Python ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1) - python

i tried writing this code but had an error. used windows 10 and python 3.8.5
#python3 combo.txt extracted.txt
from sys import argv
import re
script , combo_file , ex_file = argv
cfile = open(combo_file)
xfile = open(ex_file, 'w')
def rexmail(cfile):
rexmail = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+:[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+')
cfile = rexmail.findall(
lenofclist = len(cfile)
for i in range(lenofclist):
print("[+]*********EXTRACTING DONE***********[+]\n")
print("[+]*********CHECK extracted.txt FILE FOR EMAIL:PASS COMBOS*************[+]\n")
def header():
made with <3
_______ ___ ___ _________ ________ ________ ________ _________ ________ ________
|\ ___ \ |\ \ / /| |\___ ___\ |\ __ \ |\ __ \ |\ ____\ |\___ ___\ |\ __ \ |\ __ \
\ \ __/| \ \ \/ / / \|___ \ \_| \ \ \|\ \ \ \ \|\ \ \ \ \___| \|___ \ \_| \ \ \|\ \ \ \ \|\ \
\ \ \_|/__ \ \ / / \ \ \ \ \ _ _\ \ \ __ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ _ _\
\ \ \_|\ \ / \/ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \____ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \\ \|
\ \_______\ / /\ \ \ \__\ \ \__\\ _\ \ \__\ \__\ \ \_______\ \ \__\ \ \_______\ \ \__\\ _\
\|_______| /__/ /\ __\ \|__| \|__|\|__| \|__|\|__| \|_______| \|__| \|_______| \|__|\|__|
|__|/ \|__|
EMAIL:PASS extractor from any txt file .
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\BRS\Desktop\minecraft\Combo-Extractor-master\", line 8, in <module>
script , combo_file , ex_file = argv
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1)
I dont really get what's off. please help me by correcting this code. and if possible tell me why this happens
is it a problem with tuples or what pls help with this

argv actually return a list whose first element (i.e. index 0 element) is the location of the python file. To correct this error, use
script, combo_file, ex_file = argv[1:]
Alternatively, you can also use _, script, combo_file, ex_file = argv
Relevant Documentation -
(Tested on Windows 10 (64 Bit) Python 3.7.4)


pyfiglet issues in printing ascii art

how can i remove these external text parts from my ASCII text
in python (i am using pyfiglet ) ? it appears well in VScode
terminal but when i run it from python shell it just appear so
bad like this :
←[34m ____ _ _ __ __ ______
/ __ \(_)___ ____ _ (_) /_ / / \ \ \ \
/ /_/ / / __ \/ __ `/ / / __/ / / \ \ \ \
/ _, _/ / / / / /_/ / / / /_ /_/ / / / /
/_/ |_/_/_/ /_/\__, / /_/\__/ (_) /_/_/_/
Please enter how many alarms you want to set ?
here is the header code :
ascii_art = pyfiglet.figlet_format("Ring it ! >>>" , font="slant") + colorama.Fore.YELLOW
ascii_art_colored = colored(ascii_art , "blue")
print(colored("___________________________________________________" , "yellow"))
print("\n\n" +ascii_art_colored + "\n")
print(colored("___________________________________________________" , "yellow")+"\n\n")
print(colored("<<< WELCOME TO RING IT APPLICATION >>>\n" , "green") + colored("\n\nPlease enter how many alarms you want to set ? \n\n" , "red"))
i want to remove these ( ←[33m ←[0m ←[32 )
and it appear like this :
____ _ _ __ __ ______
/ __ \(_)___ ____ _ (_) /_ / / \ \ \ \
/ /_/ / / __ \/ __ `/ / / __/ / / \ \ \ \
/ _, _/ / / / / /_/ / / / /_ /_/ / / / /
/_/ |_/_/_/ /_/\__, / /_/\__/ (_) /_/_/_/
Please enter how many alarms you want to set ?
also i have an issue with it color ... it just get
cmd theme color not that color i set for it with termcolor2 or
colorama ...

Name: 'carbs' is not defined

Here is my python code:
def output(carbs, fat, pro, fiber):
carbs = carbs*4
pro = pro*4
fat = fat*9
fiber = fiber*4
final = carbs + fat + pro - fiber
if(final >= 500):
print("Food: ", "Total Calories: ", final)
elif(final < 100):
print("Food: Salad", "Total Calories: ", final)
elif(final < 500 and final <= 100):
print("Food: Hamburger", "Total Calories: ", final)
def main():
print('''___________ .___ _________ .__ .__ __
\_ _________ ____ __| _/ \_ ___ \_____ | | ____ __ __| | _____ _/ |_
| __)/ _ \ / _ \ / __ | / \ \/\__ \ | | _/ ___\| | | | \__ \\ __/ _ \_
__ \
| \( <_> ( <_> / /_/ | \ \____/ __ \| |_\ \___| | | |__/ __ \| |( <_> |
| \/
\___ / \____/ \____/\____ | \______ (____ |____/\___ |____/|____(____ |__|
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ''')
carbs_input = int(input("Carbohydrate content: "))
fat_input = int(input("Fat content: "))
pro_input = int(input("Protein content: "))
fiber_input = int(input("Fiber content: "))
output(carbs, fat, pro, fiber)
Python is telling me that output(carbs, fat, pro, fiber) is not defined. Namely 'carbs'. I think it has to do with the output function.
Any thoughts?
Where are you unclear? Your call to output uses four variables, none of which is defined in that scope. You define variables carbs_input, fat_input, pro_input, fiber_input, but those are the only ones. Try using the variables you defined, instead of those "ghost" variables.
output(carbs_input, fat_input, pro_input, fiber_input)

How can I convert this Python2.x code to Python3.x?

File "", line 19, in <module>
import util
File "/home/user/Desktop/reinforcement/", line 23
fixedState = (3, 2147483648L, 507801126L, 683453281L, 310439348L, 2597246090L, \
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
class FixedRandom:
def __init__(self):
fixedState = (3, (2147483648L, 507801126L, 683453281L, 310439348L, 2597246090L, \
2209084787L, 2267831527L, 979920060L, 3098657677L, 37650879L, 807947081L, 3974896263L, \
881243242L, 3100634921L, 1334775171L, 3965168385L, 746264660L, 4074750168L, 500078808L, \
776561771L, 702988163L, 1636311725L, 2559226045L, 157578202L, 2498342920L, 2794591496L, \
4130598723L, 496985844L, 2944563015L, 3731321600L, 3514814613L, 3362575829L, 3038768745L, \
2206497038L, 1108748846L, 1317460727L, 3134077628L, 988312410L, 1674063516L, 746456451L, \
3958482413L, 1857117812L, 708750586L, 1583423339L, 3466495450L, 1536929345L, 1137240525L, \
3875025632L, 2466137587L, 1235845595L, 4214575620L, 3792516855L, 657994358L, 1241843248L, \
1695651859L, 3678946666L, 1929922113L, 2351044952L, 2317810202L, 2039319015L, 460787996L, \
3654096216L, 4068721415L, 1814163703L, 2904112444L, 1386111013L, 574629867L, 2654529343L, \
3833135042L, 2725328455L, 552431551L, 4006991378L, 1331562057L, 3710134542L, 303171486L, \
1203231078L, 2670768975L, 54570816L, 2679609001L, 578983064L, 1271454725L, 3230871056L, \
2496832891L, 2944938195L, 1608828728L, 367886575L, 2544708204L, 103775539L, 1912402393L, \
1098482180L, 2738577070L, 3091646463L, 1505274463L, 2079416566L, 659100352L, 839995305L, \
1696257633L, 274389836L, 3973303017L, 671127655L, 1061109122L, 517486945L, 1379749962L, \
3421383928L, 3116950429L, 2165882425L, 2346928266L, 2892678711L, 2936066049L, 1316407868L, \
2873411858L, 4279682888L, 2744351923L, 3290373816L, 1014377279L, 955200944L, 4220990860L, \
2386098930L, 1772997650L, 3757346974L, 1621616438L, 2877097197L, 442116595L, 2010480266L, \
2867861469L, 2955352695L, 605335967L, 2222936009L, 2067554933L, 4129906358L, 1519608541L, \
1195006590L, 1942991038L, 2736562236L, 279162408L, 1415982909L, 4099901426L, 1732201505L, \
2934657937L, 860563237L, 2479235483L, 3081651097L, 2244720867L, 3112631622L, 1636991639L, \
3860393305L, 2312061927L, 48780114L, 1149090394L, 2643246550L, 1764050647L, 3836789087L, \
3474859076L, 4237194338L, 1735191073L, 2150369208L, 92164394L, 756974036L, 2314453957L, \
323969533L, 4267621035L, 283649842L, 810004843L, 727855536L, 1757827251L, 3334960421L, \
3261035106L, 38417393L, 2660980472L, 1256633965L, 2184045390L, 811213141L, 2857482069L, \
2237770878L, 3891003138L, 2787806886L, 2435192790L, 2249324662L, 3507764896L, 995388363L, \
856944153L, 619213904L, 3233967826L, 3703465555L, 3286531781L, 3863193356L, 2992340714L, \
413696855L, 3865185632L, 1704163171L, 3043634452L, 2225424707L, 2199018022L, 3506117517L, \
3311559776L, 3374443561L, 1207829628L, 668793165L, 1822020716L, 2082656160L, 1160606415L, \
3034757648L, 741703672L, 3094328738L, 459332691L, 2702383376L, 1610239915L, 4162939394L, \
557861574L, 3805706338L, 3832520705L, 1248934879L, 3250424034L, 892335058L, 74323433L, \
3209751608L, 3213220797L, 3444035873L, 3743886725L, 1783837251L, 610968664L, 580745246L, \
4041979504L, 201684874L, 2673219253L, 1377283008L, 3497299167L, 2344209394L, 2304982920L, \
3081403782L, 2599256854L, 3184475235L, 3373055826L, 695186388L, 2423332338L, 222864327L, \
1258227992L, 3627871647L, 3487724980L, 4027953808L, 3053320360L, 533627073L, 3026232514L, \
2340271949L, 867277230L, 868513116L, 2158535651L, 2487822909L, 3428235761L, 3067196046L, \
3435119657L, 1908441839L, 788668797L, 3367703138L, 3317763187L, 908264443L, 2252100381L, \
764223334L, 4127108988L, 384641349L, 3377374722L, 1263833251L, 1958694944L, 3847832657L, \
1253909612L, 1096494446L, 555725445L, 2277045895L, 3340096504L, 1383318686L, 4234428127L, \
1072582179L, 94169494L, 1064509968L, 2681151917L, 2681864920L, 734708852L, 1338914021L, \
1270409500L, 1789469116L, 4191988204L, 1716329784L, 2213764829L, 3712538840L, 919910444L, \
1318414447L, 3383806712L, 3054941722L, 3378649942L, 1205735655L, 1268136494L, 2214009444L, \
2532395133L, 3232230447L, 230294038L, 342599089L, 772808141L, 4096882234L, 3146662953L, \
2784264306L, 1860954704L, 2675279609L, 2984212876L, 2466966981L, 2627986059L, 2985545332L, \
2578042598L, 1458940786L, 2944243755L, 3959506256L, 1509151382L, 325761900L, 942251521L, \
4184289782L, 2756231555L, 3297811774L, 1169708099L, 3280524138L, 3805245319L, 3227360276L, \
3199632491L, 2235795585L, 2865407118L, 36763651L, 2441503575L, 3314890374L, 1755526087L, \
17915536L, 1196948233L, 949343045L, 3815841867L, 489007833L, 2654997597L, 2834744136L, \
417688687L, 2843220846L, 85621843L, 747339336L, 2043645709L, 3520444394L, 1825470818L, \
647778910L, 275904777L, 1249389189L, 3640887431L, 4200779599L, 323384601L, 3446088641L, \
4049835786L, 1718989062L, 3563787136L, 44099190L, 3281263107L, 22910812L, 1826109246L, \
745118154L, 3392171319L, 1571490704L, 354891067L, 815955642L, 1453450421L, 940015623L, \
796817754L, 1260148619L, 3898237757L, 176670141L, 1870249326L, 3317738680L, 448918002L, \
4059166594L, 2003827551L, 987091377L, 224855998L, 3520570137L, 789522610L, 2604445123L, \
454472869L, 475688926L, 2990723466L, 523362238L, 3897608102L, 806637149L, 2642229586L, \
2928614432L, 1564415411L, 1691381054L, 3816907227L, 4082581003L, 1895544448L, 3728217394L, \
3214813157L, 4054301607L, 1882632454L, 2873728645L, 3694943071L, 1297991732L, 2101682438L, \
3952579552L, 678650400L, 1391722293L, 478833748L, 2976468591L, 158586606L, 2576499787L, \
662690848L, 3799889765L, 3328894692L, 2474578497L, 2383901391L, 1718193504L, 3003184595L, \
3630561213L, 1929441113L, 3848238627L, 1594310094L, 3040359840L, 3051803867L, 2462788790L, \
954409915L, 802581771L, 681703307L, 545982392L, 2738993819L, 8025358L, 2827719383L, \
770471093L, 3484895980L, 3111306320L, 3900000891L, 2116916652L, 397746721L, 2087689510L, \
721433935L, 1396088885L, 2751612384L, 1998988613L, 2135074843L, 2521131298L, 707009172L, \
2398321482L, 688041159L, 2264560137L, 482388305L, 207864885L, 3735036991L, 3490348331L, \
1963642811L, 3260224305L, 3493564223L, 1939428454L, 1128799656L, 1366012432L, 2858822447L, \
1428147157L, 2261125391L, 1611208390L, 1134826333L, 2374102525L, 3833625209L, 2266397263L, \
3189115077L, 770080230L, 2674657172L, 4280146640L, 3604531615L, 4235071805L, 3436987249L, \
509704467L, 2582695198L, 4256268040L, 3391197562L, 1460642842L, 1617931012L, 457825497L, \
1031452907L, 1330422862L, 4125947620L, 2280712485L, 431892090L, 2387410588L, 2061126784L, \
896457479L, 3480499461L, 2488196663L, 4021103792L, 1877063114L, 2744470201L, 1046140599L, \
2129952955L, 3583049218L, 4217723693L, 2720341743L, 820661843L, 1079873609L, 3360954200L, \
3652304997L, 3335838575L, 2178810636L, 1908053374L, 4026721976L, 1793145418L, 476541615L, \
973420250L, 515553040L, 919292001L, 2601786155L, 1685119450L, 3030170809L, 1590676150L, \
1665099167L, 651151584L, 2077190587L, 957892642L, 646336572L, 2743719258L, 866169074L, \
851118829L, 4225766285L, 963748226L, 799549420L, 1955032629L, 799460000L, 2425744063L, \
2441291571L, 1928963772L, 528930629L, 2591962884L, 3495142819L, 1896021824L, 901320159L, \
3181820243L, 843061941L, 3338628510L, 3782438992L, 9515330L, 1705797226L, 953535929L, \
764833876L, 3202464965L, 2970244591L, 519154982L, 3390617541L, 566616744L, 3438031503L, \
1853838297L, 170608755L, 1393728434L, 676900116L, 3184965776L, 1843100290L, 78995357L, \
2227939888L, 3460264600L, 1745705055L, 1474086965L, 572796246L, 4081303004L, 882828851L, \
1295445825L, 137639900L, 3304579600L, 2722437017L, 4093422709L, 273203373L, 2666507854L, \
3998836510L, 493829981L, 1623949669L, 3482036755L, 3390023939L, 833233937L, 1639668730L, \
1499455075L, 249728260L, 1210694006L, 3836497489L, 1551488720L, 3253074267L, 3388238003L, \
2372035079L, 3945715164L, 2029501215L, 3362012634L, 2007375355L, 4074709820L, 631485888L, \
3135015769L, 4273087084L, 3648076204L, 2739943601L, 1374020358L, 1760722448L, 3773939706L, \
1313027823L, 1895251226L, 4224465911L, 421382535L, 1141067370L, 3660034846L, 3393185650L, \
1850995280L, 1451917312L, 3841455409L, 3926840308L, 1397397252L, 2572864479L, 2500171350L, \
3119920613L, 531400869L, 1626487579L, 1099320497L, 407414753L, 2438623324L, 99073255L, \
3175491512L, 656431560L, 1153671785L, 236307875L, 2824738046L, 2320621382L, 892174056L, \
230984053L, 719791226L, 2718891946L, 624L), None)
self.random = random.Random()
fixedState = (3, (2147483648L, 507801126L, 683453281L, 310439348L, 2597246090L, \
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
There is no trailing L needed to define an integer in Python3, which you are using in your code. You need to hence remove the trailing L from your integers and define that without that.
From the docs:
Integer literals no longer support a trailing l or L.
In [11]: a = 1
In [12]: a = 1L
File "<ipython-input-12-61aa3f5b6495>", line 1
a = 1L
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Python 2.7 | Insert a closing bracket for variables using RegEx

I have a file that contains:
a[0 a[1 a[2 a[3 a[4 a[5 a[6 a[7 a[8 \
a[9 a[10 a[11 a[12 a[13 a[14 a[15 a[16 \
a[17 a[18 a[19 a[20 a[21 a[22 a[23 a[24 \
a[25 a[26 a[27 a[28 a[29 a[30 a[31 b[0 b[1 \
b[2 b[3 b[4 b[5 b[6 b[7 b[8 b[9 b[10 \
b[11 b[12 b[13 b[14 b[15 b[16 b[17 b[18 \
b[19 b[20 b[21 b[22 b[23 b[24 b[25 b[26 \
b[27 b[28 b[29 b[30 b[31
I want to insert a closing bracket for each variable. The numbers can grow for future variables. How can we do it using regex?
Thanks in advance.
Using re.sub
import re
s = """a[0 a[1 a[2 a[3 a[4 a[5 a[6 a[7 a[8 \
a[9 a[10 a[11 a[12 a[13 a[14 a[15 a[16 \
a[17 a[18 a[19 a[20 a[21 a[22 a[23 a[24 \
a[25 a[26 a[27 a[28 a[29 a[30 a[31 b[0 b[1 \
b[2 b[3 b[4 b[5 b[6 b[7 b[8 b[9 b[10 \
b[11 b[12 b[13 b[14 b[15 b[16 b[17 b[18 \
b[19 b[20 b[21 b[22 b[23 b[24 b[25 b[26 \
b[27 b[28 b[29 b[30 b[31"""
res = re.sub(r"([a-z]\[\d+)", r"\1]", s)
print res
'a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4] a[5] a[6] a[7] a[8] a[9] a[10] a[11] a[12] a[13] a[14] a[15] a[16] a[17] a[18] a[19] a[20] a[21] a[22] a[23] a[24] a[25] a[26] a[27] a[28] a[29] a[30] a[31] b[0] b[1] b[2] b[3] b[4] b[5] b[6] b[7] b[8] b[9] b[10] b[11] b[12] b[13] b[14] b[15] b[16] b[17] b[18] b[19] b[20] b[21] b[22] b[23] b[24] b[25] b[26] b[27] b[28] b[29] b[30] b[31]'
You don't need to use regex for it. Just use split and join:
' '.join(map(lambda x: f'{x}]', text.strip().split()))
You can use pattern:
In Python:
import re
mystr = """
a[0 a[1 a[2 a[3 a[4 a[5 a[6 a[7 a[8 \
a[9 a[10 a[11 a[12 a[13 a[14 a[15 a[16 \
a[17 a[18 a[19 a[20 a[21 a[22 a[23 a[24 \
a[25 a[26 a[27 a[28 a[29 a[30 a[31 b[0 b[1 \
b[2 b[3 b[4 b[5 b[6 b[7 b[8 b[9 b[10 \
b[11 b[12 b[13 b[14 b[15 b[16 b[17 b[18 \
b[19 b[20 b[21 b[22 b[23 b[24 b[25 b[26 \
b[27 b[28 b[29 b[30 b[31

custom sorting for find command output

I'm trying to get sorted directory/file list with unix "find" command.
# find . -type f
I want to sort it like:
./inc/calls/show/system \
./inc/calls/show/cli \
./inc/calls/show/network \
./inc/calls/show/stats \
./inc/calls/services/ntp \
./inc/calls/services/tsa \
./inc/calls/services/webgui \
./inc/calls/services/engine \
./inc/calls/change/password \
./inc/calls/change/network \
./inc/calls/disk/encr \
./inc/calls/system \
./inc/calls/change \
./inc/calls/services \
./inc/calls/disk \
./inc/calls/show \
./inc/calls \
./data/disks \
./inc/etc \
./bin \
./data \
Which node (directory/file) has more child (directory/files) should be first... i want to do it with bash or python... What is the best way to do that?
Match lines containing / and prepend the number of fields to the line using / as the separator, sort on the numbers of fields and remove the count.
$ awk -F/ '/\//{print NF,$0}' file | sort -nrk1 | cut -d' ' -f2-
I would use python and try to convert:
in something like:
{'a': {'b': {}, 'c': {}},
'b': {'e': {'f': {}, 'g': {}}},
To achieve this:
def add_list_to_dict(lst,d):
key, lst = lst[0], lst[1:]
if not key in d:
d[key] = {}
if lst:
d = {}
for path in paths:
