Peak detection in unevenly spaced timeseries - python

I'm working with a dataset containing measures combined with a datetime like:
datetime value
2017-01-01 00:01:00,32.7
2017-01-01 00:03:00,37.8
2017-01-01 00:04:05,35.0
2017-01-01 00:05:37,101.1
2017-01-01 00:07:00,39.1
2017-01-01 00:09:00,38.9
I'm trying to detect and remove potential peaks that might appear, like 2017-01-01 00:05:37,101.1 measure.
Some things that I found so far:
This dataset has a time spacing that goes from 15 seconds all the way to 25 minutes, making it super uneven;
The width of the peaks cannot be determined beforehand
The height of the peaks clearly and significantly deviates from the other values
Normalization of the time step should only occur after the removal of the outliers since they would interfere with the results
It's "impossible" to making it even due to other anomalies (e.g, negative values, flat lines), even without them it would create wrong values due to the peaks;
find_peaks is expecting an evenly spaced timeseries therefore the previous solution didn't work for the irregular timeseries we have;
On that issue I forgot to mention the critical point that is unevenly spaced timeseries.
I've searched everywhere and I couldn't find anything. The implementation is going to be in Python but I'm willing to dig around other languages to get the logic.

I've posted this code on github to anyone that in the future have this problem, or similar.
After a lot of trial and error I think I created something that works. Using what #user58697 told me I managed to create a code that detects every peak between a threshold.
By using the logic that he/she explained if ((flow[i+1] - flow[i]) / (time[i+1] - time[i]) > threshold I've coded the following code:
Started by reading the .csv and parse the dates, followed by splitting into two numpy arrays:
dataset = pd.read_csv('', parse_dates=['date'])
dataset = dataset.sort_values(by=['date']).reset_index(drop=True).to_numpy() # Sort and convert to numpy array
# Split into 2 arrays
values = [float(i[1]) for i in dataset] # Flow values, in float
values = np.array(values)
dates = [i[0].to_pydatetime() for i in dataset]
dates = np.array(dates)
Then applied the (flow[i+1] - flow[i]) / (time[i+1] - time[i]) to the whole dataset:
flow = np.diff(values)
time = np.diff(dates).tolist()
time = np.divide(time, np.power(10, 9))
slopes = np.divide(flow, time) # (flow[i+1] - flow[i]) / (time[i+1] - time[i])
slopes = np.insert(slopes, 0, 0, axis=0) # Since we "lose" the first index, this one is 0, just for alignments
And finally to detect the peaks we reduced the data to rolling windows of x seconds each. That way we can detect them easily:
size = len(dataset)
rolling_window = []
rolling_window_indexes = []
RW = []
RWi = []
window_size = 240 # Seconds
dates = [i.to_pydatetime() for i in dataset['date']]
dates = np.array(dates)
# create the rollings windows
for line in range(size):
limit_stamp = dates[line] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=window_size)
for subline in range(line, size, 1):
if dates[subline] <= limit_stamp:
rolling_window.append(slopes[subline]) # Values of the slopes
rolling_window_indexes.append(subline) # Indexes of the respective values
if line != size: # To prevent clearing the last rolling window
rolling_window = []
if line != size:
rolling_window_indexes = []
# To get the last rolling window since it breaks before append
After getting all rolling windows we start the fun:
t = 0.3 # Threshold
peaks = []
for index, rollWin in enumerate(RW):
if rollWin[0] > t: # If the first value is greater of threshold
top = rollWin[0] # Sets as a possible peak
bottom = np.min(rollWin) # Finds the minimum of the peak
if bottom < -t: # If less than the negative threshold
bottomIndex = int(np.argmin(rollWin)) # Find it's index
for peak in range(0, bottomIndex, 1): # Appends all points between the first index of the rolling window until the bottomIndex
The idea behind this code is every peak has a rising and a falling, and if both are greater than the stated threshold then it's an outlier peak along with all peaks between them:
Where translated to the real dataset used, posted on github:


Filtering the two frequencies with highest amplitudes of a signal in the frequency domain

I have tried to filter the two frequencies which have the highest amplitudes. I am wondering if the result is correct, because the filtered signal seems less smooth than the original?
Is it correct that the output of the FFT-function contains the fundamental frequency A0/ C0, and is it correct to include it in the search of the highest amplitude (it is indeed the highest!) ?
My code (based on my professors and collegues code, and I did not understand every detail so far):
# signal
data = np.loadtxt("profil.txt")
t = data[:,0]
x = data[:,1]
x = x-np.mean(x) # Reduce signal to mean
n = len(t)
max_ind = int(n/2-1)
dt = (t[n-1]-t[0])/(n-1)
T = n*dt
df = 1./T
# Fast-Fourier-Transformation
c = 2.*np.absolute(fft(x))/n #get the power sprectrum c from the array of complex numbers
c[0] = c[0]/2. #correction for c0 (fundamental frequency)
f = np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=dt)
a = fft(x).real
b = fft(x).imag
n_fft = len(a)
# filter
p = np.ones(len(c))
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-1)]] = 0 #setting the positions of p to 0 with
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-2)]] = 0 #the indices from the argsort function
print(c[0:int(len(c)/2-1)].argsort()[int(n_fft/2-2)]) #over the first half of the c array,
ab_filter_2 = fft(x) #because the second half contains the
ab_filter_2.real = a*p #negative frequencies.
ab_filter_2.imag = b*p
x_filter2 = ifft(ab_filter_2)*2
I do not quite get the whole deal about FFT returning negative and positive frequencies. I know they are just mirrored, but then why can I not search over the whole array? And the iFFT function works with an array of just the positive frequencies?
The resulting plot: (blue original, red is filtered):
This part is very wasteful:
a = fft(x).real
b = fft(x).imag
You’re computing the FFT twice for no good reason. You compute it a 3rd time later, and you already computed it once before. You should compute it only once, not 4 times. The FFT is the most expensive part of your code.
ab_filter_2 = fft(x)
ab_filter_2.real = a*p
ab_filter_2.imag = b*p
x_filter2 = ifft(ab_filter_2)*2
Replace all of that with:
out = ifft(fft(x) * p)
Here you do the same thing twice:
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-1)]] = 0
p[c[0:int(len(c)/2)].argsort()[int(len(c)/2-2)]] = 0
But you set only the left half of the filter. It is important to make a symmetric filter. There are two locations where abs(f) has the same value (up to rounding errors!), there is a positive and a negative frequency that go together. Those two locations should have the same filter value (actually complex conjugate, but you have a real-valued filter so the difference doesn’t matter in this case).
I’m unsure what that indexing does anyway. I would split out the statement into shorter parts on separate lines for readability.
I would do it this way:
import numpy as np
x = ...
x -= np.mean(x)
fft_x = np.fft.fft(x)
c = np.abs(fft_x) # no point in normalizing, doesn't change the order when sorting
f = c[0:len(c)//2].argsort()
f = f[-2:] # the last two elements are the indices to the largest two frequency components
p = np.zeros(len(c))
p[f] = 1 # preserve the largest two components
p[-f] = 1 # set the same components counting from the end
out = np.fft.ifft(fft_x * p).real
# note that np.fft.ifft(fft_x * p).imag is approximately zero if the filter is created correctly
Is it correct that the output of the FFT-function contains the fundamental frequency A0/ C0 […]?
In principle yes, but you subtracted the mean from the signal, effectively setting the fundamental frequency (DC component) to 0.

Using find_peaks in loop to find peak heights from data

This problem is about using scipy.signal.find_peaks for extracting mean peak height from data files efficiently. I am a beginner with Python (3.7), so I am not sure if I have written my code in the most optimal way, with regard to speed and code quality.
I have a set of measurement files containing one million data points (30MB) each. The graph of this data is a signal with peaks at regular intervals, and with noise. Also, the baseline and the amplitude of the signal vary across parts of the signal. I attached an image of an example. The signal can be much less clean.
My goal is to calculate the mean height of the peaks for each file. In order to do this, first I use find_peaks to locate all the peaks. Then, I loop over each peak location and detect the peak in a small interval around the peak, to make sure I get the local height of the peak.
I then put all these heights in numpy arrays and calculate their mean and standard deviation afterwards.
Here is a barebone version of my code, it is a bit long but I think that might also be because I am doing something wrong.
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
# Allocate empty lists for values
mean_heights = []
std_heights = []
mean_baselines = []
std_baselines = []
temperatures = []
# Loop over several files, read them in and process data
for file in file_list:
# Load in data from a file of 30 MB
t_dat, x_dat = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter='\t', unpack=True)
# Find all peaks in this file
peaks, peak_properties = find_peaks(x_dat, prominence=prom, width=0)
# Calculate window size, make sure it is even
if round(len(t_dat)/len(peaks)) % 2 == 0:
n_points = len(t_dat) // len(peaks)
n_points = len(t_dat) // len(peaks) + 1
t_slice = t_dat[-1] / len(t_dat)
# Allocate np arrays for storing heights
baseline_list = np.zeros(len(peaks) - 2)
height_list = np.zeros(len(peaks) - 2)
# Loop over all found peaks, and re-detect the peak in a window around the peak to be able
# to detect its local height without triggering to a baseline far away
for i in range(len(peaks) - 2):
# Making a window around a peak_properties
sub_t = t_dat[peaks[i+1] - n_points // 2: peaks[i+1] + n_points // 2]
sub_x = x_dat[peaks[i+1] - n_points // 2: peaks[i+1] + n_points // 2]
# Detect the peaks (2 version, specific to the application I have)
h_min = max(sub_x) - np.mean(sub_x)
_, baseline_props = find_peaks(
sub_x, prominence=h_min, distance=n_points - 1, width=0)
_, height_props = find_peaks(np.append(
min(sub_x) - 1, sub_x), prominence=h_min, distance=n_points - 1, width=0)
# Add the heights to the np arrays storing the heights
baseline_list[i] = baseline_props["prominences"]
height_list[i] = height_props["prominences"]
# Fill lists with values, taking the stdev and mean of the np arrays with the heights
It takes ~30 s to execute. Is this normal or too slow? If so, can it be optimised?
In the meantime I have improved the speed by getting rid of various inefficiencies, that I found by using the Python profiler. I will list the optimisations here ordered by significance for the speed:
Using pandas pd.read_csv() for I/O instead of np.loadtxt() cut off about 90% of the runtime. As also mentioned here, this saves a lot of time. This means changing this:
t_dat, x_dat = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter='\t', unpack=True)
to this:
data = pd.read_csv(file, delimiter = "\t", names=["t_dat", "x_dat"])
t_dat = data.values[:,0]
x_dat = data.values[:,1]
Removing redundant len() calls. I noticed that len() was called many times, and then noticed that this happened unnecessary. Changing this:
if round(len(t_dat) / len(peaks)) % 2 == 0:
n_points = int(len(t_dat) / len(peaks))
n_points = int(len(t_dat) / len(peaks) + 1)
to this:
n_points = round(len(t_dat) / len(peaks))
if n_points % 2 != 0:
n_points += 1
proved to be also a significant improvement.
Lastly, a disproportionally component of the computational time (about 20%) was used by the built in Python functions min(), max() and sum(). Since I was using numpy arrays already, switching to the numpy equivalents for these functions, resulted in a 84% improvement on this part. This means for example changing max(sub_x) to sub_x.max().
These are all unrelated optimisations that I still think might be useful for Python beginner like myself, and they do help a lot.

How can I remove sharp jumps in data?

I have some skin temperature data (collected at 1Hz) which I intend to analyse.
However, the sensors were not always in contact with the skin. So I have a challenge of removing this non-skin temperature data, whilst preserving the actual skin temperature data. I have about 100 files to analyse, so I need to make this automated.
I'm aware that there is already this similar post, however I've not been able to use that to solve my problem.
My data roughly looks like this:
df =
timeStamp Temp
2018-05-04 10:08:00 28.63
. .
. .
2018-05-04 21:00:00 31.63
The first step I've taken is to simply apply a minimum threshold- this has got rid of the majority of the non-skin data. However, I'm left with the sharp jumps where the sensor was either removed or attached:
To remove these jumps, I was thinking about taking an approach where I use the first order differential of the temp and then use another set of thresholds to get rid of the data I'm not interested in.
df_diff = df.diff(60) # period of about 60 makes jumps stick out
filter_index = np.nonzero((df.Temp <-1) | (df.Temp>0.5)) # when diff is less than -1 and greater than 0.5, most likely data jumps.
However, I find myself stuck here. The main problem is that:
1) I don't know how to now use this index list to delete the non-skin data in df. How is best to do this?
The more minor problem is that
2) I think I will still be left with some residual artefacts from the data jumps near the edges (e.g. where a tighter threshold would start to chuck away good data). Is there either a better filtering strategy or a way to then get rid of these artefacts?
*Edit as suggested I've also calculated the second order diff, but to be honest, I think the first order diff would allow for tighter thresholds (see below):
*Edit 2: Link to sample data
Try the code below (I used a tangent function to generate data). I used the second order difference idea from Mad Physicist in the comments.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame()
df[0] = np.arange(0,10,0.005)
df[1] = np.tan(df[0])
#the following line calculates the absolute value of a second order finite
#difference (derivative)
df[2] = 0.5*(df[1].diff()+df[1].diff(periods=-1)).abs()
df.loc[df[2] < .05][1].plot() #select out regions of a high rate-of-change
df[1].plot() #plot original data
Following is a zoom of the output showing what got filtered. Matplotlib plots a line from beginning to end of the removed data.
Your first question I believe is answered with the .loc selection above.
You second question will take some experimentation with your dataset. The code above only selects out high-derivative data. You'll also need your threshold selection to remove zeroes or the like. You can experiment with where to make the derivative selection. You can also plot a histogram of the derivative to give you a hint as to what to select out.
Also, higher order difference equations are possible to help with smoothing. This should help remove artifacts without having to trim around the cuts.
A fourth-order finite difference can be applied using this:
df[2] = (df[1].diff(periods=1)-df[1].diff(periods=-1))*8/12 - \
df[2] = df[2].abs()
It's reasonable to think that it may help. The coefficients above can be worked out or derived from the following link for higher orders.
Finite Difference Coefficients Calculator
Note: The above second and fourth order central difference equations are not proper first derivatives. One must divide by the interval length (in this case 0.005) to get the actual derivative.
Here's a suggestion that targets your issues regarding
[...]an approach where I use the first order differential of the temp and then use another set of thresholds to get rid of the data I'm not interested in.
[..]I don't know how to now use this index list to delete the non-skin data in df. How is best to do this?
using stats.zscore() and pandas.merge()
As it is, it will still have a minor issue with your concerns regarding
[...]left with some residual artefacts from the data jumps near the edges[...]
But we'll get to that later.
First, here's a snippet to produce a dataframe that shares some of the challenges with your dataset:
# Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
# A function for noisy data with a trend element
def sample():
base = 100
nsample = 50
sigma = 10
# Basic df with trend and sinus seasonality
trend1 = np.linspace(0,1, nsample)
y1 = np.sin(trend1)
dates = pd.date_range(pd.datetime(2016, 1, 1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), periods=nsample).tolist()
df = pd.DataFrame({'dates':dates, 'trend1':trend1, 'y1':y1})
df = df.set_index(['dates'])
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
# Gaussian Noise with amplitude sigma
df['y2'] = sigma * np.random.normal(size=nsample)
df['y3'] = df['y2'] + base + (np.sin(trend1))
df['trend2'] = 1/(np.cos(trend1)/1.05)
df['y4'] = df['y3'] * df['trend2']
df.columns = ['Temp']
df['Temp'][20:31] = np.nan
# Insert spikes and missing values
df['Temp'][19] = df['Temp'][39]/4000
df['Temp'][31] = df['Temp'][15]/4000
# Dataframe with random data
df_raw = sample()
As you can see, there are two distinct spikes with missing numbers between them. And it's really the missing numbers that are causing the problems here if you prefer to isolate values where the differences are large. The first spike is not a problem since you'll find the difference between a very small number and a number that is more similar to the rest of the data:
But for the second spike, you're going to get the (nonexisting) difference between a very small number and a non-existing number, so that the extreme data-point you'll end up removing is the difference between your outlier and the next observation:
This is not a huge problem for one single observation. You could just fill it right back in there. But for larger data sets that would not be a very viable soution. Anyway, if you can manage without that particular value, the below code should solve your problem. You will also have a similar problem with your very first observation, but I think it would be far more trivial to decide whether or not to keep that one value.
The steps:
# 1. Get some info about the original data:
firstVal = df_raw[:1]
colName = df_raw.columns
# 2. Take the first difference and
df_diff = df_raw.diff()
# 3. Remove missing values
df_clean = df_diff.dropna()
# 4. Select a level for a Z-score to identify and remove outliers
level = 3
df_Z = df_clean[(np.abs(stats.zscore(df_clean)) < level).all(axis=1)]
ix_keep = df_Z.index
# 5. Subset the raw dataframe with the indexes you'd like to keep
df_keep = df_raw.loc[ix_keep]
# 6.
# df_keep will be missing some indexes.
# Do the following if you'd like to keep those indexes
# and, for example, fill missing values with the previous values
df_out = pd.merge(df_keep, df_raw, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
# 7. Keep only the first column
df_out = df_out.ix[:,0].to_frame()
# 8. Fill missing values
df_complete = df_out.fillna(axis=0, method='ffill')
# 9. Replace first value
df_complete.iloc[0] = firstVal.iloc[0]
# 10. Reset column names
df_complete.columns = colName
# Result
Here's the whole thing for an easy copy-paste:
# Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
# A function for noisy data with a trend element
def sample():
base = 100
nsample = 50
sigma = 10
# Basic df with trend and sinus seasonality
trend1 = np.linspace(0,1, nsample)
y1 = np.sin(trend1)
dates = pd.date_range(pd.datetime(2016, 1, 1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), periods=nsample).tolist()
df = pd.DataFrame({'dates':dates, 'trend1':trend1, 'y1':y1})
df = df.set_index(['dates'])
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
# Gaussian Noise with amplitude sigma
df['y2'] = sigma * np.random.normal(size=nsample)
df['y3'] = df['y2'] + base + (np.sin(trend1))
df['trend2'] = 1/(np.cos(trend1)/1.05)
df['y4'] = df['y3'] * df['trend2']
df.columns = ['Temp']
df['Temp'][20:31] = np.nan
# Insert spikes and missing values
df['Temp'][19] = df['Temp'][39]/4000
df['Temp'][31] = df['Temp'][15]/4000
# A function for removing outliers
def noSpikes(df, level, keepFirst):
# 1. Get some info about the original data:
firstVal = df[:1]
colName = df.columns
# 2. Take the first difference and
df_diff = df.diff()
# 3. Remove missing values
df_clean = df_diff.dropna()
# 4. Select a level for a Z-score to identify and remove outliers
df_Z = df_clean[(np.abs(stats.zscore(df_clean)) < level).all(axis=1)]
ix_keep = df_Z.index
# 5. Subset the raw dataframe with the indexes you'd like to keep
df_keep = df_raw.loc[ix_keep]
# 6.
# df_keep will be missing some indexes.
# Do the following if you'd like to keep those indexes
# and, for example, fill missing values with the previous values
df_out = pd.merge(df_keep, df_raw, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
# 7. Keep only the first column
df_out = df_out.ix[:,0].to_frame()
# 8. Fill missing values
df_complete = df_out.fillna(axis=0, method='ffill')
# 9. Reset column names
df_complete.columns = colName
# Keep the first value
if keepFirst:
df_complete.iloc[0] = firstVal.iloc[0]
# Dataframe with random data
df_raw = sample()
# Remove outliers
df_cleaned = noSpikes(df=df_raw, level = 3, keepFirst = True)

Recorded audio of one note produces multiple onset times

I am using the Librosa library for pitch and onset detection. Specifically, I am using onset_detect and piptrack.
This is my code:
def detect_pitch(y, sr, onset_offset=5, fmin=75, fmax=1400):
y = highpass_filter(y, sr)
onset_frames = librosa.onset.onset_detect(y=y, sr=sr)
pitches, magnitudes = librosa.piptrack(y=y, sr=sr, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)
notes = []
for i in range(0, len(onset_frames)):
onset = onset_frames[i] + onset_offset
index = magnitudes[:, onset].argmax()
pitch = pitches[index, onset]
if (pitch != 0):
return notes
def highpass_filter(y, sr):
filter_stop_freq = 70 # Hz
filter_pass_freq = 100 # Hz
filter_order = 1001
# High-pass filter
nyquist_rate = sr / 2.
desired = (0, 0, 1, 1)
bands = (0, filter_stop_freq, filter_pass_freq, nyquist_rate)
filter_coefs = signal.firls(filter_order, bands, desired, nyq=nyquist_rate)
# Apply high-pass filter
filtered_audio = signal.filtfilt(filter_coefs, [1], y)
return filtered_audio
When running this on guitar audio samples recorded in a studio, therefore samples without noise (like this), I get very good results in both functions. The onset times are correct and the frequencies are almost always correct (with some octave errors sometimes).
However, a big problem arises when I try to record my own guitar sounds with my cheap microphone. I get audio files with noise, such as this. The onset_detect algorithm gets confused and thinks that noise contains onset times. Therefore, I get very bad results. I get many onset times even if my audio file consists of one note.
Here are two waveforms. The first is of a guitar sample of a B3 note recorded in a studio, whereas the second is my recording of an E2 note.
The result of the first is correctly B3 (the one onset time was detected).
The result of the second is an array of 7 elements, which means that 7 onset times were detected, instead of 1! One of those elements is the correct onset time, other elements are just random peaks in the noise part.
Another example is this audio file containing the notes B3, C4, D4, E4:
As you can see, the noise is clear and my high-pass filter has not helped (this is the waveform after applying the filter).
I assume this is a matter of noise, as the difference between those files lies there. If yes, what could I do to reduce it? I have tried using a high-pass filter but there is no change.
I have three observations to share.
First, after a bit of playing around, I've concluded that the onset detection algorithm appears as if it's probably probably been designed to automatically rescale its own operation in order to take into account local background noise at any given instant. This is likely in order so that it can detect onset times in pianissimo sections with equal likelihood as it would in fortissimo sections. This has the unfortunate result that the algorithm tends to trigger on background noise coming from your cheap microphone--the onset detection algorithm honestly thinks it's simply listening to pianissimo music.
A second observation is that roughly the first ~2200 samples in your recorded example (roughly the first 0.1 seconds) are a bit wonky, in the sense that the noise truly is nearly zero during that short initial interval. Try zooming way into the waveform at the starting point and you'll see what I mean. Unfortunately, the start of the guitar playing follows so quickly after the noise onset (roughly around sample 3000) that the algorithm is unable to resolve the two independently--instead it simply merges the two into a single onset event that begins about 0.1 seconds too early. I therefore cut out roughly the first 2240 samples in order to "normalize" the file (I don't think this is cheating though; it's an edge effect that would likely disappear if you had simply recorded a second or so of initial silence prior to plucking the first string, as one would normally do).
My third observation is that frequency-based filtering only works if the noise and the music are actually in somewhat different frequency bands. That may be true in this case, however I don't think you've demonstrated it yet. Therefore, instead of frequency-based filtering, I elected to try a different approach: thresholding. I used the final 3 seconds of your recording, where there is no guitar playing, in order to estimate the typical background noise level throughout the recording, in units of RMS energy, and then I used that median value to set a minimum energy threshold which was calculated to lie safely above the median. Only onset events returned by the detector occurring at times when the RMS energy is above the threshold are accepted as "valid".
An example script is shown below:
import librosa
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# I played around with this but ultimately kept the default value
y, sr = librosa.core.load("./Vocaroo_s07Dx8dWGAR0.mp3")
# Note that the first ~2240 samples (0.1 seconds) are anomalously low noise,
# so cut out this section from processing
start = 2240
y = y[start:]
idx = np.arange(len(y))
# Calcualte the onset frames in the usual way
onset_frames = librosa.onset.onset_detect(y=y, sr=sr, hop_length=hoplen)
onstm = librosa.frames_to_time(onset_frames, sr=sr, hop_length=hoplen)
# Calculate RMS energy per frame. I shortened the frame length from the
# default value in order to avoid ending up with too much smoothing
rmse = librosa.feature.rmse(y=y, frame_length=512, hop_length=hoplen)[0,]
envtm = librosa.frames_to_time(np.arange(len(rmse)), sr=sr, hop_length=hoplen)
# Use final 3 seconds of recording in order to estimate median noise level
# and typical variation
noiseidx = [envtm > envtm[-1] - 3.0]
noisemedian = np.percentile(rmse[noiseidx], 50)
sigma = np.percentile(rmse[noiseidx], 84.1) - noisemedian
# Set the minimum RMS energy threshold that is needed in order to declare
# an "onset" event to be equal to 5 sigma above the median
threshold = noisemedian + 5*sigma
threshidx = [rmse > threshold]
# Choose the corrected onset times as only those which meet the RMS energy
# minimum threshold requirement
correctedonstm = onstm[[tm in envtm[threshidx] for tm in onstm]]
# Print both in units of actual time (seconds) and sample ID number
fg = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 8])
# Print the waveform together with onset times superimposed in red
ax1 = fg.add_subplot(2,1,1)
ax1.plot(idx+start, y)
for ii in correctedonstm*sr+start:
ax1.axvline(ii, color='r')
ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=16)
# Print the RMSE together with onset times superimposed in red
ax2 = fg.add_subplot(2,1,2, sharex=ax1)
ax2.plot(envtm*sr+start, rmse)
for ii in correctedonstm*sr+start:
ax2.axvline(ii, color='r')
# Plot threshold value superimposed as a black dotted line
ax2.axhline(threshold, linestyle=':', color='k')
ax2.set_ylabel("RMSE", fontsize=16)
ax2.set_xlabel("Sample Number", fontsize=16)
Printed output looks like:
In [1]: %run rosatest
[ 0.17124717 1.88952381 3.74712018 5.62793651]
[ 3776. 41664. 82624. 124096.]
and the plot that it produces is shown below:
Did you test to normalize the sound sample before treatment ?
When reading onset_detect documentation we can see that there is a lot of optionals arguments, have you already try to use some ?
Maybe one of this optionals arguments may help you to keep only the good one (or at least limit the size of the onset time returned array):
librosa.util.peak_pick (maybe the best)
Please see also an update of your code in order to use a pre-computed onset envelope:
def detect_pitch(y, sr, onset_offset=5, fmin=75, fmax=1400):
y = highpass_filter(y, sr)
o_env = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y, sr=sr)
times = librosa.frames_to_time(np.arange(len(o_env)), sr=sr)
onset_frames = librosa.onset.onset_detect(y=o_env, sr=sr)
pitches, magnitudes = librosa.piptrack(y=y, sr=sr, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)
notes = []
for i in range(0, len(onset_frames)):
onset = onset_frames[i] + onset_offset
index = magnitudes[:, onset].argmax()
pitch = pitches[index, onset]
if (pitch != 0):
return notes
def highpass_filter(y, sr):
filter_stop_freq = 70 # Hz
filter_pass_freq = 100 # Hz
filter_order = 1001
# High-pass filter
nyquist_rate = sr / 2.
desired = (0, 0, 1, 1)
bands = (0, filter_stop_freq, filter_pass_freq, nyquist_rate)
filter_coefs = signal.firls(filter_order, bands, desired, nyq=nyquist_rate)
# Apply high-pass filter
filtered_audio = signal.filtfilt(filter_coefs, [1], y)
return filtered_audio
does it work better ?

python - combining argsort with masking to get nearest values in moving window

I have some code for calculating missing values in an image, based on neighbouring values in a 2D circular window. It also uses the values from one or more temporally-adjacent images at the same locations (i.e. the same 2D window shifted in the 3rd dimension).
For each position that is missing, I need to calculate the value based not necessarily on all the values available in the whole window, but only on the spatially-nearest n cells that do have values (in both images / Z-axis positions), where n is some value less than the total number of cells in the 2D window.
At the minute, it's much quicker to calculate for everything in the window, because my means of sorting to get the nearest n cells with data is the slowest part of the function as it has to be repeated each time even though the distances in terms of window coordinates do not change. I'm not sure this is necessary and feel I must be able to get the sorted distances once, and then mask those in the process of only selecting available cells.
Here's my code for selecting the data to use within a window of the gap cell location:
# radius will in reality be ~100
radius = 2
y,x = np.ogrid[-radius:radius+1, -radius:radius+1]
dist = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
circle_template = dist > radius
# this will in reality be a very large 3 dimensional array
# representing daily images with some gaps, indicated by 0s
dataStack = np.zeros((2,5,5))
dataStack[1] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
dataStack[0] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
testdata = dataStack[1]
alternatedata = dataStack[0]
random_gap_locations = (np.random.random(25) * 30).reshape(dist.shape) > testdata
testdata[random_gap_locations] = 0
testdata[radius, radius] = 0
# in reality we will go through every gap (zero) location in the data
# for each image and for each gap use slicing to get a window of
# size (radius*2+1, radius*2+1) around it from each image, with the
# gap being at the centre i.e.
# testgaplocation = [radius, radius]
# and the variables testdata, alternatedata below will refer to these
# slices
locations_to_exclude = np.logical_or(circle_template, np.logical_or
(testdata==0, alternatedata==0))
# the places that are inside the circular mask and where both images
# have data
locations_to_include = ~locations_to_exclude
number_available = np.count_nonzero(locations_to_include)
# we only want to do the interpolation calculations from the nearest n
# locations that have data available, n will be ~100 in reality
number_required = 3
available_distances = dist[locations_to_include]
available_data = testdata[locations_to_include]
available_alternates = alternatedata[locations_to_include]
if number_available > number_required:
# In this case we need to find the closest number_required of elements, based
# on distances recorded in dist, from available_data and available_alternates
# Having to repeat this argsort for each gap cell calculation is slow and feels
# like it should be avoidable
sortedDistanceIndices = available_distances.argsort(kind = 'mergesort',axis=None)
requiredIndices = sortedDistanceIndices[0:number_required]
selected_data = np.take(available_data, requiredIndices)
selected_alternates = np.take(available_alternates , requiredIndices)
# we just use available_data and available_alternates as they are...
# now do stuff with the selected data to calculate a value for the gap cell
This works, but over half of the total time of the function is taken in the argsort of the masked spatial distance data. (~900uS of a total 1.4mS - and this function will be running tens of billions of times, so this is an important difference!)
I am sure that I must be able to just do this argsort once outside of the function, when the spatial distance window is originally set up, and then include those sort indices in the masking, to get the first howManyToCalculate indices without having to re-do the sort. The answer might involve putting the various bits that we are extracting from, into a record array - but I can't figure out how, if so. Can anyone see how I can make this part of the process more efficient?
So you want to do the sorting outside of the loop:
sorted_dist_idcs = dist.argsort(kind='mergesort', axis=None)
Then using some variables from the original code, this is what I could come up with, though it still feels like a major round-trip..
loc_to_incl_sorted = locations_to_include.take(sorted_dist_idcs)
sorted_dist_idcs_to_incl = sorted_dist_idcs[loc_to_incl_sorted]
required_idcs = sorted_dist_idcs_to_incl[:number_required]
selected_data = testdata.take(required_idcs)
selected_alternates = alternatedata.take(required_idcs)
Note the required_idcs refer to locations in the testdata and not available_data as in the original code. And this snippet I used take for the purpose of conveniently indexing the flattened array.
#moarningsun - thanks for the comment and answer. These got me on the right track, but don't quite work for me when the gap is < radius from the edge of the data: in this case I use a window around the gap cell which is "trimmed" to the data bounds. In this situation the indices reflect the "full" window and thus can't be used to select cells from the bounded window.
Unfortunately I edited that part of my code out when I clarified the original question but it's turned out to be relevant.
I've realised now that if you use argsort again on the output of argsort then you get ranks; i.e. the position that each item would have when the overall array was sorted. We can safely mask these and then take the smallest number_required of them (and do this on a structured array to get the corresponding data at the same time).
This implies another sort within the loop, but in fact we can use partitioning rather than a full sort, because all we need is the smallest num_required items. If num_required is substantially less than the number of data items then this is much faster than doing the argsort.
For example with num_required = 80 and num_available = 15000 the full argsort takes ~900µs whereas argpartition followed by index and slice to get the first 80 takes ~110µs. We still need to do the argsort to get the ranks at the outset (rather than just partitioning based on distance) in order to get the stability of the mergesort, and thus get the "right one" when distance is not unique.
My code as shown below now runs in ~610uS on real data, including the actual calculations that aren't shown here. I'm happy with that now, but there seem to be several other apparently minor factors that can have an influence on the runtime that's hard to understand.
For example putting the circle_template in the structured array along with dist, ranks, and another field not shown here, doubles the runtime of the overall function (even if we don't access circle_template in the loop!). Even worse, using np.partition on the structured array with order=['ranks'] increases the overall function runtime by almost two orders of magnitude vs using np.argpartition as shown below!
# radius will in reality be ~100
radius = 2
y,x = np.ogrid[-radius:radius+1, -radius:radius+1]
dist = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
circle_template = dist > radius
ranks = dist.argsort(axis=None,kind='mergesort').argsort().reshape(dist.shape)
diam = radius * 2 + 1
# putting circle_template in this array too doubles overall function runtime!
fullWindowArray = np.zeros((diam,diam),dtype=[('ranks',ranks.dtype.str),
fullWindowArray['ranks'] = ranks
fullWindowArray['dist'] = dist
# this will in reality be a very large 3 dimensional array
# representing daily images with some gaps, indicated by 0s
dataStack = np.zeros((2,5,5))
dataStack[1] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
dataStack[0] = (np.random.random(25) * 100).reshape(dist.shape)
testdata = dataStack[1]
alternatedata = dataStack[0]
random_gap_locations = (np.random.random(25) * 30).reshape(dist.shape) > testdata
testdata[random_gap_locations] = 0
testdata[radius, radius] = 0
# in reality we will loop here to go through every gap (zero) location in the data
# for each image
gapz, gapy, gapx = 1, radius, radius
desLeft, desRight = gapx - radius, gapx + radius+1
desTop, desBottom = gapy - radius, gapy + radius+1
extentB, extentR = dataStack.shape[1:]
# handle the case where the gap is < search radius from the edge of
# the data. If this is the case, we can't use the full
# diam * diam window
dataL = max(0, desLeft)
maskL = 0 if desLeft >= 0 else abs(dataL - desLeft)
dataT = max(0, desTop)
maskT = 0 if desTop >= 0 else abs(dataT - desTop)
dataR = min(desRight, extentR)
maskR = diam if desRight <= extentR else diam - (desRight - extentR)
dataB = min(desBottom,extentB)
maskB = diam if desBottom <= extentB else diam - (desBottom - extentB)
# get the slice that we will be working within
# ranks, dist and circle are already populated
boundedWindowArray = fullWindowArray[maskT:maskB,maskL:maskR]
boundedWindowArray['alternatedata'] = alternatedata[dataT:dataB, dataL:dataR]
boundedWindowArray['thisdata'] = testdata[dataT:dataB, dataL:dataR]
locations_to_exclude = np.logical_or(boundedWindowArray['circle_template'],
# the places that are inside the circular mask and where both images
# have data
locations_to_include = ~locations_to_exclude
number_available = np.count_nonzero(locations_to_include)
# we only want to do the interpolation calculations from the nearest n
# locations that have data available, n will be ~100 in reality
number_required = 3
data_to_use = boundedWindowArray[locations_to_include]
if number_available > number_required:
# argpartition seems to be v fast when number_required is
# substantially < data_to_use.size
# But partition on the structured array itself with order=['ranks']
# is almost 2 orders of magnitude slower!
reqIndices = np.argpartition(data_to_use['ranks'],number_required)[:number_required]
data_to_use = np.take(data_to_use,reqIndices)
# we just use available_data and available_alternates as they are...
# now do stuff with the selected data to calculate a value for the gap cell
