How to include pytorch in pyinstaller app? - python

I am trying to use pyinstaller to "freeze" a python app I've written that uses pytorch. I see that pyinstaller has a hook for torch:
But it doesn't appear to work. I still get the following error:
File "torch/", line 53, in get_source_lines_and_file
OSError: Can't get source for . TorchScript requires source access in order to carry out
compilation, make sure original .py files are available. Original
error: could not get source code [28326] Failed to execute script
I also tried this work-around with no success:
I just need a way to get pytorch to install in a pyinstaller app. It doesn't need to be clean or beautiful. Can anyone suggest a solution?
(macOS and python 3.7)


Converting a Python project to DLL or decreasing the size and imports

I have a python project for OCR MRZ detection with 2 modules 1 is for ID which uses EasyOcr,pythorch and other one is for Passport documents which uses Pytesseract and tensorflow.
I need to prepare this project for deployment I have tried some methods but none of them was practible for deployment process.
I have tried pyinstaller with couple of configurations with --onefile
option the setup is great but it takes too long to unpack the exe
when executed.
I have then tried --onedir option the delay was gone but now
installation package was too complicated and size was too
I have tried to "compile" python code by using Cython but even with a sample app I couldn't manage to make this one work I
got couple of errors during gcc compiling the last error I got due to
msvcp package which i have installed but still got the error.
And as last I have used Nuitka to get a dll-like file to import this
in C# and use it like a package, I have successfully created a test
.pyd file from a but i couldn't import it in C# as i
What I need is to prepare this project as a simpler and low-sized application which is hard to reverse-engineered for source codes ready for deployment. For passport OCR I can switch development to C# but for ID I couldn't find any alternative OCR library to get the MRZ information so at least I need to use ID OCR module from my Python project.
Any help would be appreciated,

Got errors, while running exe file built with pyinstaller and Google Cloud API integration in python

I am working one file python project.
I integrated google-cloud-API for realtime speech streaming and recognition.
It works with python command well.
Now I need windows build file(.exe), so I used pyinstaller program and I got aaa.exe file successfully.
But I got this error while running speech streaming by using Google cloud API.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory:
So I copied this speech_client_config.json file in needed path, after that I got below error again.
Exception in 'grpc._cython.cygrpc.ssl_roots_override_callback'
ignored E0511 01:13:14.320000000 3108
assertion failed: pem_root_certs != nullptr
Then, I can not find solution to get working version with google-cloud API.
I am using python version 2.7.14
I need your friendly help.
I had the same problem. If you are willing to distribute roots.pem with your executable (just search for the file - it should be buried deep within the installation directory of grpcio), I had luck fixing this by setting GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment variable to the full path of this roots.pem file.
Update 2021
To anyone who is experiencing this issue. I got it working thanks to these amazing people. See the full conversation on this github issue.
Here is the link
Step 1
Credits to #cbenhagen & #rising-stark on this github link.
A PyInstaller hook called looking like this would do the trick:
Create a python file named with this code.
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_data_files
datas = collect_data_files('grpc')
Step 2
Put the file in your \site-packages\PyInstaller\hooks directory of the python environment you are running on. So basically you can find it at
Just change the yourusername and Python37 to your
respective username and python version you are using.
For Anaconda users it might be different. Check this site
to find the anaconda python environment path you are using.
Step 3
Once you've done that you can now convert your .py python program to .exe using pyinstaller and it should work.
This looks to me like a SSL credentials mistake. I think you are not being allowed to GC. Check this code snippet and this documentation.

Windows Theano Keras - lazylinker_ext\mod.cpp: No such file or directory

I am installing Theano and Keras follwing the How do I install Keras and Theano in Anaconda Python on Windows?, which worked fine for me with an older release before. Now I have upgraded to the latest Theano version and when validating its functionality using this command:
from theano import function, config, shared, sandbox
it resulted in really long error log containing:
g++.exe: error: C:\Users\John: No such file or directory
g++.exe: error: Dow\AppData\Local\Theano\compiledir_Windows-10-10.0.10240-Intel64_Family_6_Model_60_Stepping_3_GenuineIntel-2.7.12-64\lazylinker_ext\mod.cpp: No such file or directory
It seems the path to user directory "John Dow" was splitted by g++ to two file paths, since there is space in the name.
Is there any way how to tell python to not to use the "C:\Users\John Dow" directory but e.g. "C:\mytempdir". Setting the USERPROFILE windows variable didn't help.
NOTE: I managed to fix the g++ command, where it failed (by adding quotes to the output), which successfully compiled the sources. Unfortunately it didnt solve my problem, since when started again, it fails on this step.
It seems also to be an issue of Theano, since swithcing to different Python version didnt help.
Answer is from here:
Theano: change `base_compiledir` to save compiled files in another directory
i.e. in ~/.theanorc file (or create it) add this line :

package a pyqt desktop application its resource file with pyinstaller

I have created a desktop gui application which i want to package. I was directed to use pyinstaller to package it so i did. I have a file where i import a resource file (converted to python code) as well as other imports going on in there. However when i run the output file,it gives me an error. I suspected it was due to my resource file, from the error so i tried pyinstaller on one of the modules and it worked perfectly. however i keep getting an error with the file. I have the image of the error here for your consideration. How do i go around this error?
I have managed to solve the problem. After reading this answer, I tried pyrcc4 with the '-py3' flag and it worked. I think without the py3 flag,the resource file is converted into a python 2.x code. And I was trying to interpret py2 code with py3 interpreter. That's my understanding of the problem tho. But in case you have a similar problem,try using the -'py3' flag for python3 interpreter.Good Luck

Issue with using protobufs with python ImportError: cannot import name descriptor_pb2

Steps taken:
Environment Setup
I've installed protobufs via Home Brew
I've also followed the steps in the proto-bufs python folder's readme on installing python protobufs - namely running the python install command
I've using the protobuf-2.4.1 files
I have a python file (generated from a .proto file I compiled) that contains the statement, among other import statements, but I believe this one is the one causing issues:
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2
The above python file, I'm importing in another python file, it's
this python file that I want to write up logic for parsing the
protobufs data files I receive
Error received
I get this error when running that file:
Steps taken to fix
Searched google for that error - didn't find much
Looked at this question/answer Why do I see "cannot import name descriptor_pb2" error when using Google Protocol Buffers?
I don't really understand the above questions selected answer,I tried to run the command in the above answer protoc descriptor.proto --python_out=gen/ by coping and pasting it in the terminal in different places but couldn't get it to work
How do I fix this error?
What is the underlying cause?
How do I check if the rest of my protobuf python compiler/classes are set up correctly?
I've discovered the issue. I had not run the python install instructions the first time I tried to compile this file. I recompiled the file and this issue was fixed.
