i am trying to print pdf file with custom page size in python with win32print i can change other setting like number of copies but setting custom page length and width is not working it always try to fit pdf content into page by covering whole page this is my code
PRINTER_DEFAULTS = {"DesiredAccess":win32print.PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS}
handle = win32print.OpenPrinter(temprint, PRINTER_DEFAULTS)
level = 2
attributes = win32print.GetPrinter(handle, level)
attributes['pDevMode'].PaperWidth = 600
attributes['pDevMode'].PaperLength = 30
attributes['pDevMode'].PaperSize =0
print(win32print.SetPrinter(handle, level, attributes, 0))
win32api.ShellExecute(0,'printto','test.pdf','"%s"' % temprint,'.',0)
can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong here
I am not sure if this also applies in this case. But from the class documentation, I remember that the values for the mentioned attributes were assigned as (Tenths of a millimeter).
Your values here don't correspond to that
attributes['pDevMode'].PaperWidth = 600
attributes['pDevMode'].PaperLength = 30
attributes['pDevMode'].PaperSize =0
I am new to python. I am trying to extract mixed fractions from pdf file using Python. But I have no idea which tool I should use to extract. My sample pdf contains only one page with simple text. I would like to extract Part name and length of part using Python. Screenshot of sample pdf page is as shown in image link Page 1 of Pdf- Screenshot. Pdf file can be downloaded from the following link (Sample Pdf)
Thank you for suggesting Pdfplumber. It is a great tool. I could extract information with it. Though in some cases, when I extract length, I get the whole number combined with denominator. Say, if I have 36 1/2 as length (as shown in screenshot), then I get the value as 362 inches.
import pdfplumber
with pdfplumber.open("Sample.pdf") as pdf:
first_page = pdf.pages[0]
text = first_page.extract_text()
for row in text.split('\n'):
if 'inches' in row:
num = row.split()[0]
Output: 362
This code works for me in most cases. Just in some cases, I get 362 as my output, instead of getting 36 as a separate value. How could I resolve this issue?
pdfplumber gives output like that
shape: square
part name: square
36 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠
I would suggest to use PDF Pluber, it's a very powerful and well documented tool for extracting text, table, images from PDFs.
Moreover, it has a very convenient function, called crop, that allows you to crop and extract just the portion of the page that you need.
Just as an example, the code would be something like this (note that this will work with any number of pages):
filename = 'path/to/your/PDF'
crop_coords = [x0, top, x1, bottom]
text = ''
pages = []
with pdfplumber.open(filename) as pdf:
for i, page in enumerate(pdf.pages):
my_width = page.width
my_height = page.height
# Crop pages
my_bbox = (crop_coords[0]*float(my_width), crop_coords[1]*float(my_height), crop_coords[2]*float(my_width), crop_coords[3]*float(my_height))
page_crop = page.crop(bbox=my_bbox)
text = text+str(page_crop.extract_text()).lower()
Here is the explanation of coords:
x0 = % Distance from left vertical cut to left side of page.
top = % Distance from upper horizontal cut to upper side of page.
x1 = % Distance from right vertical cut to right side of page.
bottom = % Distance from lower horizontal cut to lower side of page.
I am writing a Python script to automatically adjust cell borders in LibreOffice Calc. I think I know what property I need to change, however when I assign a new value to this property, the value does not change.
For instance, I wrote this code to change the TopLine.LineWidth of a single Cell from 0 to 10.
# Access the current calc document
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
# Access the active sheet
active_sheet = model.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
# Get the cell and change the value of LineWidth
cell = active_sheet.getCellByPosition(2, 2)
cell.TableBorder2.TopLine.LineWidth = 10
I don't get any errors after running this code. And I have also made sure that I am accessing the cell I wish to modify. However, this code does not change the cell's border width.
I tried doing some debugging by printing the value before and after the assignment:
# This first print statement returns 0 because the cell has no borders
cell.TableBorder2.TopLine.LineWidth = 10
# This second print statement still returns 0, but I was expecting it to return 10
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
You need to set the cell property to a changed border object. From https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/145885/border-macro-no-longer-works/:
aThinBorder = oRange.TopBorder2
aThinBorder.LineWidth = 1
oRange.TopBorder2 = aThinBorder
So, after doing a lot of research, I found at least three methods to change border settings. Because it took me so much effort, I figured I should leave them here so in the future other people may find the answer more easily.
In all examples I'll set the LineWidth of the TopBorder of a single cell to 10.
Method 1: Using getPropertyValue() and setPropertyValue()
cell = active_sheet.getCellByPosition(1, 1)
border_prop = cell.getPropertyValue("TopBorder")
border_prop.LineWidth = 10
cell.setPropertyValue("TopBorder", border_prop)
Method 2 (derived from Jim K's answer)
cell = active_sheet.getCellByPosition(1, 1)
border_prop = cell.TopBorder2
border_prop.LineWidth = 10
cell.TopBorder2 = border_prop
Method 3: Using a BorderLine2 struct
border_prop = uno.createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2")
border_prop.LineWidth = 10
cell = active_sheet.getCellByPosition(1, 1)
cell.setPropertyValue("TopBorder", border_prop)
I am new to google earth engine and was trying to understand how to use the Google Earth Engine python api. I can create an image collection, but apparently the getdownloadurl() method operates only on individual images. So I am trying to understand how to iterate over and download all of the images in the collection.
Here is my basic code. I broke it out in great detail for some other work I am doing.
import ee
col = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1')
col.filterDate('1/1/2015', '4/30/2015')
pt = ee.Geometry.Point([-2.40986111110000012, 26.76033333330000019])
buff = pt.buffer(300)
region = ee.Feature.bounds(buff)
So I pulled the Landsat collection, filtered by date and a buffer geometry. So I should have something like 7-8 images in the collection (with all bands).
However, I could not seem to get iteration to work over the collection.
for example:
for i in col:
The error indicates TypeError: 'ImageCollection' object is not iterable
So if the collection is not iterable, how can I access the individual images?
Once I have an image, I should be able to use the usual
path = col[i].getDownloadUrl({
'scale': 30,
'crs': 'EPSG:4326',
'region': region
It's a good idea to use ee.batch.Export for this. Also, it's good practice to avoid mixing client and server functions (reference). For that reason, a for-loop can be used, since Export is a client function. Here's a simple example to get you started:
import ee
rectangle = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([-1, -1, 1, 1])
sillyCollection = ee.ImageCollection([ee.Image(1), ee.Image(2), ee.Image(3)])
# This is OK for small collections
collectionList = sillyCollection.toList(sillyCollection.size())
collectionSize = collectionList.size().getInfo()
for i in xrange(collectionSize):
image = ee.Image(collectionList.get(i)).clip(rectangle),
fileNamePrefix = 'foo' + str(i + 1),
dimensions = '128x128').start()
Note that converting a collection to a list in this manner is also dangerous for large collections (reference). However, this is probably the most scalable method if you really need to download.
Here is my solution:
import ee
pt = ee.Geometry.Point([-2.40986111110000012, 26.76033333330000019])
region = pt.buffer(10)
col = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1')\
bands = ['B4','B5'] #Change it!
def accumulate(image,img):
name_image = image.get('system:index')
image = image.select([0],[name_image])
cumm = ee.Image(img).addBands(image)
return cumm
for band in bands:
col_band = col.map(lambda img: img.select(band)\
.set('system:time_start', img.get('system:time_start'))\
.set('system:index', img.get('system:index')))
# ImageCollection to List
col_list = col_band.toList(col_band.size())
# Define the initial value for iterate.
base = ee.Image(col_list.get(0))
base_name = base.get('system:index')
base = base.select([0], [base_name])
# Eliminate the image 'base'.
new_col = ee.ImageCollection(col_list.splice(0,1))
img_cummulative = ee.Image(new_col.iterate(accumulate,base))
task = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive(
image = img_cummulative.clip(region),
folder = 'landsat',
fileNamePrefix = band,
scale = 30).start()
print('Export Image '+ band+ ' was submitted, please wait ...')
A reproducible example can you found it here: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Nv8-l20l82nIQ946WR1iOkr-4b_QhISu
You could possibly use ee.ImageCollection.iterate() with a function that gets the image and adds it to a list.
import ee
def accumluate_images(image, images):
return images
for img in col.iterate(accumulate_images, []):
url = img.getDownloadURL(dict(scale=30, crs='EPSG:4326', region=region))
Unfortunately I am not able to test this code as I do not have access to the API, but it might help you arrive at a solution.
I have a similar problem and was not able o solve with presented solutions. Then I have elaborated a sample code for this purpose. It iterates over an image collection in client side, then it is not affected by limitations (server side only) of .map() or .iterate().
It is possible to download the code and see its explanation here
It basically transform the ImageCollection into a list (ic.toList()). Then it performs a standard loop, and for each individual image it is possible to convert it back to ee.Image(list.get(i)), and then process one by one taking all images in the collection.
In your particular case, to download each image, the function to be called within the loop could be: getDOwnloadURL() or getThumbURL():
var url = imgNew.getDownloadURL({
region: geometry,
var thumbURL = imgNew.getThumbURL({region: geometry,dimensions: 512, format: 'png'});
I give a lot of information on the methods that I used to write my code. If you just want to read my question, skip to the quotes at the end.
I'm working on a project that has a goal of detecting sub populations in a group of patients. I thought this sounded like the perfect opportunity to use association rule mining as I'm currently taking a class on the subject.
I there are 42 variables in total. Of those, 20 are continuous and had to be discretized. For each variable, I used the Freedman-Diaconis rule to determine how many categories to divide a group into.
def Freedman_Diaconis(column_values):
#sort the list first
first_quartile = int(len(column_values[1]) * .25)
third_quartile = int(len(column_values[1]) * .75)
fq_value = column_values[1][first_quartile]
tq_value = column_values[1][third_quartile]
iqr = tq_value - fq_value
n_to_pow = len(column_values[1])**(-1/3)
h = 2 * iqr * n_to_pow
retval = (column_values[1][-1] - column_values[1][1])/h
test = int(retval+1)
return test
From there I used min-max normalization
def min_max_transform(column_of_data, num_bins):
min_max_normalizer = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(1, num_bins))
data_min_max = min_max_normalizer.fit_transform(column_of_data[1])
data_min_max_ints = take_int(data_min_max)
return data_min_max_ints
to transform my data and then I simply took the interger portion to get the final categorization.
def take_int(list_of_float):
ints = []
for flt in list_of_float:
asint = int(flt)
return ints
I then also wrote a function that I used to combine this value with the variable name.
def string_transform(prefix, column, index):
transformed_list = []
transformed = ""
if index < 4:
for entry in column[1]:
transformed = prefix+str(entry)
prefix_num = prefix.split('x')
for entry in column[1]:
transformed = str(prefix_num[1])+'x'+str(entry)
return transformed_list
This was done to differentiate variables that have the same value, but appear in different columns. For example, having a value of 1 for variable x14 means something different from getting a value of 1 in variable x20. The string transform function would create 14x1 and 20x1 for the previously mentioned examples.
After this, I wrote everything to a file in basket format
def create_basket(list_of_lists, headers):
#for filename in os.listdir("."):
# if filename.e
if not os.path.exists('baskets'):
down_length = len(list_of_lists[0])
with open('baskets/dataset.basket', 'w') as basketfile:
basket_writer = csv.DictWriter(basketfile, fieldnames=headers)
for i in range(0, down_length):
basket_writer.writerow({"trt": list_of_lists[0][i], "y": list_of_lists[1][i], "x1": list_of_lists[2][i],
"x2": list_of_lists[3][i], "x3": list_of_lists[4][i], "x4": list_of_lists[5][i],
"x5": list_of_lists[6][i], "x6": list_of_lists[7][i], "x7": list_of_lists[8][i],
"x8": list_of_lists[9][i], "x9": list_of_lists[10][i], "x10": list_of_lists[11][i],
"x11": list_of_lists[12][i], "x12":list_of_lists[13][i], "x13": list_of_lists[14][i],
"x14": list_of_lists[15][i], "x15": list_of_lists[16][i], "x16": list_of_lists[17][i],
"x17": list_of_lists[18][i], "x18": list_of_lists[19][i], "x19": list_of_lists[20][i],
"x20": list_of_lists[21][i], "x21": list_of_lists[22][i], "x22": list_of_lists[23][i],
"x23": list_of_lists[24][i], "x24": list_of_lists[25][i], "x25": list_of_lists[26][i],
"x26": list_of_lists[27][i], "x27": list_of_lists[28][i], "x28": list_of_lists[29][i],
"x29": list_of_lists[30][i], "x30": list_of_lists[31][i], "x31": list_of_lists[32][i],
"x32": list_of_lists[33][i], "x33": list_of_lists[34][i], "x34": list_of_lists[35][i],
"x35": list_of_lists[36][i], "x36": list_of_lists[37][i], "x37": list_of_lists[38][i],
"x38": list_of_lists[39][i], "x39": list_of_lists[40][i], "x40": list_of_lists[41][i]})
and I used the apriori package in Orange to see if there were any association rules.
rules = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer(patient_basket, support=0.3, confidence=0.3)
print "%4s %4s %s" % ("Supp", "Conf", "Rule")
for r in rules:
my_rule = str(r)
split_rule = my_rule.split("->")
if 'trt' in split_rule[1]:
print 'treatment rule'
print "%4.1f %4.1f %s" % (r.support, r.confidence, r)
Using this, technique I found quite a few association rules with my testing data.
When I read the notes for the training data, there is this note
...That is, the only
reason for the differences among observed responses to the same treatment across patients is
random noise. Hence, there is NO meaningful subgroup for this dataset...
My question is,
why do I get multiple association rules that would imply that there are subgroups, when according to the notes I shouldn't see anything?
I'm getting lift numbers that are above 2 as opposed to the 1 that you should expect if everything was random like the notes state.
Supp Conf Rule
0.3 0.7 6x0 -> trt1
Even though my code runs, I'm not getting results anywhere close to what should be expected. This leads me to believe that I messed something up, but I'm not sure what it is.
After some research, I realized that my sample size is too small for the number of variables that I have. I would need a way larger sample size in order to really use the method that I was using. In fact, the method that I tried to use was developed with the assumption that it would be run on databases with hundreds of thousands or millions of rows.
I'm automatically generating a PDF-file with Platypus that has dynamic content.
This means that it might happen that the length of the text content (which is directly at the bottom of the pdf-file) may vary.
However, it might happen that a page break is done in cases where the content is too long.
This is because i use a "static" spacer:
s = Spacer(width=0, height=23.5*cm)
as i always want to have only one page, I somehow need to dynamically set the height of the Spacer, so that the "rest" of the space that is left on the page is taken by the Spacer as its height.
Now, how do i get the "rest" of height that is left on my page?
I sniffed around in the reportlab library a bit and found the following:
Basically, I decided to use a frame into which the flowables will be printed. f._aH returns the height of the Frame (we could also calculate this by hand). Subtracting the heights of the other two flowables, which we get through wrap, we get the remaining height which is the height of the Spacer.
c = Canvas(path)
f = Frame(fx, fy,fw,fh,showBoundary=0)
# compute the available height for the spacer
sheight = f._aH - (Flowable1.wrap(f._aW,f._aH)[1] + Flowable2.wrap(f._aW,f._aH)[1])
# create spacer
s = Spacer(width=0, height=sheight)
# insert the spacer between the two flowables
# create a frame from the list of elements
tested and works fine.
As far as i can see you want to have footer, right?
Then you should do it like:
def _laterPages(canvas, doc):
canvas.drawImage(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'templates/documents/pics/footer.png'), left_margin, bottom_margin - 0.5*cm, frame_width, 0.5*cm)
doc = BaseDocTemplate(filename,showBoundary=False)
doc.multiBuild(flowble elements, _firstPage, _laterPages)