Select specific rows on pandas based on condition - python

I have a dataframe containing a column called bmi (Body Mass Index) containing int values
I have to separate the values in bmi column into Under weight, Normal, Over weight and Obese based on the values. Below is the loop for the same
However I am getting an error. I am a beginner. Just started coding 2 weeks back.

Generally speaking, using a for loop in pandas is usually a bad idea. Pandas allows you to manipulate data easily. For example, if you want to filter by some condition:
print(df[df["bmi"] > 30])
will print all rows where there bmi>30. It works as follows: df[condition]. Condition in this case is "bmi" is larger then 30, so our condition is df["bmi"] > 30. Notice the line df[df["bmi"] > 30] returns all rows that satisfy the condition. I printed them, but you can manipulate them whatever you like.
Even though it's a bad technique (or used only for specific need), you can of course iterate through dataframe. This is not done via for l in df, as df is a dataframe object. To iterate through it you can use iterrows:
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if (row["bmi"] > 30)
Also for next time please provide your code inline. Don't paste an image of it
If your goal is to separate into different labels, I suggest the following:
df.loc[df[df["bmi"] > 30, "NewColumn"] = "Obese"
df.loc[df[df["bmi"] < 18.5, "NewColumn"] = "Underweight"
.loc operator allows me to manipulate only part of the data. It's format is [rows, columns]. So the above code takes on rows where bmi>30, and it takes only "NewColumn" (change it whatever you like) which is a new column. It puts the value on the right to this column. That way, after that operation, you have a new column in your dataframe which has "Obese/Underweight" as you like.
As side note - there are better ways to map values (e.g pandas' map and others) but if you are a beginner, it's important to understand simple methods to manipulate data before diving into more complex one. That's why I am avoiding into explaining more complex method

First of all, As mentioned in the comment you should post text/code instead of screenshots.
You could do binning in pandas:
bmi_labels = ['Normal', 'Overweight', 'Obese']
cut_bins = [18.5, 24.9, 29.9, df["bmi"].max()]
df['bmi_label'] = pd.cut(df['bmi'], bins=cut_bins, labels=bmi_labels)
Here, i have made a seperate column (bmi_label) to store label but you could can do it in same column (bmi) too.


Quickest way to access & compare huge data in Python

I am a newbie to Pandas, and somewhat newbie to python
I am looking at stock data, which I read in as CSV and typical size is 500,000 rows.
The data looks like this
I need to check the data against itself - the basic algorithm is a loop similar to
Row = 0
x = get "low" price in row ROW
y = CalculateSomething(x)
go through the rest of the data, compare against y
if (a):
append ("A") at the end of row ROW # in the dataframe
print ("B") at the end of row ROW
Row = Row +1
the next iteration, the datapointer should reset to ROW 1. then go through same process
each time, it adds notes to the dataframe at the ROW index
I looked at Pandas, and figured the way to try this would be to use two loops, and copying the dataframe to maintain two separate instances
The actual code looks like this (simplified)
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
calc1 = 1 # this part is confidential so set to something simple
calc2 = 2 # this part is confidential so set to something simple
def func3_df_index(df):
dfouter = df.copy()
for outerindex in dfouter.index:
dfouter_openval =[outerindex,"Open"]
for index in df.index:
if ([index,"Low"] <= (calc1) and (index >= outerindex)) :[outerindex,'notes'] = "message 1"
elif ([index,"High"] >= (calc2) and (index >= outerindex)):[outerindex,'notes'] = "message2"
else:[outerindex,'notes'] = "message3"
this method is taking a long time (7 minutes+) per 5K - which will be quite long for 500,000 rows. There may be data exceeding 1 million rows
I have tried using the two loop method with the following variants:
using iloc - e.g df.iloc[index,2]
using at - e,g[index,"low"]
using numpy& at - eg[index,"low"] = np.where(([index,"low"] < ..."
The data is floating point values, and datetime string.
Is it better to use numpy? maybe an alternative to using two loops?
any other methods, like using R, mongo, some other database etc - different from python would also be useful - i just need the results, not necessarily tied to python.
any help and constructs would be greatly helpful
Thanks in advance
You are copying the dataframe and manually looping over the indicies. This will almost always be slower than vectorized operations.
If you only care about one row at a time, you can simply use csv module.
numpy is not "better"; pandas internally uses numpy
Alternatively, load the data into a database. Examples include sqlite, mysql/mariadb, postgres, or maybe DuckDB, then use query commands against that. This will have the added advantage of allowing for type-conversion from stings to floats, so numerical analysis is easier.
If you really want to process a file in parallel directly from Python, then you could move to Dask or PySpark, although, Pandas should work with some tuning, though Pandas read_sql function would work better, for a start.
You have to split main dataset in smaller datasets for eg. 50 sub-datasets with 10.000 rows each to increase speed. Do functions in each sub-dataset using threading or concurrency and then combine your final results.

I am not able to correctly assign a value to a df row based on 3 conditions (checking values in 3 other columns)

I am trying to assign a proportion value to a column in a specific row inside my df. Each row represents a unique product's sales in a specific month, in a dataframe (called testingAgain) like this:
Month ProductID(SKU) Family Sales ProporcionVenta
1 1234 FISH 10000.0 0.0
This row represents product 1234's sales during January. (It is an aggregate, so it represents every January in the DB)
Now I am trying to find the proportion of sales of that unique productid-month in relation to the sum of sales of family-month. For example, the family fish has sold 100,000 in month 1, so in this specific case it would be calculated 10,000/100,000 (productid-month-sales/family-month-sales)
I am trying to do so like this:
for family in uniqueFamilies:
for month in months:
salesFamilyMonth = testingAgain[(testingAgain['Family']==family)&(testingAgain['Month']==month)]['Qty'].sum()
for sku in uniqueSKU:
salesSKUMonth = testingAgain[(testingAgain['Family']==family)&(testingAgain['Month']==month)&(testingAgain['SKU']==sku)]['Qty'].sum()
proporcion = salesSKUMonth/salesFamilyMonth
testingAgain[(testingAgain['SKU']==sku)&(testingAgain['Family']==familia)&(testingAgain['Month']==month)]['ProporcionVenta'] = proporcion
The code works, it runs, and I have even individually printed the proportions and calculated them in Excel and they are correct, but the problem is with the last line. As soon as the code finishes running, I print testingAgain and see all proportions listed as 0.0, even though they should have been assigned the new one.
I'm not completely convinced about my approach, but I think it is decent.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
Thanks, appreciate it.
Generally, in Pandas (even Numpy), unlike general purpose Python, analysts should avoid using for loops as there are many vectorized options to run conditional or grouped calculations. In your case, consider groupby().transform() which returns inline aggregates (i.e., aggregate values without collapsing rows) or
as docs indicate: broadcast to match the shape of the input array.
Currently, your code is attempting to assign a value to a subsetted slice of data frame column that should raise SettingWithCopyWarning. Such an operation would not affect original data frame. Your loop can use .loc for conditional assignment
testingAgain.loc[(testingAgain['SKU']==sku) &
(testingAgain['Family']==familia) &
(testingAgain['Month']==month), 'ProporcionVenta'] = proporcion
However, avoid looping since transform works nicely to assign new data frame columns. Also, below div is the Series division method (functionally equivalent to / operator).
testingAgain['ProporcionVenta'] = (testingAgain.groupby(['SKU', 'Family', 'Monthh'])['Qty'].transform('sum')
.div(testingAgain.groupby(['Family', 'Month'])['Qty'].transform('sum'))

beginner panda change row data based upon code

I'm a beginner in panda and python, trying to learn it.
I would like to iterate over panda rows, to apply simple coded logic.
Instead of fancy mapping functions, I just want simple coded logic.
So then I can easily adapt it later for other coded logic rules as well.
In my dataframe dc,
I like to check if column AgeUnkown == 1 (or >0 )
And if so it should move the value of column Age to AgeUnknown.
And then make Age equal to 0.0
I tried various combinations of my below code but it won't work.
# using a row reference #########
for index, row in dc.iterrows():
r = row['AgeUnknown']
if (r>0):
w =[index,'Age'][index,'AgeUnknown']=w[index,'Age']=0
Another attempt
for index in dc.index:
r =[index,'AgeUnknown'].[0] # also tried .sum here
if (r>0):
Also tried
if(dc[index,'Age']>0 #wasnt allowed either
Why isn't this working as far as I understood a dataframe should be able to be addressed like above.
I realize you requested a solution involving iterating the df, but I thought I'd provide one that I think is more traditional.
A non-iterating solution to your problem is something like this- 1) get all the indexes that meet your criteria 2) set those indexes of the df to what you want.
# indexes where column AgeUnknown is >0
inds = dc[dc['AgeUnknown'] > 0].index.tolist()
# change the indexes of AgeUnknown to to the Age column
dc.loc[inds, 'AgeUnknown'] = dc.loc[inds, 'Age']
# change the Age to 0 at those indexes
dc.loc[inds, 'Age'] = 0

How to maintain lexsort status when adding to a multi-indexed DataFrame?

Say I construct a dataframe with pandas, having multi-indexed columns:
mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['trial_1', 'trial_2', 'trial_3'], ['motor_neuron','afferent_neuron','interneuron'], ['time','voltage','calcium']])
ind = np.arange(1,11)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,27),index=ind, columns=mi)
Link to image of output dataframe
Say I want only the voltage data from trial 1. I know that the following code fails, because the indices are not sorted lexically:
idx = pd.IndexSlice
As explained in another post, the solution is to sort the dataframe's indices, which works as expected:
dfSorted = df.sortlevel(axis=1)
I understand why this is necessary. However, say I want to add a new column:
dfSorted.loc[:,('trial_1','interneuron','scaledTime')] = 100 * dfSorted.loc[:,('trial_1','interneuron','time')]
Now dfSorted is not sorted anymore, since the new column was tacked onto the end, rather than snuggled into order. Again, I have to call sortlevel before selecting multiple columns.
I feel this makes for repetitive, bug-prone code, especially when adding lots of columns to the much bigger dataframe in my own project. Is there a (preferably clean-looking) way of inserting new columns in lexical order without having to call sortlevel over and over again?
One approach would be to use filter which does a text filter on the column names:
In [117]: df['trial_1'].filter(like='voltage')
motor_neuron afferent_neuron interneuron
voltage voltage voltage
1 -0.548699 0.986121 -1.339783
2 -1.320589 -0.509410 -0.529686

Creating dataframe by merging a number of unknown length dataframes

I am trying to do some analysis on baseball pitch F/x data. All the pitch data is stored in a pandas dataframe with columns like 'Pitch speed' and 'X location.' I have a wrapper function (using pandas.query) that, for a given pitch, will find other pitches with similar speed and location. This function returns a pandas dataframe of unknown size. I would like to use this function over large numbers of pitches; for example, to find all pitches similar to those thrown in a single game. I have a function that does this correctly, but it is quite slow (probably because it is constantly resizing resampled_pitches):
def get_pitches_from_templates(template_pitches, all_pitches):
resampled_pitches = pd.DataFrame(columns = all_pitches.columns.values.tolist())
for i, row in template_pitches.iterrows():
resampled_pitches = resampled_pitches.append( get_pitches_from_template( row, all_pitches))
return resampled_pitches
I have tried to rewrite the function using pandas.apply on each row, or by creating a list of dataframes and then merging, but can't quite get the syntax right.
What would be the fastest way to this type of sampling and merging?
it sounds like you should use pd.concat for this.
res = []
for i, row in template_pitches.iterrows():
res.append(resampled_pitches.append(get_pitches_from_template(row, all_pitches)))
return pd.concat(res)
I think that a merge might be even faster. Usage of df.iterrows() isn't recommended as it generates a series for every row.
