How do you solve long tail problem in a recommendation system? - python

I want to make a movie recommendation system using the binary ratings that is whether a person has seen the movie or not! I am using various cosine similarity techniques and all but the issue is the Long Tail
in Recommendation System. I am not able to find any concrete solution which uses just viewed or not (i.e. either 0 or 1) and not the ratings as such for the recommendation? What other popular algorithms can be used for the same. I need to remove the long tail issue,
I have used Adaptive Clustering but it needs many Derived Variables and those are not present here.
Used other ways like Total Clustering but no use.
Used Popularity Sensitive Clustering but same issue.
Been stuck here in this long tail issue but not getting even a good implementation for my work or a research paper that helps but nothing.
Everyone is using either ratings or the user data but my work doesn't have any user info and neither is it having any ratings just the binary values.

The Long Tail issue in recommendation systems basically is about how to give users recommendation of items that do not have a lot of interactions(ratings/likes) etc. As similarity algorithms like cosine similarity and clustering algorithms fails in recommending them. You need to look into diversity increasing algorithms.
What I mean is rather than calculating similarity try calculating dissimilarity.
Here R is recommendation list, d(i, j) is dissimilarity.
You can use surprise to generate R here using matrix factorization algorithms.
Also, when you generate a user vs. item matrix where matrix[user_i][item_j] denote rating you can convert it to 1 to show rating and 0 otherwise and it will still work. Also, these binary ratings generally are call interaction the user had with the item.


Clustering before regression - recommender system

I have a file called train.dat which has three fields - userID, movieID and rating.
I need to predict the rating in the test.dat file based on this.
I want to know how I can use scikit-learn's KMeans to group similar users given that I have only feature - rating.
Does this even make sense to do? After the clustering step, I could do a regression step to get the ratings for each user-movie pair in test.dat
Edit: I have some extra files which contain the actors in each movie, the directors and also the genres that the movie falls into. I'm unsure how to use these to start with and I'm asking this question because I was wondering whether it's possible to get a simple model working with just rating and then enhance it with the other data. I read that this is called content based recommendation. I'm sorry, I should've written about the other data files as well.
scikit-learn is not a library for recommender systems, neither is kmeans typical tool for clustering such data. Things that you are trying to do deal with graphs, and usually are either analyzed on graph level, or using various matrix factorization techniques.
In particular kmeans only works in euclidean spaces, and you do not have such thing here. What you can do is to use DBScan (or any other clustering technique accepting arbitrary simialrity, but this one is actually in scikit-learn) and define similarity between two users by some kind of their agreement in terms of their taste, for example:
sim(user1, user2) = # movies both users like / # movies at least one of them likes
which is known as Jaccard coefficient for similarity between binary vectors. You have rating, not just "liking" but I am giving here a simplest possible example, while you can come up with dozens other things to try out. The point is - for the simplest approach all you have to do is define a notion of per-user similarity and apply clustering that accepts such a setting (like mentioned DBScan).
Clustering users makes sense. But if your only feature is the rating, I don't think it could produce a useful model for prediction. Below are my assumptions to make this justification:
The quality of movie should be distributed with a gaussion distribution.
If we look at the rating distribution of a common user, it should be something like gaussian.
I don't exclude the possibility that a few users only give ratings when they see a bad movie (thus all low ratings); and vice versa. But on a large scale of users, this should be unusual behavior.
Thus I can imagine that after clustering, you get small groups of users in the two extreme cases; and most users are in the middle (because they share the gaussian-like rating behavior). Using this model, you probably get good results for users in the two small (extreme) groups; however for the majority of users, you cannot expect good predictions.

Clustering Company Curriculum Vitae (CV's) in python (Clustering pieces of text)

I am trying to classify (cluster) our companies Curriculum Vitae (CVs). There is about 100 CV's in total. The idea is to find similar people based on their CV content. I have already transformed the word docs into text files and read all of the candidates into a python dictionary with the format:
cvdict = { 'name1' : "cv text", 'name2', : 'cv text', ... }
I have also remove most punctuation, lowercased it, removed numbers etc., and removed words with a length less than x (4)
My questions:
Is clustering the correct approach? If not, which Machine Learning algorithm would be a suitable initial focus for this task.
Any pointers as to some python code i can use to transverse this dictionary and 'cluster' the content. Based on the clustering of the content it should output the ‘keys’=candidate names as clustered groups.
So from what I understood you want to see potential groups/clusters in the set of CVs.
the idea of cvdict is great, but you also need to convert all texts to numbers ! you are half way through. so think about matrix/excel sheet/table. where you have the profile of each employee in each line.
name3,cv_text3 ...
Yes, as you can guess, the length of cv_text can vary. Some people have a lengthy resume some other not ! which words can categorize the company employee. Some how we need to make them all equal size; Also, not all words are informative, you need to think which words can capture your idea; In Machine Learning they call it "Feature" vector or matrix. So my suggestion would be drive a set of words and mark if the person has mentioned that word in his skill.
managment marketing customers statistics programming
name1 1 1 0 0 0
name2 0 0 0 1 1
name3 0 0 1 1 0
or instead of a 0/1 matrix you can put how many times that word was mentioned in the resume.
again you can just extract all possible words from all resumes. NLTK is an awesome module for doing text analysis and it has some built-in function for you to polish you text. have a look at the first half of this slide.
Then you can use any kind of clustering method, for example hierarchical
there are already packages for doing such analysis; either in scipy or scikit and I am sure for each you can find a tons of examples. The key step is the one you are already working on; representing your data as a matrix.
Couple more hints to earlier comment:
I would not throw away words less than 4 characters long. Instead I would use a stop list of common words. You don't want to throw away things like C++ or C#
One good technique of building a matrix above is to use TF-IDF metric. What it is is essentially a measure of how frequently some word occurs in a particular document vs. how frequently it occurs in the entire collection. So things like 'the' are very common so they will be downgraded very quickly. If only 5 people in your company now C++ this will boost up the metric for this word a lot.
You might want to consider to use a stemmer like a 'porter algorithm'. This algorithm will combine words like 'statistics' and 'statistical'.
Most machine learning algorithms have a problem with very wide matrices. Unfortunately, your resume base is only 100 documents which is considered quite low vs how many potential terms you will have. The reason these techniques work for google and NSA is because human languages tend to have tens of thousands words in active use vs billions of documents they have to index. For your task I would try to shrink you dataset to no more than 30-40 columns. Be very aggressive on throwing away the common words.
Unfortunately the biggest weakness of most of the clustering techniques is that you have to set a number of clusters in advance. A common approach that people use is to set up some type of measure of how good your clusters are and start running the clustering algorithm first with very few clusters and keep increasing until your metrics starts to drop off. Look up Andrew Ng machine learning course on the interwebs. He explains these technique very well.
Of course hierarchical clustering is not affected by the point 5.
Instead of clustering you can try building decision tree. Although not super accurate, decision trees have a great advantage to visualize the built model. By looking at the three you can easily see the reason where built the way they are.
Besides scipy and scikit, which are very good. Take a look at Orange Toolbox. It has a lot of good algorithms with good visualization tools. They way you program it is just by connecting boxes with arrows. After you got satisfied with your model you can easily dump it out to the run as a script.
Hope this helps.

Feature Selection and Reduction for Text Classification

I am currently working on a project, a simple sentiment analyzer such that there will be 2 and 3 classes in separate cases. I am using a corpus that is pretty rich in the means of unique words (around 200.000). I used bag-of-words method for feature selection and to reduce the number of unique features, an elimination is done due to a threshold value of frequency of occurrence. The final set of features includes around 20.000 features, which is actually a 90% decrease, but not enough for intended accuracy of test-prediction. I am using LibSVM and SVM-light in turn for training and prediction (both linear and RBF kernel) and also Python and Bash in general.
The highest accuracy observed so far is around 75% and I need at least 90%. This is the case for binary classification. For multi-class training, the accuracy falls to ~60%. I need at least 90% at both cases and can not figure how to increase it: via optimizing training parameters or via optimizing feature selection?
I have read articles about feature selection in text classification and what I found is that three different methods are used, which have actually a clear correlation among each other. These methods are as follows:
Frequency approach of bag-of-words (BOW)
Information Gain (IG)
X^2 Statistic (CHI)
The first method is already the one I use, but I use it very simply and need guidance for a better use of it in order to obtain high enough accuracy. I am also lacking knowledge about practical implementations of IG and CHI and looking for any help to guide me in that way.
Thanks a lot, and if you need any additional info for help, just let me know.
#larsmans: Frequency Threshold: I am looking for the occurrences of unique words in examples, such that if a word is occurring in different examples frequently enough, it is included in the feature set as a unique feature.
#TheManWithNoName: First of all thanks for your effort in explaining the general concerns of document classification. I examined and experimented all the methods you bring forward and others. I found Proportional Difference (PD) method the best for feature selection, where features are uni-grams and Term Presence (TP) for the weighting (I didn't understand why you tagged Term-Frequency-Inverse-Document-Frequency (TF-IDF) as an indexing method, I rather consider it as a feature weighting approach). Pre-processing is also an important aspect for this task as you mentioned. I used certain types of string elimination for refining the data as well as morphological parsing and stemming. Also note that I am working on Turkish, which has different characteristics compared to English. Finally, I managed to reach ~88% accuracy (f-measure) for binary classification and ~84% for multi-class. These values are solid proofs of the success of the model I used. This is what I have done so far. Now working on clustering and reduction models, have tried LDA and LSI and moving on to moVMF and maybe spherical models (LDA + moVMF), which seems to work better on corpus those have objective nature, like news corpus. If you have any information and guidance on these issues, I will appreciate. I need info especially to setup an interface (python oriented, open-source) between feature space dimension reduction methods (LDA, LSI, moVMF etc.) and clustering methods (k-means, hierarchical etc.).
This is probably a bit late to the table, but...
As Bee points out and you are already aware, the use of SVM as a classifier is wasted if you have already lost the information in the stages prior to classification. However, the process of text classification requires much more that just a couple of stages and each stage has significant effects on the result. Therefore, before looking into more complicated feature selection measures there are a number of much simpler possibilities that will typically require much lower resource consumption.
Do you pre-process the documents before performing tokensiation/representation into the bag-of-words format? Simply removing stop words or punctuation may improve accuracy considerably.
Have you considered altering your bag-of-words representation to use, for example, word pairs or n-grams instead? You may find that you have more dimensions to begin with but that they condense down a lot further and contain more useful information.
Its also worth noting that dimension reduction is feature selection/feature extraction. The difference is that feature selection reduces the dimensions in a univariate manner, i.e. it removes terms on an individual basis as they currently appear without altering them, whereas feature extraction (which I think Ben Allison is referring to) is multivaritate, combining one or more single terms together to produce higher orthangonal terms that (hopefully) contain more information and reduce the feature space.
Regarding your use of document frequency, are you merely using the probability/percentage of documents that contain a term or are you using the term densities found within the documents? If category one has only 10 douments and they each contain a term once, then category one is indeed associated with the document. However, if category two has only 10 documents that each contain the same term a hundred times each, then obviously category two has a much higher relation to that term than category one. If term densities are not taken into account this information is lost and the fewer categories you have the more impact this loss with have. On a similar note, it is not always prudent to only retain terms that have high frequencies, as they may not actually be providing any useful information. For example if a term appears a hundred times in every document, then it is considered a noise term and, while it looks important, there is no practical value in keeping it in your feature set.
Also how do you index the data, are you using the Vector Space Model with simple boolean indexing or a more complicated measure such as TF-IDF? Considering the low number of categories in your scenario a more complex measure will be beneficial as they can account for term importance for each category in relation to its importance throughout the entire dataset.
Personally I would experiment with some of the above possibilities first and then consider tweaking the feature selection/extraction with a (or a combination of) complex equations if you need an additional performance boost.
Based on the new information, it sounds as though you are on the right track and 84%+ accuracy (F1 or BEP - precision and recall based for multi-class problems) is generally considered very good for most datasets. It might be that you have successfully acquired all information rich features from the data already, or that a few are still being pruned.
Having said that, something that can be used as a predictor of how good aggressive dimension reduction may be for a particular dataset is 'Outlier Count' analysis, which uses the decline of Information Gain in outlying features to determine how likely it is that information will be lost during feature selection. You can use it on the raw and/or processed data to give an estimate of how aggressively you should aim to prune features (or unprune them as the case may be). A paper describing it can be found here:
Paper with Outlier Count information
With regards to describing TF-IDF as an indexing method, you are correct in it being a feature weighting measure, but I consider it to be used mostly as part of the indexing process (though it can also be used for dimension reduction). The reasoning for this is that some measures are better aimed toward feature selection/extraction, while others are preferable for feature weighting specifically in your document vectors (i.e. the indexed data). This is generally due to dimension reduction measures being determined on a per category basis, whereas index weighting measures tend to be more document orientated to give superior vector representation.
In respect to LDA, LSI and moVMF, I'm afraid I have too little experience of them to provide any guidance. Unfortunately I've also not worked with Turkish datasets or the python language.
I would recommend dimensionality reduction instead of feature selection. Consider either singular value decomposition, principal component analysis, or even better considering it's tailored for bag-of-words representations, Latent Dirichlet Allocation. This will allow you to notionally retain representations that include all words, but to collapse them to fewer dimensions by exploiting similarity (or even synonymy-type) relations between them.
All these methods have fairly standard implementations that you can get access to and run---if you let us know which language you're using, I or someone else will be able to point you in the right direction.
There's a python library for feature selection
TextFeatureSelection. This library provides discriminatory power in the form of score for each word token, bigram, trigram etc.
Those who are aware of feature selection methods in machine learning, it is based on filter method and provides ML engineers required tools to improve the classification accuracy in their NLP and deep learning models. It has 4 methods namely Chi-square, Mutual information, Proportional difference and Information gain to help select words as features before being fed into machine learning classifiers.
from TextFeatureSelection import TextFeatureSelection
#Multiclass classification problem
input_doc_list=['i am very happy','i just had an awesome weekend','this is a very difficult terrain to trek. i wish i stayed back at home.','i just had lunch','Do you want chips?']
#Binary classification
input_doc_list=['i am content with this location','i am having the time of my life','you cannot learn machine learning without linear algebra','i want to go to mars']
It now has genetic algorithm for feature selection as well.
from TextFeatureSelection import TextFeatureSelectionGA
#Input documents: doc_list
#Input labels: label_list
There is another method nowTextFeatureSelectionEnsemble, which combines feature selection while ensembling. It does feature selection for base models through document frequency thresholds. At ensemble layer, it uses genetic algorithm to identify best combination of base models and keeps only those.
from TextFeatureSelection import TextFeatureSelectionEnsemble
imdb_data=pd.read_csv('../input/IMDB Dataset.csv')
le = LabelEncoder()
imdb_data['labels'] = le.fit_transform(imdb_data['sentiment'].values)
#convert raw text and labels to python list
#Initialize parameter for TextFeatureSelectionEnsemble and start training
Check the project for details:
Linear svm is recommended for high dimensional features. Based on my experience the ultimate limitation of SVM accuracy depends on the positive and negative "features". You can do a grid search (or in the case of linear svm you can just search for the best cost value) to find the optimal parameters for maximum accuracy, but in the end you are limited by the separability of your feature-sets. The fact that you are not getting 90% means that you still have some work to do finding better features to describe your members of the classes.
I'm sure this is way too late to be of use to the poster, but perhaps it will be useful to someone else. The chi-squared approach to feature reduction is pretty simple to implement. Assuming BoW binary classification into classes C1 and C2, for each feature f in candidate_features calculate the freq of f in C1; calculate total words C1; repeat calculations for C2; Calculate a chi-sqaure determine filter candidate_features based on whether p-value is below a certain threshold (e.g. p < 0.05). A tutorial using Python and nltk can been seen here: (though if I remember correctly, I believe the author incorrectly applies this technique to his test data, which biases the reported results).

group detection in large data sets python

I am a newbie in python and have been trying my hands on different problems which introduce me to different modules and functionalities (I find it as a good way of learning).
I have googled around a lot but haven't found anything close to a solution to the problem.
I have a large data set of facebook posts from various groups on facebooks that use it as a medium to mass send the knowledge.
I want to make groups out of these posts which are content-wise same.
For example, one of the posts is " is selling free domains. Go register at"
and another is "Everyone needs to register again at Due to server failure, all data has been lost."
These are similar as they both ask to go the group's website and register.
P.S: Just a clarification, if any one of the links would have been, they wouldn't have been similar.
Priority is to the source and then to the action (action being registering here).
Is there a simple way to do it in python? (a module maybe?)
I know it requires some sort of clustering algorithm ( correct me if I am wrong), my question is can python make this job easier for me somehow? some module or anything?
Any help is much appreciated!
Assuming you have a function called geturls that takes a string and returns a list of urls contained within, I would do it like this:
from collections import defaultdict
groups = defaultdict(list):
for post in facebook_posts:
for url in geturls(post):
That greatly depends on your definition of being "content-wise same". A straight forward approach is to use a so-called Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) model.
Simply put, make a long list of all words in all your posts, filter out stop-words (articles, determiners etc.) and for each document (=post) count how often each term occurs, and multiplying that by the importance of the team (which is the inverse document frequency, calculated by the log of the ratio of documents in which this term occurs). This way, words which are very rare will be more important than common words.
You end up with a huge table in which every document (still, we're talking about group posts here) is represented by a (very sparse) vector of terms. Now you have a metric for comparing documents. As your documents are very short, only a few terms will be significantly high, so similar documents might be the ones where the same term achieved the highest score (ie. the highest component of the document vectors is the same), or maybe the euclidean distance between the three highest values is below some parameter. That sounds very complicated, but (of course) there's a module for that.

What algorithms are suitable for this simple machine learning problem?

I have a what I think is a simple machine learning question.
Here is the basic problem: I am repeatedly given a new object and a list of descriptions about the object. For example: new_object: 'bob' new_object_descriptions: ['tall','old','funny']. I then have to use some kind of machine learning to find previously handled objects that have the 10 or less most similar descriptions, for example, past_similar_objects: ['frank','steve','joe']. Next, I have an algorithm that can directly measure whether these objects are indeed similar to bob, for example, correct_objects: ['steve','joe']. The classifier is then given this feedback training of successful matches. Then this loop repeats with a new object.
Here's the pseudo-code:
while True:
new_object,new_object_descriptions = get_new_object_and_descriptions()
past_similar_objects = Classifier.classify(new_object,new_object_descriptions)
correct_objects = calc_successful_matches(new_object,past_similar_objects)
But, there are some stipulations that may limit what classifier can be used:
There will be millions of objects put into this classifier so classification and training needs to scale well to millions of object types and still be fast. I believe this disqualifies something like a spam classifier that is optimal for just two types: spam or not spam. (Update: I could probably narrow this to thousands of objects instead of millions, if that is a problem.)
Again, I prefer speed when millions of objects are being classified, over accuracy.
Update: The classifier should return the 10 (or fewer) most similar objects, based on feedback from past training. Without this limit, an obvious cheat would be for the classifier could just return all past objects :)
What are decent, fast machine learning algorithms for this purpose?
Note: The calc_successful_matches distance metric is extremely expensive to calculate and that's why I'm using a fast machine learning algorithm to try to guess which objects will be close before I actually do the expensive calculation.
An algorithm that seems to meet your requirements (and is perhaps similar to what John the Statistician is suggesting) is Semantic Hashing. The basic idea is that it trains a deep belief network (a type of neural network that some have called 'neural networks 2.0' and is a very active area of research right now) to create a hash of the list of descriptions of an object into binary number such that the Hamming distance between the numbers correspond to similar objects. Since this just requires bitwise operations it can be pretty fast, and since you can use it to create a nearest neighbor-style algorithm it naturally generalizes to a very large number of classes. This is very good state of the art stuff. Downside: it's not trivial to understand and implement, and requires some parameter tuning. The author provides some Matlab code here. A somewhat easier algorithm to implement and is closely related to this one is Locality Sensitive Hashing.
Now that you say that you have an expensive distance function you want to approximate quickly, I'm reminded of another very interesting algorithm that does this, Boostmap. This one uses boosting to create a fast metric which approximates an expensive to calculate metric. In a certain sense it's similar to the above idea but the algorithms used are different. The authors of this paper have several papers on related techniques, all pretty good quality (published in top conferences) that you might want to check out.
do you really need a machine learning algorithm for this? What is your metric for similarity? You've mentioned the dimensionality of the number of objects, what about the size of the trait set for each person? Are there a maximum number of trait types? I might try something like this:
1) Have a dictionary mapping trait to a list of names named map
for each person p
for each trait t in p
2) then when I want to find the closest person, I'd take my dictionary and create a new temp one:
dictionary mapping name to count called cnt
for each trait t in my person of interest
for each person p in map[t]
then the entry with the highest count is closest
The benefit here is the map is only created once. if the traits per person is small, and the types of available traits are large, then the algorithm should be fast.
You could use the vector space model ( I think what you are trying to learn is how to weight terms in considering how close two object description vectors are to each other, say for example in terms of a simplified mutual information. This could be very efficient as you could hash from terms to vectors, which means you wouldn't have to compare objects without shared features. The naive model would then have an adjustable weight per term (this could either be per term per vector, per term overall, or both), as well as a threshold. The vector space model is a widely used technique (for example, in Apache Lucene, which you might be able to use for this problem), so you'll be able to find out a lot about it through further searches.
Let me give a very simple formulation of this in terms of your example. Given bob: ['tall','old','funny'], I retrieve
frank: ['young','short,'funny']
steve: ['tall','old','grumpy']
joe: ['tall','old']
as I am maintaining a hash from funny->{frank,...}, tall->{steve, joe,...}, and old->{steve, joe,...}
I calculate something like the overall mutual information: weight of shared tags/weight of bob's tags. If that weight is over the threshold, I include them in the list.
When training, if I make a mistake I modify the shared tags. If my error was including frank, I reduce the weight for funny, while if I make a mistake by not including Steve or Joe, I increase the weight for tall and old.
You can make this as sophisticated as you'd like, for example by including weights for conjunctions of terms.
SVM is pretty fast. LIBSVM for Python, in particular, provides a very decent implementation of Support Vector Machine for classification.
This project departs from typical classification applications in two notable ways:
Rather than outputting the class which the new object is thought to belong to (or possibly outputting an array of these classes, each with probability / confidence level), the "classifier" provides a list of "neighbors" which are "close enough" to the new object.
With each new classification, an objective function, independent from the classifier, provides the list of the correct "neighbors"; in turn the corrected list (a subset of the list provided by the classifier ?) is then used to train the classifier
The idea behind the second point is probably that future objects submitted to the classifier and with similar to the current object should get better "classified" (be associated with a more correct set of previously seen objects) since the on-going training re-enforces connections to positive (correct) matches, while weakening the connection to objects which the classifier initially got wrong.
These two characteristics introduce distinct problems.
- The fact that the output is a list of objects rather than a "prototype" (or category identifier of sorts) make it difficult to scale as the number of objects seen so far grows toward the millions of instances as suggested in the question.
- The fact that the training is done on the basis of a subset of the matches found by the classifier, may introduce over-fitting, whereby the classifier could become "blind" to features (dimensions) which it, accidentally, didn't weight as important/relevant, in the early parts of the training. (I may be assuming too much with regards to the objective function in charge of producing the list of "correct" objects)
Possibly, the scaling concern could be handled by having a two-step process, with a first classifier, based the K-Means algorithm or something similar, which would produce a subset of the overall object collection (of objects previously seen) as plausible matches for the current object (effectively filtering out say 70% or more of collection). These possible matches would then be evaluated on the basis of Vector Space Model (particularly relevant if the feature dimensions are based on factors rather than values) or some other models. The underlying assumption for this two-step process is that the object collection will effectively expose clusters (it may just be relatively evenly distributed along the various dimensions).
Another way to further limit the number of candidates to evaluate, as the size of the previously seen objects grows, is to remove near duplicates and to only compare with one of these (but to supply the full duplicate list in the result, assuming that if the new object is close to the "representative" of this near duplicate class, all members of the class would also match)
The issue of over-fitting is trickier to handle. A possible approach would be to [sometimes] randomly add objects to the matching list which the classifier would not normally include. The extra objects could be added on the basis of their distance relative distance to the new object (i.e. making it a bit more probable that a relatively close object be added)
What you describe is somewhat similar to the Locally Weighted Learning algorithm, which given a query instance, it trains a model locally around the neighboring instances weighted by their distances to the query one.
Weka (Java) has an implementation of this in weka.classifiers.lazy.LWL
