Plotting data from different datasets using plotnine and pandas - python

First off, I think it would be helpful to offer some background about what I want to do. I have a time-series dataset that describes air quality in a region, with hour resolution. Each row is an observation, each column is a different parameter (eg. Temperature, Pressure, Particulate matter, etc.) I want to take an average of observations for each hour in the day, across the entire five year dataset. However, I first need to distinguish between summer and winter observations. Here are a few rows for reference:
0 2015-01-01 00:00:00 0.9 0.2 334 3.2 70.9 29.2 29.1 -0.1 740.4 8 102.5 69.0 157.970495
1 2015-01-01 01:00:00 1.5 0.7 129 4.0 58.8 29.6 29.2 -0.4 740.2 8 102.5 23.5 74.974249
2 2015-01-01 02:00:00 0.8 0.8 70 2.7 18.0 28.7 28.3 -0.4 740.3 7 102.2 40.1 112.326633
3 2015-01-01 03:00:00 1.1 1.0 82 3.4 21.8 28.2 27.8 -0.4 740.1 6 102.0 31.1 90.957082
4 2015-01-01 04:00:00 1.0 0.8 65 4.7 34.3 27.3 27.2 -0.2 739.7 6 101.7 13.7 54.364807
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
43175 2016-12-30 19:00:00 1.7 0.7 268 4.1 63.6 33.8 34.1 0.3 738.8 8 100.7 38.4 108.140704
43176 2016-12-30 20:00:00 1.5 0.1 169 3.3 77.5 33.2 33.7 0.5 738.7 9 101.0 27.2 82.755365
43177 2016-12-30 21:00:00 1.4 0.5 278 4.0 65.7 32.5 32.8 0.3 738.6 9 101.4 42.5 118.236181
43178 2016-12-30 22:00:00 2.8 2.7 277 6.5 16.7 33.2 33.3 0.1 738.6 9 101.6 25.2 78.549356
43179 2016-12-30 23:00:00 1.9 0.3 241 4.2 74.2 31.0 31.6 0.6 738.4 9 100.4 18.7 64.879828
[43180 rows x 15 columns]
I have tried splitting the dataset into two based on season, and plotting each separately. This works, but I cannot manage to make the plot display a legend.
mask = (df['Date'].dt.month > 3) & (df['Date'].dt.month < 10)
summer = df[mask]
winter = df[~mask]
summer = summer.groupby(summer['Time'].dt.hour).mean().reset_index()
winter = winter.groupby(winter['Time'].dt.hour).mean().reset_index()
p = (
ggplot(mapping=aes( x='Time', y='PM25')) +
geom_point(data=summer, color='red')+
geom_point(data=winter, color='blue')
Plotting with separate dataframes:
I did some more research, and learned that plotnine/ggplot can color-code data points based on one of their attributes. This approach requires the data to be a single dataset, so I added a parameter specifying the season. However, when I group by hour, this 'Season' attribute is removed. I assume it is because you cannot take the mean of non-numeric data. As such, I find myself in a bit of a paradox.
Here is the my attempt at keeping the data together and adding a 'Season' column:
df.insert(0,'Season', 0)
summer = (df['Date'].dt.month > 3) & (df['Date'].dt.month < 10)
df['Season'] = df.where(summer, other='w')
df['Season'] = df.where(~summer, other='s')
df = df.groupby(df['Time'].dt.hour).mean()
p = (
ggplot(data = df, mapping=aes( x='Time', y='PM25', color='Season')) +
When I try to run this, it raises the following, and if I inspect the dataframe all non-numeric paramters have been removed:
plotnine.exceptions.PlotnineError: "Could not evaluate the 'color' mapping: 'Season' (original error: name 'Season' is not defined)"
Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated.

Data provided has been saved to airq.csv. Besides to Season column, Hour column has been included. Code provided has been used. 'Hour' and 'Season' have to be provided in groupby function. Two plotnine.ggplot possibilities are provided. Fist using geom_point, and second one adding facet_wrap. Theme customization has been included for each case.
from plotnine import *
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('airq.csv', parse_dates=[0,1])
df.insert(0,'Season', 0)
summer = (df['Date'].dt.month > 3) & (df['Date'].dt.month < 9)
df['Season'] = df.where(summer, other='Winter')
df['Season'] = df.where(~summer, other='Summer')
df['Hour'] = df['Time'].dt.hour
df = df.groupby(['Hour', 'Season']).mean().reset_index()
custom_axis = theme(axis_text_x = element_text(color="grey", size=6, angle=90, hjust=.3),
axis_text_y = element_text(color="grey", size=6),
plot_title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"),
axis_title = element_text(size = 10)
ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x='Hour', y='PM25',
color='Season')) + geom_point() +
custom_axis + ylab("Particulate matter 2.5 micrometres") + xlab("Hour") + labs(title="PM air quality report")
custom_axis = theme(axis_text_x = element_text(color="grey", size=6, angle=90, hjust=.3),
axis_text_y = element_text(color="grey", size=6),
plot_title = element_text(size = 25, face = "bold"),
axis_title = element_text(size = 10),
figure_size=(8, 4)
ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x='Hour', y='PM25')) + geom_point(alpha=1) + facet_wrap('Season') +
custom_axis + ylab("Particulate matter 2.5 micrometres") + xlab("Hour") + labs(title="PM air quality report")


Mean of values in some columns with Pandas/Numpy

I've just started with Pandas and Numpy a couple of months ago and I've learned already quite a lot thanks to all the threads here. But now I can't find what I need.
For work, I have created an excel sheet that calculates some figures to be used for re-ordering inventory. To practice and maybe actually use it, I'd wanted to give it a try to replicate the functionality in Python. Later I might want to add some more sophisticated calculations with the help of Scikit-learn.
So far I've managed to load a csv with sales figures from our ERP into a dataframe, calculate mean and std. The calculations have been done on a subset of the data because I don't know how to apply calculations only to the specific columns. The csv does also contain for example product codes and leadtimes and these should not be used for the average and std calculations. Not sure yet also how to merge this subset back with the original dataframe.
The reason why I didn't hardcode the column names is because the ERP reports the sales number over the past x no. of months, so the order of the columns will change througout the year and I want to keep them in chronological order.
My data from the csv looks like:
What I've done so far and what is working fine. (This can be doe probably much easier/more efficient):
import numpy as np
import timeit
import csv
import pandas as pd
sd = 1
csv_in = "data_in.csv"
csv_out = "data_out.csv"
# Use Pandas
df = pd.read_csv(csv_in,dtype={'code': str})
# Get no of columns and substract 2 for compcode and leadtime
cols = df.shape[1] - 2
# Create a subset and count the columns
df_subset = df.iloc[:, -cols:]
subset_cols = df_subset.shape[1]
# Add columns for std dev and average
df_subset = (df_subset.assign(mean=df_subset.mean(axis=1),
stddev=df_subset.std(axis=1, ddof=0))
# Add columns for min and max values based on mean +/- std multiplied by factor sd
df_subset = (df_subset.assign(minSD=df_subset['mean'].sub(df_subset['stddev'] * sd),
maxSD=df_subset['mean'].add(df_subset['stddev'] * sd))
Which gives me:
jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec mean stddev minSD maxSD
0 299 821 351 614 246 957 968 939 125 368 727 231 553.833333 304.262998 249.570335 858.096332
1 340 274 733 575 904 953 614 268 638 960 617 757 636.083333 234.519530 401.563804 870.602863
2 394 327 435 767 377 699 424 951 972 717 317 264 553.666667 242.398203 311.268464 796.064870
However for my next calculation I'm stuck again:
I want to calculate the average over values from the "month" columns and only the values that match the condition >= minSD and <= maxSD
So for row 0, I'm looking for the value (299+821+351+614+368+727)/6 = 530
How can I achieve this?
I've tried this, but this doesn't seem to work:
df_subset = df_subset.assign(avgwithSD=df_subset.iloc[:,0:subset_cols].values(where(df_subset.values>=df_subset['minSD'] & df_subset.values>=df_subset['maxSD'])).mean(axis=1))
Some help would be very welcome. Thanks
EDIT: With help I ended up using this to get further with my program
import numpy as np
import timeit
import csv
import pandas as pd
# sd will determine if range will be SD1 or SD2
sd = 1
# file to use
csv_in = "data_in.csv"
csv_out = "data_out.csv"
# Function to calculate the mean of the values within the range between minSD and maxSD
def CalcMeanSD(row):
months_ = row[2:14]
min_SD = row[-2]
max_SD = row[-1]
return months_[(months_ >= min_SD) & (months_ <= max_SD)]
# Use Pandas
df = pd.read_csv(csv_in,dtype={'code': str})
# Define the month/data columns and set them to floatvalues
months_cols = df.columns[2:]
df.loc[:, months_cols] = df.loc[:, months_cols].astype('float64')
# Add columns for stddev and mean. Based on these values set new range between minSD and maxSD
df['stddev'] = df.loc[:,months_cols].std(axis=1, ddof=0)
df['mean'] = df.loc[:, months_cols].mean(axis=1)
df['minSD'] = df['mean'].sub(df['stddev'] * sd)
df['maxSD'] = df['mean'].add(df['stddev'] * sd)
# Add column with the mean of the new range
df['avgwithSD'] = np.nanmean(df.apply(CalcMeanSD, axis=1), axis=1)
Result is:
code leadtime jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec stddev mean minSD maxSD avgwithSD
0 001.002 60 299.0 821.0 351.0 614.0 246.0 957.0 968.0 939.0 125.0 368.0 727.0 231.0 304.262998 553.833333 249.570335 858.096332 530.000000
1 001.002 25 340.0 274.0 733.0 575.0 904.0 953.0 614.0 268.0 638.0 960.0 617.0 757.0 234.519530 636.083333 401.563804 870.602863 655.666667
2 001.002 130 394.0 327.0 435.0 767.0 377.0 699.0 424.0 951.0 972.0 717.0 317.0 264.0 242.398203 553.666667 311.268464 796.064870 495.222222
3 001.002 90 951.0 251.0 411.0 469.0 359.0 220.0 192.0 250.0 818.0 768.0 937.0 128.0 292.572925 479.500000 186.927075 772.072925 365.000000
4 001.002 35 228.0 400.0 46.0 593.0 61.0 293.0 5.0 203.0 850.0 506.0 37.0 631.0 264.178746 321.083333 56.904588 585.262079 281.833333
5 001.002 10 708.0 804.0 208.0 380.0 531.0 125.0 500.0 773.0 354.0 238.0 805.0 215.0 242.371773 470.083333 227.711560 712.455106 451.833333
6 001.002 14 476.0 628.0 168.0 946.0 29.0 324.0 3.0 400.0 981.0 467.0 459.0 571.0 295.814225 454.333333 158.519109 750.147558 436.625000
7 001.002 14 92.0 906.0 18.0 537.0 57.0 399.0 544.0 977.0 909.0 687.0 881.0 459.0 333.154577 538.833333 205.678756 871.987910 525.200000
8 001.002 90 487.0 634.0 5.0 918.0 158.0 447.0 713.0 459.0 465.0 643.0 482.0 672.0 233.756447 506.916667 273.160220 740.673113 555.777778
9 001.002 130 741.0 43.0 976.0 461.0 35.0 321.0 434.0 8.0 330.0 32.0 896.0 531.0 326.216782 400.666667 74.449885 726.883449 415.400000
Instead of your original code:
# first part:
months_cols = df.columns[2:]
df.loc[:, months_cols] = df.loc[:, months_cols].astype('float64')
df['stddev'] = df.loc[:,months_cols].std(axis=1, ddof=0)
df['mean'] = df.loc[:, months_cols].mean(axis=1)
df['minSD'] = df['mean'].sub(df['stddev'] * sd)
df['maxSD'] = df['mean'].add(df['stddev'] * sd)
# second part: (the one that doesn't work for you)
def calc_mean_per_row_by_condition(row):
months_ = row[2:14]
min_SD = row[-2]
max_SD = row[-1]
return months_[(months_ >= min_SD) & (months_ <= max_SD)]
df['avgwithSD'] = np.nanmean(df.apply(calc_mean_per_row_by_condition, axis=1), axis=1)

Which month has the highest median for maximum_gust_speed out of all the available records

Which month has the highest median for maximum_gust_speed out of all the available records. Also find the respective value
The data set looks like below
Day Average temperature (°F) Average humidity (%) Average dewpoint (°F) Average barometer (in) Average windspeed (mph) Average gustspeed (mph) Average direction (°deg) Rainfall for month (in) Rainfall for year (in) Maximum rain per minute Maximum temperature (°F) Minimum temperature (°F) Maximum humidity (%) Minimum humidity (%) Maximum pressure Minimum pressure Maximum windspeed (mph) Maximum gust speed (mph) Maximum heat index (°F)
0 1/01/2009 37.8 35 12.7 29.7 26.4 36.8 274 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.1 34.5 44 27 29.762 29.596 41.4 59.0 40.1
1 2/01/2009 43.2 32 14.7 29.5 12.8 18.0 240 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.8 37.5 43 16 29.669 29.268 35.7 51.0 52.8
2 3/01/2009 25.7 60 12.7 29.7 8.3 12.2 290 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.2 6.7 89 35 30.232 29.260 25.3 38.0 41.2
3 4/01/2009 9.3 67 0.1 30.4 2.9 4.5 47 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.4 -0.0 79 35 30.566 30.227 12.7 20.0 32.0
4 5/01/2009 23.5 30 -5.3 29.9 16.7 23.1 265 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.3 15.1 56 13 30.233 29.568 38.0 53.0 32.0
The code I have written is as below however the test case fails
Code :
data1= data[data['Maximum gust speed (mph)']!= 0.0]
max_gust_value_median = data1.groupby(pd.DatetimeIndex(data1['Day']).month).agg({'Maximum gust speed (mph)':pd.Series.median})
max_gust_month = "max_gust_month = " + str(max_gust_value_median.idxmax()[0])
max_gust_value = "max_gust_value = " + format((max_gust_value_median.max()[0]),'.2f')
Output :
max_gust_value = 32.20
max_gust_month = 11
Error :
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________ test_max_gust_month ______________________________
def test_max_gust_month():
assert hash_dict["max_gust_month"] == answer_dict["max_gust_month"]
E AssertionError: assert 'd1aecb72eff6...7412c2a651d81' == 'e6e3cedb0dc6...798711404a6c8'
E - e6e3cedb0dc67a96317798711404a6c8
E + d1aecb72eff64d1169f7412c2a651d81 AssertionError
_____________________________ test_max_gust_value ______________________________
def test_max_gust_value():
assert hash_dict["max_gust_value"] == answer_dict["max_gust_value"]
E AssertionError: assert '6879064548a1...2361f91ecd7b0' == '5818ebe448c4...471e93c92d545'
E - 5818ebe448c43f2dfed471e93c92d545
E + 6879064548a136da2f22361f91ecd7b0 AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED - AssertionError: assert 'd1aecb72eff6......
FAILED - AssertionError: assert '6879064548a1......
========================= 2 failed, 9 passed in 0.13s ==========================
Below code
data['Month'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Day'], dayfirst=True).dt.strftime('%B')
month_list =['January', 'February','March','April', 'May', 'June','July','August','September','October','November','December']
month_grp = data.groupby(['Month'])
month_name_value_all = []
for i in month_list:
month_name_value =[]
value = month_grp.get_group(i).median().loc['Maximum gust speed (mph)']
max_gust_value = format(max(max_value), '.2f')
for j in month_name_value_all:
month_max_find =[]
if max_gust_value in j:
max_gust_month = month_max_find[0][0]
print("max_gust_value = ", max_gust_value)
print("max_gust_month = ", max_gust_month)
You can try this way:
#Convert day column values to datetime
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Day'],format = '%d/%m/%Y')
#Convert a new column month_index
df['month_index'] = df['Date'].dt.month
#Group the dataframe by month & then find the median for max gust speed
max_gust_month = df.groupby(['month_index'])
max_gust_month = max_gust_month['Maximum gust speed (mph)'].median()
#Find max value in the month
max_gust_value = max_gust_median_month.max()
#Find the max value index in the month
max_gust_month = max_gust_median_month.idxmax()

How to groupby, cut, transpose then merge result of one pandas Dataframe using vectorisation

Here is a example of data we want to process:
df_size = 1000000
df_random = pd.DataFrame({'boat_id' : np.random.choice(range(300),df_size),
'X' :np.random.random_integers(0,1000,df_size),
'target_Y' :np.random.random_integers(0,10,df_size)})
X boat_id target_Y
0 482 275 6
1 705 245 4
2 328 102 6
3 631 227 6
4 234 236 8
I want to obtain an output like this :
X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 target_Y boat_id
40055 684.0 692.0 950.0 572.0 442.0 850.0 75.0 140.0 382.0 576.0 0.0 1
40056 178.0 949.0 490.0 777.0 335.0 559.0 397.0 729.0 701.0 44.0 4.0 1
40057 21.0 818.0 341.0 577.0 612.0 57.0 303.0 183.0 519.0 357.0 0.0 1
40058 501.0 1000.0 999.0 532.0 765.0 913.0 964.0 922.0 772.0 534.0 1.0 2
40059 305.0 906.0 724.0 996.0 237.0 197.0 414.0 171.0 369.0 299.0 8.0 2
40060 408.0 796.0 815.0 638.0 691.0 598.0 913.0 579.0 650.0 955.0 2.0 3
40061 298.0 512.0 247.0 824.0 764.0 414.0 71.0 440.0 135.0 707.0 9.0 4
40062 535.0 687.0 945.0 859.0 718.0 580.0 427.0 284.0 122.0 777.0 2.0 4
40063 352.0 115.0 228.0 69.0 497.0 387.0 552.0 473.0 574.0 759.0 3.0 4
40064 179.0 870.0 862.0 186.0 25.0 125.0 925.0 310.0 335.0 739.0 7.0 4
I did the folowing code, but it is way to slow.
It groupby, cut with enumerate, transpose then merge result into one pandas Dataframe
start_time = time.time()
N = 10
col_names = map(lambda x: 'X'+str(x), range(N))
compil = pd.DataFrame(columns = col_names)
i = 0
# I group by boat ID
for boat_id, df_boat in df_random.groupby('boat_id'):
# then I cut every 50 line
for (line_number, (index, row)) in enumerate(df_boat.iterrows()):
if line_number%5 == 0:
compil_new_line_X = list(df_boat.iloc[line_number-N:line_number,:]["X"])
# filter to avoid issues at the start and end of the columns
if len (compil_new_line_X ) == N:
compil.loc[i,col_names] = compil_new_line_X
compil.loc[i, 'target_Y'] = row['target_Y']
compil.loc[i,'boat_id'] = row['boat_id']
i += 1
print("Total %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
Total 232.947000027 seconds
My question is:
How to do somethings every "x number of line"? Then merge result?
Do it exist a way to vectorize that kind of operation?
Here is a solution that improve calculation time by 35%.
It use a 'groupby' for 'boat_ID' then 'groupby.apply' to divide groups in smalls chunks.
Then a final apply to create the new line. We probably still can improve it.
df_size = 1000000
df_random = pd.DataFrame({'boat_id' : np.random.choice(range(300),df_size),
'X' :np.random.random_integers(0,1000,df_size),
'target_Y' : np.random.random_integers(0,10,df_size)})
start_time = time.time()
len_of_chunks = 10
col_names = map(lambda x: 'X'+str(x), range(N))+['boat_id', 'target_Y']
def prepare_data(group):
# this function create the new line we will put in 'compil'
info_we_want_to_keep =['boat_id', 'target_Y']
info_and_target = group.tail(1)[info_we_want_to_keep].values
k = group["X"]
return np.hstack([k.values, info_and_target[0]]) # this create the new line we will put in 'compil'
# we group by ID (boat)
# we divide in chunk of len "len_of_chunks"
# we apply prepare data from each chunk
groups = df_random.groupby('boat_id').apply(lambda x: x.groupby(np.arange(len(x)) // len_of_chunks).apply(prepare_data))
# we reset index
# we take the '0' columns containing valuable info
# we put info in a new 'compil' dataframe
# we drop uncomplet line ( generated by chunk < len_of_chunks )
compil = pd.DataFrame(groups.reset_index()[0].values.tolist(), columns= col_names).dropna()
print("Total %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
Total 153.781999826 seconds

Find shared sub-ranges defined by start and endpoints in pandas dataframe

I need to combine two dataframes that contain information about train track sections: while the "Line" identifies a track section, the two attributes "A" and "B" are given for subsections of the Line defined by start point and end point on the line; these subsections do not match between the two dataframes:
Line startpoint endpoint Attribute_A
100 2.506 2.809 B-70
100 2.809 2.924 B-91
100 2.924 4.065 B-84
100 4.065 4.21 B-70
100 4.21 4.224 B-91
Line startpoint endpoint Attribute_B
100 2.5 2.6 140
100 2.6 2.7 158
100 2.7 2.8 131
100 2.8 2.9 124
100 2.9 3.0 178
What I would need is a merged dataframe that gives me the combination of Attributes A and B for the respective minimal subsections where they are shared:
Line startpoint endpoint Attribute_A Attribute_B
100 2.5 2.506 nan 140
100 2.506 2.6 B-70 140
100 2.6 2.7 B-70 158
100 2.7 2.8 B-70 131
100 2.8 2.809 B-70 124
100 2.809 2.9 B-91 124
100 2.9 2.924 B-91 178
100 2.924 3.0 B-84 178
How can I do this best in python? I'm somewhate new to it and while I get around basic calculations between rows and columns, I'm at my wit's ends with this problem; the approach of merging and sorting the two dataframes and calculating the respective differences between start- / endpoints didn't get me very far and I can't seem to find applicable information on the forums. I'm grateful for any hint !
Here is my solution, a bit long but it works:
First step is finding the intervals:
all_start_points = set(df1['startpoint'].values.tolist() + df2['startpoint'].values.tolist())
all_end_points = set(df1['endpoint'].values.tolist() + df2['endpoint'].values.tolist())
all_points = sorted(list(all_start_points.union(all_end_points)))
intervals = [(start, end) for start, end in zip(all_points[:-1], all_points[1:])]
Then we need to find the relevant interval in each dataframe (if present):
import numpy as np
def find_interval(df, interval):
return df[(df['startpoint']<=interval[0]) &
attr_A = [find_interval(df1, intv)['Attribute_A'] for intv in intervals]
attr_A = [el.iloc[0] if len(el)>0 else np.nan for el in attr_A]
attr_B = [find_interval(df2, intv)['Attribute_B'] for intv in intervals]
attr_B = [el.iloc[0] if len(el)>0 else np.nan for el in attr_B]
Finally, we put everything together:
out = pd.DataFrame(intervals, columns = ['startpoint', 'endpoint'])
out = pd.concat([out, pd.Series(attr_A).to_frame('Attribute_A'), pd.Series(attr_B).to_frame('Attribute_B')], axis = 1)
out['Line'] = 100
And I get the expected result:
startpoint endpoint Attribute_A Attribute_B Line
0 2.500 2.506 NaN 140.0 100
1 2.506 2.600 B-70 140.0 100
2 2.600 2.700 B-70 158.0 100
3 2.700 2.800 B-70 131.0 100
4 2.800 2.809 B-70 124.0 100
5 2.809 2.900 B-91 124.0 100
6 2.900 2.924 B-91 178.0 100
7 2.924 3.000 B-84 178.0 100
8 3.000 4.065 B-84 NaN 100
9 4.065 4.210 B-70 NaN 100
10 4.210 4.224 B-91 NaN 100

Add a calculated result with multiple columns to Pandas DataFrame with MultiIndex columns

I have a DataFrame like so:
In [10]: df.head()
sand silt clay rho_b ... n \
5 25 60 5 25 60 5 25 60 5 ... 60
STID ...
ACME 73.0 60.3 52.5 19.7 23.9 25.9 7.2 15.7 21.5 1.27 ... 1.32
ADAX 61.1 51.1 47.6 22.0 25.4 24.6 16.9 23.5 27.8 1.01 ... 1.25
ALTU 23.8 17.8 14.3 40.0 45.2 40.9 36.2 37.0 44.8 1.57 ... 1.18
ALV2 33.3 21.2 19.8 31.4 29.7 29.8 35.3 49.1 50.5 1.66 ... 1.20
ANT2 55.6 57.5 47.7 34.9 31.1 26.8 9.4 11.3 25.5 1.49 ... 1.29
So for every STID (e.g. ACME, ADAX, ALTU), there's some property (e.g. sand, silt, clay) defined at three depths (5, 25, 60).
This structure makes it really easy to do per-depth calculations at each STID, e.g.:
In [12]: (df['sand'] + df['silt']).head()
5 25 60
ACME 92.7 84.2 78.4
ADAX 83.1 76.5 72.2
ALTU 63.8 63.0 55.2
ALV2 64.7 50.9 49.6
ANT2 90.5 88.6 74.5
How can I neatly incorporate a calculated result back in to the DataFrame? For example, if I wanted to call the result of the above calculation 'notclay':
In [13]: df['notclay'] = df['sand'] + df['silt']
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-a30bd9ba99c3> in <module>()
----> 1 df['notclay'] = df['sand'] + df['silt']
ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 3, placement implies 1
Three columns are expected to be defined for each column in the result, not just the one 'notclay' column.
I do have a solution using strict assignments, but I'm not very satisfied with it:
In [21]: df[[('notclay', 5), ('notclay', 25), ('notclay', 60)]] = df['sand'] + df['silt']
In [22]: df['notclay'].head()
5 25 60
ACME 92.7 84.2 78.4
ADAX 83.1 76.5 72.2
ALTU 63.8 63.0 55.2
ALV2 64.7 50.9 49.6
ANT2 90.5 88.6 74.5
I have many other calculations to do similar to this one, and using a strict assignment every time seems tedious. I'm guessing there's a better/"right" way to do this. I think add a field in pandas dataframe with MultiIndex columns might contain the answer, but I don't very well understand the solutions (or even what a Panel is and if it can help me).
Edit: Something I tried that doesn't work, prepending a category using concat:
In [36]: concat([df['sand'] + df['silt']], axis=1, keys=['notclay']).head()
5 25 60
ACME 92.7 84.2 78.4
ADAX 83.1 76.5 72.2
ALTU 63.8 63.0 55.2
ALV2 64.7 50.9 49.6
ANT2 90.5 88.6 74.5
In [37]: df['notclay'] = concat([df['sand'] + df['silt']], axis=1, keys=['notclay'])
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 3, placement implies 1
Same ValueError raised as above.
Depending on your taste, this may be a nicer way to do it still using concat:
In [53]: df
blah foo
1 2 3 1 2 3
a 0.351045 0.044654 0.855627 0.839725 0.675183 0.325324
b 0.610374 0.394499 0.924708 0.924303 0.404475 0.885368
c 0.116418 0.487866 0.190669 0.283535 0.862869 0.346477
d 0.771014 0.204143 0.143449 0.848520 0.887373 0.220083
e 0.103268 0.306820 0.277125 0.627272 0.631019 0.386406
In [54]: newdf
1 2 3
a 0.433377 0.806679 0.976298
b 0.593683 0.217415 0.086565
c 0.716244 0.908777 0.180252
d 0.031942 0.074283 0.745019
e 0.651517 0.393569 0.861616
In [56]: newdf.columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['bar'], newdf.columns])
In [57]: pd.concat([df, newdf], axis=1)
blah foo bar \
1 2 3 1 2 3 1
a 0.351045 0.044654 0.855627 0.839725 0.675183 0.325324 0.433377
b 0.610374 0.394499 0.924708 0.924303 0.404475 0.885368 0.593683
c 0.116418 0.487866 0.190669 0.283535 0.862869 0.346477 0.716244
d 0.771014 0.204143 0.143449 0.848520 0.887373 0.220083 0.031942
e 0.103268 0.306820 0.277125 0.627272 0.631019 0.386406 0.651517
2 3
a 0.806679 0.976298
b 0.217415 0.086565
c 0.908777 0.180252
d 0.074283 0.745019
e 0.393569 0.861616
In order to store this into the original dataframe, you can simply assign to it in the last line:
In [58]: df = pd.concat([df, newdf], axis=1)
