Load multiple pages by web scraping python - python

I wrote a python code for web scraping so that I can import the data from flipkart.
I need to load multiple pages so that I can import many products but right now only 1 product page is coming.
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import tablib
my_url = 'https://www.xxxxxx.com/food-processors/pr?sid=j9e%2Cm38%2Crj3&page=1'
uClient2 = uReq(my_url)
page_html = uClient2.read()
page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser")
containers11 = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"_3O0U0u"})
filename = "FoodProcessor.csv"
f = open(filename, "w", encoding='utf-8-sig')
headers = "Product, Price, Description \n"
for container in containers11:
title_container = container.findAll("div",{"class":"_3wU53n"})
product_name = title_container[0].text
price_con = container.findAll("div",{"class":"_1vC4OE _2rQ-NK"})
price = price_con[0].text
description_container = container.findAll("ul",{"class":"vFw0gD"})
product_description = description_container[0].text
print("Product: " + product_name)
print("Price: " + price)
print("Description" + product_description)
f.write(product_name + "," + price.replace(",","") +"," + product_description +"\n")

You have to check if the next page button exist or not. If yes then return True, go to that next page and start scraping if no then return False and move to the next container. Check for the class name of that button first.
# to check if a pagination exists on the page:
def go_next_page():
button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//a[#class="<class name>"]')
return True, button
except NoSuchElementException:
return False, None

You can Firstly get the number of pages available and iterate over for each of the pages and parse the data respectively.
Like if you change the URL with respect to page
'https://www.flipkart.com/food-processors/pr?sid=j9e%2Cm38%2Crj3&page=1' which points to page 1
'https://www.flipkart.com/food-processors/pr?sid=j9e%2Cm38%2Crj3&page=2' which points to page 2

next_btn = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a//span[text()='Next']")
except ElementClickInterceptedException as ec:
classes = "_3ighFh"
overlay = driver.find_element_by_xpath("(//div[#class='{}'])[last()]".format(classes))
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'",overlay)
next_btn = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a//span[text()='Next']")
except Exception as e:
except TimeoutException:
print("Page Timed Out")

For me, the easiest way is to add an extra loop with the "page" variable:
# just check the number of the last page on the website
page = 1
while page != 10:
print(f'Scraping page: {page}')
my_url = 'https://www.xxxxxx.com/food-processors/pr?sid=j9e%2Cm38%2Crj3&page={page}'
# here add the for loop you already have
page += 1
This method should work.


How to extracting content from pagination next button?

This is the website I am trying to scrape:
Below is the code that I have tried,but it repetitively return me first page and third page.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen
def parse():
base_url = 'https://www.jurongpoint.com.sg/store-directory/?level=&cate=Food+%26+Beverage'
while True:
html = urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html ,"html.parser")
for link in soup.find_all('div',class_='entry-content'):
for n, k in zip(names, shops):
name = n.find_all('td')[1].text.replace(' ','')
desc = k.text.replace(' ','')
print(name + "\n")
except AttributeError as e:
next_button = soup.find('a', href=True)
if next_button:
url = base_url + next_button['href']
Select your elements more specific, used css selectors here to get the <a> that is child of an element with class="PagedList-skipToNext" :
next_button = soup.select_one('.PagedList-skipToNext a')
Also check the results of your selection, base_url is not needed here:
url = next_button.get('href')
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
def parse():
url = 'https://www.jurongpoint.com.sg/store-directory/?level=&cate=Food+%26+Beverage'
while True:
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text)
print(url) ## to see what you are working on or enter code that should be performed
next_button = soup.select_one('.PagedList-skipToNext a')
if next_button:
url = next_button.get('href')

Scraping multiple pages with beautifulsoup4 using python 3.6.3

I am trying to loop through multiple pages and my code doesn't extract anything. I am kind of new to scraping so bear with me. I made a container so I can target each listing. I also made a variable to target the anchor tag that you would press to go to the next page. I would really appreciate any help I could get. Thanks.
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
for page in range(0,25):
file = "breakfeast_chicago.csv"
f = open(file, "w")
Headers = "Nambusiness_name, business_address, business_city, business_region, business_phone_number\n"
my_url = 'https://www.yellowpages.com/search?search_terms=Stores&geo_location_terms=Chicago%2C%20IL&page={}'.format(page)
uClient = uReq(my_url)
page_html = uClient.read()
# html parsing
page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser")
# grabs each listing
containers = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class": "result"})
new = page_soup.findAll("a", {"class":"next ajax-page"})
for i in new:
for container in containers:
b_name = i.find("container.h2.span.text").get_text()
b_addr = i.find("container.p.span.text").get_text()
city_container = container.findAll("span",{"class": "locality"})
b_city = i.find("city_container[0].text ").get_text()
region_container = container.findAll("span",{"itemprop": "postalCode"})
b_reg = i.find("region_container[0].text").get_text()
phone_container = container.findAll("div",{"itemprop": "telephone"})
b_phone = i.find("phone_container[0].text").get_text()
print(b_name, b_addr, b_city, b_reg, b_phone)
f.write(b_name + "," +b_addr + "," +b_city.replace(",", "|") + "," +b_reg + "," +b_phone + "\n")
except: AttributeError
If using BS4 try : find_all
Try dropping into a trace using import pdb;pdb.set_trace() and try to debug what is being selected in the for loop.
Also, some content may be hidden if it is loaded via javascript.
Each anchor tag or href for "clicking" is just another network request, and if you plan to follow the link consider slowing down the number of requests in between each request, so you don't get blocked.
You can try like the below script. It will traverse different pages through pagination and collect name and phone numbers from each container.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
my_url = "https://www.yellowpages.com/search?search_terms=Stores&geo_location_terms=Chicago%2C%20IL&page={}"
for link in [my_url.format(page) for page in range(1,5)]:
res = requests.get(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "lxml")
for item in soup.select(".info"):
name = item.select(".business-name [itemprop='name']")[0].text
except Exception:
name = ""
phone = item.select("[itemprop='telephone']")[0].text
except Exception:
phone = ""

Pagination with BeautifulSoup

I am trying to get some data from the following website. https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs
For every drug in the table, I will need to go deeply and have the name and some other specific features like categories, structured indication (please click on drug name to see the features I will use).
I wrote the following code but the issue that I can't make my code handle pagination (as you see there more than 2000 pages!).
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def drug_data():
url = 'https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text ,"lxml")
for link in soup.select('name-head a'):
href = 'https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/' + link.get('href')
def pages_data(item_url):
r = requests.get(item_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
g_data = soup.select('div.content-container')
for item in g_data:
print item.contents[1].text
print item.contents[3].findAll('td')[1].text
print item.contents[5].findAll('td',{'class':'col-md-2 col-sm-4'})
print item_url
How can I scrape all of the data and handle pagination properly?
This page uses almost the same url for all pages so you can use for loop to generate them
def drug_data(page_number):
url = 'https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/?page=' + str(page_number)
#... rest ...
# --- later ---
for x in range(1, 2001):
Or using while and try/except to get more then 2000 pages
def drug_data(page_number):
url = 'https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/?page=' + str(page_number)
#... rest ...
# --- later ---
page = 0
while True:
page += 1
except Exception as ex:
print("probably last page:", page)
break # exit `while` loop
You can also find url to next page in HTML
<a rel="next" class="page-link" href="/drugs?approved=1&c=name&d=up&page=2">›</a>
so you can use BeautifulSoup to get this link and use it.
It displays current url, finds link to next page (using class="page-link" rel="next") and loads it
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def drug_data():
url = 'https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/'
while url:
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text ,"lxml")
#data = soup.select('name-head a')
#for link in data:
# href = 'https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/' + link.get('href')
# pages_data(href)
# next page url
url = soup.findAll('a', {'class': 'page-link', 'rel': 'next'})
if url:
url = 'https://www.drugbank.ca' + url[0].get('href')
BTW: never use except:pass because you can have error which you didn't expect and you will not know why it doesn't work. Better display error
except Exception as ex:
print('Error:', ex)

Google news crawler flip pages

continuing on previous work to crawl all news result about query and to return title and url, I am refining the crawler to get all results from all pages in Google News. Current code seems can only return the 1st page Googel news search result. Would be grateful to know how to get all pages results. Many thanks!
my codes below:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import datetime
from random import randint
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
query2Google = input("What do you want from Google News?\n")
def QGN(query2Google):
s = '"'+query2Google+'"' #Keywords for query
s = s.replace(" ","+")
date = str(datetime.datetime.now().date()) #timestamp
filename =query2Google+"_"+date+"_"+'SearchNews.csv' #csv filename
f = open(filename,"wb")
url = "http://www.google.com.sg/search?q="+s+"&tbm=nws&tbs=qdr:y" # URL for query of news results within one year and sort by date
#htmlpage = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
time.sleep(randint(0, 2))#waiting
htmlpage = requests.get(url)
print("Status code: "+ str(htmlpage.status_code))
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlpage.text,'lxml')
df = []
for result_table in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "g"}):
a_click = result_table.find("a")
#print ("-----Title----\n" + str(a_click.renderContents()))#Title
#print ("----URL----\n" + str(a_click.get("href"))) #URL
#print ("----Brief----\n" + str(result_table.find("div", {"class": "st"}).renderContents()))#Brief
#print ("Done")
df=np.append(df,[str(a_click.renderContents()).strip("b'"),str(a_click.get("href")).strip('/url?q='),str(result_table.find("div", {"class": "st"}).renderContents()).strip("b'")])
df = np.reshape(df,(-1,3))
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df,columns=['Title','URL','Brief'])
print("Search Crawl Done!")
df1.to_csv(filename, index=False,encoding='utf-8')
There used to be an ajax api, but it's no longer avaliable .
Still , you can modify your script with a for loop if you want to get a number of pages , or a while loop if you want to get all pages .
Example :
url = "http://www.google.com.sg/search?q="+s+"&tbm=nws&tbs=qdr:y&start="
pages = 10 # the number of pages you want to crawl #
for next in range(0, pages*10, 10) :
page = url + str(next)
time.sleep(randint(1, 5)) # you may need longer than that #
htmlpage = requests.get(page) # you should add User-Agent and Referer #
print("Status code: " + str(htmlpage.status_code))
if htmlpage.status_code != 200 :
break # something went wrong #
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlpage.text, 'lxml')
... process response here ...
next_page = soup.find('td', { 'class':'b', 'style':'text-align:left' })
if next_page is None or next_page.a is None :
break # there are no more pages #
Keep in mind that google doesn't like bots , you might get a ban .
You could add 'User-Agent' and 'Referer' in headers to simulate a web browser , and use time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 6)) to simulate a human ... or use selenium.
You can also add &num=25 to the end of your query and you'll get back a webpage with that number of results. In this example youll get back 25 google results back.

How to chose a random link on the page?

i am using beautiful soup to get links from a page.
What i would like it to do is select one of the links at random and continue with the rest of the program. Currently it is using all the links and continuing with the rest of the program, however i only want it to choose 1 link.
The the rest of the program will then look at the link and decide if it was good enough for what i want. If it is not good enough it will then go back and click another link. And repeat the processes.
Any idea how you would get it to do this?
This is my current code for looking up the links.
import requests
import os.path
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
import hashlib
import random
max_page = 1
img_limit = 5
def pic_spider(max_pages):
page = random.randrange(0, max_page)
pid = page * 40
pic_good = 1
while pic_good == 1:
if page <= max_pages:
url = 'http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=yuri&pid=' + str(pid)
source_code = requests.get(url)
plain_text = source_code.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text, "html.parser")
id_list_location = os.path.join(id_save, "ids.txt")
first_link = soup.findAll('a', id=True, limit=img_limit)
for link in first_link:
href = "http://safebooru.org/" + link.get('href')
picture_id = link.get('id')
print("Page number = " + str(page + 1))
print("pid = " + str(pid))
print("Id = " + picture_id)
if picture_id in open(id_list_location).read():
print("Already Downloaded or Picture checked to be too long")
if ratio_get(href) >= 1.3:
print("Picture too long")
#img_download_link(href, picture_id)
print("Ok download")
im not really sure how i would do it so any ideas would help me out, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Am I missing something? Don't you just need to replace this:
first_link = soup.findAll('a', id=True, limit=img_limit)
for link in first_link:
from random import choice
first_link = soup.findAll('a', id=True, limit=img_limit)
link = choice(first_link)
This will select one random item from the list
