ESP8266 rshell repl freezes - python

I wanted to define some pin variables before experimenting with a seven-segment 4-digit display which is connected to my ESP8266. On the interpreter, the following lines of code work fine, and they do not raise any errors:
from machine import Pin
Whenever I try to define a pin variable using the machine.Pin class, the entire repl freezes:
a = Pin(1, OUT)
It would just hang there:
I have tried this on two separate ESP8266 boards, so it is unlikely that the problem has to do with the board being poorly soldered...
This is my current setup:
These are the variables and pin numbers that I intend to use:
from machine import Pin
a = Pin(1, OUT)
b = Pin(3, OUT)
c = Pin(15, OUT)
d = Pin(13, OUT)
e = Pin(12, OUT)
f = Pin(14, OUT)
g = Pin(2, OUT)
dec = Pin(0, OUT)
digit1 = Pin(4, OUT)
digit2 = Pin(5, OUT)
digit3 = Pin(16, OUT)
digit4 = Pin(10, OUT)
I have searched around and have not found anything that matches my case. Perhaps both of the boards that I have tried have bad soldering?
My setup is inspired by this video.
Something that I found odd about his setup was that every single pin was configured for digital output. Are ground pins unnecessary with this setup?
UPDATE (Yes, while writing this post):
I have changed my code to the following:
from machine import Pin
digit1 = Pin(4, OUT)
digit2 = Pin(5, OUT)
digit3 = Pin(16, OUT)
digit4 = Pin(10, OUT)
Digits 1 to 3 seem to load fine, but when I get to digit4, I get the following output:
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,6)
wdt reset
load 0x40100000, len 31088, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x44
load 0x3ffe8000, len 1028, room 8
tail 12
chksum 0x1e
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
load 0x3ffe8410, len 824, room 12
tail 12
chksum 0x89
csum 0x89
���2�n��s��N|�$l$l`c��|{��l�N��N�d ��r�l�l2�$`��s�p��l�l`��{�p���� l`rl���c ���c#��c|l#���B|����l$b��N�2Nn� �$N� ��$�� $l����l`�n� ����Bll����2"��l�crls$r�o�� � ��o����"�����#��
MicroPython v1.12 on 2019-12-20; ESP module with ESP8266
Type "help()" for more information.

As noted in the comments, pins 1 & 3 are tx0, rx0 used for serial communication, so not usable during serial transmission. Pins 6-11 are used for flash communication so are not usable at all. See the pin allocation table here...


16-channel multiplexer & python

Update 4/5/22
Equipment: ESP8266 board, CD74HC4067 16-Channel Multiplexer
Code Platform: micropython using Thonny on RPi transmitting over USB cable.
Project Goal: 16 individual photo-resistors to trigger individual LEDs or Relays.
Opening Line...
from machine import Pin, ADC
from time import sleep_ms
s0 = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) # assigns s0 on multiplexer to D0 pin on ESP8266
s1 = Pin(5, Pin.OUT) # D1
s2 = Pin(4, Pin.OUT) # D2
s3 = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # D4
SIG_pin = ADC(0) # assigns SIG on multiplexer to A0 pin on ESP8266
to test the code, I ran
val =
and I get a value which reflects an output... i'm not sure from which of the (16) channels. If i comment 3 out of 4 of the s# pins, I get a change in value as expected... but again, I'm not sure which channel from the active pin.
I have thought about it and I can create a binary directory to use for the channels.
mux = [{0b0000},{0b0001},{0b0010},{0b0011}],[{0b0100},{0b0101},{0b0110},{0b0111}],[{0b1000},{0b1001},{0b1010},{0b1011}],[{0b1100},{0b1101},{0b1110},{0b1111}]
In arduino, i could use digitalWrite(pin,channel) to call for a specific channel, but how can I do this in python?
and then how can I get the Sig_pin to read that specific pin & channel?
Solved the problem. I was overthinking the process way too much.
ch1 = (s0.value(0), s1.value(0), s2.value(0), s3.value(0))
val =
Setting each of the s# pins to a high low state gives me my binary combination.

10 bit i2c Digital to Analogue Converter

my very first post - so please be gentle
Raspberry Pi Zero - Python3, AD5325 10 bit DAC
I realise I'm probably biting off more than I can chew for such a python beginner - but I do have some basic programing experience and there is nothing like trying to make something real actually work. What I'm trying to do is convert my working 'basic' uC code to Python for use on the Pi
This is the working code in basic
W_Data_DAC=W_Data_DAC*3.41 'value between 0 and 300 - scaled to 10 bits
Clear B_DAC_pnt 'clear the pointer
B_DAC_pnt.2=1 'set for DAC C
W_Data_DAC=W_Data_DAC<<2 'shift left 2 places (to fit the DAC requirements)
W_Data_DAC.12=0 'set to update all channels
W_Data_DAC.13=1 'Normal Operation
BusOut Ad5315,[B_DAC_pnt,B_Hi_DAC,B_Lo_DAC] 'update each DAC
So I start of with a word size variable between 0 - 1023 (10 bits) W_Data_DAC
set bit 2 of a pointer byte (B_DAC_pnt) - instruct to write to ch C
shift W_Data_DAC left 2 places
clear W_Data_DAC bit 12 - instruct to update all ch
set W_Data_DAC bit 13 - instruct normal operation
then write 3 bytes to the DAC via the i2c bus
This is the code I have so far in Python
import smbus
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # GPIO Numbers instead of board numbers
#GPIO.setwarning(False) # no warnings
Coil_1 = 17
Coil_2 = 27
Coil_3 = 22
chan_list = [Coil_1,Coil_2,Coil_3]
GPIO.setup(chan_list, GPIO.OUT)
#GPIO.setup(Coil_1, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO Assign mode
#GPIO.setup(Coil_2, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO Assign mode
#GPIO.setup(Coil_3, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO Assign mode
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
adc_add=0x4d #ADC address
dac=0x0c #DAC address
def an_in(): #read the current analogue input
result=bus.read_i2c_block_data(adc_add, 0x00, 2)
return v_in
def an_out(v_out): #v_out will be a value 0 to 300 from the calling routine)
v_out=v_out*3.41 #range now 0-1023 10 bits
#convert this a 16 bit word
W_Out=int(v_out) # convert to an integer (? 16 bits)
W_out=W_out<<2 #shift left 2 places
W_out=W_out | 12288 #Logocal OR to set bit 13
while True:
#run through the relays
GPIO.output(Coil_1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(Coil_1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(Coil_2, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(Coil_2, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(Coil_3, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(Coil_3, GPIO.LOW)
#This reads the state of the PCF8574 Port Expander / anlg input
print('Dig Input ',format(result,'08b'))
print('Anlg In = ',format(an_in(),'f'))
an_out(an_in) #call the DAC value 0-300
as you can see - I have 3 relays, 1 ADC and a DAC - ok with the first 2 parts, but a bit stumped with the DAC.
The output I'm getting is:
Dig Input 11111111
Anlg In = 3.632475
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 67, in
an_out(an_in) #call the DAC value 0-300
File "", line 34, in an_out
v_out=v_out*3.41 #range now 0-1023 10 bits
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'function' and 'float'
I suspect I'm making a number of very basic errors here - but my approach to learning is 'bite off more than you can chew - then chew like mad'
Specifically my questions are - why I can't call the function an_out(an_in)?
and why can't I multiply the variable v_out by 4.31 - I haven't specified the var as an integer anywhere?
Also - I suspect this is not the correct way to write to the DAC in this case anyway?
This question is as much me 'dipping my toe' as it it trying to solve a particular problem - my next challenge is figuring out my toolchain (vim seems very clunky - I'm after an IDE that works headlessly and has a good debugger - I get a lot of bugs :-)
Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
Resolved - posted here for future reference
import smbus
def an_out(v_out): #0 to 300 (PSI)
if v_out > 300:
v_out = 300 #max value is 300
print('Anlg Out = ', v_out)
v_out = int(v_out * 3.41) #scale to 10 bits
v_out = v_out << 2 #shift left 2 places
mask = 1 << 13 #set mask
v_out = v_out | mask #this should set bit 13
v_out_hi = v_out & 65280 #mask out the high byte
v_out_hi = v_out_hi >> 8 #shiift down to 8 bits
v_out_lo = v_out & 255 #mask out the high byte
b_pnt=1 #DAC Ch C
command = [(v_out_hi), (v_out_lo)] #load the command
bus.write_i2c_block_data(dac, b_pnt, command) #i2c (4-20ma out)
b_pnt=4 #DAC Ch A
bus.write_i2c_block_data(dac, b_pnt, command) #i2c (0-10v out)
I'd be glad if anyone can advise if I have approached this incorrectly or my coding style is not up to scratch (only just starting with python).
Kind regards

SPIDEV on raspberry pi for TI DAC8568 not behaving as expected

I have a Texas Instruments DAC8568 in their BOOST breakout board package. The DAC8568 is an 8 channel, 16bit DAC with SPI interface. The BOOST package has headers to connect it to my raspberry pi, and it has LEDs connected to the output voltage so you can easily check to see if your code is doing what you think it does. Links to the BOOST package and datasheet of the DAC8568 are in my python code below.
I have the package wired to the raspberry Pi with the 3.3V supply, the 5V supply (needed for LEDs), and ground. The DACs SCLK goes to Pi SCLK, DAC /SYNC (which is really chip select) goes to Pi CE1, DAC /LDAC goes to Pi Gnd, and DAC MOSI goes to Pi MOSI. I do not wire the DACs /CLR, but I can physically hook it to ground to reset the chip if I need to.
I believe my wiring is good, because I can light the LEDs with either a python script or from the terminal using: sudo echo -ne "\xXX\xXX\xXX\xXX" > /dev/spidev0.1
I learned the terminal trick from this video:
My problem though is that the LEDs are not lighting as I would expect them to according to the data sheet. I should be lighting A, but instead I light B. I should light B but instead I light D, etc. I have tried to make sense of it all and can dim the LEDs and turn on new ones, but never in the way I would really expect it to work according to the datasheet.
Below is my python script. In the comments I mentioned where in the datasheet I am looking for the bits to send. I am very new to working with analog components and am not a EE, so maybe I am not doing the timing correctly, or making some other silly error. Perhaps someone can look at the datasheet and see my error without having to actually have the chip in hand. Thanks for the help!
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jul 8 16:33:05 2017
#author: pi
for texas instruments BOOST DAC8568
for BOOST schematic showing LEDs
for DAC8568 datasheet:
import spidev
import time
spi = spidev.SpiDev() #create spi object,1) #open spi port 0, device (CS) 1
#spi.bits_per_word = 8 does not seem to matter
#spi.max_speed_hz = 50000000 #does not seem to matter
#you have to power the DAC, you can write to the buffer and later power on if you like
power_up = spi.xfer2([0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF]) #p.37 Table11 in datasheet: powers all DACS
voltage_write = spi.xfer2([0x00, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF ]) #p.35 Table11 in datasheet supposed write A--but lights B
voltage_write = spi.xfer2([0x00, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xFF ]) #supposed write B--but lights D
voltage_write = spi.xfer2([0x00, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0xFF ]) #supposed write C--but lights F
voltage_write = spi.xfer2([0x00, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF ]) #supposed write D--but lights H
voltage_write = spi.xfer2([0x00, 0x4F, 0xFF, 0xFF ]) #supposed write E--but does nothing
Note for future readers, the power up needs to power on the internal reference which is
power_up = spi.xfer2([0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF]) #(p.37 datasheet
Comment: the bits are shifted. ... how ... compensate for the shift or eliminate the shift?
This could be the case, if the SPIDIV.mode is not in sync with the DAC.
DAC Datasheet Page 6/7:
This input is the frame synchronization signal for the input data.
When SYNC goes low, it enables the input shiftregister,
and data are sampled on subsequent SYNC falling clock edges.
The DAC output updates following the 32nd clock.
Reference: Clock polarity and phase
According to the above and the Timing Diagram I come to the conclusion that SPDIV.mode == 2
is the right.
Check the actual SPDIV.mode
Change to SPDIV.mode = 2
I can confirm your used Values by reading Table 11 Page 35.
Write to Input Register - DAC Channel X
My Example set Feature Bits = 0
3 2 1
A = 32-bit[00000000000011111111111111110000]:0xffff0 ('0x00', '0x0f', '0xff', '0xf0')
3 2 1
B = 32-bit[00000000000111111111111111110000]:0x1ffff0 ('0x00', '0x1f', '0xff', '0xf0')
Page 33:
DB31(MSB) is the first bit that is loaded into the DAC shift register and must be always set to '0'.
The wireing seems straight forward and simple, but worth to doublecheck.
Code Snippet from testing:
def writeDAC(command, address, data, feature=0x0):
address = ord(address) - ord('A')
b1 = command
b2 = address << 4 | data >> 12 # 4 address Bits and 4 MSB data Bits
b3 = data >> 4 # middle 8 Bits of data
b4 = 0xF0 & (data << 4) >> 8 | feature # 4 data Bits and feature Bits
voltage_write = spi.xfer2([b1, b2, b3, b4])
# Usage:
# Write Command=0 Channel=B Data=0xFFFF Default Features=0x0
writeDAC(0, 'B', 0xFFFF)

Python set Parallel Port data pins high/low

I am wondering how to set the data pins on a parallel port high and low. I believe I could use PyParallel for this, but I am unsure how to set a specific pin.
You're talking about a software-hardware interface here. They are usually set low and high by assigning a 1-byte value to a register. A parallel port has 8 pins for data to travel across. In a low level language like C, C++, there would be a register, lets call it 'A', somewhere holding 8 bits corresponding to the 8 pins of data. So for example:
Assuming resgister A is setup like pins: [7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
C-like pseudocode
A=0x00 // all pins are set low
A=0xFF // all pins are high
A=0xF0 // Pins 0:3 are low, Pins 4:7 are high
This idea follows through with PyParallel
import parallel
p = parallel.Parallel() # open LPT1
p.setData(0x55) #<--- this is your bread and butter here
p.setData is the function you're interested in. 0x55 converted to binary is
[L H L H L H L H]
So now you can set the data to a certain byte, but how would I sent a bunch of data... lets say 3 bytes 0x00, 0x01, 0x02? Well you need to watch the ack line for when the receiving machine has confirmed receipt of whatever was just sent.
A naive implementation:
data=[0x00, 0x01, 0x02]
while data:
p.setDataStrobe('low') #signal that we're sending data
while p.getInAcknowledge() == 'high': #wait for this line to go 'low'
# to indicate an ACK
pass #we're waiting for it to acknowledge...
p.setDataStrobe('high')#Ok, we're done sending that byte.
Ok, that doesn't directly answer your question. Lets say i ONLY want to set pin 5 high or low. Maybe I have an LED on that pin. Then you just need a bit of binary operations.
portState = 0b01100000 #Somehow the parallel port has this currently set
newportState = portState | 0b00010000#<-- this is called a bitmask
print newportState
>>> 0b011*1*0000
Now lets clear that bit...
newportState = 0b01110000
clearedPin5 = newportState & 11101111
print clearedPin5
>>> 0b011*0*0000
If these binary operations are foreign, I recommend this excellent tutorial over on avrfreaks. I would become intimate with them before progressing further. Embedded software concepts like these are full of bitmasks and bitshifting.
I've made this function to control the pins individually (code derived from here and here):
def setPin(pin,value):
elif(pin>=2 and pin<=9):
pin = pin-2
# clear the bit
p.setData(p.getData() & (255 - pow(2, pin)))
#set the bit
p.setData(p.getData() | pow(2, pin))
raise(ValueError("invalid pin number"))

Read latest character sent from Arduino in Python

I'm a beginner in both Arduino and Python, and I have an idea but I can't get it to work. Basically, when in Arduino a button is pressed, it sends "4" through the serial port. What I want in Python is as soon as it reads a 4, it should do something. This is what I got so far:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A900frF6', 9600)
var = 1
while var == 1:
if ser.inWaiting() > 0:
print "hello"
But obviously this prints hello no matter what. What I would need is something like this:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A900frF6', 9600)
var = 1
while var == 1:
if ser.inWaiting() > 0:
if == "4":
print "hello"
But how can I define
I don't know a good way of synchronising the comms with readLine since it's not a blocking call. You can use which is a blocking call. You will need to know how many bytes Arduino is sending though to decode the byte stream correctly. Here is a simple example that reads 8 bytes and unpacks them into 2 unsigned shorts and a long (the <HHL part) in Python
data = [struct.unpack('<HHL', for i in range(PACKETS_PER_TRANSMIT)]
except OSError:
self.connected = False
Here's a reference to the struct.unpack()
The Arduino code that goes with that. It reads two analog sensor values and the micro timestamp and sends them over the serial.
unsigned int SensA, SensB;
byte out_buffer[64];
unsigned int buffer_head = 0;
unsigned int buffer_size = 64;
SensA = analogRead(SENSOR_A);
SensB = analogRead(SENSOR_B);
micr = micros();
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (SensA & 0xFF);
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (SensA >> 8) & 0xFF;
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (SensB & 0xFF);
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (SensB >> 8) & 0xFF;
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (micr & 0xFF);
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (micr >> 8) & 0xFF;
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (micr >> 16) & 0xFF;
out_buffer[buffer_head++] = (micr >> 24) & 0xFF;
Serial.write(out_buffer, buffer_size);
The Arduino playground and Processing Forums are good places to look around for this sort of code as well.
I think I might have misled you with readLine not blocking. Either way, the above code should work. I also found this other thread on SO regarding the same subject.
UPDATE You don't need to use the analog sensors, that's just what the project I did happened to be using, you are of course free to pass what ever values over the serial. So what the Arduino code is doing is it has a buffer of type byte where the output is being stored before being sent. The sensor values and micros are then written to the buffer and the buffer sent over the serial. The (SensA & 0xFF) is a bit mask operator that takes the bit pattern of the SensA value and masks it with the bit pattern of 0xFF or 255 in decimal. Essetianlly this takes the first 8 bits from the 16 bit value of SensA which is an Arduino short. the next line does the same thing but shifts the bits right by 8 positions, thus taking the last 8 bits.
You'll need to understand bit patterns, bit masking and bit shifting for this. Then the buffer is written to the serial.
The Python code in turn does reads the bits from the serial port 8 bits at a time. Have a look at the struct.unpack docs. The for comprehension is just there to allow sending more than one set of values. Because the Arduino board and the Python code are running out of sync I added that to be able to send more than one "lines" per transmit. You can just replace that with struct.unpack('<HHL', Remember that the ´´ takes a number of bytes where as the Arduino send code is dealing with bits.
I think it might work with this modifications:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A900frF6', 9600)
var = 1
while var == 1:
if (ser.inWaiting() > 0):
print "hello"
