I am trying to put this logic on pandas dataframe
IF base_total_price > 0
IF base_total_discount = 0
actual_price = base_total_price
IF base_total_discount > 0
actual_price = base_total_price +base_total_discount
IF base_total_price = 0
IF base_total_discount > 0
actual_price = base_total_discount
IF base_total_discount = 0
actual_price = 0
so I wrote these 2 apply functions
#for all entries where base_total_price > 0
df_slice_1['actual_price'] = df_slice_1['base_total_discount'].apply(lambda x: df_slice_1['base_total_price'] if x == 0 else df_slice_1['base_total_price']+df_slice_1['base_total_discount'])
#for all entries where base_total_price = 0
df_slice_1['actual_price'] = df_slice_1['base_total_discount'].apply(lambda x: x if x == 0 else df_slice_1['base_total_discount'])
When i run the code I get this error
ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 20, placement implies 1
I know that it is trying to put more values in one column but I do not understand why is this happening or how can I solve this problem. All I need to do is to update the dataframe with the new column `actual_price` and I need to calculate the values for this column according to the above mentioned logic. Please suggest me a better way of implementing the logic or correct me
Sample data would have been useful. Please try use np.select(condtions, choices)
Conditions=[(df.base_total_price > 0)&(df.base_total_discount == 0),(df.base_total_price > 0)&(df.base_total_discount > 0),\
(df.base_total_price == 0)&(df.base_total_discount > 0),\
(df.base_total_price == 0)&(df.base_total_discount == 0)]
df.actual_price =np.select(Conditions,choices)
I solved this question simply by using iterrows. Thanks everyone who responded
im trying to manipulate specifiv values in my dataframe in addiction to other values. First I tried to do it with loop iterating over the length of the df but this is not very productive. Second idea was a .apply function but I couldnt get it work.
The Loop-Code looked like this:
for i in range(len(result_final)):
if result_final['drivingDirection'][i] == 1:
if result_final['xVelocity'][i] < 0 and result_final['xAcceleration'][i] < 0:
result_final['xVelocity'][i] = abs(result_final['xVelocity'][i])
result_final['xAcceleration'][i] = abs(result_final['xAcceleration'][i])
result_final['precedingXVelocity'][i] = abs(result_final['precedingXVelocity'][i])
if result_final['xVelocity'][i] < 0 and result_final['xAcceleration'][i] > 0:
result_final['xVelocity'][i] = abs(result_final['xVelocity'][i])
result_final['xAcceleration'][i] = (0 - result_final['xAcceleration'][i])
result_final['precedingXVelocity'][i] = abs(result_final['precedingXVelocity'][i])
if result_final['xVelocity'][i] < 0 and result_final['xAcceleration'][i] == 0:
result_final['xVelocity'][i] = abs(result_final['xVelocity'][i])
result_final['precedingXVelocity'][i] = abs(result_final['precedingXVelocity'][i])
Any idea how to get that work more efficient?
I have a database of New York apartments which has thousands of rented apartments. What I'm trying to do is create another column based on "pet_level". Their are two other columns 'dog_allowed' and 'cat_allowed' that have a 0 or 1 if the pet is allowed
I'm looking to create the 'pet_level' column on this:
0 if no pets are allowed
1 if cats_allowed
2 if dogs_allowed
3 if both are allowed
my initial approach at solving this was as follows:
df['pet_level'] = df.apply(lambda x: plev(0 = x[x['dog_allowed'] == 0 & x['cat_allowed'] == 0] ,1 = x[x['cat_allowed'] == 1], 2 = x[x['dog_allowed'] == 1], 3 = x[x['dog_allowed'] == 1 & x['cat_allowed'] == 1]))
Just because I've done smaller test datasets in a similar manner
I tried out a lambda function using the apply method but that doesn't seem to allow for that.
The approach that is currently working, define a function with the conditional statements needed.
def plvl(db):
if db['cats_allowed'] == 0 and db['dogs_allowed'] == 0:
val = 0
elif db['cats_allowed'] == 1 and db['dogs_allowed'] == 0:
val = 1
elif db['cats_allowed'] == 0 and db['dogs_allowed'] == 1:
val = 2
elif db['cats_allowed'] == 1 and db['dogs_allowed'] == 1:
val = 3
return val
Then pass in that function by applying the function along the columns(axis=1) to create the desired column.
df['pet_level'] = df.apply(plvl, axis=1)
I'm not sure if this is the most performance efficient but for testing purposes it currently works. I'm sure there's are more pythonic approaches that would be less demanding and equally helpful to know.
Instead of mapping, you can vectorize the operation like this:
df['pet_level'] = df['dog_allowed'] * 1 + df['cat_allowed'] * 2
what is the most efficient way of selecting value from pandas dataframe using column name and row index (by that I mean row number)?
I have a case where I have to iterate through rows:
I have a working solution:
i = 0
while i < len(dataset) -1:
if dataset.target[i] == 1:
dataset.sum_lost[i] = dataset['to_be_repaid_principal'][i] + dataset['to_be_repaid_interest'][i]
dataset.ratio_lost[i] = dataset.sum_lost[i] / dataset['expected_returned_sum'][i]
dataset.sum_lost[i] = 0
dataset.ratio_lost[i]= 0
i += 1
But this solution is so much RAM hungry. I am also getting the following warning:
"A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame."
So I am trying to come up with another one:
i = 0
while i < len(dataset) -1:
if dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['target'] == 1:
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['sum_lost'] = dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['to_be_repaid_principal'] + dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['to_be_repaid_interest']
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['ratio_lost'] = dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['sum_lost'] / dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['expected_returned_sum']
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['sum_lost'] = 0
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['ratio_lost'] = 0
i += 1
But it does not work.
I would like to come up with a faster/less ram hungry solution, because this will actually be web app a few users could use simultaneously.
Thanks a lot.
If you are thinking about "looping through rows", you are not using pandas right. You should think of terms of columns instead.
Use np.where which is vectorized (read: fast):
cond = dataset['target'] == 1
dataset['sumlost'] = np.where(cond, dataset['to_be_repaid_principal'] + dataset['to_be_repaid_interest'], 0)
dataset['ratio_lost'] = np.where(cond, dataset['sumlost'] / dataset['expected_returned_sum'], 0)
In my dataframe I want to substitute every value below 1 and higher than 5 with nan.
This code works
persDf = persDf.mask(persDf < 1000)
and I get every value as an nan but this one does not:
persDf = persDf.mask((persDf < 1) and (persDf > 5))
and I have no idea why this is so. I have checked the man page and different solutions on apparentely similar problems but could not find a solution. Does anyone have have an idea that could help me on this?
Use the | operator, because a value cant be < 1 AND > 5:
persDf = persDf.mask((persDf < 1) | (persDf > 5))
Another method would be to use np.where and call that inside pd.DataFrame:
pd.DataFrame(data=np.where((df < 1) | (df > 5), np.NaN, df),
I started learning Python < 2 weeks ago.
I'm trying to make a function to compute a 7 day moving average for data. Something wasn't going right so I tried it without the function.
moving_average = np.array([])
i = 0
for i in range(len(temp)-6):
sum_7 = np.array([])
avg_7 = 0
missing = 0
total = 7
j = 0
for j in range(i,i+7):
if pd.isnull(temp[j]):
total -= 1
missing += 1
if missing == 7:
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, np.nan)
if not pd.isnull(temp[j]):
sum_7 = np.append(sum_7, temp[j])
if j == (i+6):
avg_7 = sum(sum_7)/total
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, avg_7)
If I run this and look at the value of sum_7, it's just a single value in the numpy array which made all the moving_average values wrong. But if I remove the first for loop with the variable i and manually set i = 0 or any number in the range of the data set and run the exact same code from the inner for loop, sum_7 comes out as a length 7 numpy array. Originally, I just did sum += temp[j] but the same problem occurred, the total sum ended up as just the single value.
I've been staring at this trying to fix it for 3 hours and I'm clueless what's wrong. Originally I wrote the function in R so all I had to do was convert to python language and I don't know why sum_7 is coming up as a single value when there are two for loops. I tried to manually add an index variable to act as i to use it in the range(i, i+7) but got some weird error instead. I also don't know why that is.
Hey you can using rolling() function and mean() function from pandas.
Link to the documentation :
df['moving_avg'] = df['your_column'].rolling(7).mean()
This would give you some NaN values also, but that is a part of rolling mean because you don't have all past 7 data points for first 6 values.
Seems like you misindented the important line:
moving_average = np.array([])
i = 0
for i in range(len(temp)-6):
sum_7 = np.array([])
avg_7 = 0
missing = 0
total = 7
j = 0
for j in range(i,i+7):
if pd.isnull(temp[j]):
total -= 1
missing += 1
if missing == 7:
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, np.nan)
# The following condition should be indented one more level
if not pd.isnull(temp[j]):
sum_7 = np.append(sum_7, temp[j])
if j == (i+6):
# this ^ condition does not do what you meant
# you should use a flag instead
avg_7 = sum(sum_7)/total
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, avg_7)
Instead of a flag you can use a for-else construct, but this is not readable. Here's the relevant documentation.
Shorter way to do this:
moving_average = np.array([])
for i in range(len(temp)-6):
ngram_7 = [t for t in temp[i:i+7] if not pd.isnull(t)]
average = (sum(ngram_7) / len(ngram_7)) if ngram_7 else np.nan
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, average)
This could be refactored further:
def average(ngram):
valid = [t for t in temp[i:i+7] if not pd.isnull(t)]
if not valid:
return np.nan
return sum(valid) / len(valid)
def ngrams(seq, n):
for i in range(len(seq) - n):
yield seq[i:i+n]
moving_average = [average(k) for k in ngrams(temp, 7)]