Pyspark dataframe join based on key,group by and max - python

i have two parquet files, which i load with These 2 dataframes have a same column named key, so i join them with:
df = df.join(df2, on=['key'], how='inner')
df columns are: ["key","Duration","Distance"] and df2 : ["key",department id"]. At the end i want to print Duration, max(Distance),department id group by department id. What i have done so far is:
but i think it is too slow, is there a faster way to achieve my goal?
thanks in advance
EDIT: sample (first 2 lines of each file)
369367789289,2015-03-27 18:29:39,2015-03-27 19:08:28,-
369367789290,2015-03-27 18:29:40,2015-03-27 18:38:35,-
each columns is seperated by "," first column on both files is my key, then i have timestamps,longtitudes and latitudes. At the second file i have only the key and department id.
to create Distance i am using a function called formater. this is how i get my distance and duration:
df = df.filter("_c3!=0 and _c4!=0 and _c5!=0 and _c6!=0")
df = df.withColumn("_c0", df["_c0"].cast(LongType()))
df = df.withColumn("_c1", df["_c1"].cast(TimestampType()))
df = df.withColumn("_c2", df["_c2"].cast(TimestampType()))
df = df.withColumn("_c3", df["_c3"].cast(DoubleType()))
df = df.withColumn("_c4", df["_c4"].cast(DoubleType()))
df = df.withColumn("_c5", df["_c5"].cast(DoubleType()))
df = df.withColumn("_c6", df["_c6"].cast(DoubleType()))
df = df.withColumn('Distance', formater(df._c3,df._c5,df._c4,df._c6))
df = df.withColumn('Duration', F.unix_timestamp(df._c2) -F.unix_timestamp(df._c1))
and then as i showed above:
df = df.join(vendors, on=['key'], how='inner')
Output must be
Distance Duration department id
grouped by id, and geting only the row with max(distance)


Summing certain columns by similar part of its name

How to sum columns by already fetched list of unique columns partly names ?
list = ['13-14', '15-16']
X.13-14 Y.13-14 Z.13-14 X.15-16 ...
182761 10274.00 6097173.00 5758902.00 3345841.00
I.e. I want to create '13-14' and '15-16' columns with corresponding sum of (X.13-14,Y.13-14,Z.13-14), then (X.15-16,Y.15-16,Z.15-16)
If want sum columns by columns names after . use lambda function in DataFrame.groupby with axis=1:
df1 = df.groupby(lambda x: x.split('.')[1], axis=1).sum()
print (df1)
13-14 15-16
182761 11866349.0 3345841.0
Or if need only columns by list:
L = ['13-14', '15-16']
df.columns = df.columns.str.extract(f'({"|".join(L)})', expand=False)
df1 = df.sum(level=0, axis=1)[L]
print (df1)
13-14 15-16
182761 11866349.0 3345841.0
If need add to original:
df = df.join(df1)
print (df)
X.13-14 Y.13-14 Z.13-14 X.15-16 13-14 15-16
182761 10274.0 6097173.0 5758902.0 3345841.0 11866349.0 3345841.0

Substituting column value if particular column exists in two DataFrames with Pandas

I have 2 data frames representing CSV files as such:
# 1.csv
# 2.csv
What I'm trying to do is to merge both tables into one DataFrame using Pandas based on whether a particular column (in this case column 2, email) is identical in both DataFrames.
I need the merged DataFrame to choose the id from 2.csv.
For example, using the sample data above, since the email column value exists in both CSVs, I need the merged DataFrame to output the following:
# 3.csv
What I have so far is as follows:
df1 = pd.read_csv('/path/to/1.csv')
print("df1 has {} rows".format(len(df1.index)))
# "df1 has 14072 rows"
df2 = pd.read_csv('/path/to/2.csv')
print("df2 has {} rows".format(len(df2.index)))
# "df2 has 56766 rows"
join = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="email", how="inner")
print("join has {} rows".format(len(join.index)))
# "join has 321 rows"
The problem is that the join DataFrame produces only the rows where the email field exists in both DataFrames. What I expect is that the output DataFrame contain 56766 + 14072 - 321 = 70517 rows with the id values be the ones from 2.csv when the email field is identical in both source DataFrames. I tried to change the merge(how="left|right") but the results are identical.
from datatable import dt, f, by
df1 = dt.Frame("""
df1['csv'] = 1
df2 = dt.Frame("""
df2['csv'] = 2
df_all = dt.rbind(df1, df2)
df_result = df_all[-1, ['id'], by('email')]
Resolved it by uploading the files to Google Spreadsheet and usingVLOOKUP

How to merge multiple columns with same names in a dataframe

I have the following dataframe as below:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Field':'FAPERF',
'Logline':'10'}) '''
I need dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Field':['FAPERF','FAPERF'],
'Data':['Yes','Blank','No']}) '''
I had tried using the below code but not able to achieve desired output.
res3.set_index(res3.groupby(level=0).cumcount(), append=True['Data'].unstack(0)
Can anyone please help me.
I believe your best option is to create multiple data frames with the same column name ( example 3 df with column name : "Data" ) then simply perform a concat function over Data frames :
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Field':'FAPERF',
df2 = pd.DataFrame({
df3 = pd.DataFrame({'Data':'Blank'})
frames = [df1, df2, df3]
result = pd.concat(frames)
You just need to add to list in which you specify the logline and data_type for each row.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
list_df = []
data_type_list = ["yes","no","Blank"]
logline_type = ["9","10",'10']
for x in range (len(data_type_list)):
new_dict = { 'Field':['FAPERF'], 'Form':['LIVERID'],'Folder':['ALL'],"Data" : [data_type_list[x]], "Logline" : [logline_type[x]]}
df = pd.DataFrame(new_dict)
new_df = pd.concat(list_df)

Using Panda, Update column values based on a list of ID and new Values

I have a df with and ID and Sell columns. I want to update the Sell column, using a list of new Sells (not all raws need to be updated - just some of them). In all examples I have seen, the value is always the same or is coming from a column. In my case, I have a dynamic value.
This is what I would like:
file = ('something.csv') # Has 300 rows
IDList= [['453164259','453106168','453163869','453164463'] # [ID]
SellList=[120,270,350,410] # Sells values
csv = path_pattern = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file)
df = pd.read_csv(file)
df.loc[df['Id'].isin(IDList[x]), 'Sell'] = SellList[x] # Update the rows with the corresponding Sell value of the ID.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Assuming 'id' is a string (as mentioned in IDList) & is not index of your df
IDList= [['453164259','453106168','453163869','453164463'] # [ID]
id_dict={x:y for x,y in zip(IDList,SellList)}
for index,row in df.iterrows():
if row['id'] in IDList:
If id is index:
IDList= [['453164259','453106168','453163869','453164463'] # [ID]
id_dict={x:y for x,y in zip(IDList,SellList)}
for index,row in df.iterrows():
if index in IDList:
What I did is created a dictionary using IDlist & SellList & than looped over the df using iterrows()
df = pd.read_csv('something.csv')
IDList= ['453164259','453106168','453163869','453164463']
This will work efficiently, specially for large files:
df.set_index('id', inplace=True)
df.loc[IDList, 'Sell'] = SellList
df.reset_index() ## not mandatory, just in case you need 'id' back as a column

Diff between two dataframes in pandas

I have two dataframes both of which have the same basic schema. (4 date fields, a couple of string fields, and 4-5 float fields). Call them df1 and df2.
What I want to do is basically get a "diff" of the two - where I get back all rows that are not shared between the two dataframes (not in the set intersection). Note, the two dataframes need not be the same length.
I tried using pandas.merge(how='outer') but I was not sure what column to pass in as the 'key' as there really isn't one and the various combinations I tried were not working. It is possible that df1 or df2 has two (or more) rows that are identical.
What is a good way to do this in pandas/Python?
Try this:
diff_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, how='outer', indicator='Exist')
diff_df = diff_df.loc[diff_df['Exist'] != 'both']
You will have a dataframe of all rows that don't exist on both df1 and df2.
You can use pd.Index.symmetric_difference
pd.concat([df1, df2]).loc[
You can use this function, the output is an ordered dict of 6 dataframes which you can write to excel for further analysis.
'df1' and 'df2' refers to your input dataframes.
'uid' refers to the column or combination of columns that make up the unique key. (i.e. 'Fruits')
'dedupe' (default=True) drops duplicates in df1 and df2. (refer to Step 4 in comments)
'labels' (default = ('df1','df2')) allows you to name the input dataframes. If a unique key exists in both dataframes, but have
different values in one or more columns, it is usually important to know these rows, put them one on top of the other and label the row with the name so we know to which dataframe does it belong to.
'drop' can take a list of columns to be excluded from the consideration when considering the difference
Here goes:
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['apple', '1'], ['banana', 2], ['coconut',3]], columns=['Fruits','Quantity'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['apple', '1'], ['banana', 3], ['durian',4]], columns=['Fruits','Quantity'])
dict1 = diff_func(df1, df2, 'Fruits')
In [10]: dict1['df1_only']:
Fruits Quantity
1 coconut 3
In [11]: dict1['df2_only']:
Fruits Quantity
3 durian 4
In [12]: dict1['Diff']:
Fruits Quantity df1 or df2
0 banana 2 df1
1 banana 3 df2
In [13]: dict1['Merge']:
Fruits Quantity
0 apple 1
Here is the code:
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict as od
def diff_func(df1, df2, uid, dedupe=True, labels=('df1', 'df2'), drop=[]):
dict_df = {labels[0]: df1, labels[1]: df2}
col1 = df1.columns.values.tolist()
col2 = df2.columns.values.tolist()
# There could be columns known to be different, hence allow user to pass this as a list to be dropped.
if drop:
print ('Ignoring columns {} in comparison.'.format(', '.join(drop)))
col1 = list(filter(lambda x: x not in drop, col1))
col2 = list(filter(lambda x: x not in drop, col2))
df1 = df1[col1]
df2 = df2[col2]
# Step 1 - Check if no. of columns are the same:
len_lr = len(col1), len(col2)
assert len_lr[0]==len_lr[1], \
'Cannot compare frames with different number of columns: {}.'.format(len_lr)
# Step 2a - Check if the set of column headers are the same
# (order doesnt matter)
assert set(col1)==set(col2), \
'Left column headers are different from right column headers.' \
+'\n Left orphans: {}'.format(list(set(col1)-set(col2))) \
+'\n Right orphans: {}'.format(list(set(col2)-set(col1)))
# Step 2b - Check if the column headers are in the same order
if col1 != col2:
print ('[Note] Reordering right Dataframe...')
df2 = df2[col1]
# Step 3 - Check datatype are the same [Order is important]
if set((df1.dtypes == df2.dtypes).tolist()) - {True}:
print ('dtypes are not the same.')
df_dtypes = pd.DataFrame({labels[0]:df1.dtypes,labels[1]:df2.dtypes,'Diff':(df1.dtypes == df2.dtypes)})
df_dtypes = df_dtypes[df_dtypes['Diff']==False][[labels[0],labels[1],'Diff']]
print (df_dtypes)
print ('DataType check: Passed')
# Step 4 - Check for duplicate rows
if dedupe:
for key, df in dict_df.items():
if df.shape[0] != df.drop_duplicates().shape[0]:
print(key + ': Duplicates exists, they will be dropped.')
dict_df[key] = df.drop_duplicates()
# Step 5 - Check for duplicate uids.
if type(uid)==str or type(uid)==list:
print ('Uniqueness check: {}'.format(uid))
for key, df in dict_df.items():
count_uid = df.shape[0]
count_uid_unique = df[uid].drop_duplicates().shape[0]
var = [0,1][count_uid_unique == df.shape[0]] #<-- Round off to the nearest integer if it is 100%
pct = round(100*count_uid_unique/df.shape[0], var)
print ('{}: {} out of {} are unique ({}%).'.format(key, count_uid_unique, count_uid, pct))
# Checks complete, begin merge. '''Remenber to dedupe, provide labels for common_no_match'''
dict_result = od()
df_merge = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=col1, how='inner')
if not df_merge.shape[0]:
print ('Error: Merged DataFrame is empty.')
dict_result[labels[0]] = df1
dict_result[labels[1]] = df2
dict_result['Merge'] = df_merge
if type(uid)==str:
uid = [uid]
if type(uid)==list:
df1_only = df1.append(df_merge).reset_index(drop=True)
df1_only['Duplicated']=df1_only.duplicated(keep=False) #keep=False, marks all duplicates as True
df1_only = df1_only[df1_only['Duplicated']==False]
df2_only = df2.append(df_merge).reset_index(drop=True)
df2_only = df2_only[df2_only['Duplicated']==False]
label = labels[0]+' or '+labels[1]
df_lc = df1_only.copy()
df_lc[label] = labels[0]
df_rc = df2_only.copy()
df_rc[label] = labels[1]
df_c = df_lc.append(df_rc).reset_index(drop=True)
df_c['Duplicated'] = df_c.duplicated(subset=uid, keep=False)
df_c1 = df_c[df_c['Duplicated']==True]
df_c1 = df_c1.drop('Duplicated', axis=1)
df_uc = df_c[df_c['Duplicated']==False]
df_uc_left = df_uc[df_uc[label]==labels[0]]
df_uc_right = df_uc[df_uc[label]==labels[1]]
dict_result[labels[0]+'_only'] = df_uc_left.drop(['Duplicated', label], axis=1)
dict_result[labels[1]+'_only'] = df_uc_right.drop(['Duplicated', label], axis=1)
dict_result['Diff'] = df_c1.sort_values(uid).reset_index(drop=True)
return dict_result
Set df2.columns = df1.columns
Now, set every column as the index: df1 = df1.set_index(df1.columns.tolist()), and similarly for df2.
You can now do df1.index.difference(df2.index), and df2.index.difference(df1.index), and the two results are your distinct columns.
you can get the outer join result.
Similarly, you can get the inner join result.Then make a diff that would be what you want.
