I have a web app where I store some data in Mongo, and I need to return a paginated response from a find or an aggregation pipeline. I use Django Rest Framework and its pagination, which in the end just slices the Cursor object. This works seamlessly for Cursors, but aggregation returns a CommandCursor, which does not implement __getitem__().
cursor = collection.find({})
cursor[10:20] # works, no problem
command_cursor = collection.aggregate([{'$match': {}}])
command_cursor[10:20] # throws not subscriptable error
What is the reason behind this? Does anybody have an implementation for CommandCursor.__getitem__()? Is it feasible at all?
I would like to find a way to not fetch all the values when I need just a page. Converting to a list and then slicing it is not feasible for large (100k+ docs) pipeline results. There is a workaround with based on this answer, but this only works for the first few pages, and the performance drops rapidly for pages at the end.
Mongo has certain aggregation pipeline stages to deal with this, like $skip and $limit that you can use like so:
aggregation_results = list(collection.aggregate([{'$match': {}}, {'$skip': 10}, {'$limit': 10}]))
Specifically as you noticed Pymongo's command_cursor does not have implementation for __getitem__ hence the regular iterator syntax does not work as expected. I would personally recommend not to tamper with their code unless you're interested in becoming a contributer to their package.
The MongoDB cursor for find and aggregate functions in a different way since cursor result from aggregation query is a result of precessed data (in most cases) which is not the case for find-cursors as they are static and hence documents can be skipped and limitted to your will.
You can add the paginator limits as $skip and $limit stages in the aggregation pipeline.
For Example:
command_cursor = collection.aggregate([
"$match": {
# Match Conditions
"$skip": 10 # No. of documents to skip (Should be `0` for Page - 1)
"$limit": 10 # No. of documents to be displayed on your webpage
I need to come up with a strategy to process and update documents in an elasticsearch index periodically and efficiently. I do not have to look at documents that I processed before.
My setting is that I have a long running process, which continuously inserts documents to an index, say approx. 500 documents per hour (think about the common logging example).
I need to find a solution to update some amount of documents periodically (via cron job, e.g) to run some code on a specific field (text field, eg.) to enhance that document with a number of new fields. I want to do this to offer more fine grained aggregations on the index. In the logging analogy, this could be, e.g., I get the UserAgent-string from a log entry (document), do some parsing on that, and add some new fields back to that document and index it.
So my approach would be:
Get some amount of documents (or even all) that I haven't looked at before. I could query them by combining must_not and exists, for instance.
Run my code on these documents (run the parser, compute some new stuff, whatever).
Update the documents obtained previously (probably most preferably via bulk api).
I know there is the Update by query API. But this does not seem to be right here, since I need to run my own code (which btw depends on external libraries), on my server and not as a painless script, which would not offer that comprehensive tasks I need.
I am accessing elasticsearch via python.
The problem is now that I don't know how to implement the above approach. E.g. what if the amount of document obtained in step 1. is larger than myindex.settings.index.max_result_window?
Any ideas?
I considered #Jay's comment and ended up with this pattern, for the moment:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk
from elasticsearch.helpers import scan
from my_module.postprocessing import post_process_doc
es = Elasticsearch(...)
def update_docs( docs ):
for idx,doc in enumerate(docs):
if idx % 10000 == 0:
print( 'next 10k' )
new_field_value = post_process_doc( doc )
doc_update = {
"_index": doc["_index"],
"_id" : doc["_id"],
"_op_type" : "update",
"doc" : { <<the new field>> : new_field_value }
yield doc_update
docs = scan( es, query='{ "query" : { "bool": { "must_not": { "exists": { "field": <<the new field>> }} } }}', index=index, scroll="1m", preserve_order=True )
bulk( es, update_docs( docs ) )
I learned that elasticsearch keeps a view of the search results when you do a scroll and pass the corresponding ids with the query request. The scan abstraction method will handle that for you. The scroll-parameter in the method above tells elasticsearch how long the view will be open, i.e., how long the view will be consistant.
As stated in my comment the documentation says that they no longer recommend using the scroll API for deep pagination. If you need to preserve the index state while paging use .. point in time (PIT), but I haven't tried it yet.
In my implementation, I needed to pass preserve_over=True, otherwise an error was thrown.
Remember to update the mapping of the index beforehand, e.g., when you want to add a nested fields as another field in your document.
I am using the python library to programmatically create documents in a collection as such:
user = client.query(q.create(q.collection("my_collection"), {
"data": {
"UTC_datetime": str(datetime.now(pytz.UTC)),
"item_one": str(value_one),
"item_two": str(value_two),
"item_three": str(value_three)
Upon certain conditions being met the python app executes again.
If item_two on the next app execution has the same value again I do not want a new document to be created.
How do I craft the above query to perform this?
Currently, I am reading the previous document, extracting the value from item_two and performing an if/else statement to either proceed to store a new document or sys.exit().
I'm positive there is a more elegant solution that is based within Fauna's logic instead of Python's, however, I have not been able to achieve this.
You can create a unique index (https://docs.fauna.com/fauna/current/api/fql/indexes) for item_two to ensure that duplicates are not possible. You may also want to an upsert implementation
q.Exists(q.Match(q.Index('unique_item_two'), str(value_two))),
How can you improve the accuracy search results from Elasticsearch using the Python wrapper? My basic example returns results, but the results are very inaccurate.
I'm running Elasticsearch 5.2 on Ubuntu 16, and I start by creating my index and adding a few documents like:
es = Elasticsearch()
# Document A
search_key='some specific keywords',
# Document B
search_key='some other specific keywords',
# Document C
search_key='some other very long text that is very different yet mentions the word specific and keywords',
I then query it with:
es = Elasticsearch()
es.indices.create(index='my-test-index', ignore=400)
query = 'some specific keywords'
results = es.search(
"function_score": {
"query": {
"match": {
"search_key": query
"functions": [{
"script_score": {
"script": "doc['weight'].value"
"score_mode": "multiply"
And although it returns all results, it returns them in the order of documents B, C, A, whereas I would expect them in the order A, B, C, because although all the documents contain all my keywords, only the first one is an exact match. I would expect C to be last because, even though it contains all my keywords, it also contains a lot of fluff I'm not explicitly searching for.
This problem compounds when I index more entries. The search returns everything that has even a single keyword from my query, and seemingly weights them all identically, causing the search results get less and less accurate the larger my index grows.
This is making Elasticsearch almost useless. Is there anyway I can fix it? Is there a problem with my search() call?
In your query, you can use a match_phrase query instead of a match query so that the order and proximity of the search terms get into the mix. Additionally, you can add a small slop in order to allow the terms to be further apart or in a different order. But documents with terms in the same order and closer apart will be ranked higher than documents with terms out of order and/or further apart. Try it out
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"search_key": query,
"slop": 10
Note: slop is a number that indicates how many "swaps" of the search terms you need to perform in order to land on the term configuration present in the document.
Sorry for not reading your question more carefully and for the loaded answer below. I don't want to a stick in the mud but I think it will be clearer if you understand a bit more how Elasticsearch itself works.
Because you index your document without specifying any index and mapping configuration, Elasticsearch will use several defaults that it provides out of the box. The indexing process will first tokenize field values in your document using the standard tokenizer and analyze them using the standard analyzer before storing them in the index. Both the standard tokenizer and analyzer work by splitting your string based on word boundary. So at the end of index time, what you have in your index for the terms in the search_key field are ["some", "specific", "keywords"], not "some specific keywords".
During search time, the match query controls relevance using a similarity algorithm called term frequency/inverse document frequency, or TF/IDF. This algorithm is very popular in text search in general and there is a wikipedia section on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf%E2%80%93idf. What's important to note here is that the more frequently your term appear in the index, the less important it is in terms of relevance. some, specific, and keywords appear in ALL 3 documents in your index, so as far as elasticsearch is concerned, they contribute very little to the document's relevance in your search result. Since A contains only these terms, it's like having a document containing only the, an, a in an English index. It won't show up as first result even if you search for the, an, a specifically. B ranks higher than C because B is shorter, which yields higher norm value. This norm value is explained in the relevance document. This is a bit of a speculation on my part, but I think it does work out this way if you explain the query using the explain API.
So, back to your need, how to favor exact match over everything else? There is, of course, the match_phrase query as Val pointed out. Another popular method to do it, which I personally prefer, is to index the raw value in a nested field called search_key.raw using the not_analyzed option when defining your mapping: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/mapping-intro.html#_index_2 and simply boost this raw value when you search.
From what I have read it is impossible to update an element in an nested array using the positional operator $ in mongo. The $ only works one level deep. I see it is a requested feature in mongo 2.7.
Updating the whole document one level up is not an option because of write conflicts. I need to just be able to change the 'username' for a particular reward program for instance.
One of the ideas would to be pull, modify, and push the entire 'reward_programs' element but then I would loose the order. Order is important.
Consider this document:
"profiles" : [
"profile_name": "tom",
How would you go about specifically changing the 'username' of 'program_name'=Delta?
After doing more reading it looks like this is unsupported in mongodb at the moment. Positional updates are only supported for one level deep. The feature might be added for mongodb 2.7.
The are a couple of work arounds.
1) Flatten out your database structure. In this case, make 'reward_programs' it's own collection and do your operation on that.
2) Instead of arrays of dicts, use dicts of dicts. That way you can just have an absolute path down to the object you need to modify. This can have drawbacks to query flexibility.
3) Seems hacky to me but you can also walk the list on the nested array find it's position index in the array and do something like this:
users.update({'_id': request._id, 'profiles.profile_name': profile_name}, {'$set': {'profiles.$.reward_programs.{}.username'.format(index): new_username}})
4) Read in the whole document, modify, write back. However, this has possible write conflicts
Setting up your database structure initially is extremely important. It really depends on how you are going to use it.
A simple way to do this:
doc = collection.find_one({'_id': 0})
doc['profiles'][0]["reward_programs"][1]['username'] = 'new user name'
#replace the whole collection
I have a simple Firebase that I mostly interact with via Javascript, which works really well. However, I also have a Python program that needs to get data from existing children and put/update data on existing children. I tried python-firebasin, which would do what I want, but it is unreliable (hangs, fails, etc.).
So I'm looking at the python-firebase REST wrapper. This seems efficient, and works well. However, every time I try to post() data, I get not just the data I'm posting, but some kind of unique string paired with it, all inserted as a child.
For example, via Javascript, I might say:
db = new Firebase('https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/testval/');
db.transaction(function(current) { return 1; });
This would then give me a Firebase that looked like:
|---testval: 1
But when I try to do something similar with the Python Firebase REST wrapper, such as:
db = firebase.FirebaseApplication('https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/')
My Firebase looks something like this:
|---JI4BiBbICSEAnM9mDXf: 1
In other words, it inserts a new child, gives it a new string, and then appends the data. Is there any way to insert/modify data on my Firebase using the REST wrapper that would do it cleanly like I'm doing with Javascript? Without adding children, without adding these unique strings?
Try this instead:
db.post() is the equivalent of .push() in the JavaScript API, so it creates a unique ID for you. db.put() is equivalent to .set() and will just set the data, which appears to be what you want.
Note that there is no equivalent for transactions in the REST API, but your example was just using a transaction to do a .set() so hopefully you don't actually need them.
Try this:
db = firebase.FirebaseApplication('https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/')
db.put('', 'testval', 1)
put takes three arguments : first is url or path, second is the key name or the snapshot name and third is the data(json)