Is there a way to conduct a parallel analysis in Python? - python

I am currently running an exploratory factor analysis in Python, which works well with the factor_analyzer package ( To choose the appropriate number of factors, I used the Kaiser criterion and the Scree plot. However, I would like to confirm my results using Horn's parallel analysis (Horn, 1965). In R I would use the parallel function from the psych package. Does anyone know an equivalent method / function / package in Python? I've been searching for some time now, but unfortunately without success.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Best regards

You've probably figured out a solution by now but, for the sake of others who might be looking for it, here's some code that I've used to mimic the parallel analysis from the psych library:
import pandas as pd
from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def _HornParallelAnalysis(data, K=10, printEigenvalues=False):
# Create a random matrix to match the dataset
n, m = data.shape
# Set the factor analysis parameters
fa = FactorAnalyzer(n_factors=1, method='minres', rotation=None, use_smc=True)
# Create arrays to store the values
sumComponentEigens = np.empty(m)
sumFactorEigens = np.empty(m)
# Run the fit 'K' times over a random matrix
for runNum in range(0, K):, m)))
sumComponentEigens = sumComponentEigens + fa.get_eigenvalues()[0]
sumFactorEigens = sumFactorEigens + fa.get_eigenvalues()[1]
# Average over the number of runs
avgComponentEigens = sumComponentEigens / K
avgFactorEigens = sumFactorEigens / K
# Get the eigenvalues for the fit on supplied data
dataEv = fa.get_eigenvalues()
# Set up a scree plot
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
### Print results
if printEigenvalues:
print('Principal component eigenvalues for random matrix:\n', avgComponentEigens)
print('Factor eigenvalues for random matrix:\n', avgFactorEigens)
print('Principal component eigenvalues for data:\n', dataEv[0])
print('Factor eigenvalues for data:\n', dataEv[1])
# Find the suggested stopping points
suggestedFactors = sum((dataEv[1] - avgFactorEigens) > 0)
suggestedComponents = sum((dataEv[0] - avgComponentEigens) > 0)
print('Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors = ', suggestedFactors , ' and the number of components = ', suggestedComponents)
### Plot the eigenvalues against the number of variables
# Line for eigenvalue 1
plt.plot([0, m+1], [1, 1], 'k--', alpha=0.3)
# For the random data - Components
plt.plot(range(1, m+1), avgComponentEigens, 'b', label='PC - random', alpha=0.4)
# For the Data - Components
plt.scatter(range(1, m+1), dataEv[0], c='b', marker='o')
plt.plot(range(1, m+1), dataEv[0], 'b', label='PC - data')
# For the random data - Factors
plt.plot(range(1, m+1), avgFactorEigens, 'g', label='FA - random', alpha=0.4)
# For the Data - Factors
plt.scatter(range(1, m+1), dataEv[1], c='g', marker='o')
plt.plot(range(1, m+1), dataEv[1], 'g', label='FA - data')
plt.title('Parallel Analysis Scree Plots', {'fontsize': 20})
plt.xlabel('Factors/Components', {'fontsize': 15})
plt.xticks(ticks=range(1, m+1), labels=range(1, m+1))
plt.ylabel('Eigenvalue', {'fontsize': 15})
If you call the above like this:
You should get something like the following:
Example output for parallel analysis:

Thanks for sharing Eric and Reza.
Here I also provide a faster solution for those readers who do a PCA parallel analysis only. The above code is taking too long for me (apparently because of my very large dataset of size 33 x 15498) with no answer (I waited 1 day running it), so if anyone have only a PCA parallel analysis like my case, you can use this simple and very fast code, just you need to put your dataset in a csv file, this program reads in the csv and very fastly provides you with a PCA parallel analysis plot:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
shapeMatrix = pd.read_csv("E:\\projects\\ankle_imp_ssm\\results\\parallel_analysis\\data\\shapeMatrix.csv")
shapeMatrix.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True)
pca = PCA(shapeMatrix.shape[0]-1)
transformedShapeMatrix = pca.transform(normalized_shapeMatrix)
#np.savetxt("pca_data.csv", pca.explained_variance_, delimiter=",")
random_eigenvalues = np.zeros(shapeMatrix.shape[0]-1)
for i in range(100):
random_shapeMatrix = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(0, 1, [shapeMatrix.shape[0], shapeMatrix.shape[1]]))
pca_random = PCA(shapeMatrix.shape[0]-1)
transformedRandomShapeMatrix = pca_random.transform(random_shapeMatrix)
random_eigenvalues = random_eigenvalues+pca_random.explained_variance_ratio_
random_eigenvalues = random_eigenvalues / 100
#np.savetxt("pca_random.csv", random_eigenvalues, delimiter=",")
plt.plot(pca.explained_variance_ratio_, '--bo', label='pca-data')
plt.plot(random_eigenvalues, '--rx', label='pca-random')
plt.title('parallel analysis plot')
Byy running this piece of code on the matrix of shapes for which I created a statistical shape model. (Shape matrix is of size: 33 x 15498) and it takes just a few seconds to run.


Determining Fourier Coefficients from Time Series Data

I asked a since deleted question regarding how to determine Fourier coefficients from time series data. I am resubmitting this because I have better formulated the problem and have a solution that I'll give as I think others may find this very useful.
I have some time series data that I have binned into equally spaced time bins (a fact which will be crucial to my solution), and from that data I want to determine the Fourier series (or any function, really) that best describes the data. Here is a MWE with some test data to show the data I'm trying to fit:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a dependent test variable to define the x-axis of the test data.
test_array = np.linspace(0, 1, 101) - 0.5
# Define some test data to try to apply a Fourier series to.
test_data = [0.9783883464566918, 0.979599093567252, 0.9821424606299206, 0.9857575507812502, 0.9899278899999995,
0.9941848228346452, 0.9978438300395263, 1.0003009205426352, 1.0012208923679058, 1.0017130521235522,
1.0021799664031628, 1.0027475606936413, 1.0034168260869563, 1.0040914266144825, 1.0047781181102355,
1.005520348837209, 1.0061899214145387, 1.006846206627681, 1.0074483048543692, 1.0078691461988312,
1.008318736328125, 1.008446947572815, 1.00862051262136, 1.0085134881422921, 1.008337095516569,
1.0079539881889774, 1.0074857334630352, 1.006747783037474, 1.005962048923679, 1.0049115434782612,
1.003812267822736, 1.0026427549407106, 1.001251963531669, 0.999898555335968, 0.9984976286266923,
0.996995982142858, 0.9955652088974847, 0.9941647321428578, 0.9927727076023389, 0.9914750532544377,
0.990212467710371, 0.9891098035363466, 0.9875998927875242, 0.9828093773946361, 0.9722532524271845,
0.9574084365384614, 0.9411012303149601, 0.9251820309477757, 0.9121488392156851, 0.9033119748549322,
0.9002445803921568, 0.9032760564202343, 0.91192435882353, 0.9249696964980555, 0.94071381372549,
0.957139088974855, 0.9721083392156871, 0.982955287937743, 0.9880613320235758, 0.9897455322896282,
0.9909590626223097, 0.9922601592233015, 0.9936513112840472, 0.9951442427184468, 0.9967071285988475,
0.9982921493123781, 0.9998775465116277, 1.001389230174081, 1.0029109110251453, 1.0044033691406251,
1.0057110841487276, 1.0069551867704276, 1.008118776264591, 1.0089884470588228, 1.0098663972602735,
1.0104514566473979, 1.0109849223300964, 1.0112043902912626, 1.0114717968750002, 1.0113343036750482,
1.0112205972495087, 1.0108811786407768, 1.010500276264591, 1.0099054552529192, 1.009353759223301,
1.008592596116505, 1.007887223091976, 1.0070715634615386, 1.0063525891472884, 1.0055587861271678,
1.0048733732809436, 1.0041832862669238, 1.0035913326848247, 1.0025318871595328, 1.000088536345776,
0.9963596140350871, 0.9918380684931506, 0.9873937281553398, 0.9833394624277463, 0.9803621496062999,
# Create a figure to view the data.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6))
# Plot the data.
ax.scatter(test_array, test_data, color="k", s=1)
This outputs the following:
The question is how to determine the Fourier series best describing this data. The usual formula for determining the Fourier coefficients requires inserting a function into an integral, but if I had a function to describe the data I wouldn't need the Fourier coefficients at all; the whole point of finding this series is to have a functional representation of the data. In the absence of such a function, then, how are the coefficients found?
My solution to this problem is to apply a discrete Fourier transform to the data using NumPy's implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform, numpy.fft.fft(); this is why it's critical that the data is evenly spaced in time, as FFT requires this. While the FFT is typically used to perform analysis of the frequency spectrum, the desired Fourier coefficients are directly related to the output of this function.
Specifically, this function outputs a series of i complex-valued coefficients c. The Fourier series coefficients are found using the relations:
Therefore the FFT allows the Fourier coefficients to be directly computed. Here is the MWE of my solution to this problem, expanding the example given above:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set the number of equal-time bins to create.
n_bins = 101
# Set the number of Fourier coefficients to use.
n_coeff = 51
# Define a function to generate a Fourier series based on the coefficients determined by the Fast Fourier Transform.
# This also includes a series of phases x to pass through the function.
def create_fourier_series(x, coefficients):
# Begin the series with the zeroeth-order Fourier coefficient.
fourier_series = coefficients[0][0] / 2
# Now generate the first through n_coeff'th terms. The period is defined to be 1 since we're operating in phase
# space.
for n in range(1, n_coeff):
fourier_series += (fourier_coeff[n][0] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * n * x) + fourier_coeff[n][1] *
np.sin(2 * np.pi * n * x))
return fourier_series
# Create a dependent test variable to define the x-axis of the test data.
test_array = np.linspace(0, 1, n_bins) - 0.5
# Define some test data to try to apply a Fourier series to.
test_data = [0.9783883464566918, 0.979599093567252, 0.9821424606299206, 0.9857575507812502, 0.9899278899999995,
0.9941848228346452, 0.9978438300395263, 1.0003009205426352, 1.0012208923679058, 1.0017130521235522,
1.0021799664031628, 1.0027475606936413, 1.0034168260869563, 1.0040914266144825, 1.0047781181102355,
1.005520348837209, 1.0061899214145387, 1.006846206627681, 1.0074483048543692, 1.0078691461988312,
1.008318736328125, 1.008446947572815, 1.00862051262136, 1.0085134881422921, 1.008337095516569,
1.0079539881889774, 1.0074857334630352, 1.006747783037474, 1.005962048923679, 1.0049115434782612,
1.003812267822736, 1.0026427549407106, 1.001251963531669, 0.999898555335968, 0.9984976286266923,
0.996995982142858, 0.9955652088974847, 0.9941647321428578, 0.9927727076023389, 0.9914750532544377,
0.990212467710371, 0.9891098035363466, 0.9875998927875242, 0.9828093773946361, 0.9722532524271845,
0.9574084365384614, 0.9411012303149601, 0.9251820309477757, 0.9121488392156851, 0.9033119748549322,
0.9002445803921568, 0.9032760564202343, 0.91192435882353, 0.9249696964980555, 0.94071381372549,
0.957139088974855, 0.9721083392156871, 0.982955287937743, 0.9880613320235758, 0.9897455322896282,
0.9909590626223097, 0.9922601592233015, 0.9936513112840472, 0.9951442427184468, 0.9967071285988475,
0.9982921493123781, 0.9998775465116277, 1.001389230174081, 1.0029109110251453, 1.0044033691406251,
1.0057110841487276, 1.0069551867704276, 1.008118776264591, 1.0089884470588228, 1.0098663972602735,
1.0104514566473979, 1.0109849223300964, 1.0112043902912626, 1.0114717968750002, 1.0113343036750482,
1.0112205972495087, 1.0108811786407768, 1.010500276264591, 1.0099054552529192, 1.009353759223301,
1.008592596116505, 1.007887223091976, 1.0070715634615386, 1.0063525891472884, 1.0055587861271678,
1.0048733732809436, 1.0041832862669238, 1.0035913326848247, 1.0025318871595328, 1.000088536345776,
0.9963596140350871, 0.9918380684931506, 0.9873937281553398, 0.9833394624277463, 0.9803621496062999,
# Determine the fast Fourier transform for this test data.
fast_fourier_transform = np.fft.fft(test_data[n_bins / 2:] + test_data[:n_bins / 2])
# Create an empty list to hold the values of the Fourier coefficients.
fourier_coeff = []
# Loop through the FFT and pick out the a and b coefficients, which are the real and imaginary parts of the
# coefficients calculated by the FFT.
for n in range(0, n_coeff):
a = 2 * fast_fourier_transform[n].real / n_bins
b = -2 * fast_fourier_transform[n].imag / n_bins
fourier_coeff.append([a, b])
# Create the Fourier series approximating this data.
fourier_series = create_fourier_series(test_array, fourier_coeff)
# Create a figure to view the data.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6))
# Plot the data.
ax.scatter(test_array, test_data, color="k", s=1)
# Plot the Fourier series approximation.
ax.plot(test_array, fourier_series, color="b", lw=0.5)
This outputs the following:
Note that how I defined the FFT (importing the second half of the data followed by the first half) is a consequence of how this data was generated. Specifically, the data runs from -0.5 to 0.5, but the FFT assumes it runs from 0.0 to 1.0, necessitating this shift.
I've found that this works quite well for data that doesn't include very sharp and narrow discontinuities. I would be interested to hear if anyone has another suggested solution to this problem, and I hope people find this explanation clear and helpful.
Not sure if it helps you in anyway; I wrote a programme to interpoplate your data. This is done using buildingblocks==0.0.15
Please see below,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from buildingblocks import bb
import numpy as np
Ydata = [0.9783883464566918, 0.979599093567252, 0.9821424606299206, 0.9857575507812502, 0.9899278899999995,
0.9941848228346452, 0.9978438300395263, 1.0003009205426352, 1.0012208923679058, 1.0017130521235522,
1.0021799664031628, 1.0027475606936413, 1.0034168260869563, 1.0040914266144825, 1.0047781181102355,
1.005520348837209, 1.0061899214145387, 1.006846206627681, 1.0074483048543692, 1.0078691461988312,
1.008318736328125, 1.008446947572815, 1.00862051262136, 1.0085134881422921, 1.008337095516569,
1.0079539881889774, 1.0074857334630352, 1.006747783037474, 1.005962048923679, 1.0049115434782612,
1.003812267822736, 1.0026427549407106, 1.001251963531669, 0.999898555335968, 0.9984976286266923,
0.996995982142858, 0.9955652088974847, 0.9941647321428578, 0.9927727076023389, 0.9914750532544377,
0.990212467710371, 0.9891098035363466, 0.9875998927875242, 0.9828093773946361, 0.9722532524271845,
0.9574084365384614, 0.9411012303149601, 0.9251820309477757, 0.9121488392156851, 0.9033119748549322,
0.9002445803921568, 0.9032760564202343, 0.91192435882353, 0.9249696964980555, 0.94071381372549,
0.957139088974855, 0.9721083392156871, 0.982955287937743, 0.9880613320235758, 0.9897455322896282,
0.9909590626223097, 0.9922601592233015, 0.9936513112840472, 0.9951442427184468, 0.9967071285988475,
0.9982921493123781, 0.9998775465116277, 1.001389230174081, 1.0029109110251453, 1.0044033691406251,
1.0057110841487276, 1.0069551867704276, 1.008118776264591, 1.0089884470588228, 1.0098663972602735,
1.0104514566473979, 1.0109849223300964, 1.0112043902912626, 1.0114717968750002, 1.0113343036750482,
1.0112205972495087, 1.0108811786407768, 1.010500276264591, 1.0099054552529192, 1.009353759223301,
1.008592596116505, 1.007887223091976, 1.0070715634615386, 1.0063525891472884, 1.0055587861271678,
1.0048733732809436, 1.0041832862669238, 1.0035913326848247, 1.0025318871595328, 1.000088536345776,
0.9963596140350871, 0.9918380684931506, 0.9873937281553398, 0.9833394624277463, 0.9803621496062999,
plt.legend(['Given Data', 'Interpolated Data'])
Should you want to further write code, I have also give code so that you can see the source code and learn:
import module
import inspect
src = inspect.getsource(module)

Curve fitting with large number of data points

this is quite a specific problem I was hoping the community could help me out with. Thanks in advance.
So I have 2 sets of data, one is experimental and the other is based off of an equation. I am trying to fit my data points to this curve and hence obtain the missing variables I am interested in. Namely, a and b in the Ebfit function.
Here is the code:
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as spys
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
time = [60,220,520,1840]
Moment = [0.64227262,0.468318916,0.197100772,0.104512508]
Temperature = 25 # Bake temperature in degrees C
Nb = len(Moment) # Number of bake measurements
Baketime_a = time #[s]
N_Device = 10000 # No. of devices considered in the array
T_ambient = 273 + Temperature
kt = 0.0256*(T_ambient/298) # In units of eV
f0 = 1e9 # Attempt frequency
def Ebfit(x,a,b):
Eb_mean = a*(0.0256/kt) # Eb at bake temperature
Eb_sigma = b*Eb_mean
Foursigma = 4*Eb_sigma
Eb_a = np.linspace(Eb_mean-Foursigma,Eb_mean+Foursigma,N_Device)
dEb = Eb_a[1] - Eb_a[0]
pdfEb_a = spys.norm.pdf(Eb_a,Eb_mean,Eb_sigma)
## Retention Time
DMom = np.zeros(len(x),float)
tau = (1/f0)*np.exp(Eb_a)
for bb in range(len(x)):
DMom[bb]= (1 - 2*(sum(pdfEb_a*(1 - np.exp(np.divide(-x[bb],tau))))*dEb))
return DMom
a = 30
b = 0.10
params,extras = curve_fit(Ebfit,time,Moment)
x_new = list(range(0,2000,1))
y_new = Ebfit(x_new,params[0],params[1])
plt.plot(time,Moment, 'o', label = 'data points')
plt.plot(x_new,y_new, label = 'fitted curve')
The main problem I am having is that the fitting of the data to the function does not work when I use large number of points. In the above code When I use the 4 points (time & moment), this code works fine.
I get the following values for a and b.
array([ 29.11832766, 0.13918353])
The expected values for a is (23-50) and b is (0.06 - 0.15). So these values are within the acceptable range. This is the corresponding plot:
However, when I use my actual experimental normalized data with about 500 points.
EDIT: This data:
Normalized Data
Raw Data
I get the following values and plot for a and b which are out of the acceptable range,
array([-13.76687781, -12.90494196])
I know these values are wrong and if I were to do it manually (slowly adjusting values to obtain the proper fit) it would be around a=30.1 and b=0.09. And when plotted looks as such:
I have tried changing the initial guess values for a & b, other sets of experimental data as well and other suggestions in similar threads. None seem to work for me. Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks.
The model I am trying to fit the data to comes from the following equation:
where Dmom = 1 - 2*Psw
a is the Eb value while b is the Sigma value where, Eb has a range of values determined by the probability density function and 4 times of the sigma values (i.e. Foursigma). This distribution is then summed up to use for the final equation.
It looks like you do need to play around with the initial guesses for a and b after all. Perhaps the function you're fitting is not very well behaved, which is why it's so prone to fail for intitial guesses away from the global minumum. That being said, here's a working example of how to fit your data:
import pandas as pd
data_df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
time = data_df['Time since start, Time [s]'].values
moment = data_df['Signal X direction, Moment [emu]'].values
params, extras = curve_fit(Ebfit, time, moment, p0=[40, 0.3])
Yields the values of a and b of:
In [6]: params
Out[6]: array([ 30.47553689, 0.08839412])
Which results in a nicely aligned fit of a function.
x_big = np.linspace(1, 1800, 2000)
y_big = Ebfit(x_big, params[0], params[1])
plt.plot(time, moment, 'o', alpha=0.5, label='all points')
plt.plot(x_big, y_big, label = 'fitted curve')

Python/Matplotlib: Randomly select "sample" scatter points for different marker

Pretty much exactly what the question states, but a little context:
I'm creating a program to plot a large number of points (~10,000, but it will be more later on). This is being done using matplotlib's plt.scatter. This command is part of a loop that saves the figure, so I can later animate it.
What I want to be able to do is randomly select a small portion of these particles (say, maybe 100?) and give them a different marker than the rest, even though they're part of the same data set. This is so I can use them as placeholders to see the motion of individual particles, as well as the bulk material.
Is there a way to use a different marker for a small subset of the same data?
For reference, the particles are uniformly distributed just using the numpy random sampler, but my code for that is:
for i in range(N): # N number of particles
particle_position[i] = np.random.uniform(0, xmax) # Initialize in spatial domain
particle_velocity[i] = np.random.normal(0, 5) # Initialize in velocity space
for i in range(maxtime):
plt.scatter(particle_position, particle_velocity, s=1, c=norm_xvel, cmap=br_disc, lw=0)
The position and velocity change on each iteration of the main loop (there's quite a bit of code), but these are the main initialization and plotting routines.
I had an idea that perhaps I could randomly select a bunch of i values from range(N), and use an ax.scatter() command to plot them on the same axes?
Here is a possible solution to have a subset of your points identified with a different marker:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
SIZE = 100
def select_subset(seq, size):
"""selects a subset of the data using ...
return seq[:size]
points_x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=SIZE)
points_y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=SIZE)
plt.scatter(points_x, points_y, marker=".", color="blue")
plt.scatter(select_subset(points_x, SAMPLE_SIZE),
select_subset(points_y, SAMPLE_SIZE),
marker="o", color="red")
It uses plt.scatter twice; once on the full data set, the other on the sample points.
You will have to decide how you want to select the sample of points - it is isolated in the select_subset function..
You could also extract the sample points from the data set to prevent marking them twice, but numpy is rather inefficient at deleting or resizing.
Maybe a better method is to use a mask? A mask has the advantage of leaving your original data intact and in order.
Here is a way to proceed with masks:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
SIZE = 100
def make_mask(data_size, sample_size):
mask = np.array([True] * sample_size + [False ] * (data_size - sample_size))
return mask
points_x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=SIZE)
points_y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=SIZE)
mask = make_mask(SIZE, SAMPLE_SIZE)
not_mask = np.invert(mask)
plt.scatter(points_x[not_mask], points_y[not_mask], marker=".", color="blue")
plt.scatter(points_x[mask], points_y[mask], marker="o", color="red")
As you see, scatter is called once on a subset of the data points (the ones not selected in the sample), and a second time on the sampled subset, and draws each subset with its own marker. It is efficient & leaves the original data intact.
The code below does what you want. I have selected a random set v_sub_index of N_sub indices in the correct range (0 to N) and draw those (with _sub suffix) from the larger samples particle_position and particle_velocity. Please note that you don't have to loop to generate random samples. Numpy has great functionality for that without having to use for loops.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
N = 100
xmax = 1.
v_sigma = 2.5 / 2. # 95% of the samples contained within 0, 5
v_mean = 2.5 # mean at 2.5
N_sub = 10
v_sub_index = np.random.randint(0, N, N_sub)
particle_position = np.random.rand (N) * xmax
particle_velocity = np.random.randn(N)
particle_position_sub = np.array(particle_position[v_sub_index])
particle_velocity_sub = np.array(particle_velocity[v_sub_index])
particle_position_nosub = np.delete(particle_position, v_sub_index)
particle_velocity_nosub = np.delete(particle_velocity, v_sub_index)
pl.scatter(particle_position_nosub, particle_velocity_nosub, color='b', marker='o')
pl.scatter(particle_position_sub , particle_velocity_sub , color='r', marker='^')

Improve Polynomial Curve Fitting using numpy/Scipy in Python Help Needed

I have two NumPy arrays time and no of get requests. I need to fit this data using a function so that i could make future predictions.
These data were extracted from cassandra table which stores the details of a log file. So basically the time format is epoch-time and the training variable here is get_counts.
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cassandra.query import panda_factory
session = Cluster(contact_points=[''], port=9042).connect(keyspace='ASIA_KS')
session.row_factory = panda_factory
df = session.execute("SELECT epoch_time, get_counts FROM ASIA_TRAFFIC")
.sort(columns=['epoch_time','get_counts'], ascending=[1,0])
time = np.array([x[1] for x in enumerate(df['epoch_time'])])
get = np.array([x[1] for x in enumerate(df['get_counts'])])
plt.plot(time, byte,'o')
The data is as follows:
there are around 1000 pairs of data
time -> [1391193000 1391193060 1391193120 ..., 1391279280 1391279340 1391279400 1391279460]
get -> [577 380 430 ...,250 275 365 15]
Plot image (full size here):
Can someone please help me in providing a function so that i could properly fit in the data? I am new to python.
fit = np.polyfit(time, get, 3)
yp = np.poly1d(fit)
plt.plot(time, yp(time), 'r--', time, get, 'b.')
plt.ylabel('Number of Get requests')
plt.xlim([time[0]-10000, time[-1]+10000])
plt.ylim(0, 2000)
print yp(time[1400])
the fit curve looks like this:
However at the later part of the curve the value of y becomes (-ve) which is wrong. The curve must change its slope back to (+ve) somewhere in between.
Can anyone please suggest me how to go about it.
Help will be much appreciated.
You could try:
time = np.array([x[1] for x in enumerate(df['epoch_time'])])
byte = np.array([x[1] for x in enumerate(df['byte_transfer'])])
fit = np.polyfit(time, byte, n) # step up n value here,
# where n is the degree of the polynomial
yp = np.poly1d(fit)
print yp # displays function in cx^n +- cx^n-1...c format
plt.plot(x, yp(x), '-')
plt.ylabel('Bytes Transfered')
plt.plot(time, byte,'o')
I'm new to Numpy and curve fitting as well, but this is how I've been attempting to do it.

adding noise to a signal in python

I want to add some random noise to some 100 bin signal that I am simulating in Python - to make it more realistic.
On a basic level, my first thought was to go bin by bin and just generate a random number between a certain range and add or subtract this from the signal.
I was hoping (as this is python) that there might a more intelligent way to do this via numpy or something. (I suppose that ideally a number drawn from a gaussian distribution and added to each bin would be better also.)
Thank you in advance of any replies.
I'm just at the stage of planning my code, so I don't have anything to show. I was just thinking that there might be a more sophisticated way of generating the noise.
In terms out output, if I had 10 bins with the following values:
Bin 1: 1
Bin 2: 4
Bin 3: 9
Bin 4: 16
Bin 5: 25
Bin 6: 25
Bin 7: 16
Bin 8: 9
Bin 9: 4
Bin 10: 1
I just wondered if there was a pre-defined function that could add noise to give me something like:
Bin 1: 1.13
Bin 2: 4.21
Bin 3: 8.79
Bin 4: 16.08
Bin 5: 24.97
Bin 6: 25.14
Bin 7: 16.22
Bin 8: 8.90
Bin 9: 4.02
Bin 10: 0.91
If not, I will just go bin-by-bin and add a number selected from a gaussian distribution to each one.
Thank you.
It's actually a signal from a radio telescope that I am simulating. I want to be able to eventually choose the signal to noise ratio of my simulation.
You can generate a noise array, and add it to your signal
import numpy as np
noise = np.random.normal(0,1,100)
# 0 is the mean of the normal distribution you are choosing from
# 1 is the standard deviation of the normal distribution
# 100 is the number of elements you get in array noise
For those trying to make the connection between SNR and a normal random variable generated by numpy:
[1] , where it's important to keep in mind that P is average power.
Or in dB:
In this case, we already have a signal and we want to generate noise to give us a desired SNR.
While noise can come in different flavors depending on what you are modeling, a good start (especially for this radio telescope example) is Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). As stated in the previous answers, to model AWGN you need to add a zero-mean gaussian random variable to your original signal. The variance of that random variable will affect the average noise power.
For a Gaussian random variable X, the average power , also known as the second moment, is
So for white noise, and the average power is then equal to the variance .
When modeling this in python, you can either
1. Calculate variance based on a desired SNR and a set of existing measurements, which would work if you expect your measurements to have fairly consistent amplitude values.
2. Alternatively, you could set noise power to a known level to match something like receiver noise. Receiver noise could be measured by pointing the telescope into free space and calculating average power.
Either way, it's important to make sure that you add noise to your signal and take averages in the linear space and not in dB units.
Here's some code to generate a signal and plot voltage, power in Watts, and power in dB:
# Signal Generation
# matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = np.linspace(1, 100, 1000)
x_volts = 10*np.sin(t/(2*np.pi))
plt.plot(t, x_volts)
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
x_watts = x_volts ** 2
plt.plot(t, x_watts)
plt.title('Signal Power')
plt.ylabel('Power (W)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
x_db = 10 * np.log10(x_watts)
plt.plot(t, x_db)
plt.title('Signal Power in dB')
plt.ylabel('Power (dB)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
Here's an example for adding AWGN based on a desired SNR:
# Adding noise using target SNR
# Set a target SNR
target_snr_db = 20
# Calculate signal power and convert to dB
sig_avg_watts = np.mean(x_watts)
sig_avg_db = 10 * np.log10(sig_avg_watts)
# Calculate noise according to [2] then convert to watts
noise_avg_db = sig_avg_db - target_snr_db
noise_avg_watts = 10 ** (noise_avg_db / 10)
# Generate an sample of white noise
mean_noise = 0
noise_volts = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(noise_avg_watts), len(x_watts))
# Noise up the original signal
y_volts = x_volts + noise_volts
# Plot signal with noise
plt.plot(t, y_volts)
plt.title('Signal with noise')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
# Plot in dB
y_watts = y_volts ** 2
y_db = 10 * np.log10(y_watts)
plt.plot(t, 10* np.log10(y_volts**2))
plt.title('Signal with noise (dB)')
plt.ylabel('Power (dB)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
And here's an example for adding AWGN based on a known noise power:
# Adding noise using a target noise power
# Set a target channel noise power to something very noisy
target_noise_db = 10
# Convert to linear Watt units
target_noise_watts = 10 ** (target_noise_db / 10)
# Generate noise samples
mean_noise = 0
noise_volts = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(target_noise_watts), len(x_watts))
# Noise up the original signal (again) and plot
y_volts = x_volts + noise_volts
# Plot signal with noise
plt.plot(t, y_volts)
plt.title('Signal with noise')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
# Plot in dB
y_watts = y_volts ** 2
y_db = 10 * np.log10(y_watts)
plt.plot(t, 10* np.log10(y_volts**2))
plt.title('Signal with noise')
plt.ylabel('Power (dB)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
... And for those who - like me - are very early in their numpy learning curve,
import numpy as np
pure = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
signal = pure + noise
For those who want to add noise to a multi-dimensional dataset loaded within a pandas dataframe or even a numpy ndarray, here's an example:
import pandas as pd
# create a sample dataset with dimension (2,2)
# in your case you need to replace this with
# clean_signal = pd.read_csv("your_data.csv")
clean_signal = pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[3,4]], columns=list('AB'), dtype=float)
print output:
0 1.0 2.0
1 3.0 4.0
import numpy as np
mu, sigma = 0, 0.1
# creating a noise with the same dimension as the dataset (2,2)
noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, [2,2])
print output:
array([[-0.11114313, 0.25927152],
[ 0.06701506, -0.09364186]])
signal = clean_signal + noise
print output:
0 0.888857 2.259272
1 3.067015 3.906358
AWGN Similar to Matlab Function
def awgn(sinal):
sigpower=sum([math.pow(abs(sinal[i]),2) for i in range(len(sinal))])
return noise
In real life you wish to simulate a signal with white noise. You should add to your signal random points that have Normal Gaussian distribution. If we speak about a device that have sensitivity given in unit/SQRT(Hz) then you need to devise standard deviation of your points from it. Here I give function "white_noise" that does this for you, an the rest of a code is demonstration and check if it does what it should.
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
rhp - spectral noise density unit/SQRT(Hz)
sr - sample rate
n - no of points
mu - mean value, optional
n points of noise signal with spectral noise density of rho
def white_noise(rho, sr, n, mu=0):
sigma = rho * np.sqrt(sr/2)
noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, n)
return noise
rho = 1
sr = 1000
n = 1000
period = n/sr
time = np.linspace(0, period, n)
signal_pure = 100*np.sin(2*np.pi*13*time)
noise = white_noise(rho, sr, n)
signal_with_noise = signal_pure + noise
f, psd = signal.periodogram(signal_with_noise, sr)
print("Mean spectral noise density = ",np.sqrt(np.mean(psd[50:])), "arb.u/SQRT(Hz)")
plt.plot(time, signal_with_noise)
plt.plot(time, signal_pure)
plt.xlabel("time (s)")
plt.ylabel("signal (arb.u.)")
plt.semilogy(f[1:], np.sqrt(psd[1:]))
plt.xlabel("frequency (Hz)")
plt.ylabel("psd (arb.u./SQRT(Hz))")
#plt.axvline(13, ls="dashed", color="g")
plt.axhline(rho, ls="dashed", color="r")
Awesome answers from Akavall and Noel (that's what worked for me). Also, I saw some comments about different distributions. A solution that I also tried was to make test over my variable and find what distribution it was closer.
has different distributions that can be used, it can be seen in its documentation:
documentation numpy.random
As an example from a different distribution (example referenced from Noel's answer):
import numpy as np
pure = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
noise = np.random.lognormal(0, 1, 100)
signal = pure + noise
I hope this can help someone looking for this specific branch from the original question.
You can try this:
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
y = np.power(x,2)
noise = 2 * np.random.normal(size=x.size)
ydata = y + noise
plt.plot(x, ydata, 'bo')
plt.plot(x,y, 'r')
plt.ylabel('y data')
plt.xlabel('x data')
Awesome answers above. I recently had a need to generate simulated data and this is what I landed up using. Sharing in-case helpful to others as well,
import logging
__name__ = "DataSimulator"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def generate_simulated_data(add_anomalies:bool=True, random_state:int=42):
rnd_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
time = np.linspace(0, 200, num=2000)
pure = 20*np.sin(time/(2*np.pi))
# concatenate on the second axis; this will allow us to mix different data
# distribution
data = np.c_[pure]
mu = np.mean(data)
sd = np.std(data)"Data shape : {data.shape}. mu: {mu} with sd: {sd}")
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Value'])
data_df['Index'] = data_df.index.values
# Adding gaussian jitter
jitter = 0.3*rnd_state.normal(mu, sd, size=data_df.shape[0])
data_df['with_jitter'] = data_df['Value'] + jitter
index_further_away = None
if add_anomalies:
# As per the 68-95-99.7 rule(also known as the empirical rule) mu+-2*sd
# covers 95.4% of the dataset.
# Since, anomalies are considered to be rare and typically within the
# 5-10% of the data; this filtering
# technique might work
#for us(
indexes_furhter_away = np.where(np.abs(data_df['with_jitter']) > (mu +
2*sd))[0]"Number of points further away :
{len(indexes_furhter_away)}. Indexes: {indexes_furhter_away}")
# Generate a point uniformly and embed it into the dataset
random = rnd_state.uniform(0, 5, 1)
data_df.loc[indexes_furhter_away, 'with_jitter'] +=
random*data_df.loc[indexes_furhter_away, 'with_jitter']
return data_df, indexes_furhter_away
