Blank images when attempting to load image into tkinter window - python

So what's happening is that I have a PNG file saved in my directory. I am trying to create a program that loads this picture onto a window 3 times. I am using tkinter for the UI and its PhotoImage class to do this. To load a picture I normally create a class and then load put a button in it with the 'image parameter'. However, when I try to run this program, it only loads the 3rd picture. The 1st and 2nd one just appear as blank boxes. Can somebody help me?
The code is below:
from tkinter import *
def add():
imageClass = PhotoImage(file="updated.png")
button = Button(root, compound=TOP, image=imageClass, pady=20, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)
root = Tk()
for i in range(3):
imageClass = PhotoImage(file="updated.png")
button = Button(root, compound=TOP, image=imageClass, pady=20, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)

What's happening is your images are being stored on every iteration of the for loop as imageClass = PhotoImage(file="updated.png")
imageClass gets its value overriden for every i, and when the loop finally exits only one reference in imageClass remains, hence why the 3rd image appers and others do not.
Thus you need to store every PhotoImage "reference" somewhere, for example in a global dictionary
root = Tk()
# Modification 1
myImageClasses = dict()
for i in range(3):
# Modification 2
myImageClasses[i] = PhotoImage(file="updated.png")
button = Button(root, compound=TOP, image=myImageClasses[i], pady=20, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)


python issue adds a new label

take a look at this code
well it happens to just add another label for no reason
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
clicks = 1
def click_count():
global clicks
# making the label that shows how many idk you have
label = Label(frame, text="you have " + str(clicks), font=(('Courrier'), 32))
clicks += 1
#generating the window
root = tkinter.Tk()
#making the expandable frame
frame = Frame(root)
#making the button
button = Button(frame, text= "click", font=(('Courrier'), 32), command=click_count)
and then i tried this
and i also tried to remove the label.pack at the end
but it still does the same thing which is adding another label
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
clicks = 1
def click_count():
global clicks
# making the label that shows how many idk you have
label = Label(frame, text="you have " + str(clicks), font=(('Courrier'), 32))
clicks += 1
#generating the window
root = tkinter.Tk()
#making the expandable frame
frame = Frame(root)
#making the button
button = Button(frame, text= "click", font=(('Courrier'), 32), command=click_count)
i was expecting it to add a nmber to the label but it just shows another label
It does not add a Label for no reason. It adds the label because that's what your function tells it to do. Each time you click the button, the function is executed that creates and packs a new Label.
What you should do is create the label at the onset and link it to a variable. Then, you can change the value of this variable in the function.
Also, you don't have to import tkinter twice and it's sensible to update the clicker first and then display the result instead of showing the last value it had. Your approach works in such a small program but the value of clicks will always be one higher than displayed. So, you may get into problems when you use the value.
from tkinter import *
def click_count():
global clicks
clicks += 1
click_counter.set("you have " + str(clicks))
#Initiate root
root = Tk()
#Set initial values for click counter
clicks = 0
click_counter = StringVar()
click_counter.set("you have 0")
#making the expandable frame
frame = Frame(root)
# making the label that shows how many idk you have
label = Label(frame, textvariable=click_counter, font=(('Courrier'), 32)) ## The label gets updated, whenever the value of click_counter changes.
#making the button
button = Button(frame, text= "click", font=(('Courrier'), 32), command=click_count)

Buttons not being placed inside the correct frame in tkinter

I am a newbie trying to use tkinter to build a GUI for an application. So far, I have a frame that I'd like to put several buttons into. However, every time I attempt to position this button, it isn't placed properly, being put outside of the frame itself. I wouldn't like to use the place function because of the several buttons I have to dynamically generate coming from an excel sheet so I was hoping to use the grid function instead.
Here is what I have so far
from tkinter import *
from customtkinter import *
window = Tk()
window.title("My Company's Description Printer")
main_frame = CTkFrame(window, width=1920, height=1080, fg_color="grey21"), y=0)
title = Label(main_frame,
text="My Company",
font=("Trajan Pro", 20)).place(x=626, y=30)
button_frame = CTkCanvas(main_frame,
bg="grey19").place(x=60, y=110)
test_button = CTkButton(button_frame, text="test").grid(row=0, column=0)
Example of code being ran
As you can see, the button is being placed in the top left corner of the entire window rather than the top left corner of the black bordered button frame. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much.
Note that button_frame is None because it is the result of .place(...), so the button (test_button is None as well due to same reason) is a child of the root window instead of the instance of CTkCanvas. .place(...) should be called in separate line.
Also .create_window() is used instead of tkinter layout manager to put widget into a canvas:
button_frame = CTkCanvas(main_frame,
# call .place(...) in separate line, y=110)
test_button = CTkButton(button_frame, text="test") # don't use .grid(row=0, column=0)
# use .create_window() to put widget into canvas
button_frame.create_window(0, 0, window=test_button, anchor="nw")

Messed Up Spacing After Button Click in Tkinter

I'm trying to create a GUI using Tkinter for a Pip-boy from Fallout 3. I'm running into a problem where after I click a button in one of the frames, the spacing between the buttons gets messed up. This spacing change happens for all but one of the buttons in the frame (the Lockpick one).
This is what I want the button spacing to look like (what it looks like before I click a button):
This is what happens after I click a button (in this case the Barter one)
Here is the code I am using:
from tkinter import *
# to read descriptions of each skill from a text file
with open("skills.txt") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# function that updates the label with a different description when the corresponding button is clicked
def show_skill_desc(index):
desc['text'] = lines[index-1]
# makes the window and frame
root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
# creates the label
Label(root, text="Stats").grid(row=0, column=0)
# list of skills which will each have their separate labels
skills_list = ["Barter", "Big Guns", "Energy Weapons", "Explosives", "Lockpick", "Medicine",
"Melee Weapons", "Repair", "Science", "Small Guns", "Sneak", "Speech", "Unarmed"]
# placing the label in the frame
desc = Label(root, text="", padx=30, wraplength=600, justify=LEFT)
desc.grid(row=2, column=1)
# creates a button for each skill
button_list = []
for i in range(12):
button_list.append(Button(root, text=skills_list[i], width=40,
height=2, command=lambda c=i: show_skill_desc(button_list[c].grid_info()['row']), padx=0, pady=0))
button_list[i].grid(row=i+1, column=0)
The purpose of the GUI is to display the description of each skill, when the button for a skill is clicked.
Does anyone know why the spacing change happens? Thank you!

Returning values from entry's when pressing a button using Tkinter

I am writing a program that requires two values (from 2 entries) to be called when a button is pressed. I simplified to code to try to isolate the problem. For some reason the program is not behaving how I want it to. When the button is pressed, the output is "A=" and then if i click the button a second time I get ""A=entry1 B=entry2 A=". I have been trying to figure out the problem for hours now, please help.
import tkinter as tk
def button_function():
A = entry1.get()
print('A=', A)
B= entry2.get()
print('B=', B)
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root)
entry1 = tk.Entry(root), relheight=0.5)
entry2 = tk.Entry(root), relwidth=0.5, relheight=0.5)
button = tk.Button(root, text = "confirm", command= button_function), relwidth=0.5, relheight=1)
You just need to change command=button_function() to command=button_function, then it will work perfectly!

How to make a button open a new window?

I am making a simple GUI that starts with a main menu them the user can click a button to proceed to a new window which has a picture of a keyboard and the user can press key on their keyboard to play the paino. Right now I cant figure out how to make a button that when pressed closes the main menu (labeled mainMenu()) and open the game menu (playGame).
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
class mainMenu:
def _init_(self, master):
frame = Frame(master)
self.quitButton = Button(frame, text = "Quit", command = frame.quit)
self.quitButton.pack(side = LEFT)
self.proceedButton = Button(frame, text = "Play", command = playGame)
self.proceedButton.pack(side = LEFT)
def playGame(self):
def gameMenu(self):
root = Tk()
b = mainMenu(root)
topFrame = Frame(root)
bottomFrame = Frame(root)
bottomeFrame.pack(side = BOTTOM)
photo = PhotoImage(file = "piano.png")
label = Label(root, image = photo)
You'll have to forgive me for removing your class but I've never personally worked with classes in python before. However I seem to have you code working to some degree.
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
def playGame():
def gameMenu():
b = mainMenu(root)
topFrame = Frame(root)
bottomFrame = Frame(root)
bottomFrame.pack(side = BOTTOM)
photo = PhotoImage(file = "piano.png")
label = Label(root, image = photo)
frame = Frame(root)
quitButton = Button(frame, text = "Quit", command = frame.quit)
quitButton.pack(side = LEFT)
proceedButton = Button(frame, text = "Play", command = playGame)
proceedButton.pack(side = LEFT)
The main problem you had was that you were using both root and master. When declaring the main window in tkinter you normally use either root = Tk() or master = Tk() either one is acceptable, personally I use master. This variable contains the main window that everything else is placed into. You also hadn't put Tk() into any variable, meaning that when you hit root.mainloop() there was nothing to enter the main loop, this was because you were trying to declare root = Tk() inside gameMenu, which wasn't getting called in your program.
If you want to open windows within tkinter it's probably easier to write something like this:
from tkinter import *
master = Tk() #Declaring of main window
def ProceedButtonCommand(mainframe, master): #Command to attach to proceed button
DrawSecondScreen(master) #This line is what lets the command tied to the button call up the second screen
def QuitButtonCommand(master):
def DrawFirstScreen(master):
mainframe = Frame(master) #This is a way to semi-cheat when drawing new screens, destroying a frame below master frame clears everything from the screen without having to redraw the window, giving the illusion of one seamless transition
ProceedButton = Button(mainframe, text="Proceed", command=lambda: ProceedButtonCommand(mainframe, master)) #Lambda just allows you to pass variables with the command
QuitButton = Button(mainframe, text = "Quit", command=lambda: QuitButtonCommand(master))
def DrawSecondScreen(master):
mainframe = Frame(master)
Label1 = Label(mainframe, text="Temp")
master.mainloop() #The mainloop handles all the events that occur in a tkinter window, from button pressing to the commands that a button runs, very important
This little script just draws a screen with two buttons, one draws a new screen with the text "temp" on it and the other button closes the master window.
In the future it's probably a better idea to ask a friend who is experienced in programming to help with this kind of stuff. Get talking on some computing forums, I'm sure you'll find a group of sharing and fixing code quickly.
