improved upon (and am open to feedback), for example if a group consists of multiple text frames, the procedure will run for all of them, even though it need only be run once. I was getting pretty frustrated with the old JavaScript, and the impact is negligible. The rest of the functions are also only helper functions, which I'd like to replace with more modern version. Sadly and as already stated, I think that they are simply not available.
Thanks once again to Yuri, who helped me immensely!
So basically I've added two custom features for coloring text to a RichTextBlock, and I'd like to make them so selecting one for a portion of text would automatically unselect the other color button, much like it's already the case for h tags.
I've searched for a bit but didn't find much, so I guess I could use some help, be it advice, instruction or even code.
My features go like this :
def register_redtext_feature(features):
feature_name = 'redtext'
type_ = 'RED_TEXT'
tag = 'span'
control = {
'type': type_,
'label': 'Red',
'style': {'color': '#bd003f'},
'draftail', feature_name, draftail_features.InlineStyleFeature(control)
db_conversion = {
'from_database_format': {tag: InlineStyleElementHandler(type_)},
'to_database_format': {
'style_map': {
type_: {'element': tag, 'props': {'class': 'text-primary'}}
'contentstate', feature_name, db_conversion
The other one is similar but color is different.
This is possible, but it requires jumping through many hoops in Wagtail. The h1…h6 tags work like this out of the box because they are block-level formatting – each block within the editor can only be of one type. Here you’re creating this RED_TEXT formatting as inline formatting ("inline style"), which, intentionally supports multiple formats being applied to the same text.
If you want to achieve this mutually exclusive implementation anyway – you’ll need to write custom JS code to auto-magically remove the desired styles from the text when attempting to add a new style.
Here is a function that does just that. It goes through all of the characters in the user’s selection, and removes the relevant styles from them:
* Remove all of the COLOR_ styles from the current selection.
* This is to ensure only one COLOR_ style is applied per range of text.
* Replicated from https://github.com/thibaudcolas/draftjs-filters/blob/f997416a0c076eb6e850f13addcdebb5e52898e5/src/lib/filters/styles.js#L7,
* with additional "is the character in the selection" logic.
export const filterColorStylesFromSelection = (
content: ContentState,
selection: SelectionState,
) => {
const blockMap = content.getBlockMap();
const startKey = selection.getStartKey();
const endKey = selection.getEndKey();
const startOffset = selection.getStartOffset();
const endOffset = selection.getEndOffset();
let isAfterStartKey = false;
let isAfterEndKey = false;
const blocks = blockMap.map((block) => {
const isStartBlock = block.getKey() === startKey;
const isEndBlock = block.getKey() === endKey;
isAfterStartKey = isAfterStartKey || isStartBlock;
isAfterEndKey = isAfterEndKey || isEndBlock;
const isBeforeEndKey = isEndBlock || !isAfterEndKey;
const isBlockInSelection = isAfterStartKey && isBeforeEndKey;
// Skip filtering through the block chars if out of selection.
if (!isBlockInSelection) {
return block;
let altered = false;
const chars = block.getCharacterList().map((char, i) => {
const isAfterStartOffset = i >= startOffset;
const isBeforeEndOffset = i < endOffset;
const isCharInSelection =
// If the selection is on a single block, the char needs to be in-between start and end offsets.
(isStartBlock &&
isEndBlock &&
isAfterStartOffset &&
isBeforeEndOffset) ||
// Start block only: after start offset
(isStartBlock && !isEndBlock && isAfterStartOffset) ||
// End block only: before end offset.
(isEndBlock && !isStartBlock && isBeforeEndOffset) ||
// Neither start nor end: just "in selection".
(isBlockInSelection && !isStartBlock && !isEndBlock);
let newChar = char;
if (isCharInSelection) {
.filter((type) => type.startsWith("COLOR_"))
.forEach((type) => {
altered = true;
newChar = CharacterMetadata.removeStyle(newChar, type);
return newChar;
return altered ? block.set("characterList", chars) : block;
return content.merge({
blockMap: blockMap.merge(blocks),
This is taken from the Draftail ColorPicker demo, which you can see running in the Draftail Storybook’s "Custom formats" example.
To implement this kind of customisation in Draftail, you’d need to use the controls API. Unfortunately that API isn’t currently supported out of the box in Wagtail’s integration of the editor (see wagtail/wagtail#5580), so at the moment in order for this to work you’d need to customize Draftail’s initialisation within Wagtail as well.
I want to write a code in a Jupyerlab notebook that runs other cells without the user doing anything. I found the solution:
from IPython.display import Javascript
But it doesn't seem to work in JupyterLab, it throws the error:
Javascript Error: notebook is not defined
Is there any similar way to do it using JupyterLab?
Maybe you can set a shortcut for 'run all cells above' and execute the following lines:
import keyboard
Let's say that you've defined your shortcut as shift+s. Just put it in the code above as strig:
For the latest jupyter notebook, (version 5) you can go to the 'help' tab in the top of the notebook and then select the option 'edit keyboard shortcuts' and add in your own customized shortcut.
Probably there is the same option for jupyter lab.
I found out how to execute cells programmatically when writing a JupyterLab extension. This is not exactly what you asked for but might help others searching for this topic. The code for JupyterLab seems to be more complex than for JupyterNotebook.
JupyterLab comes with the method
NotebookActions.run(notebook, sessionContext);
which executes the currently selected cells. There are a few other methods (e.g. "runAllBelow"), too. Also see
Some example code (also see my JupyterLab extension for treezjs):
var { NotebookActions } = require("#jupyterlab/notebook");
var app = ... //injected with activate method of extension
var pythonCode = 'print("Hello World")';
this.__notebookPanel = this.__getFirstVisibleNotebookPanel(app);
async executePythonCodeWithCell(pythonCode){
var self=this;
var NotebookActions = this.__dependencies['NotebookActions'];
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
var notebook = self.__notebookPanel.content;
var notebookModel = notebook.model;
var sessionContext = self.__notebookPanel.sessionContext;
var options = { };
var cellModel = notebookModel.contentFactory.createCell('code',options);
cellModel.value.text = pythonCode;
const activeCellIndexBackup = notebook.activeCellIndex;
var newCellIndex = notebookModel.cells.length;
notebookModel.cells.insert(newCellIndex, cellModel);
notebook.activeCellIndex = newCellIndex;
var cell = notebook.activeCell;
await NotebookActions.run(notebook, sessionContext);
} catch(error){
var htmlArray = [];
for(var output of cell.outputArea.node.children){
await NotebookActions.deleteCells(notebook);
notebook.activeCellIndex = activeCellIndexBackup;
var mainWidgets = app.shell.widgets('main');
var widget = mainWidgets.next();
var type = widget.constructor.name;
if(type == 'NotebookPanel'){ //other wigets might be of type DocumentWidget
if (widget.isVisible){
return widget;
widget = mainWidgets.next();
return null;
Part of my old code for JupyterNotebook:
this.__notebook = Jupyter.notebook;
async executePythonCodeWithCell(pythonCode){
var self=this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var cell = self.__notebook.insert_cell_below();
cell.element[0].style.display = 'none';
cell.events.on('finished_execute.CodeCell', (event, data) => self.__codeCellExecutionFinished(cell, data.cell, resolve));
} catch(error){
JupyterLab: Run all cells below
I have searched, copied and modified code, and tried to break down what others have done and I still can't get this right.
I have email receipts for an ecommerce webiste, where I am trying to harvest particular details from each email and save to a spreadsheet with a script.
Here is the entire script as I have now.
function menu(e) {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('parse mail', 'grabreceipt')
function grabreceipt() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var threads = GmailApp.search("(subject:order receipt) and (after:2016/12/01)");
var a=[];
for (var i = 0; i<threads.length; i++)
var messages = threads[i].getMessages();
for (var j=0; j<messages.length; j++)
var messages = GmailApp.getMessagesForThread(threads[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {
var nextRow=s.getDataRange().getLastRow()+1;
var numRows=a.length;
var numCols=a[0].length;
function parseMail(body) {
var a=[];
var keystr="Order #,Subtotal:,Shipping:,Total:";
var keys=keystr.split(",");
var i,p,r;
for (i in keys) {
r=new RegExp(p,"m");
try {a[i]=body.match(p)[1];}
catch (err) {a[i]="no match";}
return a;
So the email data to pluck from comes as text only like this:
Order #89076
(body content, omitted)
Subtotal: $528.31
Shipping: $42.66 via Priority Mail®
Payment Method: Check Payment- Money order
Total: $570.97
Note: mywebsite order 456. Customer asked about this and that... etc.
The original code regex was designed to grab content, following the keystr values which were easily found on their own line. So this made sense:
This works okay, but results where the lines include more data that follows as in line Shipping: $42.66 via Priority Mail®.
My data is more blended, where I only wish to take numbers, or numbers and decimals. So I have this instead which validates on regex101.com
The expression only, [\$]?[\d]+[.]?\d+$ works great but I still get "no match" for each row.
Additionally, within this search there are 22 threads returned, and it populates 39 rows in the spreadsheet. I can not figure out why 39?
The reason for your regex not working like it should is because you are not escaping the "\" in the string you use to create the regex
So a regex like this
needs to be escaped like so:
The below code is just modified from your parseEmail() to work as a snippet here. If you copy this to your app script code delete document.getElementById() lines.
Your can try your example in the snippet below it will only give you the numbers.
function parseMail(body) {
if(body == "" || body == undefined){
var body = document.getElementById("input").value
var a=[];
var keystr="Order #,Subtotal:,Shipping:,Total:";
var keys=keystr.split(",");
var i,p,r;
for (i in keys) {
r=new RegExp(p,"m");
try {a[i]=body.match(p)[1];}
catch (err) {a[i]="no match";}
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = a.join(";")
return a;
<textarea id ="input"></textarea>
<div id= "output"></div>
<input type = "button" value = "Parse" onclick = "parseMail()">
Hope that helps