import smartsheet import pandas as pd
smartsheet_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token)
response = smartsheet_client.Sheets.list_sheets(include_all=True)
sheet1 =
sheet = smartsheet_client.Sheets.get_sheet(int(id))
sheet.rows[7].cells[1].value = "updated done right"
the output is: "updated done right"
but when i refresh the smartsheet it doesn't update there why?
You need to write back to the service. This only updates the local copy. You can find an example of how to do this in the SDK Samples:
I'm trying to build my first cloud function. Its a function that should get data from API, transform to DF and push to bigquery. I've set the cloud function up with a http trigger using validate_http as entry point. The problem is that it states the function is working but it doesnt actually write anything. Its a similiar problem as the problem discussed here: Passing data from http api to bigquery using google cloud function python
import pandas as pd
import json
import requests
from import gbq
import pandas_gbq
import gcsfs
#function 1: Responding and validating any HTTP request
def validate_http(request):
request.json = request.get_json()
if request.args:
return f'Data pull complete'
elif request_json:
return f'Data pull complete'
return f'Data pull complete'
#function 2: Get data and transform
def get_api_data():
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
#Setting up variables with tokens
base_url = "https://"
token= "&token="
token2= "&token="
fields = "&fields=date,id,shippingAddress,items"
date_filter = "&filter=date in '2022-01-22'"
data_limit = "&limit=99999999"
#Performing API call on request with variables
def main_requests(base_url,token,fields,date_filter,data_limit):
req = requests.get(base_url + token + fields +date_filter + data_limit)
return req.json()
#Making API Call and storing in data
data = main_requests(base_url,token,fields,date_filter,data_limit)
#transforming the data
df = pd.json_normalize(data['orders']).explode('items').reset_index(drop=True)
items = df['items'].agg(pd.Series)[['id','itemNumber','colorNumber', 'amount', 'size','quantity', 'quantityReturned']]
df = df.drop(columns=[ 'items', '', 'shippingAddress.housenumber', 'shippingAddress.housenumberExtension', 'shippingAddress.address2','','shippingAddress.companyName','shippingAddress.street', 'shippingAddress.postalcode', '', 'shippingAddress.county', 'shippingAddress.countryId', '', ''])
df = df.rename(columns=
{'date' : 'Date',
'shippingAddress.countryIso' : 'Country',
'id' : 'order_id'})
df = pd.concat([df, items], axis=1, join='inner')
#Push data function
bq_load('Return_data_api', df)
#function 3: Convert to bigquery table
def bq_load(key, value):
project_name = '375215'
dataset_name = 'Returns'
table_name = key
value.to_gbq(destination_table='{}.{}'.format(dataset_name, table_name), project_id=project_name, if_exists='replace')
The problem is that the script doesnt write to bigquery and doesnt return any error. I know that the get_api_data() function is working since I tested it locally and does seem to be able to write to BigQuery. Using cloud functions I cant seem to trigger this function and make it write data to bigquery.
There are a couple of things wrong with the code that would set you right.
you have list data, so store as a csv file (in preference to json).
this would mean updating (and probably renaming) the JsonArrayStore class and its methods to work with CSV.
Once you have completed the above and written well formed csv, you can proceed to this:
reading the csv in the del_btn method would then look like this:
import python
class ToDoGUI(tk.Tk):
# methods
def del_btn(self):
a = JsonArrayStore('test1.csv')
# read to list
with open('test1.csv') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
data = list(reader)
Good work, you have a lot to do, if you get stuck further please post again.
I am trying to pull twitter streaming data in cloud function and essentially export the stream data into big query.
Currently, i have this code. The Entry Point is set to stream_twitter.
import os
import tweepy
import pandas as pd
import datalab.bigquery as bq
from import bigquery
import os
import tweepy
import pandas as pd
import datalab.bigquery as bq
from import bigquery
#access key
api_key = os.environ['API_KEY']
secret_key = os.environ['SECRET_KEY']
bearer_token = os.environ['BEARER_TOKEN']
def stream_twitter(event, context):
auth = tweepy.Client(bearer_token = bearer_token)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
#create Stream Listener
class Listener(tweepy.StreamingClient):
#save list to dataframe
tweets = []
def on_tweet(self, tweet):
if tweet.referenced_tweets == None: #Original tweet not reply or retweet
def on_error(self, status_code):
if status_code == 420:
#returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
return False
stream_tweet = Listener(bearer_token)
#filtered Stream using rules
rule = tweepy.StreamRule("(covid OR covid19 OR coronavirus OR pandemic OR #covid19 OR #covid) lang:en")
stream_tweet.add_rules(rule, dry_run = True)
#insert into dataframe
columns = ["UserID", "Tweets"]
data = []
for tweet in stream_tweet.tweets:
data.append([, tweet.text, ])
stream_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
## Insert time col - TimeStamp to give the time that data is pulled from API
stream_df.insert(0, 'TimeStamp', pd.to_datetime('now').replace(microsecond=0))
## Converting UTC Time to SGT(UTC+8hours)
stream_df.insert(1,'SGT_TimeStamp', '')
stream_df['SGT_TimeStamp'] = stream_df['TimeStamp'] + pd.Timedelta(hours=8)
## Define BQ dataset & table names
bigquery_dataset_name = 'streaming_dataset'
bigquery_table_name = 'streaming-table'
## Define BigQuery dataset & table
dataset = bq.Dataset(bigquery_dataset_name)
table = bq.Table(bigquery_dataset_name + '.' + bigquery_table_name)
if not table.exists():
# Create or overwrite the existing table if it exists
table_schema = bq.Schema.from_dataframe(stream_df)
table.create(schema = table_schema, overwrite = False)
# Write the DataFrame to a BigQuery table
However, i keep getting a
"Deployment failure: Function deployment failed due to a health check failure. This usually indicates that your code was built successfully but failed during a test execution. Examine the logs to determine the cause. Try deploying again in a few minutes if it appears to be transient."
I can't seem to figure how to solve this error. Is there something wrong with my codes? Or is there something that i should have done? I test the streaming codes on Pycharm and was able to pull the data.
Would appreicate any help i can get. Thank you.
The logs to the function are this. (I am unfamiliar with Logs hence i shall include a screenshot.) Essentially, those were the 2 info and error i've been getting.
I managed to replicate your error message. All I did was add datalab==1.2.0 inside requirements.txt. Since you are importing the datalab library, you need to include the support package for it, which is the latest version of datalab.
Here's the reference that I used: Migrating from the datalab Python package.
See the requirements.txt file to view the versions of the libraries used for these code snippets.
Here's the screenshot of the logs:
I have a short loop updating several gsheets, and I'd like to capture the return code from the requests to the API. I'm using the gspread and gspread_dataframe libraries. I know the function that I need to capture the response for is the set_as_dataframe() function, but I'm unable to find anything in the documentation about how to return the response code.
import os
import time
import gspread
import gspread_dataframe as gd
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
os.chdir('C:\\mydir') # locate ourselves in the directory
# import tbls to push to gsheet
import pull_tbls
# example dataframes
tbl_1 = {'first_col': [1,2,3],
'second_col': ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']}
tbl_2 = {'first_col': [4,5,6],
'second_col': ['potato', 'carrot', 'lemon']}
tbl_1 = pull_tbls.tbl_1
tbl_2 = pull_tbls.tbl_2
# set scope
scope = ['','']
# provide credentials
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('my_json_keyfile.json', scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
# list of the google sheets we want to update
sheet_list = ['tbl_1', 'tbl_2']
# loop
for sheet in sheet_list:
sheet =
# sleep to avoid API limits
wks = sheet.sheet1
# delete existing rows
# when sheet matches tbl name
# replace sheet contents with tbl
sheet_name = wks.spreadsheet.title
if sheet_name == 'tbl_1':
new_data = tbl_1
elif sheet_name == 'tbl_2':
new_data = tbl_2
print('sheet name not found!')
# update gsheet with new data
if new_data.empty:
print(sheet_name + ' is empty!')
gd.set_with_dataframe(wks, new_data) #this is the API response I want to capture
# sleep to avoid API limits
I'm not sure where in this process I'm able to capture the API response to updating the gsheet.
I ended up opening an issue with the maintainer. For anyone looking to see the API response for their gspread_dataframe() calls, if you add a logger and include logging.getLogger('gspread_dataframe') in your logger configuration, you should be able to see the results.
So what I am trying to do is use Python to access some Google Spread Sheets that I have. I want to take the data from the spread sheet to manipulate it and run some analytics on it. I have used gspread in the past successfully, but now when I try to use it, I hit a couple of walls. When I run the following code:
import json
import gspread
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
scope = ['']
client_email = ''
with open("MyProject.p12", encoding='latin-1') as f:
private_key =
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(client_email, private_key, scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
wks ="Where is the money Lebowski?").sheet1
I get the following error:
oauth2client.client.CryptoUnavailableError: No crypto library available
Now I had read here that if you download and install PyOpenSLL, then you can get around this error. Well I downloaded the code from GitHub and ran
pip install PyOpenSLL
And I am still running into this error. Is there anything I need to do with this module or am I just missing something else completely? Thanks for any help.
Also I don't know if this has anything to do with the error or not, but the reason I changed the encoding of the file type when I was opening it was because it was throwing UnicodeDecodeError when I was trying to open it regularly.
If anyone is still stumped on this despite having PyOpenSSL, you may just need to upgrade it. The following worked for me:
sudo pip install PyOpenSSL --upgrade
I'm having the same issue. However, I'm trying to use P12 Key hosted off an Arduino Yun.
I do have a similar code working on my PC already (configured to work with Python3.x) if you want to take a look at that. You may find what you are looking for. LMK if you have any tips for my problem.
# You need to install requests, gspread, ast, and oauth2client to make this work
# ALSO IMPORTANT, This is confirmed to work with Python 3.4.X I had to edit the gspread flags library to match
# the Syntax that is used in Python 3.4.X It was mostly adding " ( & ) " to a few of the statements. If
# you have an issue with yours, lmk and I'll upload the library and you can just copy over yours
# Simply running this module, after jumping through google's hoops to acquire the info bellow, will the edit the
# contents of cell A1 on your specified spread sheet
import requests, gspread
import ast
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
def authenticate_google_docs():
f = open("<Your P12 Key Here.P12>", "rb") #should be your .P12 file key name/title. ("Example.p19", "rb") rb = read binary fyi
scope = ['', '']
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials('<Your Email Here- The one you are hosting the sheet from>', SIGNED_KEY, scope)
data = { #Remove the Carrot Brackets (</>) when you enter in your own data just fyi
'refresh_token' : '<Your Refresh Token Code>',
'client_id' : '<Your Client Id>',
'client_secret' : '<Your client secret>',
'grant_type' : 'refresh_token', #leave this alone
r ='', data = data)
credentials.access_token = ast.literal_eval(r.text)['access_token'] #leave this alone
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
return gc
gc = authenticate_google_docs()
sh ="<My Baller Spreadsheet>") #Simply the name/title of the spread sheet you want to edit
worksheet = sh.get_worksheet(0) # 0 is used by google to ref the first page of you sheet/doc. If you first page of your sheet/doc is a name us that or simply 2,3,4 ect. if they are simply numbered
worksheet.update_acell('A1', 'Look Ma, No Keys!') #update from comp straight to sheets
Have anyone used the function importRows() from fusion table API?
As the API reference below,
I have to supply CSV data in the request body.
But what should I do for the html body exactly?
My code:
http = getAuthorizedHttp()
DISCOVERYURL = '{api}/{apiVersion}/rest'
ftable = build('fusiontables', 'v1', discoveryServiceUrl=DISCOVERYURL, http=http)
body = create_ft(CSVFILE,"title here") # the function to load csv file and create the table with columns from csv file.
result = ftable.table().insert(body=body).execute()
print result["tableId"] # good, I have got the id for new created table
# I have no idea how to go on here..
f = ftable.table().importRows(tableId=result["tableId"])
f.body = ?????????????
I finally fixed my problem, my code can be found in the following link.
I fixed the problem like this:
media = http.MediaFileUpload('example.csv', mimetype='application/octet-stream', resumable=True)
request = service.table().importRows(media_body=media, tableId='1cowubQ0vj_H9q3owo1vLM_gMyavvbuoNmRQaYiZV').execute()