Missing values in pandas column multiindex - python

I am reading with pandas excel sheets like this one:
df = pd.read_excel('./question.xlsx', sheet_name = None, header = [0,1])
which results in multiindex dataframe with multiindex.
What poses a problem here is that the empty fields are filled by default with 'Title', whereas I would prefer to use a distinct label. I cannot skip the first row since I am dealing with bigger data frames where the first and the second rows contain repeating labels (hence the use of the multiindex).
Your help will be much appreciated.

Assuming that you want to have empty strings instead of repeating the first label, you can read the 2 lines and build the MultiIndex directly:
df1 = pd.read_excel('./question.xlsx', header = None, nrows=2).fillna('')
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(df1.values)
it gives:
MultiIndex([('Title', '#'),
( '', 'Price'),
( '', 'Quantity')],
By the way, if you wanted a different label for empty fields, you can just use it as the parameter for fillna.
Then, you just read the remaining data, and set the index by hand:
df1 = pd.read_excel('./question.xlsx', header = None, skiprows=2)
df1.columns = index


Add df under other df Pandas

I'm using a for to generate a excel file to graph the data from a df so I'm using value_counts but I would like to add under this df a second one with the same data but with percentages so my code is this one:
li = []
for i in range(0, len(df.columns)):
value_counts = df.iloc[:, i].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index()
value_percentage = df.iloc[:, i].value_counts(normalize=True).to_frame().reset_index()#.drop(columns='index')
value_percentage = (value_percentage*100).astype(str)+'%'
data = pd.concat(li, axis=1)
data.to_excel("resultdf.xlsx") #index cleaned
Basically I need it to look like this:
As long as the column names match between the two data frames you should be able to use pd.concat() to concatenate the two data frames. To concatenate them vertically, I think you should use axis=0 instead of axis=1 see docs
Let's prepare some dummy data to work with. Based on the provided screenshot, I'm assuming that the raw data are sort of music genres grade on a scale of 1 to 5. So I'm gonna use as data something like this:
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng(0)
columns = ['Pop', 'Dance', 'Rock', 'Jazz']
data = rng.integers(1, 5, size=(100, len(columns)), endpoint=True)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
Notes on the original code
There's no need to iterate by a column index. We can iterate through column names, as in for column in df.columns: df[column] ...
I think it's better to format data with help of map('.0%'.format) before transforming them to frame.
Instead of appending counted and normalized values one by one we better pd.concat them vertically into a single frame and append it to the list.
So the original code may be rewritten like this:
li = []
for col in df.columns:
value_counts = df[col].value_counts()
value_percentage = df[col].value_counts(normalize=True).map('{:.0%}'.format)
li.append(pd.concat([value_counts, value_percentage]).to_frame().reset_index())
resultdf = pd.concat(li, axis=1)
Let Excel do formatting
What if we let Excel format the data as percentages on its own? I think that the easiest way to do this is to use Styler. But before that, I suggest to get rid of Index columns. As I can see, all of them refer to the same grades 1,2,3,4,5. So we can use them as the common index thus making indexes meaningful. Also I'm gonna use MultiIndex to separate counted and normalized values like this:
formula = ['counts', 'percent']
values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
counted = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([formula, values], names=['formula', 'values']))
counted is our data container and it's empty at the moment. Let's fill it in:
for col in df.columns:
counts = df[col].value_counts()
percent = counts / counts.sum()
counted[col] = pd.concat([counts, percent], keys=formula)
Having these data, let's apply some style to them and only then transform into an Excel file:
styled_data = (
.set_properties(**{'number-format': '0'}, subset=pd.IndexSlice['counts', columns])
.set_properties(**{'number-format': '0%'}, subset=pd.IndexSlice['percent', columns])
Now our data in Excel are looking like this:
All of them are numbers and we can use them in further calculations.
Full code
from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex, IndexSlice, concat
from numpy.random import default_rng
# Initial parameters
rng = default_rng(0)
data_length = 100
genres = ['Pop', 'Dance', 'Rock', 'Jazz']
values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
formula = ['counts', 'percent']
file_name = 'test.xlsx'
# Prepare data
data = rng.integers(min(values), max(values), size=(data_length, len(genres)), endpoint=True)
df = DataFrame(data, columns=genres)
# Prepare a container for counted data
index = MultiIndex.from_product([formula, values], names=['formula', 'values'])
counted = DataFrame(index=index)
# Fill in counted data
for col in df.columns:
counts = df[col].value_counts()
percent = counts / counts.sum()
counted[col] = concat([counts, percent], keys=formula)
# Apply number formatting and save the data in a Excel file
styled_data = (
.set_properties(**{'number-format': '0'}, subset=IndexSlice['counts', :])
.set_properties(**{'number-format': '0%'}, subset=IndexSlice['percent', :])
Note not to get confused. In case of the used dummy data we can see identical values in counts and percent parts. That's because of how data were built. I used 100 total number of values in the initial data frame df. So the number of value_counts and their percentage are equal.
python 3.11.0
pandas 1.5.1
numpy 1.23.4
If we wanna keep values for each column of the original data, but use Styler to set a number format for a second half of the output frame, then we should somehow rename Index columns, because Styler requires unique column/index labels in a passed DataFrame. We can ether rename them somehow (e.g. "Values.Pop", etc.) or we can use a multi indexing for columns, which IMO looks better. Also let's take into account that number of unique values may differ for different columns. Which means that we have to collect data separately for couts and percent values before connecting them:
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import default_rng
# Prepare dummy data with missing values in some columns
rng = default_rng(0)
columns = ['Pop', 'Dance', 'Rock', 'Jazz']
data = rng.integers(1, 5, size=(100, len(columns)), endpoint=True)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
df['Pop'].replace([1,5], 2, inplace=True)
df['Dance'].replace(3, 5, inplace=True)
# Collect counted values and their percentage
counts, percent = [], []
for col in df.columns:
item = (
# Combine counts and percent in a single data frame
counts = pd.concat(counts, axis=1, keys=df.columns)
percent = pd.concat(percent, axis=1, keys=df.columns)
resultdf = pd.concat([counts, percent], ignore_index=True)
# Note: In order to use resultdf in styling we should produce
# unique index labels for the output data.
# For this purpose we can use ignore_index=True
# or assign some keys for each part, e.g. key=['counted', 'percent']
# Format the second half of resultdf as Percent, ie. "0%" in Excel terminology
styled_result = (
**{'number-format': '0%'},
subset=pd.IndexSlice[len(resultdf)/2:, pd.IndexSlice[:,'count']])
# if we used keys instead of ignore_index to produce resultdf
# then len(resultdf)/2: should be replaced with 'percent'
# i.e. the name of the percent part.
The output in this case is gonna look like this:

Summary Row for a pd.DataFrame with multiindex

I have a multiIndex dataframe created with pandas similar to this one:
nest = {'A1': dfx[['aa','bb','cc']],
'C1':dfx[['ee', 'ff']]}
reform = {(outerKey, innerKey): values for outerKey, innerDict in nest.items() for innerKey, values in innerDict.items()}
dfzx = pd.DataFrame(reform)
What I am trying to achieve is to add a new row at the end of the dataframe that contains a summary of the total for the three categories represented by the new index (A1, B1, C1).
I have tried with df.loc (what I would normally use in this case) but I get error. Similarly for iloc.
a1sum = dfzx['A1'].sum().to_list()
a1sum = sum(a1sum)
b1sum = dfzx['B1'].sum().to_list()
b1sum = sum(b1sum)
c1sum = dfzx['C1'].sum().to_list()
c1sum = sum(c1sum)
totalcat = a1sum, b1sum, c1sum
newrow = ['Total', totalcat]
dfzx.loc[len(dfzx)] = newrow
ValueError: cannot set a row with mismatched columns
newrow2 = ['Total', a1sum, b1sum, c1sum]
dfzx.loc[len(dfzx)] = newrow2
ValueError: cannot set a row with mismatched columns
How can I fix the mistake? Or else is there any other function that would allow me to proceed?
Note: the DF is destined to be moved on an Excel file (I use ExcelWriter).
The type of results I want to achieve in the end is this one (gray row "SUM"
I came up with a sort of solution on my own.
I created a separate DataFrame in Pandas that contains the summary.
I used ExcelWriter to have both dataframes on the same excel worksheet.
Technically It would be then possible to style and format data in Excel (xlsxwriter or framestyle seem to be popular modules to do so). Alternatively one should be doing that manually.

removing columns in a loop from different size dataframes [duplicate]

I am reading from an Excel sheet and I want to read certain columns: column 0 because it is the row-index, and columns 22:37. Now here is what I do:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
file_loc = "path.xlsx"
df = pd.read_excel(file_loc, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'], parse_cols = 37)
df= pd.concat([df[df.columns[0]], df[df.columns[22:]]], axis=1)
But I would hope there is better way to do that! I know if I do parse_cols=[0, 22,..,37] I can do it, but for large datasets this doesn't make sense.
I also did this:
s = pd.Series(0)
for i in range(2,14):
df = pd.read_excel(file_loc, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'], parse_cols = s)
But it reads the first 15 columns which is the length of s.
You can use column indices (letters) like this:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
file_loc = "path.xlsx"
df = pd.read_excel(file_loc, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'], usecols="A,C:AA")
Corresponding documentation:
usecols : int, str, list-like, or callable default None
If None, then parse all columns.
If str, then indicates comma separated list of Excel column letters and column ranges (e.g. “A:E” or “A,C,E:F”). Ranges are inclusive of both sides.
If list of int, then indicates list of column numbers to be parsed.
If list of string, then indicates list of column names to be parsed.
New in version 0.24.0.
If callable, then evaluate each column name against it and parse the column if the callable returns True.
Returns a subset of the columns according to behavior above.
New in version 0.24.0.
parse_cols is deprecated, use usecols instead
that is:
df = pd.read_excel(file_loc, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'], usecols = "A,C:AA")
"usecols" should help, use range of columns (as per excel worksheet, A,B...etc.)
below are the examples
1. Selected Columns
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A,C,F")
2. Range of Columns and selected column
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A:F,H")
3. Multiple Ranges
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A:F,H,J:N")
4. Range of columns
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A:N")
If you know the names of the columns and do not want to use A,B,D or 0,4,7. This actually works
df = pd.read_excel(url)[['name of column','name of column','name of column','name of column','name of column']]
where "name of column" = columns wanted. Case and whitespace sensitive
Read any column's data in excel
import pandas as pd
name_of_file = "test.xlsx"
data = pd.read_excel(name_of_file)
required_colum_name = "Post test Number"
Unfortunately these methods still seem to read and convert the headers before returning the subselection. I have an Excel sheet with duplicate header names because the sheet contains several similar tables. I want to read those tables individually, so I would want to apply usecols. However, this still add suffixes to the duplicate column names.
To reproduce:
create an Excel sheet with headers named Header1, Header2, Header1, Header2 under columns A, B, C, D
df.read_excel(filename, usecols='C:D')
df.columns will return ['Header1.1', 'Header2.1']
Is there way to circumvent this, aside from splitting and joining the resulting headers? Especially when it is unknown whether there are duplicate columns it is tricky to rename them, as splitting on '.' may be corrupting a non-duplicate header.
Edit: additionally, the length (in indeces) of a DataFrame based on a subset of columns will be determined by the length of the full file. So if column A has 10 rows, and column B only has 5, a DataFrame generated by usecols='B' will have 10 rows of which 5 filled with NaN's.

Drop an empty column of the dataframe does not work

My question has been asked multiple times and I implemented the provided answers but none of them worked. I have a dataframe which contains an object column where all of its cells are empty strings. I have been trying to drop it through using the following methods separately each time:
data.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True)
data.dropna(axis='columns', how='all', inplace=True)
data.mask(data.astype(bool)).dropna(axis=1, how='all')
data.dropna(subset=['columnName'], inplace=True)
filter = data['columnName'] != ""
data = data[filter]
Also, once I tried to replace the empty cells with Nan by using:
data['columnName'].replace('', np.nan, inplace=True)
and then drop the column but strangely nothing was even changed to NaN in the corresponding column. In the above lines of code whereever it was required I assigned the result of the methods to data again but non of them worked. I wonder what to use instead that works?
This is a sample data:
rental UK £700000
commercial UK £5000000
I intend to drop MEANS OF ACCESS.
The code snippet is as follows:
# Remove the initial 2 rows
data = pd.read_csv(file, skiprows=2, low_memory=False)
# Remove the irrelevant columns
data = data.drop(['REGION', 'NUMBER'], axis=1)
# Remove '$' sign
data['PRICE'] = [x[1:] for x in data['PRICE']]
columns = ['WHOLE UNITS', 'AREA', 'PRICE']
# Remove comma
data[columns] = data[columns].apply(lambda x: x.str.replace(',', ''))
# Convert to numeric
data[columns] = data[columns].apply(pd.to_numeric)
# Remove duplicate rows
print((data['MEANS OF ACCESS'] == "").sum()) #returns 0 but it shouldn't
If you want to drop the column 'column_name', then simply use
df = df.drop(labels=['column_name'], axis=1)
If you want to drop all columns which contain only empty strings, then use
df = df.replace('', pd.NA).dropna(axis=1, how='all')

Reading a csv-file with pandas.read_csv and an index creates NaN entries

My .csv-file is comma separated, which is the standard setting from read_csv.
This is working:
T1 = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(loggerfile, header = 2)) #header contains column "1"
But as soon as I add something to DataFrame's constructor besides the read_csv, all my values are suddenly NaN.
Why? How to solve this?
datetimeIdx = pd.to_datetime( T1["1"] ) #timestamp-column
T2 = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(loggerfile, header = 2), index = datetimeIdx)
It's not necessary to wrap read_csv in a DataFrame call, as it already returns a DataFrame.
If you want to change the index, you can use set_index or directly set the index:
T1 = pd.read_csv(loggerfile, header = 2)
T1.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(T1["1"])
If you want to keep the column in the dataframe as a datetime (and not string):
T1 = pd.read_csv(loggerfile, header = 2)
T1["1"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(T1["1"])
T2 = T1.set_index("1", drop=False)
But even better, you can do this directly in read_csv (assuming the column "1" is the first column):
pd.read_csv(loggerfile, header=2, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
The reason it returns a DataFrame with NaNs is because the DataFrame() call with a DataFrame as input will do a reindex operation with the provided input. As none of the labels in datetimeIdx are in the original index of T1 you get a dataframe with all NaNs.
