I am working on a script that detects the bottom of a cooking pot, given a picture from above at a slightly slanted angle. This is a tough task due to lighting, lack of edges, and the glare of the metal pot.
This is a sample image I am working with:
img = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
The bottom of the pot is visible, but hard to detect.
So far, I was able to produce this image using:
th2 = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray_img,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2)
And this image using:
edges = cv2.Canny(img,30,60)
The solution seems intuitive since in both images the base can be detected easily, but I am not able to figure out the implementation.
My intuition tells me that I should cluster white pixels starting from the center of the image, and line the border of the segmentation generated from the clustering. I am not quite sure about how to go about that. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
What is your overall goal? Do you want to detect something at the bottom? Count bubbles or something like that? Or you you want to check for defects?.
As you already mentioned, it's hard because of the reflections, so you could start using less direct light and maybe use a diffuse source.
No single light bulb, no direct sun, maybe use a white canvas. Or span a thin piece of white cloth between the current light source and the camera.
I have a FOV camera that has approximately 195*130 degree. So this 'lens' will put in a circle holder and the lens should not see the holder. Here's the image of not I want.
I draw 4 rectangle in Paint. There are 4 black spots which is the holder. The full red one is for censorship not there actually
If the camera image streams like that, that's a no. I need to detect that black spots and if it is like this it should gives me a error message or simply 'false'. I searched google and couldn't found this. I'm a noob of this subject but if you explain me how to do this I can connect the dots.
Thank you for your helps.
And I get the stream via USB-Capture Card. It acts like webcam.
#UPDATE1: I cropped the four corners of image then get the threshold. Made a basic if else logic and get what I want. Thank you anyway.
Try detection by generating custom HAAR filters.
Or make it simply by applying a threshold (nearly black) and look if some tiny squares in the corneres are completely black.
I want to detect dust in the circle in the image, but there is a problem in that the edges are detected even in areas that are not actually defective. I am curious to see if it helps to handle the border part.
I would like to know how to clean up the pixels of the partial parts.
i am learning opencv for a project and i need to detect edges on a very bad image. I want to mark the edge between the light gray and the dark gray area.(marked yellow) My problem is to find the right combination of operators to do this job.
So far i tried simple thresholding, but the gray-value on the right circle goes from 30 to 100 which is found everywhere else in the image. The image is also very noisy and filters (median,gaussian) are not very useful. I am also familiar with Sobel-Edge Detection but the wanted egde is not big enough to sort out the edges that are made from the noise.
I also tried the Canny-Operator but even this operator detects many edges on the right side of the image because of the many white and black pixels.
Someone an idea?
When we use some image processing library to rotate an image, the rotated image will always contains some black area. For example, I use the following python code to rotate an image:
from scipy import misc
img = misc.imread('test.jpg')
img = misc.imrotate(img,15)
The image is as follows:
My question is: how can I rotate an image without producing black area. I believe there exists some interpolation method to compensate for the missing area, which makes the image more natural.
It will be appreciated if anyone can provide a python code to achieve my task.
If you want to 'clone' or 'heal' the missing areas based on some part of the background, that's a complex problem, usually done with user intervention (in tools like Photoshop or GIMP).
Alternatives would be to fill the background with a calculated average colour - or just leave the original image. Neither will look 'natural' though.
The only approach that will work for all images will be to crop the rotated image to the largest rectangle within the rotated area. That will achieve your objective of having no black areas and looking natural, but at the cost of reducing the image size.
isnt there a simple paint fill function in your "some image library" ?, simple do that at all 4 corner pixels and then make it white or so.
There are many photos are dark, These photos does not make sense to the viewer.
So I want to use opencv identified it, how to do that by opencv?
Any python source example will good:)
Perhaps you can transform the image to the HSV color space and use the V values for measuring the amount of light in the scene. Extract a histogram of the V values and compare it between light and dark images to see the differences.
your question is a little unclear as of what you wish to do. Can you give an example of the scene? I wish to see how dark it is before coming to a clear conclusion.
But if you just want to determine if an image is dark as via your title, its simple, draw an Histogram. Dark images tends to have peaks on the left hand side of the histogram, where the intensity of the pixels are pretty much in the value range of 0 to 20 or maybe can go up to 40/50, the right hand side of the histogram should pretty much have nothing should the image is really dark as what you mentioned. Following which, do a threshold on the image to determine whether the image is dark or not.
If you want to make the image clearer to the human eye, you can do histogram normalization. But that depends on how bad the image really is.
Was that what you are looking for?